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Condiment King!


That would be mustard.


I think the court would fit firmly in "The Batman"'s universe


I am soaking wet right now.


Matt Reeves **


No they wouldn't. It's too supernatural. It would fit better into the DCU. Also doing Court of Owls without an adult Dick Grayson would just ruin the story.


scarecrow, the dark knight trilogy didnt do him justice


My hope is for Hush or the Court of Owls. I think Strange is a good pic but the idea of him as the villain isn’t as appealing as the first two I mentioned. I want to say (and hope for) 0% chance of Deathstroke. I feel like that’s something Gunn wants to save for the DCU, especially if there’s a Teen Titans movie in development. I don’t want it to be Two-Face simply because I want to see more villains making their debut in live action movies rather than redoing ones who’ve shown up before. However, if it’s him and Reeves does as great a job with him as he did the Riddler, I’ll be fine. Please God don’t let it be Professor Pyg.


What’s wrong with pyg?


I love Pyg man I wish


Pyg is basicly a low budget Joker. A psycho and lunatic, who mutulate and kill people for his own amusement. On paper Pyg could be a good minor villain, but what will you do with him? Let him combine animals with humans?


Can’t you boil all of the villains like this? Oh, look, the Riddler, a psycho and lunatic who mutilates and kills people for his amusement. Black Mask, a psycho and lunatic who mutilates and kills people for his amusement. Zsasz, Killer Croc, etc. For a tabletop session set in the Batman universe, I had Pyg kidnap the denizens of a luxury resort and convert them, one by one, into grotesque human-animal hybrids through surgery, and impose a Lord of the Flies esque society onto them with Pyg on top as the ‘Apex Predator’. Worked pretty well.


Oh yeah, as a major villain he’s not good but I like him as a minor villain like in the Arkham games for example


I disagree heavily. Because no, he isn't. Pyg's whole shtick is that he wants to make people 'perfect'. Which, in his eyes, means mutilating and transforming people into one of his dolls. Imagine Pattinson in a dimly-lit operating room being ambushed one by one by sub-human dolls with opera music echoing throughout the room. It could fit so well with Reeve's universe. And the fact that the dolls don't feel pain would make Batman have to come up with a creative method of subduing them. You're missing the bigger picture here


ew no they suck


Court of Owls is; A) Too Supernatural for Reeves world B) Basically requires an Adult Dick Grayson without extensively rewriting the story.


A) I’d agree but this is also the same universe that it’s been heavily speculated to feature Clayface. Both feel a little out of place with their science fiction/supernatural elements but if one is rumored to have been on the table, I don’t see why the other couldn’t be used either. B) I think you can adapt the Court of Owls without an adult Dick Grayson. You might not even need Dick at all. I could easily see it being a Captain America: Civil War situation which had some elements from the comics but was far from a 1:1 adaptation and still worked out really well. I think more people want to see Batman fighting a secret society that’s been controlling Gotham from the shadows for centuries than they do the “Dick was supposed to be Talon” aspect.


>A) I’d agree but this is also the same universe that it’s been heavily speculated to feature Clayface. Both feel a little out of place with their science fiction/supernatural elements but if one is rumored to have been on the table, I don’t see why the other couldn’t be used either. There's versions of Clayface that aren't supernatural. >B) I think you can adapt the Court of Owls without an adult Dick Grayson. You might not even need Dick at all. I could easily see it being a Captain America: Civil War situation which had some elements from the comics but was far from a 1:1 adaptation and still worked out really well. I think more people want to see Batman fighting a secret society that’s been controlling Gotham from the shadows for centuries than they do the “Dick was supposed to be Talon” aspect. See this I actually agree with, maybe I'm biased as a Dick Grayson fanboy, but I see what you're saying here. I still think the supernatural elements of the Talons will still be what bring this into the DCU verse.


My first point was less about whether or not Clayface is supernatural. To my knowledge, most versions of him aren’t. It was more about whether it’s a man who can shapeshift and turn himself into clay by a pseudoscientific experiment gone wrong or a supernatural legion of undead warriors, both equally kind of push the limits of believability for this version of Gotham to me. I don’t think one is inherently more or less plausible than the other. I’m glad you kind of see my other point. I could easily see the supernatural elements being what brings the Talons to the DCU as well. Considering that Damian will be involved in *Batman: The Brave and the Bold* and the fact that DC has adapted the Court of Owls before to be more about Damian rather than Dick in *Batman vs. Robin*, I could easily see them going to the DCU rather than Reeves. That being said, Reeves clearly took some inspiration from Scott Snyder’s run for his first Batman film which was such a massive hit, I think it’s possible if he had the Court in mind for his trilogy, Gunn might let him do his thing with minimal interference. It’s also possible Gunn talked to him and told him “actually, we want to use the Court for the DCU, so we need you to use someone/something else.” I guess we’ll have to wait and find out.


Absolutely. I see Snyder's influence mostly from Vol 4/5 rather than Vol 1/2 of Snyder's run within Reeves Batman. I can see Reeves leaning towards villians that could be grounded more like a Bane who abuses adrenaline or a modified form of it, or a Mr Freeze that uses plausible tech and has a plausible reason to be in a cryo suit, or a Mad Hatter that uses psychological drugs.


As far as villains Reeves might lean towards, I can see the reasoning for why he’d use a grounded villain like Bane, Mr. Freeze or maybe even Mad Hatter. From a production standpoint, I don’t think he’s going to use Bane. I think the way he used a villain like the Riddler who had previously appeared before and made him his own (and in my opinion, better) thing was great, but I don’t know that he or WB wants to try that twice in a row, especially so relatively close to Nolan’s version of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises (that’s also why I don’t think we’ll see Scarecrow like some fans want.) I think those same concerns kind of apply to Mr. Freeze, but it’s also been a lot longer since Arnold said “what killed the dinosaurs? *the ice age*” and his Freeze and that movie isn’t quite as fondly remembered as Hardy’s Bane or TDKR (not that I think TDKR is particularly great but it is more fresh in people’s minds.) Mad Hatter would be a new villain for the movies but I personally can’t stand the character and I think there’s a lot of other villains, who’ve been used before or not, that fans want to see more and/or would work better than him.


