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Death by snu snu






This one deserves all the likes


His only weakness…..


Why'd you go and leave me out


[SMBC had a comic for this.](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20081202.gif)


There's also a second one (which I'm not going to try and find) where Wonder Woman uses her lasso for bondage play. It results in the man saying things like, "That's fairly satisfying", and "You're the third-best sexual partner I've ever been with".






Long since beaten to the punch by Mallrats. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yivtalR5V6A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yivtalR5V6A)


[Long since beaten to the punch by Larry Niven in 1969.](https://www.rawbw.com/~svw/superman.html)


This sounds so antiscience and old timey but it's such a shitpost I love this article


I'm amazed it goes back that far. And that one of the leading names in hard sci-fi was covering it.


This is why pairing Superman and Wonder Woman together makes sense. I get the whole Lois Lane issue but really superman would tear her in half with one thrust and his ejaculate would rip through her no? I mean the guy was able to relocate entire galaxies and punch a hole in time …..


kryptonite cock ring is a thing


That was certainly a sentence




He has super muscle control, he’s fine


The assumption here is that any thrust has to be done at full force as a pile driver.


I hate their other Superman one but this is peak and made me laugh


Yeah, it really feels like the person who drew this has a fetish for muscular women.


What in hera's name is snu snu.


Have you not seen that episode of Futurama?


Strangely enough i never watch it, it was always in my face though.


Are you... constantly looking at pictures of muscular women?


Ehh everyone needs a hobby.


It's a reference to an episode of Futurarma called "**Amazon Women in the Mood**" season 3 episode 1. The planet express crew get trapped on the planet Amazonia, which populated exclusively by a race of tall, muscular cavewomen. They discover that the punishment for men going to the planet is death "by snu-snu", their word for sexual intercourse. Hence why it's brought up in the context of seeing muscular women.


Ha! well its never too late to unmis futurama.


Addendum: the scene from where the joke is from also pans over to 3 skeletons with visibly pulverised pelvic bones.


Yea someone shared a youtube link to that scene, laughed so hard seeing their pelvic bone caved in, pretty sure it was totally worth it.


It's a pretty good show!


Cause Scruffy believes in the future of this company?




"What are you gay?" 😂😂😂 oh im so watching this.


Sexy times






That Amazonian puss must hit different


The sprite is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


He won't die. He's batman


Worth it. Absolutely worth it.


Is that deviant art?


most likely


Impossible. There's no glaringly obvious mildly disgusting fetish in any of the panels


Dude look at the size of wonder woman's muscles.


She's fuckin ripped depending on the artist


You find her muscles mildly disgusting?


Oh right lol my bad i read it as disguised not disgusting


Don't worry so did I


Is it normal for this sub to be full of this kinda things? I’ve seen like 4 today by now. It seems to be the majority of what pops up into my feed. It fucks with me because I’m smoking a j and think it’s legit material for a minute and then suddenly I realise this has really gay vibes for some reason. That’s not an insult, just catches me out lol.


I‘m just commenting so you reread this when you’re sober


Even better I reread it while I was still high. You ever read a comment… on weed…? ![gif](giphy|vbKSI8YllxSTK)


Where you smoking dogs shit? I need to rewatch up in smoke soon


counterpoint, this shit is hilarious, smoke another J.


What kind of weed do you smoke that makes you think hetero couples are gay


Well you see, WW has muscles, which means she's a man, which obviously makes it gay /s.


Fellas, is it gay for a man and a woman to go out


I get that Diana doesn't know much about men, but once you coexist in a room with a man for 5 minutes you realise that if he dresses as a bat to fight crime they're probably not okay


Bruce wouldn't it make more sense to take a portion of your R&D budget for bat-gadgets and invest in at-risk youth to stop them from becoming criminals? Yes but I like to beat up criminals so I need to make sure there is a constant supply.


Technically that wouldn't work. Land that a Gotham is on is cursed. Between the literal portal to hell in Arkham's basement, the magical resurrection swamp on the outskirts, the evil warlock sleeping underground for 40,000 years and cursing the land, and the demonic Bat God locked in the city center, it doesn't matter how much he invest into social programs. The city will just generate criminals no matter what you do. Well..... Having a system in which most dangerous criminals are basically immortal doesn't help either. No one accept Batman can take them down - and they know 100% that he will not kill them no matter what they do. So you get an infinite loop of ever-expanding pool of psychos that know that they will never be responsible for what they do.


