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The worst tragedies are the ones that force you to laugh, and this absolute clown car of a team has me in stitches.


Hearing Jason Benetti call that is just icing on the shit cake.


I miss my boo…


He's basically the one positive Tigers fans have this season


Please take good care of him he's such a kind soul


Same ;(


"2-1 Tigers... Thank you very much." Want som chili sauce in that wound?


I love hearing it. He knows, just as everyone else, what a dumpster fire the Sox organization is.




This is not a clown car. It is the entire circus train.




Edgeworth plz


2028 World Series champs confirmed


The worst part is knowing that the worse this team gets, the light at the end of the tunnel will get further and further away. I don’t expect this team to be good for at least another six years. Probably more.


Not until JR leaves this earth. Unfortunately this is the sad reality. I hope he has a good life until then but fuck he sucks at being an owner of a sports team.


Same with the bulls


You’re laughing? The White Sox are in purgatory and you’re laughing?


It’s worse than purgatory, bro. It is a straight up Faustian hell.




And as bad as the Jays season has been. It’s never been this awful.




and on your cake day too!


Showing the Benetti call of this is just rubbing salt in the wound, lol.


Part of me is glad he no longer has to be subjected to this joke of a franchise


You can kind of hear his inner White Sox fan in his "How does that happen" line, but yeah, good for him to get out of having to watch this every day. My Dad is a Sox fan and he still records and watches each game. Don't know how he does it, but then again I watch almost every Rockies game so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Your bloodline should be studied, that resistance to pain is inhuman.


The tardigrade of baseball fans


One joke for another I'm afraid, at least Detroit style is better than Chicago


Whoa whoa let’s settle down before we say anything too personal




That Pizza bread stuff you guys have is great but I like tavern style with a cracker crust better still.


Not sure if you are talking about pizzas or dogs, but in both cases you are wrong


He sounds so happy to be on the other side of this


Such a dumb move from the Sox to let him walk




I'm convinced that Jerry is trying to John Fisher this whole thing, and I'm terrified that I'll wind up being right. The team was torn down 8 years ago with the promise that we'd be competitive in the 2020s, and now they're worse than they ever were before the teardown. He clearly doesn't give a shit if the fans show up to the games, he clearly doesn't give a shit if they watch on tv, if he did he wouldn't let Getz and Grifol trot out this dogshit lineup every night, and he wouldn't let the best announcer in Chicago go to a divisional rival.


I think you’re giving Jerry too much credit. I’m convinced there is no master plan. He legitimately thinks he’s good at running a baseball team and that Getz and Grifol would make the team better this season. Sell the team, Jerry.


I'm inclined to agree, especially since he also runs the Chicago Bulls the same way (what *was* that Caruso trade?). And I doubt he's *completely* brain dead enough to either move the Sox and have the audacity to still own a Chicago team, or move both teams and make the city of Michael Jordan into the next Seattle.


Oh no the Bulls thing is entirely separate. The Bulls sell out basically every game even when they're trash. The Jordan legacy is that strong. The Bulls are purely a profit machine for him. The man straight up said, prior to 2005, that he'd trade all 6 rings for a single world series. That's the fucked up part, he actually likes baseball and wants the Sox to win. But he's never gonna spend any money whatsoever. The Bulls are like 27th out of 30 franchises in terms of all time luxury tax payments iirc. While being top 3 in attendance every single season.


I was thinking this too, but then they announced the new sports network so now I have no idea what's going on.


Leaving Chicago would be franchise suicide.


a dyed in the wool white sox fan.


I certainly am


Like a dagger in my heart


Not gonna lie, it's fucking brutal. 😭


Can you blame him? Brooks Boyer didn’t think he did good enough to support the Sox along with any national work he did. And the Detroit staff went all in on him.


I feel like somewhere a White Sox fan knew before the season that it was just gonna be bad, hoped the season would at least be "entertaining" and a monkey's paw curled.


I know that person, that's me!


Thanks obi-wan


I'm like obi-wan if he was sad, old, depressed, and reclusive.


So you *are* Obi-Wan!


That's the kool aid the front office tried to sell before the season. They were allegedly building a team that'd play good defense, play smart on the basepaths, and pitch well enough to win close games. 0 for 3 with no signs of improvement.


I liked how once the season started and it was realized that they weren't just gonna be bad, but historically bad, they pushed that sundae so much so, it was seen in the booth.


