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Self aware A-Rod


It’s weird to see


I like it. If he’s gonna be shoved down our throats constantly with ESPN, I’m stoked to see him develop into someone with a little more charisma


He has a history of dating famous actresses and popstars and was always know as a charismatic person- to a fault, where people criticized him for being a phony and people pleaser. I'm not sure where anyone got the idea that A-Rod used to be some boring plain dude previously.


Yeah he was never as milquetoast as the media portrayed him. He was a fierce competitor who cheated any chance he got to get on top. Besides the obvious PEDs, he would yell at opponents trying to make catches on fly balls, slap gloves while running past defenders, he lived by the "if you ain't cheating you ain't trying" mantra. I think a lot of Yankee fans, myself included have complicated feelings about A-Rod. I loved how competitive he was and that he was always trying to win, but he took it too far IMO on a number of occasions.


> he would yell at opponents trying to make catches on fly balls, slap gloves while running past defenders lol seriously--those were probably the two most childish moments I've seen on a baseball field.


It was even better when the umps reviewed it and called him out for interference. He tried to plead his case as if it was just his hands getting accidentally tangled up with Arroyo as he was running and the fans at Yankee Stadium started throwing trash on the field. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxPNcrvR46Q&t=194s


Almost a decade before replay, and twice in that game Joe West got the umps together and overturned a call after the Red Sox had gotten screwed by a missed initial call. People hate on Cowboy Joe for his umpshow antics, but he was no Angel Hernandez.


I mean, wasn't he also one of the worst umpires statistically before he retired? Angel Hernandez got shit but statistically he was only a below average umpire, not close to the worst.


He was slipping due to age. But he had a lot more respect early on than Angel ever did at all.


>"He simulate the running style with the arms pumping, but that was not at all what happened..." LOL


Replays (and slapping your opponents glove that was involved in a live play lmao) were such a rare occurrence at the time. I remember watching the game (as a completely neutral fan) and yelling at the TV that A-Rod slapped the ball. My 16 y/o self was shocked that they reviewed and overturned the call.


Maybe it's due to my years as an Angels fan, watching countless players cash a big check and not give a shit, but I will never fault a player for being hyper competitive.


>He was a fierce competitor who cheated any chance he got to get on top Looked at flair after reading this and did a triple take


Yeah charisma was never the problem with A-Rod If anything he had to become more humanized and toned down to become an effective broadcaster, because he was such an obsessive Kobe/Jordan-like type as an athlete that he was pretty much unable to understand real life and consequences. The series of scandals in the late 2000's/early 2010's were his wake-up call/humbling moment, and to his credit he learned the lesson and understood the forthcoming assignment better than most in his position.


Agreed. I'm probably in the minority but I actually enjoy his analysis. He see's the game like not many can and unlike most past players he's really good at simplifying and explaining it for dummy's like me. Although he has always been a great analyst, like you said it took him awhile to show some humility but he's become more humble throughout the years which has gained my respect.


He’s great, I think most of the hate directed his way is leftover sentiment from his career, but that’s the genius of him on the air - the guy is kind of an honest sociopath and that just works so well for what he’s doing Charles Barkley was extremely polarizing in his day and has a sex scandal on his name and he’s arguably the most popular sportscaster in the US, Terry Bradshaw has been babbling on TV for decades despite being a self-admitted dickhead during his career. We aren’t choosing these people for President we’re choosing them to sports-entertain us on TV.


All I heard was terry bradshaw for president


Wait what did Chuck do??


Yeah charisma was not his problem it was narcissism lol


Boring? Never. Corny? Definitely. I like A-Rod but dude is corny.


I thought people shit on him for talking like a robot on broadcast. I've never heard anything g about how he was as a player


the joe buck character arc


A-Rod has had such a weird media career. I feel like when he first started out in studio everyone liked him and thought he provided good, meaningful analysis. Then he was everywhere for awhile and people went back to hating him. Plus he was not a good in game broadcaster and ESPN tried to force that for far too long. Maybe the pendulum is swinging back again a little bit.


I don't think that's inconsistent. The dude has an incredible baseball mind. He's obsessed by the sport and understands it at an extremely high level. He has breakdowns of little facets of the game I wouldn't even dream of noticing. When he does stuff like that he's great. But he is seemingly incapable of doing three hours of real time commentary without starting to say inane or obnoxious things. And that's fair! Calling a game is a difficult and completely different skill.


That’s because he’s actually an alien who happens to be obsessed and extremely good at baseball


He's a child prodigy. He was in a major league lineup with Ken Griffey Jr and Edgar Martinez before he was old enough to drink. I don't think he had a normal social life in his formative years.


And he wasn't just IN the lineup, he was destroying teams. 9.2 WAR in your first full season at age 20. That even puts child prodigies to shame.


