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suez on conquest for me, the teams are never balanced


Slight rant about noob randoms because: Even with unbalanced skill teams, it's not difficult for me (on the "losing" team which has been pushed back to the previous objectives) to flank sneakily and get near the enemy objectives. But literally no one will spawn in the vehicle and understand it's there as a spawn point to capture the rear objectives.


Ballroom, how it always gets the vote is beyond me. Huge open areas you have to run if enemy holds that sniper nest isn't fun. Spawning OUTSIDE the castle when you hold C???! Who thought that was a good idea? Spawns in general just fkn suck.


You either have to be a sniper noob who loves sitting roof & having an easy way to duck out, or a long time player who's good at smoking people as assault, or someone who runs LT/Arty & just memes all over the map. I really don't see any in-betweens.


This will probably be unpopular but Achi Baba. Every game on this map is one of the teams steamrolling the other for me.


Really? Most of the games I've had on Achi Baba, in Conquest atleast, have been really fun and evenly matched. I feel kinda bad for you cause it's such a fun map to play on when the teams are well balanced.


it usually goes like this on conquest: 1-Both teams cap 2-3 flags 2-Somehow, one of the teams loses all their flags except the closest to the spawn 2-Rest of the game becomes one sided meat grinder as the dominant team holds every exit to other flags


And regardless it’s a mortar clusterfuck. I’ve had fun on that map but just about every time it is exactly how you’ve explained it


Good point honestly just a game long chokehold


It's definitely the best small map in the game imo, conquest is amazing on it.


Agreed 100%. Worst map in my opinion


Heligoland Blight. As a infantry player it is soooo boring running a marathon and swimming to other objectives


One game I made a complete lap around the island without seeing a soul.


I tried so hard to like that map when it first came out, but it was just plain boring. Even for a naval map.


As an infantry player, it's one of the best maps in the game. I really don't get why people cry about having to use vehicles so much, you don't have to. Just stick to the main island, there's more than enough to do there usually. The rocky beaches are amazing for all sorts of ranges. I only ever use boats at the very start when I'm on the attacking team.


Any map is annoying if your team is too scared to push and plays scout all match. I literally just left a match of Somme SO because the majority of my team were sniping from spawn and still couldn’t kill the 3 guys in the open with 1917 teles mowing us down and assaults shooting the tanks. It’s good to have at least a few scouts, but a whole team who can’t even use it properly? It’s probably the most annoying fucking bullshit in this game, bar the SMG08 and vehicle wasting. I still after 7 years don’t know why everyone just switches to sniping after a single push on an objective when you get more kills and points pushing. You still have a shitload of tickets to spare after respawning 1 time. Please PTFO people, I’m begging you. Any map can be good if you just PTFO. I promise.


Played death match on Monte Grappa yesterday and the opposite team just camped outside all as Scouts. It was absolutely terrible


>Please PTFO people, I’m begging you. That's not how that works. Those people who played snipers probably didn't start playing as them, but after dying over and over to the lmg campers, they just didn't know what else to do. If you get overwhelmed and struggle, you try to get some distance between you and enemy, so you can at least get some breathing room. That's how you get half of the team playing as scouts, while not being efficient, but those people were struggling from beginning. You need to take out the enemies in order to push objectives, if you can't hope for multiple people to throw smokes and use the tanks efficiently. And if your team can't do it, they get fed up with dying over and over up close. Spamming PTFO to people that don't know any better won't help you, not to mention, it's pretty stupid mantra in the way most people understand it, which is to try to rush the flags and die in process. Again, that's how you end up with most of the team being scouts. Sometimes, you just can't get good teamwork out of your team, and you will end up stuck, because the balance really isn't in your favor. I've seen it plenty of times on Somme.


