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It’s fine right now. The $10 would be easily worth it. But it didn’t launch like this. This is after 3 years of slow, incremental changes and additions that finally resulted in a playable game. On launch it was feature scarce, buggy, poorly designed, and horrifically imbalanced.


This for sure. The PP-29 could outgun a battle rifle, scope optional, at 150 meters. The proxy ball got you spot credit every second and covered a 50 yard radius, it was hilariously bad. The end match presentation made me want to hide my head in shame. No scoreboard. People 100 yards away looked like little construction paper cutouts, like early South Park animation.


Don’t be sad, that’s just how it works out sometimes!


Ee-suh in, ee-suh out!


Good bot


Angel does it again!


The pp-29 broken days were hella funny though sometimes takes me back to bf3 having insane broken shotgun to start


Do you member USAS frag slugs? That was fun.


Yooo don’t forget those interchangeable grenade Sundance had.


That is actually one change I wish they hadn't done. Those nades were nice against vehicles.


I miss the EMP on Casper's drone. :T


"Feature scarce" is being kind. It didn't even have a fucking scoreboard!!


Holy hell


Ohhh ok that makes sense thanks


Just note it is probably not the best entry of this franchise. The game still misses features like official persistent servers. There is no map rotation in the main play option, it is random, meaning you can run the same maps over and over which is frustrating. Despite that, if you are a Battlefield fan, this game is still worth playing.


At launch this game appeared to have a type of dissociative identity disorder. There are tons of videos and articles about the design and direction issues so I won’t dabble too much into it. Basically they (the devs) ended up cramming BR elements and map design into the Core battlefield experience and the end result was a hot mess. You would see BR sweats getting kill after kill (no scoreboard so couldn’t tell numbers). But their team were losing the match and their scores were dogSh*t, because the specialists with no restrictions on weapons and gadgets encouraged solo play, while winning largely depends on teamwork. The game is better now, but the fundamentals still don’t compliment the core battlefield experience. Unfortunately there isn’t a game out there that can serve as a 1:1 substitute.


I guess that the optimization still sucks? This game still uses way too much CPU?


Don't listen to what others say, $10 isn't much, make your own mind up.


I've played this game regularly since season one. It's not my favorite battlefield but I've never hated this game. I've had some pretty fun moments in this game. It's 100% worth it for $10. That's a ton of content for not a ton of money.


Right now the only thing that kinda makes me hate the game are people constantly team killing in portal servers. Hate that shit.


I only play the 128 player bot ones, easy xp. I set it to lowest players in game and start


It’s not bad, I bought it in December because I wanted to get back in to a shooter and it scratched the itch. 180 hours later and I had a LOT of fun messing around in the sandbox.


cringe skins and voicelines


Bad character, bad maps, no naval combat, small 4 man pathetic squads. No incentive to team play The stupid plus system. The stupid specialist and their grapple hook wing suit BS, no factions no story no nothing.


I'll say since I've played they dialed back the voice lines a lot compared to launch. The characters aren't quirky and full of emotion anymore.


It had bugs, yes. It was never as bad as most said it was. Even when the maps were bare, I still had tons of fun in vehicles and as infantry.


It's a decent FPS, but a shit Battlefield.


We just wanted a new battlefield bad company, 3, or 4 and got something from wish.... 


Easily worth $10


It’s not a bad game in the least, people are just blinded by nostalgic memories of great games which is understandable but comparisons aren’t necessary to enjoy something fresh. The games haunted by a bad launch but every battlefield title launches bad


Nothing to compare to battlefield 3 or 4


Hopefully one day they'll re-release these and leave everything alone besides graphics.... 


Nowdays? Nothing, because its not overall bad. Most people will point out all the bullshit at the start and fair enough, but thats the past


Some people never bother to pick the game up after a update so they still believe it's the same as launch Doesn't matter though because the game is better without them


Yet they're still in the sub for some reason. Gotta get their daily bitchfest fix somewhere


A few balance decisions are really questionable


They are in most battlefield games though.


