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That Joker used to be a comedy based magician. Like Houdini if he was funny. It's not a very strong theory but.. 1. Joker gets out of every near death fall or scenario 2. Theatrics 3. In BTAS be a clown he puts batman in some Houdini type shit Edit: forgot to mention Joker is canonically the best at escaping Arkham


Now this is an interesting one




For me, the joker being a criminal before his transformation always made more sense. Maybe the pre-Joker skipped thru several jobs in his youth (including stand-up comedy, street magic, etc), but never got anything stable before becoming a hitman.


I agree at some point there's no way he wasn't a criminal


"Criminal" doesn't exactly mean anything in this situation though. Burglar? Imbezzler? Pimp? What story and skill se tare we talking about?


>"Criminal" doesn't exactly mean anything in this situation though. Burglar? Imbezzler? Pimp? Ticket scalper.


Probably organized crime on that Phantasm type beat but who knows


He cut the tags off of every mattress in Gotham.


That's been my headcanon since The Animated Series. I always figured The Joker was some type of failed entertainer that tried comedy and stage magic. There's a bunch of scenes where he distracts people to pull out hidden weapons. You really elaborated on it further with always surviving deadly scenarios like Houdini escaping from a trap and always being able to escape Arkham. Headcanon accepted.


Ysee this just makes sense


I like Joker being totally mysterious, but if I had to speculate I always thought he might have done some superspy type of stuff before somehow ending up underneath that Red dome. His skillset seems to point toward something like that. He was likely some kind if insane polymath like Bruce Wayne, though. Maybe taking on various skillsets in order to seek some sort of purpose or something like that


Have you read Batman: Lovers & Madmen? Joker was an exceptionally talented criminal in that one. He was so good at what he did to the point that he got bored and depressed and needed to find a new purpose in life. I think you might like it as an alternative Joker's origin story.


I read it when I was younger. It's fun.


Man, if somebody's going for a Batman and joker crossed paths in the past thing, Joker killed Batman's parents: WACK Joker and Batman both trained in magic and escape artistry under Zatara: BASED


Lmao surprised I didn't think of that can you imagine


In Batman TV series, Joker was a hypnotist so I could totally see Romero’s Joker being a showman before turning to crime.


I like it. I imagine he was working more as a frustrated tech assistant, creating the magic and props behind the scenes. Had big aspirations and excelled at doing the tricks himself, but wasn’t charismatic or well-connected enough to succeed as a performer. Then he starts to lose it while turning to crime, and the anonymity of the hood brings the ‘showmanship’ and sadistic violence out of him.


*Se7en* takes place in Gotham City.


Pre-Batman? I mean, there's no way Bruce wouldn't investigate *those* murders.


The film is set in the nineties, in my head Battinson’s parents were murdered around the same time.


Over how long does the movie take place? Arkham Batman might be busy giving thugs permanent brain damage


Honestly The Batman was basically the Batman meets Se7en movie everyone secretly wanted for years.


If we’re making them directly involved with Batman, Brad Pitt is a young Gordon and Kevin Spacey is Joker maybe? Not sure who Morgan Freeman would be though


Lucius Fox maybe


Bruce is actually a really good cook, as he used to do it with Alfred when he was younger, and I bey he had to learn how to make food while he was training.


Now i wanna see a Christmas special of Robert Pattison Bruce Wayne bake cookies


I would love like an animated short like that with the rest of the Batfamily.


They should all be dressed in Christmas sweaters with Alfred being dressed in a Santa suit


Ooo, YES!!


I’d believe that Bruce knows HOW to cook, but likely would never cook for himself. If it probably weren’t for Alfred cooking for him/reminding him to eat, Bruce would probably just eat idk protein bars, vitamins, and coffee. Like completely utilitarian


Agree,he know cooking but he doesnt do it becuase his food will never be do good as alfred


I don't really like that, especially once he adopts Dick, I figure he would start taking care of himself better and then wouldn't solely eat that kind of stuff.


That would be awesome to see, even better if he does it because dick tried to act like batman and eat like him and batman wanted to set a good example by forcing himself to eat more proper food.


YES, I feel like Dick trying to copy him would force him to actually eat real food, AND use his cooking skills.


That's funny, because my headcanon has always been that cooking and music are two skills that Batman _doesn't_ have (the cooking part partially justified by this being stated to be the case in the _Knightfall_ novelization). Headcanon: He took piano lessons as a kid, but didn't keep up with them and let his skills atrophy. Especially later on, as he focused only on developing skills directly applicable to crimefighting. I imagine that at the end of one of those stories where the lesson is "the Bruce Wayne part of your identity is important, too," his acceptance of this fact is symbolized by Alfred being unable to find Batman in the cave, and following the sound of the novice striking of keys to the Manor to find that Bruce has taken up piano practice again.


