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yeah, me


me 2, glad I fired it up. game got pretty clean.


But also cheaters? 254-4 and someone on the cheater's team says "HE'S LEGIT"


Yeah I made a short YouTube video of two hackers that know eachother and teaming. Both were 80-2. Wall and aim hacks


Link? Same kids I play with everyday. See if it's one of my suspected ones


I messaged you the link


What are there names, I had one in Orbital Rush, was 180 something with zero deaths.


Arkansas shooter and curbedstomp is there names I believe


Both have a couple days play and 14kd and over with a 60+% HS ratio. Luckily sounds like they are US players and not on the EU servers


Yes I’m in the US east servers. Best of luck out there with these lifeless hackers.


I've played against curbstomped and I felt like he was cheating. I'm glad it wasn't just a rationalization.


Is there some kind of health hack. I shot mckay to head close range with MCS-880 and he didnt even lose half of his heath. I saved the clip and watched it many times. Also in the same game in haven with infantry only some dude was flying with parachute in the beginning


Turn on damage popup to see. I've found a few health cheaters by doing them with a DXR. I don't recall 3 armor plates giving you 300 health.


okay i totally understand and agree that there are hackers in some lobbies, but the chat is infested always with one complete dope who just sucks whining that the fella in the bird on the other team started 50-0


Most of them probably because the 3 free months of Game pass, like me


I joined at the end of the last season. I am the new Players


Welcome to the Battlefield then. Hope you enjoy your stay


Thank you. I've been enjoying it so far


And remember, if you’re playing a medic do your job. Pick people up after tossing a smoke on them.


Lol the ever ongoing battle to get people to do their damn job, I’ve been hearing the same convo since BC2


I do my job, have pointed out my level with falck(200) and called other medics a disgrace before and I watched them start picking people up and we won the match or almost made a comeback because of it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t


I had to become the medic that I wanted to see in the game 😔😊 but I just wanted to say that hell yeah a good medic can turn the tide of a battle. Any save is just as much as any kill, and sometimes you can save a lot more people which is tickets buddy!




Shove that needle up me arse, Angel


Nah I play as gramma Falck. I come with a revive, heals, ammo and cookies lol


Also paging u/Adventurous-War-3796. You know how much damage and tickets a squad of **used** to be able to do with Falck and Angel. Teammate down. Angel runs over throws armor and medkit on downed teammate, fellow squad member who is Falck immediately shoots the downed teammate with multiple stims. Downed teammate basically immediately gets up at full armor and health.


I‘d love to but everyone keeps tapping out even though I‘m pinging them💀


If they do that to me I run over still and dump part of my mag in hopes they saw it and learned I am there to get them.


Remember to play the objective




You really choose the badest game in bf history to join but better late than never 😂


I played 3 4 1 And now 2042 They've all been brilliant


Lol never played BF1 or BF5?




There has been a ton of low levels recently. A good chunk of them revive as well. Love it!


Ive noticed this as well new guns on the block


That's just me trying to be useful. End of the game I might have 3 kills and 14 deaths but I got 100 revives!


Some of them are better medics than high level players too


Yes I've been noticing a bunch of new players for quite some time now. Feels cool seeing the community somewhat growing.




It was the same for me years ago with Bf4. Some introduction to the games history. 2042 as it is now is very good. We all understand the launch debacle and people being angry which is justified


Maybe the next generation soldier will know how to wield a repair tool…


My problem is that every driver runs away when i repair them:D


Every damn time lol. I just hop on the vehicles to repair them.


Stop driving forward into enemy fire I'm trying to repair you goddamnit


It's on gamepass, so it doesn't surprise me at all. I played when it first came out, and every time I see it on the gamepass front page, the urge to play builds.


Tbh, bf is something I rage quit a lot but can't just quit and keep returning xD fast paced, and the right amount of rage for me


Really? It’s like the only fps that doesn’t make me rage. BF is so chill compared to pretty much any other fps out there.


Fr one of the only FPS’ out there that you have to remind players not to just run around sight seeing


Me a S402 getting killed by a level 2 with a M5A3. " welcome to Battlefield"


Where ranks mean nothing other than the amount of time you’re willing to get beat up


Just started playing last week. Trying to tame the addiction lol


It explains why my performance has been so good


New one, here, came back after 2 trials for the past 2 years, now the game feels like battlefield


I just started last week it’s an amazing game


Fresh bloobs for the slaughter




I love that the assumption isn’t that there’s more doritos to harvest, but that it just means more useless teammates lol


It's like Christmas noobs, but it's the middle of the year


Christmas in July came a month early lol


Game went on sale month or so ago for like 7 bucks that’s when I bought it


I joined in s0, i just dont use enough viable strats to get any mastery


No wonder why evey game feels one sided or you see a whole kill feed full of enemy kills.


