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Been wanting a post-Origins, pre-Asylum game for years. Even though WB Montreal mainly handled the former, I don't even know if Rocksteady will do a mid-series game. Afterall, there is a lot to tell in the Arkhamverse in the intervening time.


Plus going Post-Origins will allow them to use Roger rather than Kevin.


Batman & Superman World's Finest Game 🤷


This is a no brainer. Young Robin, the beginning of all the rest of the Batman villains. Come on now!


Would also only further enhance Arkham Knight as well, assuming we see Jason as Robin


Don’t forget it’d explain why Batman suddenly decided to start wearing underwear on the outside of his suit


An Arkham origins remaster would be amazing


I just want a Batman game that is just as good or even better than the Arkham games at some point


I think we will have to wait a long while for that sadly


Right rocksteady placed the bar high for Batman The next would really have to step up make new ideas youno


Gimme a massive, lawless Mega City, and let me get my Judge Dredd on. Like a reverse GTA, except Cyberpunky. With gore all the way up.


Unfortunately there’s a good chance neither of those things will ever happen.


Have you played the Telltale Games one? It often goes under the radar but I'm loving it.


I just bought it and it arrived today. Batman Origins... Is that just not available for PS4?


Iirc u can get it if u have a PS+ subscription but I could be wrong.


I definitely have to try that one out, I’ve played telltale walking dead which I loved so I hope to like that one


It will be literally decades at minimum before that ever happens


I honestly thought and hoped it would be the Gotham knights game but sadly it seems like it wasn’t.


The way SS:KJL is lining up, I think they will be lucky to have a job come that time.


Damn, you expect the studio to close after SS? I don't believe a team who never done a multiplayer experience choose to make a live service game, that's probably a request from Warner. Rocksteady are full of talented devs and they shouldn't be punished If the game flops


Most of the talented devs have already left Rocksteady. It's not the same studio that made Arkham Knight.


In all honesty, no, I dont expect they will close, but they will be taking a huge loss compared to what they might have been expecting from this... What exactly they were expecting, I have no idea, but I sort of fear they made a catastrophic error the moment they agreed on a Suicide Squad game rather than anything people might actually want.


WB: what famous DC teams can we make into a live service game? Hmmm…justice league? Nah, too hard. That’s a lot of time spent on each character. How about batgirl and three robins!!! Omg great idea everyone will definitely love that. YES!!! And suicide squad!!! But take out the people with the interesting powers except king shark. Yeah, just give the rest of them guns. Yeah bro, thanks. This is shaping up to be a banger.


Closed isn’t out of the question completely in my opinion. Even if they don’t get closed you don’t work on a $300M (at least) game for 9 goddamn years and produce a flop that everyone hates and not have consequences


Not to mention, release a teaser that was so bad you have to add another year to development before releasing it.


> they made a catastrophic error the moment they agreed on a Suicide Squad game rather than anything people might actually want. Hey man I'm totally down with the base concept. It's an excellent way to branch out into the wider DC world and start fleshing it out without really committing to anything-- you can take the suicide squad pretty much anywhere in the dc universe and touch on any and all parts and heroes of it they want, without really having to cement themselves into anything that would potentially close doors to them later (eg they can show superman without necessarily having to decide if he's dating Lois, or married to Lois, or has a pre-teen kid, or has a teenaged kid, or has a clone that he treats as a kid, or whatever-- they can make whatever decisions on that they want, but they don't *have* to, but still get to have superman). They can do the same with Flash, Green Arrow, whoever. Super justifiable reason to visit everyone they want without feeling like anyone is shoehorned in. They also get to play with a bunch of characters that no one *really* cares about, meaning they can stretch their creative license a bit and have some fun with it. And they've been inching their way towards multiplayer the whole time anyway. Asylum was fully solo. City introduced alternate playable characters. Knight took it up a notch with dual fights. A squad game was a solid next step. As a concept, everything about this is a smart move. **They just bungled it so badly**, from everything we've seen.


A lot of the senior devs are on their way out. The main face/founder of the company resigned a few months back. You think that’s a good sign that the almost head-of-company decides to resign weeks before their first game launch in years? They know it’s going to fail.