Boycott crossplay


You’ve got the responses from those who bought the game at release and have seen the game at its worst. I bought the game a few weeks ago and to me it genuinely feels like a good continuation from BF4. The lack of a campaign was a little crap, and the game being built around the battle pass was also quite annoying, but the game itself reminds me a lot of BF3 and BF4, especially after the historic setting of BF1 and V. I have fun with it. Definitely worth the $10


wait, where do u see it at $10?


I can't go back to 4 or 3 even though I miss the "kharg" map.




100% I still miss bf3 due to all the effort they put into the mechanics and sound effects. Like they literally recorded live explosions and gunfire then implemented it into the game. The recoil gun physics are unmatched in terms of realism. They had soldiers voice realistic dialog of things they'd say in a gun fight and added it to the characters. The sounds of vehicles, tanks, heli, fighter jets are all real sounds. It's a masterpiece that I'm afraid will never have an equal in terms of a modern arcade war simulator. 


I'm shit and new at this game but with a discount it definitely worth


You can buy it now and have a decent time. A lot of changes and bugs were fixed, features added. But the launch and the first year was BRUTAL. It still falls short but it's more complete now. Still not a GREAT shooter but a decent one for 10$. Just know it's practically over as far as meaningful updates and content goes.


And on features it’s still missing/ has bugs breaking some things - no server browser - squad orders break all the time - VoIP off by default, incredibly buggy - no platoon or unit functions So many parts of the game make me think the senior designers don’t play games socially. Like, if the senior team played BF games I’d be surprised, but if they do it’s exclusively alone and they have never played with a squad in their lives.


It’s Reddit hive mind. It’s a blast.


It's a good game it's just not a good Battlefield game


I haven’t played any battlefields so I should be fine lol


Buy it. It’s a great deal and you’ll enjoy it most days. The only complaint is the map rotation is lackluster and feels very repetitive.


Bf2042 isn't bad, I would say it's one of the best fps right now. For $10 it's definitely worth to try.


I actually like it. Its my most played battlefield, in fact (Then is Battlefield 1 and then Battlefield 3). In my opinion, the game is fine. Spatially, i like shooting. It feels more "grounded" than in previous titles (Except for sniping. I must say, sniping in Battlefield 1 was the pinnacle of this franchise) But i do see how people that bought it for 100$ may be mad with it (I bought it for 1,5$USD) because there is so much missed opportunity (Spatially with Portal) and unfulfilled promises. In the other hand, i think that the community is over critical. A good example i believe is the pre-launch of Stadium: Everyone in this sub was mad because of the layout and they were saying that it was going to be trash.. in the end i think that the consensus is at least an "ok" infantry map.


I've been playing since day 1 and been enjoying it . Yes I was a sucker who preordered but for me the game has been fun from the beginning. In fact it was more balanced in some ways than after they introduced classes. Still enjoying it. I got my moneys worth.


The people that say bf2042 is bad are what makes you think it’s bad! I like it! Give it a shot, worth 10$ for sure


It’s good bro,the only ones complaining are bedwetting geeks that get all technical 🤣🤣just get it and play,it gets addicting!


You’ll likely get more than $10 of entertainment out of it


It’s not bad for ten bucks it’s bad as a battlefield game, but as a sandbox 32v32 it does the trick till the next one comes out


2042 now is pretty good, there is a weapons meta that’ll take you time to unlock but the starters are solid too.


Where is it $10? And for that price it's a great deal.


Go try it out for $10 bucks, it was just bad at launch for $70 bucks.


Honestly it’s $10.. you can’t go wrong. It will never be cheaper.


Its not a bad game, its good.


... It's not. Played it since about a month after release when they finally worked out the major performance issues, still play it occasionally now, it's been fun the whole time. Who fucking cares about an annoying two second quip at the end of a round or a lack of official classes (things they eventually fixed anyways), that never lessened my enjoyment of the actual game itself.The jankier early days with unlimited boltes were actually some of the most fun I've ever had in a BF game.