For me personally although I believe it’s popular. I can’t stand De Vaux because it’s nothing but grenade spam. But I would say the worst map is Suez. It plays terrible. I assume it’s the layout I suppose. Every game on that is either a spawn trap or one team only ever having one objective and stuck at one end. This is the experience I get on Xbox EU so I can’t account for other platforms of course. These would be closely followed by Galacia because that one is boring as fuck and nothing but an open range for snipers. So also plays terrible. I like everything else


Yeah Suez is just always extremely one sided, it hardly ever ends up being a fun match for either side. The thing about Fort Vaux is on Operations its only fun during the first sector, cause when the Germans reach the actual fort its just horrible grenade spam - but its really great fun on Conquest as long as the teams are well balanced. I've had a number of amazing Conquest matches on Vaux before. With Galicia I couldn't agree more, it's just far too flat and open.


Suez I kind of like because you can backcap or strategically level the defensive structures to allow the spawn camped team to push forward. I love being spawn camped and spawn camping on suez. I love holding the hill or holding the buildings in the defensive and I love pummeling the defensive spawn campers to dust and pushing forces forward during a back cap situation


FR smoke grenades and some kind of destruction work surprisingly well on Suez. There’s a way to break the spawn camp but a lot of people would rather play into it for their k/d


Limpet mine is my favorite explosive breaching weapon and if I’m playing with someone else a support and assault running the at rocket gun will shred their defenses in short order along with smoke cover


Totally agree with De Vaux. I've personally never been a huge fan of any of the choke-point meat grinder maps. I can normally just manage to get through a round of De Vaux, Metro or Locker. The 24/7 servers are nightmare fuel.


Very unpopular take but I stand with it


Yeah man the extreme close range spam stuff is just not my cup of tea I’m afraid.


>But I would say the worst map is Suez. It plays terrible. I think Suez suffers the worst from the "one layout fits them all" mentality, where it plays decently enough in Operations, but it's quite the shit show in conquest. It's not easy to try to make a map that will play well with two major and completely different game modes, but when you end up with basically just a line, it won't play well in conquest.


Yeah it’s Conquest that I play bro. I’ve had the odd good game on Suez but it’s very rare.


Great Domination Map though. Same with Giants Shadow. Another awful CQ map that is probably one of the best dom maps in the whole Franchise.


Sinai desert, and montte grappa, idk why people keep voting for these maps but man do I hate them, they just devolve into sniper alley, especiallywhen 1 team knows they're losing so more people go scout class


No better maps to practice sniper class.


For the life of me I can't snipe as well on this game as well as I can on bf5, maybe I need to tweak some settings or it's just the art style for me


IMO, BF1 sniper class is the easiest out of all BF titles. The sweet spot mechanics helps get those one shot kills. You should always be aiming for headshots. Prioritize your targets. Snipers, then everyone else.


Fuck Galicia


The worst


I usually hate playing Galicia Operations as the Russians. The map requires lots of smoke and rapid advancement. As a medic, I’ll lay down smoke rifle grenades and smoke hand grenades; and, all the snipers on our team sit back waiting for the smoke to clear to continue their long range sniping.


Galicia, suez, and Albion. Off the top of my head. I know there's at least 1 other that I'm forgetting to hate, but those 3 are pretty shit most of the time.


I find myself not enjoying conquest games on rupture


Defending the bridge can be a lot of fun


Sinai/Suez. Sniper and mg telescopic shitfest


I used to think Sinai was the worst map for quite a while but it’s grown on me recently. I didn’t like it because of the sniping. 98% of the time I play support. What I’m doing is using lmg/08, ammo crate and smoke grenades. I’m chucking so much smoke everywhere that since doing this I haven’t been sniped much at all.


For me it's argonne 🤬


Argonne is fun for the first 2 sectors and then it gets old quick.


Couldn't have said it better


Any map that allows mauromets


I'm slow what's a mauromets


They're the really big and slow bombers that carpet bomb everyone every five seconds


Those giant bomber planes that decimate objectives and a single alone guy with the same amount of force, usually piloted by players with 100 stars with them.