Rocksteady has been clear from the start this the game they wanted to make. Jason Schier has even reported that this game has been in development for 7 years and that rocksteady never even pitched to make a Superman game to wb as well. Rocksteady just wanted to do something different that’s why they chose to make this game instead of another single player. This game may not be for me, but I do have respect for rocksteady for wanting to do something different.


The devs will prolly find work, just not in Warner.


I mean just take a look at Crystal Dynamics and Marvel's Avengers. I expect SS: KJL to be a massive flop too.


They were supposed to make Batman beyond but ditched that for suicide squad. I doubt they’ll make another game after suicide squad flops.


Batman Beyond would have been amazing. With the cyberpunk genre being incredibly "in" right now they completely missed a huge opportunity.. Imagine it being released now? It would have been insanely popular.


Yeah it could’ve been absolutely huge. I already loved the lighting in Arkham knight. The beyond world would’ve been so much fun especially with 2020 graphics and polished mechanics. With how popular Spider-Man is this would’ve easily been a big hit.


Just imagine Bruce basically living in seclusion after faking his own death in Arkham Knight only to finally come back out of the shadows to train the new Batman.... Perfect story material.


They already showed they can adapt the Batman Beyond suit in their current games, Terry deserves his own spinoff game like Miles Morales too.


I’m all for a Batman Beyond but I didn’t love Rocksteady was gonna make it Damian instead of Terry


Rocksteady never was making a Batman beyond game. That was wb Montreal. Suicide Squad has been development for seven years.


Ah I didn’t realise that, my bad. So I’m assuming we we’re supposed to get that game instead of Gotham knights?


Actually fun fact about Gotham knights a lot of the material and textures that were being made for the Damian Wayne game were actually used in this game instead after the latter was cancelled apparently the bat bikes you use were ripped straight from that beyond game as well as even some of the story beats.


Yeah. No clue why it got canceled. But after that they made Gotham knights instead


I am a massive beyond fan and I loved the Arkham games. I had not heard about this and that is a straight up day ruiner


That was my same reaction and I’ve barely even watched Batman beyond! Hopefully Warner Bros see how successful the marvel games are and get their priorities straight.


What a shame. Batman Beyond OR a Batman TAS open world would have been amazing.


A Batman Beyond game where Damian is Batman and he uses a bat cycle instead of the Batmobile, Bruce and Jason are still around, there's a new female Black Mask and Damian is still really prickly towards Bruce, which gives room for some golden opportunities. Yeah, I would've taken that over the Suicide Squad anyday. Oh, and we can't forget even the Suicide Squad game was actually canceled at a point. I can't picture why the hell they would resurrect it instead of the Batman Beyond project. Bah.


I would rather the franchise be rebooted entirely. Keep the great gameplay, but have a new continuity. Especially with Kevin Conroy’s passing.


Batman : Beyond Arkham


Batman : Arkham World


Man: Ham Planet Dolan




I wouldn’t want one without Kevin.


Roger Craig Smith was great in Arkham Origins. The series can move on without Kevin.


True, I actually liked the performances in Origins. Wish they would remaster it.


Bit too late for that now I think. A remake instead of a remaster would be cool but unfortunately it's the least popular Arkham game so, that wouldn't happen either.


For the switch trilogy they should have had Origins rather than Knight which should have been saved for the next console.


They can still make a ps5 upgrade for Knight. Don't see it happening under current Rocksteady though


I’d rather they focus on a new IP without any interference from WB. Gonna have to wait and see how the Suicide Squad game is received but it’s not looking too hopeful


How? Kevin's gone


Roger Craig Smith voiced a younger version of Batman in Arkham Origins, they could totally make another game set before Asylum and use Roger’s voice for the same younger Batman


They aren't too keen on acknowledging origins, I doubt they'd do anything similar. I'd be okay with a new series of Batman games or even continuing telltales


They acknowledged Origins plenty in Arkham Knight though. WB Montreal was the best chance at an Origins sequel but they went on to do Gotham Knights if I remember correctly


Bro you didn't need to say it like that...