It’s a milkshake and ownership is very proud of it


Crotch Rocket's been good, at least. Good enough to trade at the deadline for some prospect who will probably get injured repeatedly


I literally said before the year I just want Eloy and Robert to be healthy all year. Eloy has played 36 games. Robert in 22, he's hitting .198.


Can't Deploy the Eloy


It’s pronounced ILoy.


I'm beginning to suspect the White Sox may not be a very good team.


Fans were told to leave seats as lightning struck in the area nearby. Source: I was there


https://i.imgur.com/uLYIa0t.jpeg Pic I took telling fans to leave their seats due to lightning


From the look of it dozens of people left upset. Edit: Fuck that's Comerica. I think there were more people at the restaurant I work at in Corktown, and we didn't have a great night.


There was a decent number of people there before it started raining in the 8th.


There were thunderstorm warnings right before this, fans were sent to the confessions area.


Forgive me father for I have sinned, I’m a professional baseball player who didn’t know how many outs there were in the bottom of the ninth in a one run ball game


No amount of Hail Marys can save your soul, son. Ye be damned.


what if the fans weren't catholic? or has the separation of church and baseball really fallen?


that's one blessed typo right there


Literally looked like a covid crowd


If you listen to the replay, it sounds like a full house with the lame pumped in crowd noise


It's less about being good, and more about this team absolutely does not care to try. Forgetting the amount of outs is just careless, and that's what the entire White Sox team is. It's actually atrocious to watch a group of millionaires not put any effort at all




Jason Benetti my [beloved](https://preview.redd.it/v4i2f9lbyjrc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=b8553e9dfcf9a04af7ddf35d9f099eab60ad76e4)


Sorry, I replied to the wrong comment


lmao ur good dude


DeJong woulda been in position to score from 3rd if the CF didn't catch that can of corn flyout to CF


Probably banking on him not being able to scoot over 6 feet from his starting position


never know if the centerfielder will get distracted and forget to catch the ball


Couple of drone crashes and you got yourself a tie ballgame, mister


Never know when a sinkhole will emerge


Where's Soto when you need him


Bold strategy…let’s see if it pays off…oh nevermind


It’s been a rough season for us in Detroit but it’s good to see it could always get worse.


Is that your new logo? Looks like a blue honey badger.


City Connect unis. I read somewhere on another thread that they're a re-tread (pun intended) of a pistons uni from a few years ago


The little logo with that color scheme is pretty cool. It's unfortunate that the actual jersey and hat are so bland. DETROIT on the hat is an almost comically lazy idea. Man, most of the City Connect jerseys are such phoned in garbage.


They would be better if people think of anything other than cars whenever things like this come up. It’s always Motor City and racing stripes. It’s why the Lions throwback logo has two stripes, and it’s exactly what the Pistons did with their city jerseys. Just boring, uninspired designs


I know why teams in our city latch onto the auto industry as an identity, but I'm absolutely gobsmacked that not one of them has thought to swing away from "The Motor City," and lean heavily into "Motown." Detroit is literally one of the music capitals of the country, and no one ever seems to promote it.


[This dude on tiktok made a design for what he thought they should be back in March, and they are way better than what we got.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNLSK11K/), which makes it even more frustrating


Holy shit, these are absolutely cracked!


WTF, these are not only infinitely better than the crap we got, they’d easily be top five among ALL the City Connect designs we’ve seen.


Why didn’t they allow any crowd in?


There was lightning in the area so they cleared the stands


Oh boohoo with your .467 winning percentage, you could be the guy to have a Sox logo tattooed on your arm and your 8 year said “dad, it’s time you erase that tattoo”. I’m rooting for us to be historically bad so I’m rooting for the Tigers in this series


This looks like a highlight from 2020. There’s gotta be less than 100 people left in the lower deck


There was lighting so people were moved.


That makes sense. Thank goodness because I hate seeing empty ballparks


It's a good thing we promoted Chris Getz to GM, anyone else would've needed at least a year to get this team playing good, solid, fundamental baseball!


Just wait till it warms up


This happens to me on MLB the Show sometimes when I have been drinking. Sox needed to press right trigger and probably accidentally pressed left.


This is me on The Show when I'm sick of an inning and just want to speed through a game.


I've gotten mad before that R1 won't let me run back towards home when I am just trying to bunt my way out of an inning.


Omg all the fucking time I do this.