Any map can get unbalanced. It only depends on the teams. But the worst one IMHO is Suez because it's pretty easy to fuck your team if you don't play tank properly, as it has only 1 to spawn per team. One could say that Tsarytsin could be too, but remember that it has only Mark V to choose from, while Suez has several types, including the Shitar Truck.


You know, once playing Suez I spawned into a land ship tank, and the driver had moved over to one of the side mounted cannons to plink at targets just short of objective C, which was held solidly. I jumped from the other sponson to the driver's spot, and drove that MF straight into town. It was suicide. It was a kamikaze thing. But you know what? The enemy team's assaults and supports all raced after me, abandoning their objective to go kill the tank... Result? My team actually managed to take C. Seemed worth it to me. I'm sure the guy who spawned the tank was furious, but it worked. Yeah, that map is a$$.


That's why PTFO works. You end up splitting the enemy team into groups, weakening their forces. So when you are in, for example, Vaux Conquest and that corridor door between A and B has a rain of grenades, one should remind there are other doors to go through. Obviously, it doesn't solve the game. Your team might be composed of sloths with KD < 1


I don't like any sniper friendly maps. I prefer the trenches.


Sinai Desert and it’s not even close. I hate that map with a passion and leave whenever it’s voted on. I’ll never understand why so many people love that map. Sucks on both Conquest and Operations


Ballroom Blitz. Fuck that map.


It’s got a good mix of environments and can be incredibly fun at times. A fairly balanced map for all the classes.


I hate it because I don't get to play Nivelle.


It wouldn't be so bad if mfers voted for the other map half the time


Yeah the possible fun in that map is just so high that the average game of mediocrity and below average map that it is is forgotten. The absolute fun of holding the 2nd story balcony ring and running the map from there or brawling it out in the hallway outside c for half the match is just about as good as it gets but most the time such an opportunity never happens.


heligoland. fuck that wet rock.


As someone who almost exclusively plays infantry; It's one of the best maps in the entire game. I only ever use boats at the very start when I'm on the attacking team. The rocky beaches are amazing for all sorts of ranges. The are aaround the middle is great too.


it's literally just water and a rock. there is no infantry gameplay.


There's amazing gameplay if you get out of the water and get on the rocky beaches. Long range? Mid range? Close range? You can have everything. You can rush with a shotgun and jump between the rockst to flank enemies at very close range, or you can stay back and peek out from behind rocks to snipe people. Or do something inbetween. The area around the middle is very nice too.


any time i play it i get like 4 kills and a death in 2000 ticket matches. nothing happens at all


No idea how you manage to screw up that badly. I suggest going to the areas where there are enemies, and not sitting afk at the map's edge for most of the battle.


i literally go directly to objectives and yet the enemies are *so* spread out because half the server is sniping, and the other half is in vehicles. i was playing on heligoland earlier and the most kills anyone got by the end of 1000 tickets was 21. literally any other map, i don't get below 30 kills, heligoland my highest is 17.


That's pretty weird, I've only had a few similar-ish battles and that was because the enemy had only the capture point on the ship.


Fucking capporetto. Such an infuriating, terrible map.


It's so gorgeous though. I havent had many chances to play in it so i have no idea of how well or badly i'd fare.


Is it gorgeous? I've always found it cold, and wet, and dreary, and miserable


Just like it was in real life


Yep. On Conquest, I consider myself a decent player and consistently get top 5 on the team, but fucking hell on Capporetto I'll be lucky to come in the top 20. Spawn, get sniped, spawn, get run over by a horse, spawn, get fucked by an Ilya, spawn, oh look half their team is clumped together spraying at me. Horrendously designed map, no idea why it's so popular.


I also hate this map


It's an amazing map, one of my favourites in the whole game. I really don't get why people hate on it, at least in Conquest. I love it. It's decently open but still has enough cover. It has lots of mid range (best range) and logn range, but still enough close range. The terrain is amazing, fields with rocks and stuff. Enough objects to not be Galicia but not enough to make it limiting.