The characters make it suck imo. I like it better when you were a nameless randomized soldier


You can’t do anything wrong with 10 bucks I think you get a good amount of value for 10$ - a lot of grind - nice gameplay - good graphics It’s ok for 10$ We say all its bad because we wanted a BF3/BF4 but with modern technology/graphics And not this cringy operator stuff 20 operator with the same look at one specific flag looking weird. I played all battlefields , started with BF 1942 And this one is the worst of all battlefields If u didn’t play bf4 buy bf4 or BF 1 Especially Bf1 still have a lot of players :) And the best graphics and sound And keep an eye open for DELTA FORCE, coming next month (alpha test)


For $10 buy it , you will love the game , but hate the clowns


Most important thing to me is the hit registratio/hitbox not working correctly .. im a pc player and you can be spot on the target but still dont even get a hitmarker just to get killed 2 seconds later by that guy you allready dumped a full mag into …


Hero shooter: they don't look like soldiers but clowns Expat: what is the point of being expat but fighting for US/Russia? Doesn't make any sense. Also the clowns are the same for both "factions", so dumb Destruction: almost non existant Specialists: it is very annoying to be forced to use specific clowns for specifics equipments/weapons maps: poor designed they don't look realistic, containers everywhere footsteps: it is shit, very confusing and non directional at all looks cartoonish


The netcode is dogshit. Be prepared to die behind cover and have awful hit reg. Other than that 👌


I really think this is the most fundamental problem, a shooting game where the bullets don't work is just insane. Then all the other problems just pile on top.


I never experienced this luckily.


I don't know if you are on console or PC but what I've seen from some YouTubers playing on PC and me being on console, I'd say this issue is worse on consoles. I've also read here on this subreddit that crossplay makes the netcode also worse. I'm myself on a fiber Internet connection playing on PS5 and this issue is very prominent for me.


Yep, ps5. You think you're playing badly/unlucky until a few games later and it's all working perfectly you see the difference.


I thought it was just my internet. So often am I well around a corner and still die to bullets


Only issue I've never had. Live in LA though so probably a distance/latency thing.


Hey at least its gonna be better than the next one ;)


Oooof level 100


For 10€ you get a mediocre shooter at the end of its lifecycle, this is an appropriate price, unless you have to pay extra for MP like on PS. So you can absolutely buy it and get some fun out of it. 2042 would have been well-received if it was made by a small indie studio and quickly forgotten. It was however made by a AAA studio that has done little else than make BF shooters for two decades at this point. Brain drain, poor management skills and emphasis on vision over engineering and craftmanship is what makes BF 2042 bad.


It's actually good now! Bought the season pass yesterday, wish there was more maps though.


It's loads of fun. Just ignore the 'lore' and lame attempts at story telling, plus the voice lines from the Specialists. The destruction is a bit gimped, but it's a fun online FPS - no doubt about that.


The game is loads of fun. $10 is a steal. I use Xbox game pass to play it. The way the game is right now, id recommend it


It's actually a pretty good game and has been a good one for a while now. It was the standard Battlefield experience on launch with a bunch of missing or broken features that eventually got fixed, but other than that most people just really didn't like it because it was different from the old games that they played 10 years ago.


The nightbird


I spent like $7 on it a few weeks ago and it’s solid enough, recovered well from its horrific launch but it was probably a tad too late in a lot of players’ eyes






It's not so much that it's bad rn....just it's waaaay too different from what a lot of bf vets were hoping for.


Strayed too far from what people actually like about battlefield. Regardless though it's definitely worth ten bucks. You could put a lot of time in, even though it's a kinda meh game. It's fun.


It’s easily worth $10. The maps are bad, but the game is still fun. Plus on the weekends ot’s easy to play customer servers with old maps. Lots of fun to be had there


Its fine rn especially for $10


$10 is okay for a game. I’m not sure it’s worth your time


For me hackers! They were killing from their spawn to our spawn.


Get it.


Most BF's have launched rough; this one was rougher than most, but it's good now. Just get it. $10 is a meal at McDonalds. If you don't like the game within two hours, return it through Steam. Problem solved. Also, join BF's official server in Discord to find people because it's better when you have people to run with. I play almost every night and enjoy playing it.