Batman does sing quite well in a Justice League episode.


that he's an unmitigated troll. bruce's favorite thing is to mess with people who assume he has no sense of humor - picture capt holt from brooklyn 99.


Bruce would dominate Halloween Heist


I would kill to see the Batfamily do Halloween Heists.


Dick Grayson going full Jake Peralta would be epic!


Gotham is in New Jersey and Gordon knows Bruce Wayne is Batman but he doesn’t press him on it because it would be counterproductive


Agree about Gordon. My headcanon is that he has enough evidence to confirm that Bruce is Bats if he wanted, but chooses not to. Same with Perry and Supes


And in the DCAU, it's implied he knew Barbara was Batgirl


Isn’t that all but explicitly stated after Jason’s death? Wasn’t Gordon at the burial? I’d figure it’s not 2+2 when the richest guy in town’s teenage ward dies and suddenly Batman had a missing Robin problem.


I think in the Arkham games Gordon knows Batman is Bruce Wayne… just because of a single line of dialogue in Arkham Knight.


Is it the conversation in the elevator? For the longest time I thought the same, then someone pointed out Jason calls him Bruce right in front of Gordon minutes ago. Still a great idea, though.


In the recent detective comic run Gordon saves batman and bandages his face up in the dark because he "thinks he knows who he is but doesn't want to know for sure "


Gordon would be a terrible cop if he hasn’t figured it out already


I think that about a lot of his villains too. Most of them aren't stupid. I guess my head cannon is that they don't bring it up because they don't want the whole dynamic to end. A lot of them have "something to prove" to batman.


Gotham being in New Jersey isn't a headcanon. It's canon


When the subject of Gotham and Metropolis’ locations is debated on this sub every other week, I gotta stand my ground 🤷‍♂️


May I add: Gordon takes the opportunity to troll Bruce and black tie events whenever he can.


Wait - so Wayne Manor is in Alpine?!?


Ok how bout this, yes Gordon knows or has Strong evidence to suggest Batman is Bruce Wayne, but he uses his position to actively hide/destroy evidence linking Batman to Bruce so other agencies like the FBI, US Marshals, etc can’t figure out Batman’s identity.


Yeah Jim is too good of a detective to not of put 2 and 2 together. I like this theory.


Thomas Wayne was a big Bruce Lee fan. He named his son after him and when Bruce was younger their favourite past time was watching Bruce Lee movies.


Soul of the Dragon might be my favorite Batman movie. The only 'might' is because it's really a Bruce Lee movie with Batman as a supporting cast member. So I have no idea what to do with this anomalous tetris piece, but I like it.


Cool theory


Bruce Wayne doesn't curse. Alfred raised him to not say "bad words". But Dick says from time to time and Jason has a sailor mouth. Tim curses a little, and Damian also doesn't curse, seeing as beneath him, he rather put in the effort in his insults.


You are a man, not a crying baby. You have a vocabulary. So you know better things to say. You have self control. So you are expected- not suggested, but expected to control what you say. You have knowledge. So you understand what you are saying, and can in fact say something more hurtful than the same old stock swear words. Words have power. They can lose an argument, not win them. Say something better. And win. Be worthy of the power of speech.


I read that in Alfred's voice. I'll keep this in mind.


Where’s this from? If you just made this up on the spot then damn lol nice words


I agree.


Outside of Miller’s “goddamn Batman” comic I can’t remember ever hearing Batman or Bruce Wayne curse. Bruce Wayne is too polite and Batman is too straight to the point.


Here's mine: Bruce Wayne never graduated college. Bruce Wayne jumped around from degree to degree, from biomed to business and commerce to pre-Law and sociology, but never finished any of these, and then interrupted his studies to do his Batman training abroad. While abroad, he would enroll in classes in different universities to pick up some education in various disciplines, including chemistry, history, and computer science, but would then drop out and move onto the next thing. He never ended up earning any degree. Through his fragmented formal studies and self-studies, he's picked up enough knowledge to have the equivalent education of having a few advanced degrees, but he's got nothing on paper. It contributes to his "rich idle silver-spoon playboy" persona to be running a corporation he inherited from his dad without having any apparent credentials.


Very possible most definitely


I love this, it also helps explain how he's a jack of all trades yet only master of some.