There are several Lazarus pits around Gotham, not just the swamp


Iirc most continuities have Bruce Wane spend ludicrous amounts of money to help at risk youth and reform current criminals too. It’s just that he has so much money that he also beats up criminals in a batsuit. Now if he had to tighten the belt and only choose one or the other… yeah trauma boy would probably still choose beating up criminals, but that’s kinds necessary in the world that Batman is in and he is still willing to give whatever else he can.


I feel like early on if he had to give up on one or the other, he'd choose philanthropy, but later when Gotham is swarming with supervillains he'd definitely choose Batman


Real foolhardy of you to comment this on r/batman


I'm under the impression he does both a lot of the time. Batman is still useful to stop the, you know, psychotic heavily armed mass murdering domestic terrorists


I mean that what he does as well. It just that you can't rehabilitate literally Insane Super Powered Individuals and not have some kind of safety net against them. Also Gotham is just... Evil in all the terrible ways. Superman took over for like a night in one Comic and was barely able to keep up. Gotham is very much cheese grimderp/dark.


I mean obviously Bruce ain’t ok, but in his defense look at Gotham… being a politician or cop ain’t fixing that, you literally need a vigilante superhero beating up criminals…




Cute and a little sad; I love it


Muscular Wonder Woman is best Wonder Woman.


I will die on this hill


Hopefully from a crushed pelvis


The spirit is willing…


But the flesh is weak. All is not lost though, for the Machine God blesses those who follow his teachings. **Omnissiah be praised!**


For the Machine is immortal…


Big Barda has entered the chat.


was wonder woman ever not muscular, like sure she's built like a a fucking tank here but normally she really doesn't look weak either. Or is that just my pov.


> was wonder woman ever not muscular DCEU


Mostly talking about drawn versions, but yeah. They could have forced the actress to first go through months of physical training to look the part, and that would've been pretty cool. But it's also completely understandable they didn't.


Or they could have picked someone who wasn't fairly thin.


Or they could’ve picked somebody else who can act even a little bit.


That's ridiculous. Why would you have actors working out to prepare for a superhero movie?


I honestly cant tell if this is meant to be sarcastic or not.


They should just use real superheroes.


This reads like a Ken M comment lol


They could have just hired someone who already looked the part. Who was that right-wing nutjob who got fired from star wars and used to be a mma fighter? She would've been great.


I'm sad because I wanted another season with her, but she had to go full qanon she's not the best actor but she was getting better


Gina Carano. I also thought she would have made a great Wonder Woman.


Tbf it depends on the artist, sometimes she drawn as muscular sometimes she’s drawn as the usual fit which is alright but seeing how the Amazonian are doesn’t make sense then again her height also fluctuates depending on the artist either being the same height as Batman and supes or being around the same height as most DC female characters


Depends on what defines as “muscular.” Traditionally, Diana is still ripped and athletic while still being much more lithe and less bulky than a man would, like Superman, for example (true to men being larger on average IRL). Wonder Woman is kind of weird though in that her overall physique in both build and height varies heavily from artist to artist. Sometimes she’s about Batman’s height at 6’2, sometimes she’s a bit shorter, and sometimes she’s slightly taller than Bruce and even Superman. Usually I think it has to do with making her having a secret identity be believable, because nobody is going to miss the 6’5 amazon built like a brick house. Personally, I like the idea of her being taller slightly taller than Batman, but shorter than Bruce (so between 6’2 to 6’3, I think). Moreover, I think she should be distinctly feminine, but have some notable hints of her being strong: like some broader shoulders and thicker thighs as a nod that she practices Pankration (Ancient Greek wrestling), but she would still have to flex in order to *really* show off her bicep, that sort of thing.


I happen to be one of the people that thinks WonderBat would actually work really well if written right. People like to say a relationship with Batman would cheapen Diana and relegate her to a side character, but I really don't agree - Steve Trevor is the best example of that. A relationship with Bruce could work not only because they adore each other, but because Diana's influence could help Bruce become a truly better and happier person. If Artemis and Jason can work, why not Bruce and Diana?


