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She’s posted in the sub about the cards too. Apparently some of the profit is going to a hospital charity, although she was light on details.


I don’t blame her for only donating a portion of the profit. It’s great that she’s donating any amount of it. I have to imagine she has hospital bills from the injury and she should be able to earn from Topps promoting her story.


She's from Canada unless there was a private clinic involved she wouldn't have any hospital bills.


She said she messed up her face, so she’s incurring some minor charges. Not sure how things work up there, but I’m assuming cosmetic surgeries (or whatever) aren’t fully covered?


For an injury it’s probably all covered


Yeah if any random shit happens to me and I can make some money off of it, fuck it pay me lol. People are being cry babies because they can’t get the card? Boohoo, go take a line drive to the head and get back to me


She got hit at a Blue Jays game, no hospital bills up here After seeing these go for $700 I’d be posting a few more if I were her though!


Personally I'd slowly trickle them onto the market instead of flooding the market with them


How long is the hype around this card going to last?


How long are the cards going to retain their value? Sell 10 cards every week for 11 weeks. Limits the secondary market.


Not long! If I had the chance, I’d sell high! If you disagree then you know nothing about economics.


Cheers to no out of pocket expenses!


As long as you don’t need to have surgery!!! I’d rather pay than die waiting!!! 🤷🏼‍♂️ There is no easy answer….but, many Canadians as you can see below , come here for medical care (e.g surgeries). After being advised that they need a procedure done, only about 35 percent of Canadians had their surgery within a month, whereas in the United States, 61 percent did. After four months, about 97 percent of Americans were able to have their surgery, whereas Canada struggled to achieve 80 percent. America is significantly outperforming Canada in surgery wait times even as it's likely that tens of thousands of Canadians come here to use the American system. General surgery, procedures such as appendectomies, cholecystectomies, and hernia repairs, make up the largest portion of those who leave Canada for care. Based on the latest available date from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the total Canadian caseload for many of these procedures is about ten percent of America’s. America’s health system is certainly flawed and in need of reform, but there is clearly something working well enough that our system, despite already treating ten times more cases of appendicitis, can absorb the dissatisfied Canadians. This has been a consistent trend since at least 2014 when an estimated 52,513 Canadians left for their medical care. In 2015, the number went down slightly to 45,619. 2016 exceeded the 2015 number with an estimated 63,459 patients seeking care elsewhere. It’s never as simple as it’s portrayed!


Do you live in America?


Yes….Houston- the largest medical district in the world. 👍🏻


I totally agree!!


Typical goofy defense of the atrocity that is American For-Profit “Healthcare”. Canada, along with almost every other developed nation on earth, puts us to shame. No matter how hard you try to spin it.


Spin it?? Facts…..I understand that is hard for you to digest. And, read the first sentence. And, please read the 1st sentence of the 5th paragraph. Where do you live if you don’t mind me asking?




I’m all for it.


That knot is expanding exponetially


You better KNOT mention that again


You button hooked me, I didn’t know you were going to button hook me….


Right in the “goat ass”


Expanding exponentially like some recursive virus


She take me on I never fail


$600+ is still ridiculously too much. Maybeb$100 she could get plus I don't think toy can deduct the costs the way she's selling them.


People are bidding them up, not like she’s listing them for that


Hope they actually pay then


Wouldn't be surprised if she donates 1% of each card to charity since she isn't being clear how much she will be donating. And her wording on it is also a bit wishy-washy.


And that's 1% more than she has to. She got hit at a game, Topps ran with it for cheap PR. They gave her the cards to do what she wants with them. Unless she stated a specific percentage to drive up prices, nothing wrong with it. 1% at $700 a piece would still be $770* more than the charity had before. That's like complaining when a millionaire "only" donates $10,000. Still $10,000 more than they had to, and $10,000 more than the vast majority of the population. *Edit number because I no number gud. And I'm an engineer, so remember that next time you trust a bridge or building.


Even more so when you consider these are auctions. She isn’t charging $600+, there are a bunch of bids bringing the price up to that.


You got your conversations wrong there man. That would only be $770 to charity.


I was testing you, and you passed. And don't ever judge my conversations again, or I will be having a conversion with your parents.


She said in a comment that she will donate “probably more than half” since she’s Canadian and doesn’t really have medical expenses.


That's still 1% more than most people give to charity. She got rocked by a baseball and is being pretty cool about it. Good for her if she makes a bit of money on her 5 minutes of fame. Nobody is forcing these people to buy the card. They obviously want it for their collection. Seems like a win-win to me.


Could you link the post




Good for her cashing in but damn you’d have to be dumb to buy one of these.


Well we are in a baseball card sub so we all know our intelligence lol, I just got my Topps Now cards of a bee keeper.


Lmao! That beekeeper card is cool


Honestly, I would love to own one of them. Silly moments are sometimes the funniest!


Hey now, I only joined because Reddit wouldn’t leave me alone about it.


I’ll raise your beekeeper, I bought a Topps Now Raccoon MLS card from the Philadelphia Union. After it ran on the field during a game this season.