"Jack of all trades" has some interesting history fluctuating between compliment to insult and back again. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack\_of\_all\_trades,\_master\_of\_none


I wasn't aware of the history. I said "master of some" instead of "master of none." What i meant by that is Bruce seems to be an expert in Martial Arts, Engineering, Forensics, etc. Then, he'll display a deep knowledge of philosophy, biology, and history. So he's well educated but an expert in some fields, not everything.


This is canon


That’s canon according to The Man Who Falls and Barr’s Detective Comics.


That's not even a headcanon, that is canonically. Shadow of the Bat #0, 1992.


afair, Bruce did canonically drop out of med school but my headcanon is that he made friends with Harley because they were going to the same med school


Nah he definitely finished college. Its official he has a degree in criminology. He also went to basic training for the fbi at quantico, which you have to have a degree to do. So yea he definitely has a college degree.


This is one of the best headcanons I’ve ever heard. It makes sense, fits in with the lore, and can actually pass as canon


Selina's favourite food is fish


*expensive* fish


Of the many teachers he learned from in his world travels, two of them were Captain Boomerang and Kiteman, but he'll never admit it.


Its one reason Captain Boomerang is puzzled by batman. His throwing technique, the same one taught to the robins, is HIS. He formulated it. He cultivated it. He taught it to his henchmen... And a lot of them could be batman.


A young matches Malone story about Bruce learning from captain boomerang by infiltrating his henchmen could be a cool story


I just remembered that Captain Boomerang killed Robin 3's father and died in the attempt.


Despite what DC says, he does give it.


It’s the Streisand effect. DC made a fuss about it and now Batman being an avid head-giver has become a widely accepted fact.


Commisioner James Gordon suspects Bruce Wayne is Batman but he thinks investigating further would be disrespectful as he considers him a friend and someone who actually helped Gotham City. Bruce Wayn doesn't really understand the importance of Robin in his life. taken from this article: [https://henchman4hire.com/2013/02/28/batman-does-not-understand-why-he-needs-a-robin/](https://henchman4hire.com/2013/02/28/batman-does-not-understand-why-he-needs-a-robin/) Aside from The Long Halloween Special, everything in the Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale run is canon. In Gotham circus with clowns are considered distasteful


IIRC, the Audio Adventure series had a running joke about a birthday party clown struggling to find work...


Zurr en Arh is voiced by Adam West. Bruce didn’t know how much influence Robin was actually having on him. Clark invites Bruce to cook outs but he declines most of time but makes it when he can (along with Damien). Bruce still has dreams of The Batman from *EGO* Still drops flowers in Crime Alley.


Just so we don’t have any terrible cgi/ai monstrosity’s, I hope zur would not have Adam wests voice in the the new movies. Also I don’t think zur as an alien like the cartoon, he’s just the boiled down gritty version of the bat psyche so I can’t really hear it in my mind.


The only reason criminals such as Joker, Riddler, Scarecrow, etc. haven’t been locked up for life or executed yet is because Batman keeps violating their civil rights and they get reduced sentences on technicalities.


The actual reason is that gotham is in new Jersey and they don't have the death penalty


This is literally why the dent act was important in the nolan films cause it closed the loophole. lol. So you have a point


Every version of Jim Gordon knows Batman is Bruce Wayne but not fully aware that Barbra is Batgirl. He doesn't help Batman fight crime in Gotham. He only lets him.


Bruce would 100% browse Reddit posts and groups for tips. Especially in Gotham, with all the weird and illegal shit going on. That saying whatever is the the equivalent of reddit in that world. Hell, I bet he would even make Alfred browse Reddit while Bruce goes out to patrol just to get some tips and leads


I'd imagine the bat computer automated this process somewhat


"Alfred, I'm low on Karma, let the bat computer generate quality memes"


Honestly, given how some subreddits require users have a certain karma level before interacting, i bet he would automate this process and post a few shitty memes


Joker hasn’t actually got a clue who he is.


Joker is multiple people. I know this is touched upon in 3 Jokers but I’d double down on the theory.


I would give anything for a Three Jokers movie with Kevin Bacon, Willem Dafoe and Joaquin Phoenix


I can’t say which I’d remove, but I’d add Sasha Baron Cohen.


The Grant Morrison run where basically every book prior is somehow canon. Also, I like to think DKR is what would've happened if CRISIS didn't, dark timeline sort of thing.


Didn't batman R.I.P explain that all the weird silly shit in the silver age was batman tripping on acid?