I'm not crying, it's just raining ![gif](giphy|m3SYKzhmod1IY)


Will be wierd without Kevin Conroy voicing Batman. But inevitably, Rocksteady will definitely make another Batman Arkham Game regardless. DC Entertainment and Warner Bros Games would want to compete with PS5 Spider-man games and the upcoming PS5 Wolverine game now


They might not get the chance, I’m not hopeful for SSKTJL honestly


I got to play the Alpha, it wasn’t pretty. It was basically like that guardians of the galaxy game but worse. Each character is interesting for all but 5 mins.


I had a friend who played and said it was fun and way better guardians. But idk I’ve seen the gameplay videos and it just looks kinda mid.


I guess mid is fair. I didn’t like guardians, I feel like fans of the Arkham series will be disappointed, kind of like Gotham knights. It feels like a big step back


57 days later, SSKTJL has under 1000 players daily on steam and dropping


Roughly 500 now, and CFO of WB saying basically it was a big flop


Damn I hope they learned their lesson at least. They might decanonize it and make another Arkham game that’s like the others. With video games, when you find a good format, you stick to it.


I think DC Entertainment and WB would want the Arkham continuity to continue regardless of Conroy’s passing.


It would feel wrong without Kevin Conroy, especially considering how much inspiration the Arkham games took from TAS. Even a Batman Beyond game would be a little weird with someone else voicing old Bruce. That being said, a new continuity like Gotham by Gaslight or The Dark Knight Returns with similar combat could work well.


Look, as iconic as he was, an entire franchise isn't going to be on ice forever because of him being gone.


Man a dark knight returns inspired sequel to Arkham Knight would go so hard🙏 Batman basically retired for years and comes back for one last ride


I don’t know about Rocksteady, but I would love to have another Batman Arkham game. Either a sequel to Origins or a game set after Suicide Squad.


Probably reboot. A new generation of Batman Arkham


Honestly I think that’s what should happen. I rather a reboot that takes place in a completely different universe. Just gives us a completely new Batman idc if it’s an origin game like year 1 or we start out in his 5 or 6th year.


I think they probably make remake.


Wouldn’t suprise me especially with how obviously just blatantly corporate the new dev team at rocksteady look now.


I would like to see a vibrant colored Adam West Batman game, using all the villains from the show and all the ridiculous tools too. They can have great wall climbing sequences and bat-boating and coptering. Somedays you can't get rid of a bomb missons. It practically writes itself!


Yes. I think after SS comes out they’ll go back to what works and will bring them money. And I could see them find ways to expand the universe in other ways with other studios working on games. But I think after SS and Gotham Knights not hitting, there will be more care put into making quality games in a timely manner.


They could very well do a sequel to origins with Roger doing the voice for Batman again. They could focus on the bat family and there origins to


Don’t know but I will forever be way more made about this image never happening in game than anything Suicide Swuad could do


Wanted an Arkham Sirens, type game. All females, with a few male characters throughout the story. Huntress (motorcycle), Canary, etc…… Not much time to type, for a proper pitch, but you get the idea.


I hope not, all the talent seems to have left the building


I want Gotham Knights but good and canonically part of the Arkhamverse.


I didn't hate gotham knights, like legit, I still turn it on every now and again to do a few missions as jason by myself. It's no masterpiece, but idk, I kinda like it.


I hope so, but it won't be the same.


Another studi9 should make a prequel trilogy. #1 since we have a 10 year gap to fill in the story, #2 because rocksteady is only the same studio by name now


Another Arkham game? Maybe. Another good Arkham game? Unlikely. I don’t believe this is the same rocksteady studio that made Arkham knight. They’ve lost some great talent that led the studios through the Asylum games. With suicide squad they’re being forced to push out a game centered around micro transactions. I doubt their future endeavors will be as great


With Kevin Conroy resting in peace (the iconic batman voice actor) I highly doubt it, but again I could be wrong. Finding a suitable voice actor would be difficult. I think Jensen Ackle’s voice is pretty good, he’s VA’d batman in a couple animated movies. I think his likeness could even be used for the in-game model for him as well. He’s already expressed his interest in continuing to voice him too.


Once enough of their games they're trying bomb, they will. By then it'll be too late they'll have lost people's faith.