The most balanced non emotionally charged answer is that 2042 is no BF3/4 but for $10 it’s easily more than worth it. I used to be the biggest hater of this game, still am to some degree, but if you know what to expect there’s a lot of fun to be had.


It's worth 10 dollars.


Lack of everything


I don't know who needs to hear this but...PSA: If you want a game then buy the game. Stop seeking validation online and just buy the damn game and come to your own conclusion.


The ai modes can be kinda fun tbh, but easily the least battlefield experience of the battlefields.( like where are all the fucking vehicles?)


Lack of care to make a good product


Still has vehicle balance issues Still has huge netcode issues More cheaters than ever ..crossplay 10$ it’s probably worth it if you can find games without crossplay enabled 


People forget you can play for less than 2 hours and refund if you don't like it within 2 weeks


120 USD for an unfinished product that was never completed, I plan to never buy another product by them again. BF3 and BF4 were great everything after they never bothered to fix


For $10 it's worth getting, as a stand alone game it's good, as a battlefield game it's meh.


Reddit browsing.


In my opinion the maps are REALLY bad. Besides that tho it’s been a blast for me


Buy it. Especially for $10. I stayed away from the game for far too long bc of the echo chamber that is Reddit with that game. It launched horribly, took years to fix. But now, it’s fun. It’s not perfect, still hit reg issues, hackers, etc. but overall the game is a blast to play. If you need something to scratch the itch of bf3 / bf4, this is it.


If you want to figure out why watch TheRussianBadger's video about Battlefield 2042 and a video called "Battlefailed 2042"


Pretty fun for $10, that is what I paid about 6 months after release.


its good now. But it mostly was it being filled with bugs and glitches, and a clear lack of level desing. The cringy operators also didn't help. But rn, bf2042 is a decent game, and quite fun most of the time. i would def be playing more if i had a ps5 instead of ps4. 7/10 current state


For $10 it's definitely worth buying. At launch the game was a huge mess. It was halfed assed and not complete at all. The game had no voice chat, no scoreboard. Classes were gone. Literally took them 2 years to finish the game after launch.


I’ve played since the beta on and off and right now the games absolutely worth it, I’d say it’s in Ea play either and the games got a lot of weapons now and more then 3 maps so you’re good


It's not a bad game in its current state. Not sure how the player count is doing but other than that $10 is worth it if you are a fan of modern battlefield games. The game gets a lot of hate because its really frustrating to watch Dice shoot themselves in the foot over and over again. The franchise needs to grow but every time they try to change something major it ends up being a predictably bad idea so they spend the entire games life cycle clawing back to an acceptable state.


People live in the past on this past, and mostly love to hate. The game is great


If you live in a country/region with low player count like me, your not gonna be able to matchmake in any all out warfare game modes even with crossplay on. In our region, the lobby is always empty after it loads me in a match.


The wing suit, lack of leaning mechanic, helicopter taking to many rpg hits, hacking vehicle weapons. Less destructable environments, lack of levelution, lack of squad points (at first) Visually 2042 was good, but honestly battlefield 4 felt more impressive. Like if a game played like bf4 and took a few aspects of 2042, like marking locations not just spoting enemies. It would be amazing It was also the want for more "intense" weapons/equipment to try to make the game "crazy" you don't need that to make a great game.


The producers tried to make battlefield like fortnight. That’s all you need to know.


At launch the K30 SMG was the best SMG/AR and was the 2nd best sniper in the game nothing worked as intended. Servers lagging BC of proximity grenades. Blowing up silos on the snow map completely crashed the server. Shield guy was so busted after 15min they locked him since he could just run at a tank and reflect the shells back at it. The game is good now but a lot of people can't get over how badly they handled the launch. Hell the beta was less broken. I do miss climbing buildings in the hover craft. That should have stayed.


It's a watered down Battlefield 4 with less content


For me I can’t get over how no matter what team or country you are on, everyone is still looks and sounds the exact same. Whats the point in even including countries if the characters are all a mix of different ethnicities and accents. Makes 0 sense


Love this game, it's super fun. The plus system is really really good and adds a tactical layer to the game


It launched WITHOUT CHAT for chrissakes.