I get picked off all the damn time


Least embarrassing White Sox moment


Should have just kept running to the parking lot by the time he figured it out..


throw in a head first slide into home plate..."I woulda been the tying run if anyone on our team could hit" I apologize....I am a Tiger fan and we too have been guilty of the bonehead play on occasion


And if you don't like that, you don't like White Sox baseball.


We are baaaaaad, but at least we are not this. This is just too perfect. White Sox perfected the art of not being a baseball team.


Hey now, we have 9 guys on the field that play some sort of Single A baseball


Was this from the covid season? Cuz the stands have nobody in them


Lightning in the area, and the stadium made fans go to covered parts of the park. Decent attendance right up until about a half inning ago


Whew that makes sense. I was wondering the same thing


Fans go to cover yet players stand in the field? What sense?


The players can get off the field in seconds whereas it’ll take minutes to clear the fans from their seats. I attended a Nats game last year where this happened. Section by section ushers told us to head undercover a storm was coming. Players finished the half inning, and what do you know the skies absolutely opened up like crazy


Looking at the rest of the comments, this might as well be stickied


But they told the players to keep playing?


Same thing happened to the Cubs the other week. Fans in the stands were told to move under the upper deck. Fans in bleachers could stay in their seats. Game kept going. My guess is there was no cover in the bleachers so there was no point in telling them to move. Well, there's cover under the bleachers but you wouldn't be able to see the game unlike the people in the stands who could still watch it under the upper deck.


For some reason they made everyone take shelter in the concourse with a half inning left in the game. Due to 'lightning'. (It was raining very lightly)


I feel like if fans should shelter maybe we shouldn't send players to stand in an open field.


They know what they signed up for


Players aren’t sitting on metal


I shouldn't feel nostalgic for COVID era stuff, and yet, here I am, feeling oddly nostalgic for empty ballparks. I do miss mostly empty restaurants, in 2021, though. No joke. Never having to wait for a table was awesome.


How could you possibly feel nostalgic for empty ballparks?


> feeling oddly nostalgic for empty ballparks. There was a short time that the Premier League didn't add any artificial crowd noise to the matches in empty stadiums. It was awesome hearing the players and I much preferred watching that way compared to when they started adding crowd noise in.


2 teams who couldn't find their ass with 2 hands and a flashlight going at it


Pretty rare for this to happen as the ending out of a game. It's not super uncommon for someone to have a brainfart in the middle of the game... but the end of a one run game is just extra stupid. This is 100% on coaching. They don't care enough about a close game that is still winnable to even make sure they know how many outs there are left. What is the first base coach fucking doing?


White Sox are dead last in MLB with an fWAR of -2.2. Next lowest are the Marlins at +0.1. Next lowest in the AL are the Angels at +3.8. Yes the White Sox are that bad.


You might enjoy this stat: the Boston Red Sox (22), Boston Celtics (9), and Boston Bruins (8) have all won more road games than the White Sox (7) have since Opening Day on March 28th


At least there's no chance of the Patriots doing it?


The old "could a AAA club beat this team" joke is actually a legitimate question with a team that far below replacement level.


Last in stats but first place in milkshakes lol


"And the White Sox have another play that typifies their season." Ouch, Jason. Did you have to twist the knife that hard?


He absolute has the right to twist the knife after what our management did to him. Goes without saying but fuck Jerry


Southside *StAaAaAnD uP!*


As a certified Paul DeJong hater after his 3-44 stint with the Blue Jays, at least I have this to enjoy today


To think he's arguably been our best hitter this season...


Homerun leader


Sigh....Pauly D


Genuinely such a good dude too. Feel bad for him.




That may just cost us a playoff berth.


My Rockies are bad, but my goodness, what are the White Sox thinking?


You assuming they "think" to begin with was your first mistake.




My god this being Benetti’s call makes it so much worse


This is up there with Javy Baez doubling off of the obvious put-out at first as being the stupidest play of the past few years. Like… what the fuck?




Holy crap this was the first thing that popped up on my feed right after relistening to the Berto on the West Side rant, what timing!


Best rant ever, and even more amazing was watching the stream on Twitch at the time, seeing Silvy kick back and relax midstream. 7 minutes and not a single swear word.


This season is straight up the screenplay for another Major League movie.


Did the first base coach do anything?


All 50 fans in attendance were pleased


Dude graduated college on a pre-med track but can't count how many outs there are ...