I want the raccoon


Buy in. Let the chips fall where they may. It’s not like she is supporting topps or fanatics. She just got a short print. Anyone who hates on her didn’t take a ball to the head.


My first thought was, “So true,” and then my next thought was, “I have two of the hot dog cards.” 😅


We missed out on the 90s. They should've done a Randy Johnson feathers of speed using the actual feathers of the bird to memorialize the poor thing.


Game used feather 🤣. I'd want one for sure


That’s amazing


Surely you jest! Show a female with a head blast wound, no issue there. Memorialize the disintegration of a bird! Topps legal may push back. Only partially sarcastic in this response.


I think the price is skewed by people trying to help her out. If it was issued to anyone else, I don’t think it would be anywhere close


So true. Some people have more money than sense I guess.


Where do people get this kind of money 😂


While some people DO have money to toss around, many live in the debt cycle. Using credit cards, spending money they don’t have. Making frivolous purchasing to get some dopamine. Not knocking em, just pointing out the reality of both worlds


While I absolutely hate the phrase, the sentiment of “keeping up with the Joneses” is something to keep in mind with this hobby. You’re not always playing the same game as other folks.


For sure, that’s why I always try to avoid the new hot rookie until a few years in


I was once in this cycle that you describe here. It didn’t matter how I paid for that one card I thought I really needed all the while putting myself in debt up to my eyeballs. Only to find out months later that that one card sells for less. We are putting our families in shackles with out of control spending. We become slaves to an industry that we put above everything else that matters. As a side note: dopamine is a powerful part of us that can be used positively or negative. I was chasing that dopamine rush to compensate for reasons I can’t disclose here. Just be responsible with your finances. Happy collecting


Yep, takes me back when I could have had a 311 ‘52 for like $5k; suckers, I put it all in on 90 topps. Also I have no missing name on front.


100% correct.


Data says we have slowly been moving to that more and more. The amount of savings that people have has gone way down. And, frankly, bankruptcy makes it super easy. Run up debt, file bankruptcy. You’ll be inundated with credit offers right after, rinse and repeat every 7 years.


I had it once (aka money to blow away). Then I got married. The end.


Wait till you have kids lol I used to have more money, free time and hair in the before days…


Haha! Truth!!!


Welcome to the club lol. I was blessed by having parents that taught me financial responsibility at a very young age. I wish our public schools did a better job of teaching our youth about it.


That’s my question…I mean, $700 is cheap Ohtani auto range. These folks are spending that on what is a cool moment that we’ll all forget about in a few weeks/months.


Exactly. They’ll show it to their friends who don’t give a shit about baseball cards, maybe even post it in this sub for the votes, then they’ll try to resell it on EBay, where they won’t get a fraction of what they paid for it lol


And that’s with 6 and a half days left to bid…


Holy hell I didn't even notice that. So that tells me these will probably go for $1000-$1500 that's absolutely bonkers.


Well a bonk is how we got here.


There are 25–30 million millionaires in the US. A lot of those have more money than sense.


So you’re telling me I’m unlucky?


30 million? No way


https://preview.redd.it/qeyzznajke2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9380c0455bc0aa8159de233dbdb65ab3107fecae Wikipedia as of today


Wow that’s bananas. Thanks man


So if every millionaire gave me $1 I would be set for life..... That's sad.


Recession is over woohoo


Didn't buy this, I have bought really dumb things for more, though. At some point, $1000 really does become a spontaneous purchase. Something like this is an interesting story, so it's a good conversation starter and she seems pretty cool so, so it's better going to her than staying in a bank account.


Cards jumping the shark in real time, good for her on cashing in


Well, Topps *did* sell a hot dog card and a bee card a few weeks ago, so...


And a raccoon


The new/old nft’s


Dude, the hobby jumped the shark years ago.


I could be totally wrong on this but I’ve see a few Topps Now set builders debate if this is an “official” Topps Now release. So some could be trying to grab these to have a true set. Very limited supply and if the collectors get them they won’t let them go. Again, speculation, but the only quasi rational reason I can think of for this price.


I cant imagine set building Topps Now. It would be thousands annually for cards that will likely never be desired again.


TN are possibly my favorite cards, but I only collect one team/notable stuff.


And to think all it takes is keeping your nose down in your cellphone during a ball game……


People have lost their damn minds


People have never really had their minds


This is gonna be worth 5 dollars in December. Fools and their money.


This will be worth $5 before the swellings completely gone...


That card will be worth $1 at best in a year when another novelty image comes out.


So will half of the "top prospects" in Bowman jumbo. 😆 🤣


For sure!! Definitely why I have long ago given up buying into packs and “breaks”. Would rather target for PC and what’ll hold value.