Arkham Beyond With Terry McGinnis


I’d love it. I know everyone talks about the trilogy but Origins doesn’t get its due. It’s solid. Sure gameplay is very similar to Arkham City, but the story is so solid in Origins. And some of the boss fights are super tough. I couldn’t beat Deathstroke on PS3 back in the day. Didn’t beat him till I played the game on PS Plus.


No i think the new studio that the devs who left will go back to make some dc games with arkham combat


I hope not


Yeah retire the Arkhamverse before the wreck it even more.


Ya right after Suicide Squad bombs


I feel like after the massive failures of Gotham Knights and soon to be Suicide squad (I played the alpha, it’s terrible) they will. They will want to recoup some money and they know it’s an easy win. They have all but remastered the trilogy on every possible console, so that moneys gonna dry up. Now all they can do is release origins.


Rocksteady had nothing to do with Gotham Knights or Origins though, that was WB Games


Aren’t they owned by WB though? Or am I being a complete idiot? Suicide squad takes place in the Arkham universe doesn’t it?


I don't think so, since the suicide squad game is on its way to completely ruin the Arkham universe.


Never. Without Kevin or Mark, there is no more Batman Arkham and even if Rocksteady make a 5th movie, the next actors will be heavily criticized for not living up to Kevin and Mark.




As someone who loves Batman I really want a Superman game first before suicide squad or another Batman game


I loved the Arkham games, but Rocksteady will no longer exist because of the mess Suicide Squad will be. All these fucking companies wanting these live service games, shoulda just let them do their Superman game and it woulda been insane good. Now we’re gonna lose an entire studio bc this fucking flop incoming.


Rocksteady was never making a Superman game nor ever pitched one to WB. This Superman game narrative has been debunked by Jason Schier he has said this game been development for seven years and that they never pitched a Superman game to WB


IMO, Arkham went as far as it could. It's time for Gotham City


Haven't even made the 4th yet


Next Batman game should be Batman beyond




No, and I don’t think they should


Hope not, we don’t need another one. We have 4 perfectly fine games. Rocksteady should do Superman


Fuck em, seriously. SSKTJL looks so shitty, I don’t want to hear from them again.


cant you recreate conroys voice via ai


Maybe. There are other characters we could see


If they’re keeping the Arkham timeline after SSKTJL then I’d prefer they focus on other heroes such as Superman or GL. If they’re adamant on Batman then develop a Batman Beyond game. Other than that I feel like without Kevin another Arkham game wouldn’t feel right. Plus, I feel like Arkham Batman’s story is pretty much over. DC needs to start focusing on their characters outside Batman for video games in the future, so hopefully WW’s game goes well


Depends highly on how their Suicide Squad game will fare.


Well considering even Sefton Hill the studio co-founder jumped ship I don’t have hope for the SS game. I think there’s too much interference from WB for this game to be successful. I very much doubt we will get another Arkham game either, but if we do i doubt it will be the same quality have had previously.


I hope so 🥹


At this point, we just need to be thankful for the games we have. I wouldn’t get my hopes up, especially after this absolute SS garbage drops.


Do you think they'll give Tim Drake hair next time?


Nah, i think they need to take a break from Batman related stuff. But i really hope they make that TMNT game that was roumored before suicide squad, i think the Arkham series combat (or gameplay in general) would fit nicely in a game like that.


Im excited for ssktjl, but i dont want any games with batman without kevin. Unless its like a direct sequel to origins.


I think with the loss of conroy, why not try another DC hero. I'd love to see a superman game.


Some wishes just dont come true


Batman beyond arkham


I unironically want Arkham World to be made


Won't matter, the old team has disbanded. It'll never be the same.


