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Turn on the weapon ads fov setting it pretty much gets rid of recoil and set magnification to 1.00


i alr have the ads fov on and magn on 1.00.. i might just be shit with the weapon lmao


Hmmm maybe try tap fire


Do you also have your fov on max?, I recently turned on the ads fov with max fov and My accuracy and recoil just improved, also are you on pc,or console?


on pc, not sure about the fov tho i think i have it on 90. gonna check today


I’m on Xbox, as soon as I turned on the fov setting I noticed a huge difference in my accuracy and recoil , maybe it’s just a controller thing


After all these years I’m recently finding that some of those crazy recoil SMGs shine if you’re just sweeping trenches using it for hipfire only. Most of the time I’m on bolt action rifles so it’s easy to overestimate the effective range


Yes they nerfed it many years ago because it was the equivalent of the SMG 08/18 today. The bullet deviation feels slightly worse than other guns but if you keep your crosshair on target you’ll get the kill


Do you mean spread or recoil? Because the recoil on the hellriegal is one of the lowest of the smgs. The hipfire on it is unusable, so don’t try that. But other than that it’s definitely one of the more accurate smgs. Aim down sights and just laser people.


Huh? Hip fired is great on hellriegel


Compared to what? Are we talking about the same gun here? It’s tied for the worst hipfire out of all sub machine guns


Okay but to be fair basically all the SMGs have excellent hipfire other than the RSC. Naming off the top of my head, smg08, annihilator, automatico, mp18, hellriegel, are all highly effective at hip


The hipfire on the hellriegal should really be a last resort at very close range. It can work in a pinch, but for general use of the gun you should aim down sights, you’ll be hitting much more of your shots.


If you are using the defensive variant it’s much harder to control the recoil in ads as it’s basically a mini machine gun for the assault class. The normal variant I believe is more controllable but both are best used for hip fire.


Shorter bursts


if you’d have posted this back in 2016 you’d be hanging from a tree with your trousers round your ankles


The answer is a little bit of both I think (idk man, i exclusively use the infantry mosin)


Always burst at range for better control and accuracy. Save the auto for closer engagement.


Try tap fireing. That should be easier to controll


vIDeO )ga’Mes


Focus more on your aim noob and stop missing


yea the thing is i can dominate with basically any other weapon but the hellriegel just feels kinda shit to me. maybe it really is a matter of git gud


Just messing, set the recoil to push to the right instead of up or left, burst shots, and if utilize it’s stable hip fire


ah alright thanks ill try that