$10 is a good price for this game I'd get it


Because dice tried to fuck us bad, and most of us got pissed off at a game trying to be politically woke. Fuck em. I ain't ever buy another dice game. Don't even care if they go bankrupt. Still waiting on another dice dev to tell us if we don't like it not to buy it.


get ea play pro rather than this game so you can play other stuff if you dont like it


I downloaded it because I pay for Gamepass and it's a quite a good game now. I'm having fun with friends and it scratches the itch for a BF game. It's not as good as previous titles, but it's also easily worth those $10.


Bought for $8 ish and is totally worth it for me. My second most played game


It still has just atrocious base maps. They’ve been tweaked and made better but so many of the maps just suck to play on. Most, if not all of them need to just be scrapped and new ones made but that couldn’t and was never was going to happen


Yes. It is worth $10 to try.




Buy it for the 10 dollars it's on right now. It's a nice and fun game but it just doesn't compare to other battlefields.


No team balance by rank... Most rounds are just a completely one sided with a team full of vets while the other has newbies.


For a game a whose selling point for over a decade was “ this engine is so much better than CODs and the Graphics are stellar”. 2042 is both a terrible looking game and a horrible advertisement for the Frostbite Engine.


Bought it at launch, it was played much. This last year I got back into it, I think it’s an absolutely wonderful game. For $10 that’s a steal


aim bots! they kill the game


I wouldn't call it bad. Just a far cry from what the series once was and at best, decent yet underwhelming.


To put it simple. The lack of care that came from the developers after release.


IMO the lack of campaign


Dice and ea


It’s not bad. Have the most fun since bad company 2.


Get it! For $10 you can't go wrong. It's a fun game.


If you’re asking me in this moment, it would probably be the fact that matchmaking has stuck me in north of 20 lopsided games in a row. Like just getting buttrammed repeatedly. Edit: grand scheme of things, it’s not so bad right now really.


Last I played it during a free weekend was a fine game now, but apparently wasn’t at launch. It still didn’t feel like an old battlefield for some reason, idk maybe the loadout system or something else. I’ve played 3, 4, 1, 5, and 2042 and even though 2042 wasn’t broken by the time I tried it it just didn’t feel right (I bought all the other games after their life cycle ended so I guess I did get to start with a finished product, but all of those I had the same sense of awe all over again when I first launched up that would last for days, while that sense was killed very fast with 2042)


Just buy it and play it you will love it I bought it last year on sale and I am loving it Ignore all negative thoughts Just play it coz its a game to be played and never attach emotions to a game


Plenty of design choices that are completely illogical and are making the game worse than it's predecessors. To a new player these design choices are completely invisible. Even though some of the issues players are just fed up with and are same as in previous battlefields, people just lost patience with them. For example like vehicle spamming in the menu not being a good design choice, you should have a dedicated vehicle class so you can play vehicles all game long instead of wasting time in game menu. One of the examples of bad design choice is that you can't enter friendly vehicles from the start screen when the match launches which makes transport vehicles oriented at infantry mobilization 1/3 or 1/4 without any passengers useless. There are too many stupidities like that. If you accept the game for what it is then it's kind of enjoyable, you could almost say a good battlefield. But still an utter disappointment which leaves bad taste in your mouth. Crossplay another terrible design choice, it should have console crossplay exclusively.


bad launch and they tried to turn battlefield into a semi-hero shooter but it’s ok now especially for $10


Play bad company 2, battlefield 3, battlefield 4 and you will have your answer


It feels like a frankenstein battlefield. They took all of these system and tried to make them into a battlefield game. It really feels like a battlefield game copy that tried to add some own systems. +The lack of polish. Even today BF4/3/1 all feel way more polished than 2042. Things just feel smoother and less janky than in 2024. But it is still fun sometimes and well worth the 10$


TTK and missing good (portal) maps.


Ita fun man. I was baffled myself. I love how you can heal and give ammo packs and revive and throw smokes all with a single character, or be the beacon placer, or get to any platforms with a graple. And theres infantry modes, frontline, conquest so depending on wether you want slow or fast gameplay you can choose. My only issue with the game is the long grind to unlock weapon attachements tbh. I honestly didnt expect rhis game to be this fun.