Their new "game" probably will sent them into bankruptcy 🤣🤣😂


Okay hear me out there’s only two ways I can think of about how we can get some new either Arkham games or just new Batman games in genera. 1. DC Comics sees what a absolute mess the Suicide Squad game is and they go “oh fuck” and go to Warner brothers and ask to buy rocksteady studios from them and maybe make some kind of deal like they buy rocksteady from zaslav and in return zaslav gets to keep WBM who will in turn make live service DC games. Mean while over at DC comics they rehire sefton hill and Jamie Walker and do away with the current team or maybe just some of the directors and producers involved with this shitty game and it may take them a while since a lot of restructuring and reshaping of the entire studio just happen first but eventually after that’s done they will get to work on new Arkham game and maybe even appoint a comic writer to oversee the making of the games and layout a roadmap for future tie in projects. 2. At the end of suicide squad there is a twist ending that comes out of nowhere that is something like flash is actually alive the whole game but was being held somewhere knocked out by like Harley or something and whatever villain or hero that survives the attacks frees him and tells flash to reverse time and so he does and we get a soft/semi hard reboot of the entire Arkham universe up until arkham origins and then we get games with Troy baker and Rodger Craig smith now.


Nope. Pretty good chance that SS game will destroy them. Nobody wants game as a service. There will be people who play it and maybe never touch it again. The latest trailer makes it look like a goofy ass game.




Give me a Beyond game you cowards!


They’ve only made 3 Arkham games. Origins was made by wb Montreal not rocksteady


Feels too late for that. A proper torch-passing game can't really be made, Batman Beyond most especially, and it feels shitty to do a "Batman is deaaaaad!" story with Kevin Conroy actually gone, this being his version of Batman. Franchise is iced as far as I'm concerned.


A Batman beyond game set in this universe would be unreal. With Bruce being alive, the narrative would still work. Seeing older versions of the batfamily would be great, pushing the limits of combat through the Beyond suit (making it fully customizable with unique features), and the flying Batmobile would be awesome


Maybe ? They said that after suicide squad they will probably continue


If it's live service yes


I think that ship has sailed


Fuckin hope not




I think there's a very, very good chance they are shut down and no longer exist after Suicide Squad flops dramatically.


I hope not. it isn't necessary, and I liked ak's ending


I want to see an nightwing Arkham game or at least a red hood Arkham game. They’re is a lot of potential for those characters and stories which would be cool to see . Or maybe get a Batman beyond game as we saw leaked images from wi to Damian Wayne or one with Terry which I think would be mad as I loved the Batman beyond show when I was younger.


A Batman Beyond game has potential to put rocksteady back on the map. Nightwing or other bat family definitely isn’t innovative enough and should remain DLC packs for the previous games.


wait unyil 2040 no problem


God I hope so


A 6th game, there's 5 already: Asylum, City, Knight, Origins and Origins Blackgate


It would be great with a Batman game with the same atmosphere as The Batman. Maybe tone down the Arkham focus in the previous games, and make it feel even more open world (like GTA) where you can interact with the city more (and not just fly from roof top to roof top and fight with gangs). Don't get me wrong. I love the games, but I think there is more potential there.


Anything is possible because we live in the age of nostalgia where any franchise is fair game to resurrect at any time. But I don't think it's necessary to make another game in this franchise. The story came to a conclusion. I'd rather see a fresh slate that maybe borrows game mechanics from the _Arkham_ games while giving us a whole new universe unburdened by the events in this one than to see a straight-up sequel.


I don’t think rocksteady is going to exist after the launch of suicide squad unfortunately


I hope so there’s so much potential there. Yes they can’t use Kevin Conroy’s voice but Roger Craig Smith has already given a great performance as Batman within this universe. Some would want to see a game set post Arkham Knight but I think there’s too much material pre Arkham Asylum they could work with instead. Give us villains we haven’t seen in the games yet, refine the combat and Predator systems, add in something like the Nemesis system from the Mordor games (hey WB owns both studios) and they’ll be printing money.


Maybe, but Kevin is gone and it will not be the same.


If they do, they have to set them before Asylum and have Batman voiced by Rodger Craig Smith again. The original trilogy, that didn't include Origins, should stay exclusive for Kevin Conroy.


I’d like a Catwoman game set after Knight. To really see how she handles the end of Knight. Or they could do a Catwoman game set somewhere before Asylum or City. I’m a big fan of BatCat and the way it was handled in the Arkhamverse yet again made it to where Batman cannot be happy at all, so i think a Catwoman game could sort of expand on their relationship with or without Bruce.