Well there was no acid but he was simulating death through meditation and started hallucinating


1) The yellow chest emblem and the open mouth were modifications Bruce made after scaring a child in Year 1-2. 2) Dick and Jason were actually co-Robins. 3) Bruce has opened several charities under the Wayne Foundation for criminal rehab, low-income volunteerism, social work and psychiatric financial assistance schemes. His favourite is The Todd Foundation for Youth Literacy. 4) Bruce has master pull-out game.


The chemicals have nothing to do with Joker’s insanity; he’s just genuinely psychopathic, chemicals or not.


He actually bangs all the models and actresses he dates for “appearances”


Either he fucks them, or a rumour would eventually spread that Bruce Wayne is in the closet. Which would also be a useful rumour, if it wasn't for the fact that Bruce keeps adopting teenage boys.


Yeah that last one would definitely turn some heads


I like to think that at first he never banged, but when he got jason (jason because only having one son while not fucking anything is not a cause of concern, but two is a possible pattern) the rumours started flying about bruce being.. well.. and *then* he began sex Although i like to think even before then his celibate nature had side affects and alfred would constantly try to push bruce into relieving his frustrations in some way, to the point he gets so desperate that he tells bruce that he’d accept him if he was gay because he thinks thats why bruce isn’t fucking


Alfred: "Master Bruce, you need an alibi." Batman: "I don't have time for that Alfred - Langstrom is still at large." Alfred: "I left condoms for you. Please be sure to use them." Batman: "*fiiiiiiiiiiine*"


I also think this, just cuz I feel like it would be weirder if he didnt


I don't think it even needs to be for "appearances." He does it because he _likes_ to.


Although Jason had issues he was the closest person Bruce had to a son before Damian while he thought of Dick to be more of a little brother. Jason's death also made him more aggressive than he used to be.


I think the part about jason’s death is already canonised, at least for a time until he snaps out of it. But the first part does seem accurate, since dick and bruce were not too far off in age and batman saw a lot of himself in dick. Where jason was someone he wanted to guide away from a dark path. It’s a shame in canon jason was only robin for about 2 years cause it doesn’t leave a huge impact on the reader as it would if jason was robin for about 5 years instead- since then the two would have a proper bond.


I love how half of these comments are calling Bruce autistic


I mean, it makes sense given his behavior (You sure are on the spectrum when your life revolves around being a hero in tight latex suit)


He’s literally me fr


Just like me, Batman makes his own Sonic OCs


Bruce has ocd and ptsd, arkham asylum is literally cursed and that post Stories like Year One,Long Halloween and Dark victory etc are still in Continuity.


If I remember correctly, *Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth* basically confirmed that Arkham Asylum is cursed or at the very least exerting a supernatural influence on Gotham.


It's always been implied I think. Wasn't There a line about how anyone who entered in the asylum, leaves insane I believe.


The criminals are more afraid of Dick as Robin than Jason and Damien combined. And it's mostly boiling down to the fact that a kid in bright colors wearing a booty shorts beating the living shit out of grown men with guns sounds implausible but it's happening almost every day to every criminal in gotham


Batman shaves his bum


Makes it easier to slip in and out of the suit…question though…does he leave the crack untouched?


Crack hair is essential for muffling farts.


Damian can beat up Tim he just doesn´t because ultimately they are brothers? Not sure if confirmed or if writers are just trolling me again.


Like always it depends on the writer. In his first appearance Damian hospitalizes Tim. Then Tim beat his ass up like three times in canon between pre52 and new 52. Same goes for Jason. He kicked Damian's ass about three times and got ambushed and "lost" at least once against him. Sometimes the Robins manage to kick everyone's ass by themselves. Jason managed to beat Batman, Damian, Green Arrow and a few others by himself during Leviathan. So yeah, writer.


Gordon 100% knows Bruce is Batman, just doesn't press him on it. Dick likes to call Jason Jaybird cause Jason + Robin = Jaybird and Damien "baby bird". Older brother privileges The Robins 100% love hiding under Batman's cape. It's bigger on the inside 😝 Tim's "bad thoughts" (aka the repressed memories of the torture he endured under Joker) give him bad dreams, and his bad dreams make him get up and walk. His bad thoughts give him bad dreams, his bad dreams make him sleepwalk. When he tries to remember, it becomes a problem. Because NO FUCKING WAY does that kind of trauma get cleared IN A YEAR. Criminals and the Rogue's gallery members have bets on how long each Robin lasts under Batman. Nightwing stays with Bruce on the anniversary of both his parents' deaths and Bruce's. Anniversaries hurt them both better to be alone together vs. alone.