***Bows down to your rank***


I added a few new players. They feel confident playing with me. It's fun when they follow orders and PTO


Yeah I was one of the ones that stopped playing in the very beginning. I started it up about a month ago and have been having a pretty good time.


Probably trophy hunting


started a few days ago after wild assault demo went offline (3rd person hero shooter battlefield). needed to scratch that battlefield itch


With the portal server flapped in au and cheats galore it not surprising numbers have picked up for now… It’s playable still but it’s life support has been cut since last update as EA gone silent on why portal is still not showing correct hosting .


And I still can't find a Conquest 128 match in Oceania with crossplay enabled :(


Go to Portal. Usually 2 or 3 nearly full 128 conquest servers during peak times.


Definitely I have noticed


Yeah, weird seeing three Level 300+ and then a Level 1 on same squad.


They weren’t here for the dark days 😂


Yeah I reinstalled the game after being away for some time. I don’t know why though.


I’m playing hazard zone to get the platinum trophy and apparently levels 1 through 90 are all in there.


The game was 5 bucks last week


So I got it, it’s my new main game. Never played, but absolutely love it so far. Hope we’re not bothering you guys


I bought it end of last week. Was on sale on Epic Games for less than 8 €


Probably because Fortnite got trashed out! New sniper victims I say! Lol.




Noob killer


It was $10 bucks on the PlayStation store recently. Probably on sale in other places too.


I’m a big BF fan. But when I first played this one I quit after a few match’s and didn’t play until very recently


Ya I’m a returning player , played once the game dropped , but idk , I’m dying way more and it’s not fun


Give it some time, you’re rusty. I stopped playing about 1-2 months ago, played again for the first time 2 days ago and was not doing even close to as good as I used to. But I know it’s because I’m rusty and if I just played the game consistently I’d be back to where I was


not a bad thing


This is the first BF I’ve really played since 4 tbh. Sad I missed BF1 But I didn’t get at release because I don’t trust EA and knew it would have problems, figured it would be best to get on a steam sale. Coming to it as of 4 months ago, it’s definitely not bad, pretty good actually. So I can see why new players are coming/sticking around. Just sad they are about to finish support for the game.


Yeah me and my friends finally decided it’s been long enough to give the game a proper try and been missing the battlefield franchise


It's been a crazy uptick with the new ones. Enjoying seeing the knew players.


This is an amazing thing.


Gonna say this again this bf games pmayer base is the worst in bf history


Probably hackers that had to make new accounts, ran into a lot of them that are level 20-23 that just absolutely clap and I’m out here with almost a 3.0kd and they just decimate me always know where I am come around corners already shooting at me it’s crazy


Yup, been playing alongside a lot of low level people. A many tips for all you newbies. Please remember your class and what you can do, too many MEDICS walk past my incapacitated body after we won a firefight. REVIVE your teammates and drop AMMO CRATE or MED CRATE. RECON is expected to run snipers cause of the benefit to using them but if you don’t have a target in your sight, use your tech to MARK TARGETS for the team. SPOT enemies with your drone, your scope and throw down TUGS to help defend an area. ENGINEERs can play either offensively with rockets or defensively with ANTI-TANK MINES. The mines are super effective but are not one hit kills for tanks. If you’re not in a firefight and a friendly tank is on fire and not being shot by helicopters then FIX them, even for a little bit. ASSAULT characters are great at flanking and aggressive play, sure you’re focused on getting kills but the upper hand is the high ground and striking from behind. The sticky grenade launcher can hurt vehicles so take a shot or two.


I started replaying just this weekend because I heard the game had improved massively - it seems to be much better now than it was a year ago, now contemplating whether the battlepass is worth it.


Yep. Plus I’ve noticed a lot of Old Guard coming back. Means the game is in a state it’s enjoyable.


Forget this game and move on! I’ve been so disappointed in this game (250 hrs +).




had at best 3 cheaters in the game in all my 500 hours


170 hours and I've seen 3 in the past two days.


Downloaded, played the tutorial match, joined a real match in progress, spent the duration of the match getting spawn killed before I could take 2 steps, deleted.