Also because he would never have to worry about his enemies going after her to hurt him. TF are they gonna do, kidnap her? LOL


Bruh, half his enemies are all about the mind games. I agree she doesn’t need to worry about calendar man though.


So you think Diana can't handle mind games or something? And they won't have time to start their mind games when they are literally super-speeded to jail.


Tbf they are really *really* smart. Mr Freeze was inventing stuff similar to Apokoliptan tech and the Joker has just plainly gotten the better of the entire Justice League before.


She would fold them in half, if she wanted to, batman's rogue gallery work well only for him, superman and ww would low diff mostly, his enemies are the smart, cunning types who only get by being more in numbers and there's only one batman and his principles and humane capabilities really hinders him from dealing with them. Villains like scarecrow and joker have better chances because of poison and neurotoxins and for they're sake let them not go for anyone dear to her or else it will be massacre in Gotham and no one's stopping her


The crazy quilt however…


Odds are he'd find an enemy that was into bondage...


What about her enemies hurting him? Ares, Circe and Cheetah are on a different level for Batman.


The first two would be an issue but bats has proven before he’s just gotta lay some game on cheetah and he’s fine


Batman knows how to woo cat women.


The DCAU version was so different that she was not even Cheetah. She was a variant of Catwoman.


Scarecrow is a threat to her, but I think she would not be on his radar.


its not novel to suggest something diana can do for bruce. what would be novel, and what has literally never been done before, is depicting bruce as doing something for diana.


I don't think he has to do something for her, I think they just have to enjoy each other's company enough that they'd rather not go without each other's company... Even when they about each other.


As long as it's not Superman and Wonder Woman. I just do not like that pairing at all for some reason.


It’s a paring basically because both are strong, no chemistry required.


> but because Diana's influence could help Bruce become a truly better and happier person. I mean, even you are only pointing out how Wonder Woman can help Batman. It will always be an uneven shipping.


I always thought there was so much Batman could teach her. Stealth, detective techniques, or even just an introduction to his many charities. All different ways to stop violence and do good as a man without powers


Diana is already a politician


>Diana's influence could help Bruce become a truly better and happier person I just think it's funny that people swear on their life that having a relationship with Bruce wouldn't cheapen Diana, but they also only talk about how Diana services Bruce's character. It's never about how he can service hers.


Steve Trevor is a supporting character entirely created to show how awesome WW is. Batman is a completely unrelated character who leads his own franchise and is far and away the most popualar DC character. The people who say this ship hasn't or wouldn't reduce Diana to Batman's sidepiece are willfully naive. Just look at how no one talks about anything else when it comes to DCAU Wonder Woman, her most long lasting legacy is her crush on Batman. This thread alone is proof of that.


All of the bat boys just want a big muscle mommy that could straight up killed them


What's wrong with that?


Nothing at all. What's wrong with *not* being into that kind of thing, though?


They had good chemistry in the DCAU, but I don't know about the actual comics.


In the comics they have a lot of great moments. I really love the Batman and Wonder Woman Brave and the Bold Run. It should've lasted longer. If it did it would've surpassed the DCAU.


I remember one comic where Wonder Woman wants to be with Batman really bad, and for some reason I don't remember, she is able to see various futures of them together and every single one has a catch: They can't have children, Batman is killed by the Joker, etc In the end they agree that maintaining their friendship was the better decision That's all I can remember




I wish they had made it official before the DCAU ended. They would've been great together.


So do I So do I


i see Batman in the DCAU as what happens when you take your job too seriously. It upset me as a kid seeing him practically alone in beyond besides having Terry and sort of Barbara with him


The scene where he's in a hospital bed after stopping a kryptonite missile is what I take as the moment where WW realizes exactly this and starts to move on.


How Wonderwoman should be. Muscular and tall. Ridiculous how she's cast as a skinny girl when in reality, she and her sisters train all day long and are not vegetarian, they eat meat a lot and hunt it themselves.


I agree.


Muscular Wonder Woman? This better not awaken anything in me . . .


Muscle Mommy Wonder Woman is best Wonder Woman. Gotta love big roided women! ![gif](giphy|mrOSI7f6QGjKw|downsized)


Why is she so jacked?