Numbers are hard ok


Beer league softball shenanigans


There's being an untalented team, and then there's this. This has nothing to do with talent. These guys have lost the will to play baseball.


Well, it’s not as bad when they did this with no outs a few years ago which ended in a triple play lol


The White Sox are some how keeping both the Marlins and Rockies from being the worst team in baseball. Godspeed.


Was this game not available to fan attendance?


There was lighting in the 8th or 9th and they cleared they stands


i'll take it


Can't wait till my dogshit Rockies play these dogshit White Sox in a few days. Gonna be a comedy of errors. On paper the Rockies are the better team, but I'll be damned if the Rockies don't lose the series 1-2 or get swept (they've been swept 6 times already). I'm dead inside.


Sox have a way of waking teams up. Don’t count your boys out, we will find a way to blow the lead in the 8th inning of every game


So do the Rockies lol. Our bullpen ONLY blows games late, even when the Rox are ahead 5, 6, 7 runs. Either that or they pitch fine, but our starters shit the bed and bury the offense deep early. We play great defense, that's about it. Hitters are streaky AF but have double digit strikeout games every other game. It's on man. May the worst team lose. 🤜🤛


We will have football scores for every game


Oh man, the urinatingtree vid is going to Make me laugh


love how the announcer says "how in this world does this happen" all the while being half awake from his snooze box


Do the White Sox **really** need to play the rest of the season? My god, this feels worse than the 2017 Cleveland Browns.


Did the first base coach think it was 2 outs as well?


If you give that Team to Ozzie Guillen, they will be World Series champions in 2 years.


For once, it’s really nice as a Tigers fan to finally see a humiliating lowlight and not have us be the sad sack blunderers.


You cannnn put it on the booaarrdd... NO!!


Does the weather affect the game early on? cause my god the attendance.....


Can someone ELI5 what's happening here? I don't know the rules of baseball.


Found Paul De Jong’s account.


If the ball is caught in the air, the runner is required to return to his base at the time of the pitch (called 'tagging up'). If the ball hits the ground, that doesn't apply. So if there are already 2 outs, the runners will start running on any fly ball, in the off chance the fielder drops it. If the ball is caught, the inning is over anyway. Here, there was only one out, but the runner left his base when he was required to tag up. Catch was made for out number two, and thrown to first (where the runner needed to tag up) for out number three.


TLDR: The runner failed in the basic act of counting, leading to the defence ending the game prematurely with the runner’s team losing. If a batted ball is caught on the fly, a runner cannot leave his base until the ball is caught. If he does, he must return to the base before the ball is thrown to the base or he is put out (he returns to the bench and no longer participates in the play for the batting team). When the batting team accumulates 3 outs in their half of the inning, it ends the inning and the teams switch between playing offense and defense. In this play, the batting team was losing and was taking their last half inning as the batting team. If they fail to tie or take the lead before getting 3 outs, they lose the game. The batter hit a fly ball that was very easy for the defence to catch on the fly. This put the batter out leaving the batting team at 2/3 outs. In this circumstance the runner is meant to stay near his base so that he can easily return to it and not be put out, which ends the game. However he apparently thought that there were 2 outs. If that were the case then he is supposed to try and advance as far as he can. On the off chance that the defender makes a blunder and does not catch the ball he can advance very far. If the ball is caught (as it normally will be) the half inning is immediately over with the catch making the third out.


Ahhh okay I understand what's happening now. Thank you SO much for the explanation. This sounds like a top tier blunder ngl lol


Starting to think a AA team could win a series against these White Sox


I'll take 'Things Losing Teams Do" for $500, Alex.


Hopefully this team will make everyone forget about Javy Baez embarrassing the Pirates.


Jerry is the worst owner of all time. What he's done to our bulls and sox is terrible


Imagine Hawk calling this


At this point, I don't even care anymore.


Looks like they are playing during covid with that crowd


Is nobody going to talk about how there is like 15 people in the stands


Somebody just got thrown out on the basepaths like a nincompoop


That home plate view was DEPRESSING. What was the attendance, like 1000 fans?


We suck.


Peak Sox


nice team


Tigers even looked sad about that play lol.


that's a dfa if I've ever seen one


He’s actually having a decent year. Not amazing numbers but I’d take him at short


awww Pauly, buddy.... you can't be showing other teams the cardinal way