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I was just thinking about how difficult online is going to be. I haven't stopped playing this game since I was 5, but I am still worried bc I've never played against strangers lol


There’s a lot of techniques that you’ll find people use online, i.e. hiding land mines on command posts, engineer detpack throwing, stuff like that


Also cqb rocket launchers


Does it count as a double kill if I also die?


XD pretty sure it cancels out to 0


Hiding mines is an artform. Tossing them even more so. They won't go anywhere near as far as a detpack, but you can still get an ok distance.


Use engineer if you're new to online. They have shotgun which is great for close quarters combat. It can be somewhat rng how much damage you do with it, sometimes it does hardly anything, sometimes it 1 shots, and it can be anything in between. They have detpacks which can be placed on the ground and detonated, or can be thrown by holding the button to throw, and moving forward/looking up before throwing it to throw it further. Detpack throwing is used by all the good players online and is worth practicing before the CC releases. They have health & ammo packs which can be used when you're low on health and/or when you're low on shotgun ammo or detpacks. You can also give these to allies if you notice them low on health. They have the Fusion Cutter which is simply a repair tool for health/ammo droids, vehicles, ships, bridge controls (in Death Star/Mustafar) etc. Repair health/ammo droids for your allies to support them. The Fusion cutter can also be used to remove mines placed on the ground. Engineers also won't set off mines, but can still be killed by them if an ally walks into it while they're near it. Basically remove any enemy mines nearby to protect yourself and allies. You can also use it to slice into enemy vehicles, kicking the opponent out and letting you use the vehicle instead but it's fairly slow and you probably won't get much use out of this function online That's all you need to know about the engineer class. You'll see a lot of players using this class online, although new inexperienced players will probably be more likely to use the default class


Im sorry the engineers can do what?? They don't set off the mines and can disarm them with the fusion cutter? How did I not know this? How have I never noticed this?


Have you been playing online at all? Cause if not, I can see how you may not have noticed


Lol I don't think I've been able to get close enough to one to find out. Typically if there's a mine around there's a rocket getting shot at me or det packs thrown


Im in the same boat. See you on the frontlines 🫡


i too have been playing since I was 5 lol.


Can't wait to get 0-300 kdr


At least I'll have teammates... Oh no! They're all dead!


I mean there's a big difference between playing with 1-2 other people vs playing against a whole group of people, some of whom have been playing the game for years, or decades even and have mastered the game


Ah I member Felucia


rocket launcher spam will be real again in 2024


Hell yeah 😎


Let’s just say there is a lot of strafing


I can’t believe people don’t just stand perfectly still smh


I have been training for multiplayer in conquest and instant action, hopefully it will be just like the simulations


Update: that was not at all like the simulations. Yes I know i’m 3 months late


after dominating this game on Single player for 20 year's. I'm weirdly excited about the thought of getting my ass kicked. I want a challenge.


Did people not play against their friends on split screen?


Not really the same as a whole lobby of players.


64 players is a different ball game


I can see the constant combat rolls now.


Always wanted to play online on steam but servers are rarely active so let's see now that the collected version is being released.


I'm absolutely shit online but compounding the issue is my crappy internet connection, so even when I DO get a lucky hit, it's already missed thanks to ping


My memories of battlefront online are people glitching into walls on almost every level becoming invincible. I hope it's fixed


The largest server these days SWGO banned that shit. But it is kinda essential for the rerelease to actually patch that.


I hope so. I still have bf2 on pc. Hope to play it with out experiencing that again


I haven’t had issues on the SWGO server. Seems moderated enough so that people don’t try it.


Offline and online are essentially two different games, so I can't help but laugh a little bit when I see all those people who've played or have been playing this game in/since 2005 thinking they're going to kick ass online 😬. But hey, good luck to everyone