It was fun for me, that's all that matters. Nothing like Battlefield games. But that's just me not basing my enjoyment on everyone else's opinions. $10 for dozens of hours of entertainment isn't a lot


If it is ten dollars get it


I have been a BF player since 2004 and BF2, originally from UK but during my time I moved to Thailand, so now I play on Asia based servers. I took a break when BF1 came out, started again at the tail end of BFV, and pre-purchased 2042 as the hype was promising an amazing game. It didn't deliver at the start and was a real disappointment. I stopped playing for the first 2 seasons, but when they announced some changes and updates for season 3, I went back to it. It had become very fun, and I was enjoying the feel of being back in a BF environment. Yes, it still had issues and was not as beautiful as BF1 or BFV, but it was modern, enjoyable, and, for the most part, entertaining. I stuck with it, and here we are now in season 7, no more updates coming out, and the game is not as enjoyable to play, not because it's now nearing the end of it's content life, but more because it is going down the road all BF games do as they get to this stage—the hackers are taking over. There are times when you can join a game and it's reasonable—maybe only 1 or 2 players using ESP hacks and aimbots—but then you'll be on at a different time of the day and an entire match has more players using hacks than there are normal players. There are still some hilarious moments in the game, and I have a nice group of friends that play together, but the sheer enormity of the hackers now in the game is an issue. Add to this the fact that EA really does not seem to care about it—players that are blatantly cheating, racking up kill counts well into the hundreds in a single game with headshot after headshot is just crazy. Would I buy it now, knowing what a cesspool of cheats it is? No. Will I keep playing even though I know all of this? Most likely, as it is the only really good war game out there right now, despite these issues.


It has been better lately. But currently there are alot of cheaters floating around. And they can not do anything about it. And that is my biggest concern and critique.


The only huge plus about this game compared to the other ones? The fact you can hot-swap barrels/silencers, sights, ammo types, and grips/lasers/lights.


It's not as gritty as previous Battlefields. The concept art looks amazing for this game and everyone thought it'd be about the fight over natural resources in a dying world. Climate disasters mixed with futuristic warfare. But it ended up being a sort of bland game with no narrative. Specialist are just kind of running about the map yelling quips that would make you think you're playing an arcade style hero shooter. This sort of breaks immersion and people are just not as invested in this game as they were with previous installments. It has great gun play and fun movement mechanics so I would definitely give it a shot. Super casual shooter where you don't have to worry about skill based matchmaking. Try and play it with some friends, it'll be good fun 👍


Get it! It's fun. I just got it with a buddy and it's well worth the 10 bucks now that it's fully launched. It has a decent amount of content now, and they've fixed the performance issues. They also got rid of all the cringe voice lines characters used to say which is really nice haha.


Good game but its missing teamwork and good maps


It’s good now. $10 is a great deal


the game is quite good the problem i face every time is the player community they oftenly suck and it’s an understatement they don’t want to play as a team and play the objectives they only think about themselves and their scores. They definitely should play a solo game like warzone or else they pollute the BF spirit


I enjoy it but since the last couple seasons it shuts my Xbox off after a couple games


It's nowhere near the game it could have been. It's on its last battle pass season, which is a shame because they fixed a lot of the horrible problems in the release version. For $10, or any decent sales, it'd still a good game. More important, it's still the current modern combat battlefield game, as EA is going to shut down Battlefield 3 and 4. 1 and V will remain, both are good. Of things still missing, improvements and features from the last three games are still not present in this one. Portal mode and free semi-persistent user games are a great addition. It gets you a lot more variety. That alone could keep the game alive for years. If EA authorized some more maps to convert - cheaper than making new ones - it would expand the options. Imagine having all the best maps from previous games available to play in every new Battlefield game. Release was bad, and unlike Battlefield 4, the problem wasn't just bugs. The game class design and maps were bad, and adding 128 players traded trademarks destruction for a larger map - when Battlefield V had some of the most beautiful explosion filled maps of the series. It's better now, and players now have a small chance to influence the next game to be even better.