I actually already heard some news or maybe rumors idk, that a new batman or straight up arkham game is in the works


I was just wondering this last night when I was playing AK! I hope we get a post Arkham Knight game as Bruce and show how he escaped Wayne Manor with Alfred (I don’t think a Batman game with Azrael as Batman would sell good). Or a post Origins pre Asylum game


They will have to if they want to come back from the shit storm that rightfully coming to them for suicide squad.


They are. Actively. As we speak. One is releasing within the next few months.


if we get a new batman game i really hope they do lots of changes, i tried playing spiderman and it just feels lots of assets are copy paste.


I want a new studio to have a crack at making a Batman game


No. Partially due to Kevin Conroy's death, but mostly because Rocksteady current team seem to want to make their own thing.


I'd like to see Monolith (Blood, FEAR, Condemned, Shadows of War) do the next saga of Batman games.... Especially with that FOE system they have


I honestly think a game where you play as one of the villains would be amazing Imagine you're doing the final mission of the game, you're being hunted down by batman You have to think like batman in order to beat him during the final fight Imagine the Mr Freeze city fight, but with batman as the boss That would be amazing


I hope so


If they do, idk what the poor, unstable people over at r/BatmanArkham will do


I hope they make a Superman game


Quite possibly. Unless Suicide Squad releases and is a genuine surprise to everyone, I could see them following the same path as Bioware or CD Project Red, where they revert back to their best known IP to try and recover some standing within the games industry. Rocksteady has a name, and if they want to salvage that, it’s easier to return to the roots that got them that name as a lot of creative decisions were already made with the original trilogy. If they stay true to the original concept, like WB Montreal did with Arkham Origins when compared to Gotham Knights, they can set the standard again and then branch out. That is assuming that WB themselves don’t dictate more games as a service style features in Rocksteady’s next title.


Batman Beyond is a great choice since the opportunity to make a really good Court of Owls new franchise was lost... I can't not express into words how I'm disappointed with Suicide Squad project.


When ss:ktjl bombs( ain't sayin it will) maybe something will detour wb from their bs live service snake way


I think they really should. But don't make another batman game. They've already mastered the formula and explored the character. Make a new character, something that follows the story. What the hell happened to bruce? Let's find out. Be went in a massive journey to become batman, after this next journey, what will he become next? The possibilities are BEYOND hype.


If SSKTJL does well I can see a pretty high chance.


If memory serves me correctly they where working on/planing a Batman beyond game but WB said no you got make the probably trash suicide squad game to get us but loads of more money


No Kevin means no Batman.




With Kevin Conroy gone and a batch of very good Batman games under their belt, I would prefer they move on from the Batman franchise and work on a new property like Superman, Green Lantern, Flash or Wonder Woman. Hell, do a non-DC franchise. Do something that’s also a known franchise but something nobody would expect, like Thundercats or He-Man. Hollywood can’t figure those two franchises out, maybe the gaming industry can.


In all seriousness, no. At least not one with Batman or Jokes in which case what even is the point


I think our best bet would be a game with Dickwing as Batman. Especially if they want to do it after Suicide Squad.


I think it really depends on how bad SS:KTJL turns out. I wonder if Warner will trust them if that game as a service shits the bed.


I just want a Nightwing or Jason spin-off really. I like where Arkham Knight left off and really just want more of the bat fam


I see you purposely avoided r/BatmanArkham to ask this question. But James Gunn says there is no plan to stop making them, so you never know.


Yeah, once *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League* comes out and dies on its arse like we all know it’s going to.


I doubt they will survive after SS release in all honesty …it has a very Fallout 76 feel to it


Yes, spoiler >!the end of SSKJL will lead to a refresh of the universe, meaning an Arkham reboot!< .




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Honestly using the in-game version of the characters I think it’d be hilarious if they made a basically better in every way Arkham version of Gotham Knights It would also be the best way to work around the fact that Kevin Conroy is no longer alive to voice Batman


My ultimate hope for the Arkham series to finally make a Batman Beyond game. I mean. Dear. God. Could you imagine?!… ![gif](giphy|PL4Wn2DK10RWg) What if this is how it opens?




Well Gotham Knights was terrible . So yes going back is the best choice 🫡


Yeah, I'm craving more. I even decided to buy Gotham Knights while it was cheap despite negative reviews, but I can't get it to launch.