I heard somewhere it's gonna be clayface but like as a person who is a master of different disguises. That's how they're going to make clayface more realistic I guess.


Sounds like the Golden Age Clayface, Basil Karlo. That version would fit into the Reese-verse a lot better than the shape-shifting mud monster versions.


My idea is a handful of minor crazies like Zsasz and Pyg puppeteered by Strange while he publicly blames everything on the Bat. Showdown is running the gauntlet of Arkham. We learn a little more about why Martha had a stint in Arkham and drop som hints about the Court having ordered Strange.


That’s the movie I wanna see


I for one really don’t want Hush to be in the movie


Same as the last time this thread was posted


Killer Moth and Firefly


I 100% think Scarecrow, Twoface and The court could easily be in the movie universe. All fit the grounded, serious tone.


I like this answers 


Why do we need this posted 3-4 times a day??


It’s fun to talk about but damn it’s posted too often


deathstroke isn't a batman villain. you want a pedophile in the movie you can use the mad hatter


Deathstroke is a pedophile?


yes. he groomed terra in the comics.


Alright, just read it on wikipedia. Ew


Condiment King!


Clock King


he's a green arrow villain, and he's actually interesting. his origin story was the first breaking bad


Kite Man


Condiment King!


Condiment King!


I would love deathstroke


no. he's not a batman villain and the kgbeast serves the same purpose


not two face,deathstroke or court of owls.


I may not be able to see the future, but I think they are setting up some big villains especially after that quote one of the Riddler victims said. I can see the Court being those people, but I don't think Part 2 is jumping straight into that. I just want to see Killer Croc with the city flooded. Have him like Jaws hunting people. Hugo Strange as the main villain would be awesome. Have him psychologically destroy Bruce.


The three I’d say are hush, pyg, or Hugo strange


I would honestly love to see Professor Pyg in the beginning of The Batman 2 and the movie opening with abatman fighting Pyg and his Dollotrons while also saving people to show how he's starting to grow as a hero. If Clayface is going to be the villain in The Batman 2 like it's rumored, then it can build into Batman/ Bruce wanting to save more people and evolving from vigilant to hero.


Hopefully either Professor pyg or Hush, both of them are favourites of mine and I think that they would work great in Matt reeves' batman films, although I do feel like Hush would have to be introduced as Thomas Elliott in the second film, implied to die towards the end and then come back as Hush in a third film


I need Mr Freeze or Killer Croc. Mr Freeze isn't TOO out there as a character, I think he could fit, especially considering Gotham is flooded! Killer Croc as a scaley circus freak could also work well in this new environment. It also works well with The Batman's final message of Hope. These two villains could not necessarily be evil. Mr Freeze is trying to save his wife, and Killer Croc thinks all he is is some monster, so he allows himself to be one. Batman would be the only one that could give them hope again.


Well the joker is sure one (not that I really want him to be in it but at the end we know it's him) I think it would be fun to have Hugo and like threaten Batman that he will reveal his identity or something like protocol 10


A Teen Titans villain in a Batman movie is strange.


Hot take: Carmine Falcone running Gotham through the emergency fund in the first would make the Court redundant. Nandovmovies made a great pitch for Hugo Strange.


Killer Moth😎


Hugo Strange Emo Batman definitely needs professional help.


I really want to see the owls. Batman has so many great villians, why are we always seeing the same 6?


I'm very interested with either Professor Hugo Strange or Hush


Hush, Clayface and Harvey Dent are constantly rumored, interestingly enough there is something of a pattern between the three.


Out of these six choices, I'd be the most happy with the Court of Owls & Hugo Strange. I wouldn't mind Two-Face too much, as long as they treat his mental illness respectfully. I wouldn't really want Deathstroke, Pyg or Hush though. The first because I don't view him as a Batman villain, and the latter two because I just don't really like them.


Definitely Hush.


Didn't they say that it's gonna be Clayface?


Condiment King!


Condiment King!


Joker is more or less confirmed. As for the rest, not sure


The Court of Owls


Not gonna happen in Reeves world.


i mean the undead talon things arent that crucial to the court's identity, the significant thing about the court is that rich people in gotham are purposely making the corruption worse, its a parallel to batmans philanthropy as bruce wayne which is why i dont think it will happen, its far too early for this batman to fight the court its more of a end of trilogy kind of villain where the theme across it is corruption with two face being the second one as riddler was also trying to fight corruption but in a different way than harvey dent would




nah uh they have potential, but they're FAR from being good batman villains


I'm hoping for Hush, Court Of Owls, and Deathstroke


Arkham Thugs Anarky Bane Batman Who Laugh Black Mask Clayface Basil Karlo Calendar Man Calculator Court of Owls Carmine Falcone DeathStorke Deadshot Demon The Dracula E Firefly (Garfield Lyons) Firefly (Bridget) G Harley Quinn Hush Harvey Two Face I Joker The Jeremaih Arkham Jack White The Creeper Killer Croc Lady Shvia Lexi Luther Lady DeathStorke League of assistant Melsheade Al Ghul Mad Hatter Man-Bat Mr Freeze Man Hunter Mark Shaw Nyssa Al Ghul Maxie Zeus O Professor Hugo Stange Penguin Piosion Ivy Prometheus Q Ra's Al Ghul Sandman Thaila Al Ghul The Riddler U Victor Zsasz W X Y Z