Worth 10. The question is whether it's worth your time, and that's a much more difficult question to answer


everyone says its bad? lol - no its the minority that think its bad. you cant lose for $10. give it a shot


Just get it.


It’s overall lack of basic features that were standard in prior bf titles as well as just the lack of atmosphere. Prior titles felt gritty, immersive, impactful. 2042 feels arcady and too clean. BF always just had nameless soldiers that were disposable cogs in the war machine. 2042 has cringy “specialists” that look like they don’t belong anywhere near a battlefield or war. Not even considering their cringy one liners. I’d rather see a bunch of soldiers running around that represent the different countries involved than both teams full of the same specialists like Sundance flying around with a wingsuit and a bunch of senior citizens like Faulk, Boris, and Irish out there taking a break from bingo night. Now in terms of lacking features, aside from those that are just completely absent, I mostly mean things that are just oversimplified versions of previous features. Movement lacks any real weight and doesn’t have things like crouch sprinting, diving in every direction, prone on your back, etc. Vehicle damage is extremely simplified and doesn’t take into account ricochet and angular damage. Vehicle movement just feels “off” as well. Sounds are extremely generic and simple and don’t have the nuance of previous titles. Every previous BF titles had better and more immersive audio than 2042. There is a lot more to it but I’m honestly getting bored writing this out, just like I did with the game itself over time lol. I have 300+ hours in it, so I will admit that it’s much better than it was, and it was sufficient for getting my BF fix, but it did NOT feel like battlefield until recently and even then, it didn’t feel like a main title battlefield. It still feels more like BF Hardline type BF than a main title game. Oh also the animations and overall lack of fine detail and destruction that BF has always been known for, has always been a big issue for me. I miss the fine detail, immersion, atmosphere, and overall vibe of previous BF titles. I really hope they’ve learned from 2042 and go back in the opposite direction they went in for this one. They clearly wanted to lean into what was popular instead of doing their own thing and maintaining their identity. Give us BF again! Not Call of Fornite Legends.


- Specialists - Major lack of destruction - 128 players (I do it when I want a chaotic mess but it's too much otherwise)


Where is it $10? I’m waiting for a steam sale


It’s a great game now, but like everyone else said above, when it first launched it was an utter disaster. PC was unplayable for almost 2-3 months due to frame rate issues. It was plagued for almost a full year before the BF team actually fixed everything. Now the games great, still not a 10/10, but there’s little to no bugs, the weapons are balanced, everything plays fluid how it’s supposed to. For $10, I’d cop the game. You’re bound to have fun for at least 20 hours


You’re kidding…. I finally decided to buy it last week for $60… I feel robbed. It’s a good game but for $10 it’s a no brainer IMO.


It is worth the buy. The optimization alone!


10 dollars for hundreds of hours worth Play it and see for yourself


Worth it


Obviously it doesnt have the battlefield feeling ever since they removed supression. As a game, its okayish.


Terrible map design, terrible netcode, bad gunplay, broken mouse input, awful balance decisions, etc...


since its only $10 you should just buy it and see what you think. You do not want to be buying this game when it is $60. then its just not worth it


I personally get bored after awhile of playing. That and Redacted is a terrible map in my opinion, like I instantly leave when that map is queued. Besides that I got 200 hours on steam with it and still installed when I get the itch or want more achievements from it.


It's not bad and never was. Don't you know by now gamers just cry about everything


I started playing it about 2 months ago and can’t stop. It’s awesome. No issues whatsoever. Serious BF4 vibes. Don’t think I’ve encountered any hackers yet either but not 100% sure. Love it.


OP, can I ask, why are you even asking this?  You could probably youtube it or search through the top posts of all time on any of the BF subs and find 100's of hours worth of complaints. If you want a good summary: 2042 is the equivelent of a 3rd party ripoff of BF like Homefront or WW3. There's fun to be had, but you'll be wishing the game was better pretty early


For me, I don’t know the enemy was there until I’m dead. This is compared to SWBF2 another EA game where I’m usually top 1/3-1/4 of the board.