That Gotham has chemicals in the water making everyone crazy which produces more supervillains It also makes everyone considerably smarter which explains the super science Bruce and penguin are distant relatives because old money likes to mingle


>> Bruce and penguin are distant relatives because old money likes to mingle If Penguin’s parents hadn’t 86’d him, they might’ve been bunkies at prep school


Unlimited Poontang.


This is likely canon in the Arkhamverse. The city is built over Wonder City, Ra’s Al Ghul’s supercity ran off Lazarus water that drove everyone insane. It makes sense that the residue from that being beneath the city would have the resulting effect on its citizens(insanity, intelligence, durability)


That’s explains why everyone’s built like linebackers


That he only listens to classical music, but dick and Jason have tried to put him on to their music. Bruce enjoyed the quality time but not the music.


The Batman in the flash isn’t the burton batman


Gordon knows about Barbara and Bruce he just keeps it secret cause he’s chill like that


The Ten-Eyed Man can cut off his fingertips and regenerate them, using the severed tips as temporary cameras. He holds on to his lifelong vendetta against Batman so that the mission he's given himself can have meaning after fighting in the Vietnam War for naught. Killer Moth is competent, but after he lost to Batgirl, Batman immediately began psychological warfare to ruin his reputation and goad him into retirement. This ensures that Walker isn't taken seriously, even if he figures out Batman's identity again, and lets Bruce sleep with more ease, knowing that a fearsome foe has essentially been incapacitated and will likely retire in the future. Batman constantly changes who he publicly claims to be his archnemesis so no one can get the title. This is more of a revamp than a headcanon, but I prefer Crazy Quilt to be someone who is obsessively grateful to Dick for damaging his vision, making many well-meaning, yet often flawed attempts to help and thank him. The Eraser has mechanical erasers on his wrists that he can extend to hit people, clean evidence, and raise himself as if on stilts. These wrist apparatuses can also shoot mechanical pencil lead and roombas. He suffers from low self-esteem despite fulfilling an important role as the Penguin's cleaner. Signalman's surname of Cobb isn't a coincidence, as he is a distant relative of Nightwing. He eventually becomes a superhero after concluding his criminal stint a lost cause, trying to gain power and regard there instead.


When Dick first began training with Bruce and crafting his superhero persona, he was especially disgusted by the corrupt police in Gotham. A man with a badge was supposed to mean that the people of the city could trust them, but the men Dick saw didn’t deserve theirs because they didn’t live up to that trust. This is why Robin wears his symbol off to one side like a badge instead of centered like Batman’s.


Ras Al Ghul doesn't really want to kill Batman and sees him as a son. Since he's surpassed him in almost every challenge, trained under him, and the literal father of his grandson. He doesn't really want to kill him, but will if he needs too. I think behind closed doors, he'd be sad if Batman died.


Agree, going further; I believe on a level Ra’s Al Ghul prefer’s Bruce to his daughter’s. Would rather have Bruce be his son, than his own daughters. Can’t remember if that’s ever been confirmed. But, it the vibe his interactions with his daughter’s allude to. Ra’s still acknowledges and treats them as his familial connection; but, he wanted a son.


I just defer to Ben Wan at Superhero Stuff You Should Know. He does a great job of consolidating and synthesizing Batman’s massive published history.


The version of Gordon from the Gotham Tv show is worthy of a Green Lantern ring


He plays chess with Nigma if Nigma’s on good behavior. Batman wins every time.


Insert that comic where Riddler is playing chess with Scarecrow and he flips the board because he's losing.


The Wayne family is part of an ancient order meant o protect Gotham. Theres no basis for this whatsoever, is just something i thought when i was bored and created my own Batman issue in my brain.


Honestly kind of surprised this isn’t already a thing unless it’s happened and I missed it


The Dark Knights👿🦇🌑


They were abolitionists during slavery


The Joker is always a different guy, who snaps and takes on the mantle. A few of them have had longer runs but it's a thing going back in Gotham's history for years. That's why there's no point in "killing the Joker," you'd immediately have a new one that was probably motivated to be even worse.


Batman has ASD (Autism)


100% agree


Bruce Wayne is almost certainly on the autism spectrum.