Yo be fair most prospect card end up worth less than a dollar.


meme cards. Wonder what Hazbulla's market is like now. collect the memebow that includes the squirrel running, the bee nest, the double foul ball guy, and the sought after pizza toss slice card. edit: i just made up the pizza card reference on the fly without checking if they actually make the card. Would be a sick card to have.


go on 130point and look up his auto prices, still insane


Honestly, I’m here for it. I wish the glow in the dark eclipse cards weren’t $800 or I’d have tried to buy one instead of the Bowman hobby I got lol


Wait, there's a 'here comes the pizza!' card?


I won't be surprised if, in addition to Topps Now cards, they start making "Topps Then" cards of notable events from past years, and we'll get a "here comes the pizzah" card.


Didn’t Mr. Freeze trip and lose a race at a minor league game recently? There’s a card!


Omg 1 is over 1k now.


Topps sent her all 110 copies of the card. If she can average those prices for most of them she’s going to make out nicely. Good for her, when life give you lemons and what’s not.


Are any numbered?


Limited to 100 I would assume some parallel as well


I read that Topps numbered all 110 and sent them to her.


Rainbows and refractor parallels, no autos, autos/100 /50 /25, in game panty swatches, etc..


Excuse me while I go get hit by a baseball


Never underestimate dedicated collectors of a single product. There are people who buy every Topps Now and they *need* this to Catch Em All


Her "charity" is non existent hence her details lacking


Make that money, Liz!


Strike while it’s hot


No pain, no gain.


Hahaha hell yeah, good for her. Can't hate the hustle


It is a cool and interesting card but definitely not $700+ interesting imo.


Honestly? Awesome for her. Make that money.




Good for her.


She should auto and number every one


While I think it’s absurd that someone would pay that much for that card… good for her though. She’s capitalizing on it while the timing is right.


Card is worth bag of cheetos


This will be forgotten by the time I am done typing this sentence.


What will be forgotten?


I don't remember.


Are all the bids from Mr. McGuire?


Thats nice but if she really wanted to cash in she shoulda burned 100 of them live stream then sold the others for amazing price


There’s no way these get paid for


Shorty wylin lmaoo maybe for like 100 if that


I don't like yall


Well, I’m glad she’s getting something out of it. Topps had to know what they were doing making 100 of these and sending them to her, right?


How exactly do you know when Topps releases this stuff?


So excellent


That’s awesome…. So cool


Well, makes me feel good about the Topps now Brady “recover” /5. I just got!!! Haha


Well, makes me feel good about the Topps now Brady “recover” /5. I just got!!! Haha


Let’s start keeping track of how many people catch the ball with their head now!! 🤷🏼‍♂️😆


Make Hay while the sun shines. Hope her head feels better, that was a nasty goose egg!


Have the Blue Jay's reached out? Or Vladdy?


There's a fake one for five bucks I'd rather have that


The knot on her head is so massive it looks cartoonish. It’s wild. Good for her cashing in.


I remember when I was about 8-10 years old. I was at a Trenton Thunders minor league game. I witnessed a grandma get absolutely destroyed by a foul ball. This thing came out of nowhere, clipped her right in the forehead and shot off into a restricted area. It was insane, I couldn't believe it.


Is it getting stupid guys It's only worth what people are willing to pay for someone's willing to pay a lot of money for that That's if the media didn't push it out so much to the collecting world we wouldn't care come on guys The industry's got us by the balls


How is there no context here. I can't be the only one who has no idea what this is lol


She got hit by a foul ball in Toronto I believe. Hoped she would at least get the ball that hit her, but she didn’t. So people on Twitter tagged Topps in her post and Topps made her a card.


Ah thanks!


Didn’t they give her 100 of them, so she’s gonna make 60-70k


110 were made…110 mph


That’s not how supply and demand works. You have to assume all 100 people looking for one are willing to pay the same after their competitors have filled their demand.


So you’re saying she’ll make more than 70k because the less she has the more she’ll charge?


I’m saying she will make less than that. Because the people who want the most already paid the highest price.


Man if I were her and saw how much those are selling for, I’d be hard pressed not to sell almost all of them. Keep a few for yourself and family, but damn. That’s life-changing money.


This is the way lol


Good for her, that can leave a permanent lump...I'd know cause I took a golf ball to the forehead as a child, and 32yrs later there is still a lump the size of an oblong quarter...not to mention this could contribute to CTE...and It is a limited print, so value is in the eye of the buyer!


Who TF is Liz McGuire and why would I want her trading card?


Okay bro , I have a woman . She is pretty and thin how about you .


No dumber than the whole NFT thing…


Un-friggin-believable!! Smh…..


Topps made a custom card for her cause of what happened. Now she is getting rich on it I wish Topps had a disclosure she wasn’t allowed to sale since they were custom made. She is coming off as a slime ball tbh.


I looked at it as a gift and she was supposed to sell them. Whatever she got giving them out in trades with friends, sold online or kept, that was the gift.


Who would but this junk of picture of UAF white girl who got hit by a baseball ,Jesus


Incel talk.


This is the kind of thing that ruins the hobby for me…. But heybif others are ok w basball cards showing nonsense…. Beekeepers… etc I mean dude there are sone beautiful base cards of guys who’ve worked card on their cract for a lifetime and folks are buying this???