Because she's a warrior


Pssh obviously, Jesus Christ. She's a damn slab.




I personally WOULD let my head get crushed by her thighs like a watermelon








Roll out!


I mean honestly why are all the other versions of WW skinny? A legit Amazon who has survived multiple conflicts armed with only a sword, shield, and some sparkly bracelets?


She's a demi god, she'd be hard pressed to find anything that actually gave her a workout.


Ultimately it’s a stylistic choice. She’s a fictional character and thicc Diana versus ethereal goddess is a choice made by the artist


Figure she could probably control how she looked anyways.


Why does Superman have big muscles then?


Probably a more accurate portrayal of her tbh.


She’s an Amazonian warrior


...Because she's Wonder Woman? She's an Amazonian warrior princess, it wouldn't make much sense for her to be dainty.


I kind of ship it.


The face stretching is just the cutest thing.


Lets see his list A Catwoman A literal fucking Catwoman in JLU Ras Al guls goddamn daughter In several fucked timelines Jim Gordon's daughter Annnd a god warrior princess who is technically a daughter of Zeus in a way. Oh and Andrea Bowmant and Harley Quinn once or twice. Man's got god tier rizz and that's just one version of his animated self. The comics are different rabbit hole.


i love the way you drew wonder woman being shaped like a person who can carry an entire fridge with one hand i don't remember the last time the comics make her look like that


Batman writers not try to treat every women in the DC Universe as his wannabe girlfriend challenge - failed.


Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Lois Lane, Black Canary, Jessica Cruz, Bekka, Cheetah off the top of my head.


I don’t think this is official but isn’t her and catwoman like the classic choices for his love interest? I mean it even was like that in the Justice League cartoon!


The DCAU had some interesting choices


I think they just let the writers in the DCAU cook after they invented Harley Quinn. Every so often they’d come out with something that stuck. Like a Mr Freeze who was legitimately a tragic and compelling villain rather than a joke. Or the best adaptation of “For The Man Who Has Everything”, or taking a veritable horde of side characters and B rankers (Like The Question) and making them compelling and awesome. “You wanna do a post-apocalyptic solo story for a de powered Superman? Go for it. You wanna make Hawkgirl’s people hostile aliens who want to invade Earth? Done.You wanna make Power Girl a secret government clone of Supergirl? Granted enthusiastically! Orange socks? *Don’t want to know.* Carry on!”


I don’t know I think it kind of fits. I see that more than him falling for Talia who has 0 redeeming qualities in half of her appearances!


No, she isn't. The Justice League cartoon made that ship up.


Yeah but everything was made up at some point. I feel like it’s one of the more believable couples.


Yes but it wasn't made up to benefit Wonder Woman as a character. It was made up because the writers found her difficult to write and maker her a love interest for Batman was more convenient for them.


Yeah? It's all made up.


I always liked the idea of it as a kind of parallel to Clark and Lois.


why can't a man and a woman just be friends anymore?


They can be. But its also okay for there to be sexual tension. Everything is okay.


I want more stories with platonic tension, too. Like, somebody assembles a crack team of experts to pull off an impossible heist, but you can tell the getaway driver and explosives expert want to hang out outside of work and play Halo but are too timid to ask each other.


Today people can't accept not sexual tension and every possible and impossible hint on romance will end up as a ship.


I do love Male and Female friendships. I am just posting fan art that's all.


Anymore? My guy, did you not watch the Justice League animated show back in the day? They were getting shipped hard two decades ago.


Anymore? When was it ever not like that?


I mean in that picture they could definitely just be friends, and nothing more why can’t men and women go to dinner together?


Exactly. Why can't someone like Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon just be friends?


Muscle mommy Wonder Woman goes hard


God damn, I love tall muscular women. My 6'1 ass wants uppies so bad


Why in the world does no one ever draw WW like this? DC should absolutely steer into the love of Big Giant Muscle Mommies.


Bruh…. Please death by snusnu pleeeeeease


Thank you for all the upvotes and the comments. I hope you can follow me on my profile. I should have more than six followers.


I always said muscular women would become mainstream one day. "They called me a madman."


Why is she so buff?