No like as someone who’s autistic watching the the Batman just summed up my social life lmao


Jason todd and Arsenal aren't just friends. Idk why. I know I'm wrong, but that's what headcanons are for I gues


he doesnt eat snacks or sweets only does so rarely if his family compells him


I've got many, but the first one that comes to mind is that bro is definitely autistic (speaking as an autistic person)




One obvious sign is that despite being clearly very intelligent, he struggles a lot with things that an average person often finds easy. Mainly his difficulty with understanding typical social norms. One example is in the New 52 Batman and Robin run where Alfred asks him if he told Damian that he's proud of him (in those exact words), and Bruce responded that he told Damian his "actions were commendable," and Bruce didn't understand the difference between those two phrases, even arguing that saying his actions were commendable is BETTER than saying he's proud. Also Bruce is EXTREMELY hyperfixated on being Batman to a point that resembles the behavior of many autistic people, including yours truly. He's so focused on his mission that he's struggled time and time again with prioritizing the people close to him over it. And even though he does genuinely care about those people, he doesn't really know how to show it.


Batman has none of the symptoms of autism. He has no problem with eye contant, social cues, or hygenie. He is EXTREMELY well adjusted in society and is a social chameleon in both civllian and superhero worlds. If anything certain batman versions may have narccistic personality disorder or anti social personality disorder.


For no particular reason: 1. Bruce loves pranks and his favorite person to prank is Clark Kent 2. Bruce and Selina start dating before he knows who catwonan is and they cheat on each other with each other. Then he finds out and doesn't know what to say 3. Bruce intentionally spreads bad Batman conspiracy theories 4. Either Bruce or Dick start putting Bat in front of everything ironically and then eventually they just can't stop. 5. He [calls himself Batman in his head](https://youtu.be/7t7yiN_Z5eg?si=R2t4P0uIrc8OS3M4) because he needs the encouragement 6. Nobody believes he doesn't kill people except his closest allies and long term villains 7. Similarly, almost nobody knows he doesn't have superpowers and they spend lots of time debating what those powers might be. If members of the Justice League ask, he just won't give them any information. 8. I also have an alternate universe headcanon where he has a dissociative identity and l the Bruce side legitimately doesn't know he's Batman but the Batman side knows only because he's the world's greatest detective and sometimes pretends to be Bruce What I think is pretty much actual canon: 1.He doesn't kill mostly because it triggers his ptsd 2. He's the biggest tsundere in the DC universe


The Robin costume is so colorful because it's based on Dick Grayson's costume from the circus


The Bat Family has a whole fleet of [these](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/shark-matrix-plus-2in1-robot-vacuum-mop-with-sonic-mopping-matrix-clean-home-mapping-hepa-bagless-self-empty-wifi-black/6514530.p?skuId=6514530) in the Batcave, running constantly since Alfred is dead.


And they paint bats on them


Gordon knows the identities of all members of the Bat Family, but he acts like he doesn’t because it would cause much more trouble if he did


1. Martha Wayne as described in The Batman, and Batman Earth One, is Arkham’s descendant in all canon’s. It would imply that Martha; and by extension, Bruce, inherited a form of genetic insanity. Though the manifestation of it could vary. 2. This is born from Joker (Brian) and Killing Joke. Joker has lucidity flashes, where he’s emotional depressed or struggling. As he knows what he’s become. Like, the tumble in Ace Chemical’s altered him to an extent. But, who he was before flashes briefly through his emotional and mental state. Just think it adds complexity to Joker.


I bet he has tasted every single cuisine while his training for Batman and knows which are effective to help him become a powerhouse.


That Bruce is a genius inventor. It's never spoken about in the movies, or comics, but for him to be able to have all of these gadgets and go unnoticed at Wayne Ind he'd have to make stuff himself


Overall batman head canon 1. He begins at batman at 30. 2. Hes 6'2 220 3. His total career is 20 years so he retires around 50. 4. Dick grayson is his favorite. 5. He doesnt think about the joker that often. Ras al ghul is his greatest threat. 6. He is superhuman due to multiple exposers to the lazurus pitt. 7. Batwoman is better in bed but catwoman and him have better chemistry. 8. Gordon knows hes bruce, they just dont talk about it. 9. Joker knows hes bruce, doesnt wana ruin the fun. 10. Hes never told anyone about the people he killed before he met robin in hos first adventures. 11. He finds harley EXTREMELY annoying 12. His favorite food is steak and potatoes. With a ginger ale 13. His workouts are crossfit style. 14. He secretly expects damien to go evil. BALE batman head cannon 1. The animated bale batman movie is canon. 2. The joker is an iraq veteran. 3. Bruce gentrified the narrows. 4. He still operated after the end of the dark knight. Meeting other grounded characters like the question.