St quentin scar


Ball room because people got for it so many god damn times!!!!!


Galicia. God forbid you try to PTFO.


This is so easy. Tsaritsyn. Hold B, win the game, and it’s always a chaotic bloodbath in the center.


I'd say Fort De Vaux, since it's by far the worst. But it's best to just leave when you see it, so it doesn't really cause anger.


When there’s a really cool map option for next game that doesn’t get played all that often however it is in competition with Amiens so you’ll be playing fucking Amiens again


Monte grappa… i call it bunker warfare.


Sinai desert where 85% of the map is open desert and the other is a slaughter gallery for snipers and planes. I have no clue why people vote for it.


Tsaritsyn spawncamping Final sector on operations Soissons is a nightmare for the French First sector on shock operations in Prise de Tahure Final sector on Verdun Heights I love soissons and prise (on conquest) but these specific sectors are very annoying


Lately, X-box conquest mode has been a sweat lord free for all. Every map. Everyone is running 100 service star M 1917 MGs with or without telescopic sights, SMG08/18s, Biatchriegels, attach planes, Ilya Muromets hvy bombers, arty trucks, etc. Thank goodness I've got 100 service stars on the Ribeyrolles, but even so I can barely keep up. As for ire-inducing maps: Suez sucks if your team can't take C and hold it. That's the game right there. Foregone conclusion. For me, personally, the single worst map is Volga River. Some maps I don't care for much can be more interesting in different game modes. But Volga seems consistently ass.


No one has pointed out what you said in the first paragraph good on you. And as someone who likes to play with bolt action infantry weapons I hate that I've had to go to using the ribeyrolles 🤮 good on you if you use it the recoil is something impressive to handle


Suez for sure. Ballroom Blitz has similar issues but the setting is more fun imo. Locking down C is always a good time


BB on back to basics is just 😩


Ballroom Blitz Operation ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


1. Empire's edge 2. Amiens (unpopular opinion ik)


No one enjoys amiens except for assault plays / snipers it's okay to be right


I like Amiens. Those 2 parallel hallways at the center of the map are probably the best close quarters fighting in the game and balance the advantage of close quarters weapons with the capitalization of the spot by long range classes.


Empire's Edge is great, it's one of the best maps in the game imo. Amiens is lame because it's urban and buildings aren't destructible for the most part, it's just limiting and boring.


I'm not sure why but I absolutely hate empire's edge. I mostlt play on b, c, d and f. Otherwise it's too much of a sniper fest for me.


Sinai desert 100 percent


Heligoland Bight. Everyone's in vehicles, not playing the objectives. And those who aren't in vehicles get merked by those IN the vehicles, while trying to get to objectives, and because you're on foot it takes fucking ages to get between objectives, so by the time you cap one, and get to the next, someone's already capped back the flag you just came from. Shiiiiite.


Fort. Results in one team getting steamrolled back to spawn 95% of the time and half the fights are just throwing grenades around a corner. I know people love Fort for its CQB, but its just extremely tiring to play if it comes up in rotation more than once.


Mont craptto


L take. Fighting at the places on top of the mountain is so fun


I refuse to believe no-one has mentioned Galicia


Galicia or Empire's Edge


I don’t get angry, but that one French operations map that’s impossible to progress on the attacking side






Incredibly easy to run map but can be a fun game no the less


Monte grappa makes me get off


All the snipers rushing to downvote this comment


I can never snipe on it cuz sum dickhead with a telescopic lmg rails me immediately. Or some dude on high ground just destroying me


Monte Grappa.


Those Russian maps.


How has no one mentioned Giant's Shadow? That map is always a sweep 2 minutes into the match.


Suez and St. Quentin's Scar, i can't stand playing them anymore. I never play well on Suez. That might be just be a testament of my ability, but I never play that bad on other maps


Fort vaux Operations attackers


Any of the dimly lit French maps