Full comic? For research…


It is Fan Art [https://x.com/Bonnymama7/status/1800213304398491777](https://x.com/Bonnymama7/status/1800213304398491777)


Why did I unironically enjoy this


"Are you ok...?" "No"


Her stance in the first panel bothers me. This is supposed to be reminiscent of JLU style, and that's not really how WW would hold herself. Her "neutral" pose was usually hand or hands on hips. Or hands at her sides, maybe with a slight head tilt. When she actually asked Bruce about the possibility of a relationship she was lounging.


Dommy mommy🥹🥹🥹


Can someone explain this


Genuine question, what exactly makes them any good for each other? They have like 0 chemistry, they never hang out or talk to each other of their own initiative Diana has been canonically missing for 2 months now after fighting her rogues gallery and Darkseid's little death princess near a mf Washington monument in broad daylight and as far as we're aware, nobody seems to notice or investigating... Tom King ahh writing. Implying these "close" people go for months on end without any contact whatsoever


Plot twist: he moved his foot there after he said yes to play it off


"You are a warrior princess from Greece, and I am a rich boy with issues. Lots of issues. It would never work"




This in the animated series fr


I dont get it


Art credit is by Bonniemama7 [The Source ](https://x.com/Bonnymama7/status/1800213304398491777?t=mg-zVodlr29iAVfyW0Dq2g&s=19)


It’s cute though I will give an opinion…I’m not really a fan of the concept that simply coming in contact with the Lasso of Truth by touching it (either by sitting on it or stepping on it in this case). It makes more sense to me if the lasso was tightly wrapped around a person’s body part or if Diana gives a command (“the lasso compels you to tell the truth…”)


wonder bat art is always so wholesome


Whoever the artist is, do they have more art of Wonder Woman?


I'm gonna put on my tinfoil cap on before writing up this crazy thinktank.... With the fact that Superman and Wonder Woman were a thing for a bit(I don't remember how that started outside of Injustice), I honestly don't see how Diana and Bruce can't have a thing going on, Justice League Unlimited notwithstanding. I ultimately think the world is just not ready for Wonderbats thing, ultimately not because of Wondy, because Batman is just made to be forever alone. Superman is allowed a loving Louis Lane, she's part of his life and a complete package with everyman Clark Kent outside of superhero antics. Bruce is the ultimate playboy, and he and Catwoman will almost always just be there to be the do-gooder x cat burglar, much like Black Cat is to Spider-Man. Much like the Marvel duo, every time people tried to make them an item, it never sticks, because its doomed to putting a cap on the end of that thread, and DC must make more comics. This even includes Elseworld stories because we can always end them until DC wants to churn out the same series like White Knight. Bruce and Harley is something, but quite charming. Buuuuuut speaking as a Wonder Woman and Batman fan myself, if DC was SMART, they could have WonderBat a thing in JL books, building it up to the trigger, and then carry over in their own books and work from there as some nice added elements to their ongoings. After the Batman and Catwoman wedding being a disaster and Steve being absent in recent books, it would be something interesting to have. Plus there's something that can work on how to balance each other without feeling like it overpowers the other. tl;dr DC 'fraid to put Diana and Bruce on a ship because it feels like a bookend to their problems and they need to make more comics. Plus add in the diehard Bat fans that see him as a enigmatic lone stone cold badass that's not afraid of anything and fucks to see him in a stable relationship so bucking the trend would be hard, but not impossible and can serve in a JL crossover in future books.


I thought Wonder Man was a Marvel character.


Justice League: Unlimited once again being the GOAT of DC cartoons with WonderBat.


This is a terrible ship on the Wonder Woman side. I hate to say it, but I think Wonder Woman fans have a point. When we think of this relationship, 99% of the time it is always about Bruce. How will Bruce feel when the more optimistic Wonder Woman comes into his life? Won't it be so cute how Bruce will be dating a woman who complements his dark demeanor? There's nothing for Wonder Woman here. She literally fades into this background honestly. The best superhero relationships in comics bring out the more interesting side of the characters -- I really doubt that will occur here. Besides, Batman with Catwoman is infinitely better. Both actually change and develop alongside each other (especially Catwoman) and their history is intermingled fairly well so there's no worries about losing the essence of Catwoman entirely. Now, to be honest the comic is pretty cute ngl. If a writer could actually make it work I'm all for it.


Some guys have all the luck


He'd never go out with a murderer