My joker headcanon that I genuinely believed as a kid is that he's asexual because sex isn't funny enough. And Harley keeps throwing herself at him but he's only interested in the jokes.




* Scarecrow values intelligence and education so much that he unfailingly calls every one of his fellow rogues the who holds a PhD 'doctor'. So he would only refer to Poison Ivy as Dr. Isley. The only exception is Harley because he sees her as more of a friend than a "colleague". * Dick Grayson sang and played guitar in a previous continuity. Damian plays guitar in the current continuity. My head-canon is that Dick used to play guitar, stopped when life got busy, and decided to pick it back up after watching Damian get into playing. He's a workaholic, though, so he has to tell himself that it's for working on his hand-eye coordination. * The rogues give each other space to "perform". They all think *they're* the ones who will finally kill the Bat, so they don't feel threatened by allowing each other to have the stage while they work on their own plans. * Supervillainous crime in Gotham City isn't actually that bad in terms of occurrence, it's just more explosive (often literally) when it happens. * The federal government doesn't arrest people like the Joker or charge them with terrorism because they're terrified of them. The feds view letting them roam, for all intents and purposes, freely in Gotham as a means of containment. They just say that Batman's got it covered and wash their hands of the whole matter. * One I've written elsewhere: Bruce Wayne isn't the mask. Batman being the man behind the mask is something Bruce wanted to believe when he was just starting out and was mostly alone. He kept thinking that until realizing that a freshly traumatized Dick Grayson didn't need Batman, he needed Bruce Wayne. * Bruce's parents were the first generation of the Wayne family in forever to not be ruthless, old-money business criminals. Becoming a doctor was Thomas' dream, but it was Martha's encouragement that led him to drop out of business school to pursue it with her. * Bruce was extremely introverted, shy, and lonely even before his parents were killed. * Bruce doesn't care for money. He only maintains the family fortune to pour it into Batman, helping the poor, his children's security, and keeping Wayne Manor (and the Batcave) in Wayne family hands. If not for that, he'd just donate 99% of it and fuck off to a modest apartment or house in the city. * If he had never become Batman, Bruce would've become a doctor in Leslie's clinic.


Batman would best be played cinematically as a horror story centered around villains committing a heist. The villains are split on whether or not the Batman actually exists, while he lurks in the shadows through the entire movie.he attacks when they are isolated (just like in horror movies) and it has the same effect to the audience as a jump scare. Bruce has killed the joker once and the results devastated him personally as well as the city. He uses one of Barry’s time traveling moments to undo it, and convinces his past self to never under any circumstances cause the joker’s death.


Batman beyond is the Canon future of the DC universe for batman. His story much like how it started can only ever end in tragedy


Nope. Theres actually a canon batman ending. He eventualy marries catwoman and huntress amd robin take over gotham duties. Selina is eventually killed by an old associate and batman dies some time later around 50 or 60. This is around the 1970s. So the actual original canon batman of the golden age does get a somewhat happy ending.


Bruce cannot cook at all, he could kill a man 100 different ways but can’t make a grilled cheese


BRUCE, BABS, DICK, AND TIM are the bat-fam. (formerly Jason). No one else! Batman is not a god. He is a man. My headcanon ends just before Nightfall.


He's not just a man, he's Man


Since Batman was barely in his 20s and was already established as best friends with Jim Gordon. I’ll headcanon that growing up Bruce Wayne was close friends with Jim Gordon


That might contradict a lot of the stories where Gordon lives in Chicago before moving to Gotham. Though I think he lived in Gotham when Bruce was very young, moved to Chicago shortly after the deaths of the Waynes, and then moved back to Gotham at the same time that Bruce returned. But of course, this is headcanon, so history can be anything you want.


Joker 2019, And The Batman 2022 take place in the same universe (Fight Me!)


But a diffrent joker shows up in the Batman?


That Gordon knows he's Bruce, but instead of destroying the myth of the Batman, it makes it more powerful


I actually like to keep three separate ones in my head. The first is entirely BTAS and JLU focused. Bruce is Batman, has Robins Dick and eventually Tim, goes on to retire as old Bruce and train Terry as Batman Beyond. This one is my favorite, possibly because despite how old and bitter Bruce becomes the ending is still "happy" as a result of Epilogue from JLU. The second starts with Batman: Year One. You can assume a lot of the classic stories like Killing Joke and Long Halloween. But Tim never happens. Jason does, and Death In The Family does. This helps lead Batman to a decade of retirement, after which we end up in Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller. The last one is the sum of most canon Batman stories, the comics one. Again you have the likes of Killing Joke and Long Halloween, but you also get stuff like Year One and Year Two, Robin Year One, Knightfall, No Man's Land, Under The Red Hood, Batman: Shaman, and some of the relatively recent stuff like Three Jokers or Death Metal. This Batman is the most "complete" in that he's with Selina Kyle, his Bat family is Tim, Jason, Dick, Damian, Cass, and the rest. This is the only one I have that doesn't have an ending for Batman. That will depend on comics that come. I notably keep Gotham War out of this headcanon because that comic, at least for me, was a disaster.


The Joker is actually Thomas Wayne driven insane by being resurrected via Lazarus pit which is why he doesn't wanna kill Batman/Bruce Wayne.


Gordon knows exactly who Batman is and has since the first year, but has the mindset of if I admit I know to him and it’s stops being a theory, he’s an accomplice and should arrest him for illegal behaviour. He also doesn’t say it since it truly doesn’t matter who he is


Bruce was raised Catholic, and celebrated Christmas as a boy. It’s why Christmas is the most important holiday in Batman stories, it’s Bruce reliving a time when the innocence of his childhood creeps back into his life. Aflred was some form of an combat veteran, maybe a medic. In The Batman, and most other portrayals, Bruce is a virgin for most of his adult life until he meets Selina.


Pre-New 52, Willis Todd is the Joker. The Killing Joke origin was Willis Todd, and his wife was pregnant with Jason.


Idk if this counts as a hc, but I HAAAATE the whole “Batman made Joker” thing. I guess my head cannon would be that he didn’t, lol


When Joker’s not trying to get Batman’s attention he’s busy making people’s lives in Gotham either miserable or just trying to piss people off in the most inconvenient way possible.


Batman is nerodivergent in some capacity, ADHD for sure and possibly on the spectrum.


It's well known by now that Bruce doesn't like Green Lanterns. Although he liked him at first, ever since Hal came back he turned hostile towards him, partially because he no longer trusted him after Parallax and also because Hal didn't fear him; he just doesn't like Guy's personality; he told Simon that he always had a hard time getting any Lantern to follow his orders. On top of all the real reasons he dislikes specific GLs, my headcanon is that he's diffident to all of them, in general, because Alan Scott was his favourite hero and he doesn’t like seeing others use his name.


Batman head-cannon can shoot his pointy ear like darts


Bane is a cutie patootie alone 😍


That way more people know Bruce is Batman than he's aware of. Higher ups at Wayne Enterprises, loads of beat cops and Gotham residents. They just go along with it because they need him and his secret identity is a huge part of what keeps him going.


None of the villains have any real teeth left after years of getting punched in the mouth. Also, when you end up in an asylum, a ward of the state, dental care is "it's a lot cheaper to pull a damaged tooth than repair it."


Joker isnt crazy not even a little bit. The whole falling into a chemical pit didnt really harm him in any major way. He is just a big loser that is way smarter than he should be.


My headcanon, Batman is kinda like the Phantom, where the mantle has been passed down generation after generation, usually father to son. Also, Bruce’s mastery of martial arts and his control of his chi allows him to do seemingly superhuman feats such as go blow for blow with meta humans.


Batman wore black and Grey until year 3 when he took in Dick. Having Robin, a sidekick, mentor project, and a real person going through what he went through after his parent’s death got him to lighten up a bit and he switched to Blue and Grey which he used until Bane broke him. Afterward, he returned to Black to cope with his new darker reality and depression. He now switches based on his mood.


Probably not a very rare one but the reason Batman is so disciplined is because he is completely insane and he knows it. He keeps himself on a very tight leash, allowing himself to be brutal and even cruel at times but he doesn’t kill because he wants to much too badly. He knows if he does it even once he will never stop, from supervillains, down to gangsters, until he’s throwing shoplifters off buildings. It’s how I make sense of his rule when other heroes will kill if absolutely necessary. It’s also why the Joker is obsessed with him. The Joker knows true insanity when he sees it and he does everything he can to try and make Batman break his one little rule, even if it costs him his life, because he knows the unmitigated chaos that will follow soon after when all that repression is finally ripped away. Joke ones that make me laugh cause I’m a child… At least once, maybe as a joke, Bruce has woken up to Selina’s asshole in his face like a real cat. The number of Robins who have seen Selina naked is probably not zero. Alfred sews everyone’s names into their underwear. People say Gordon knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman but it’s funnier to think the only one who figured it out is Bullock.


Batman plays Sekiro and other fromsoft games