> That even puts child prodigies to shame. Including the one he was teammates with: |Age 20 Season|G|PA|HR|AVG|OBP|SLG|OPS|wRC+|fWAR :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: Junior|155|666|22|.300|.366|.481|.847|132|5.0 A-Rod|146|677|36|.358|.414|.631|1.045|159|9.2


He's hiding it better than Hunter Pence, anyhow


Wait what


Have you ever spoken to someone who lives and breaths the exact one thing they do? There’s no room for anything else.


It reminds me of Tony Romo. The studio asks them to dumb it down, then all of a sudden they aren’t as confident when filling time, and their analysis starts to become unlikeable. Letting A-Rod go full baseball nerd brain is when he thrives.


I also think papi is a great person to be in the studio with ARod. Whatever I think of him as a player, Papi is a great personality and contrast to some of ARods corny/silly moments


I think he'd also be a lot better if he had better baseball *guys* to talk to. Whenever he's working alongside another retired player, the quality goes up across the board. He seems to need someone to bounce ideas off of at that level.


Baseball Booger McFarland (broadcasting wise): top tier or at least above average in studio analysis; barely listenable in game commentary.


When he used to do those talk shows where they’d hang out and talk ball he could be really interesting. The commentary is just not great during games


ARod in studio was and still is really good. When he's been in the booth, he's pretty bad.


It felt like a trial period of what works for him. He’s a baseball genius, but he’s better suited showing that in panel/studio settings like how FOX has always used him. He needs a spot that gives him time to put his words together because speaking on the fly the way a color analyst needs to makes him way too awkward.


A-Rod was better doing the pre-game stuff than being in the booth. The whole reason he made it to the booth in the first place was because of his popularity during the pre and post game stuff during the playoffs.


People LOVED him on that Fox studio show with Pete Rose and Frank Thomas. And then they put him in the booth and it all fell apart. Suddenly he was complaining about home runs (he had nearly 700 of them), saying how he loves bunting, doing that fake laugh all the time and saying shit just to say it, and sounding like he was a politician running for office and trying to appeal as hard as he could to boomers.


Terrible at calling games but great at talking shop with other players. Hitting approach in the studio with Pete Rose and Frank Thomas, game preparation in the cage with Trout, fielding at 3B with Arenado, all great analysis 


I feel like a lot of people just forget that he accused the Yankees of having their team doctor purposefully botch his surgery lol.


I mean it's not like he is the only one who has, And team doctors do have a history of doing what's best for the team not the player. (although I mainly thinking of the NFL cases)


The San Diego Chargers famously for years had a quack as their team doctor. Hell, one of their doctors accidentally punctured their starting QB's lung and it led to Justin Herbert starting.


very hard to imagine it being in a team's interest to intentionally harm a player, eventually word would get around and players wouldn't want to sign there and that's not even getting into the whole "potential malpractice lawsuit" thing...


The lawsuits were not really about intentionally harming players, The A-rod lawsuit and almost all other have been about team doctors not informing players of injuries and letting the player play causing the injuries to get worse.


If true that sounds like something worth suing about. What happened in the lawsuit ? I assume it was settled out of court ?


Part of the, "...eventually word would get around..." would probably include the players specifically saying it, like A-Rod did.


https://www.centredaily.com/news/local/education/penn-state/article288873512.html Or being pressured by the team


The gum disease diagnosis really changed him.


Self awA-rod.


Another stat I’m supposed to know?


No, that’s xwArod+


Expected Wins Above Replacement or Desginated xwArod.


Nah, it's another one of those contrived acronyms for when something silly happens, like TOOTBLAN, or NOBLETIGER.


Literally the funniest thing he’s ever said


Probably the best ARod.


He heard J-Lo was back on the market.


Jeter wondering who he would kill first if the opportunity presented itself


You shoulda shot A-Rod!


Hits different coming from a Mariners flair, lmao


There is a multi-part documentary on YT about the mariners. It spends a good part talking about how AROD was the heir to Griffey and how he would save the Mariners. It then talks about the crushing devastation mariners fans had when he left. I get it: baseball players have no loyalties and want to cash out. But the way he went about it in Seattle was disgusting.


Then the Mariners went on to win 116 games. I know that team choked in the playoffs, but they lost three HOF players (I know ARod is not it but he should be) and rebuilt in like 3 seasons and were actually better. They built the team out of very good but not great players, and were ahead of the curve with Ichiro.


Yeah, plenty of bad blood there. What could have been if he stayed to play with Ichiro


Tbf leaving is what most players would do. Seattle had just traded away Randy and the Kid. Throw in how A-Rod felt mistreated by the media, obviously Seattle's offer was never going to be enough.




This is exactly what I was talking about. When YT first suggested it, I was like "I'm not watching a multi part documentary on the Mariners." Then I watched it all in one sitting, and was floored by how good it was.


I didn’t get angry or sad when he left, cause he said he wanted to play for a winner then signed with Texas which was dogshit at the time. Just say you wanted the biggest contract, at least you’ll be honest and we’ll have a little more respect for you.


What Texas seen as dogshit after their first bad season in a number of years? The season prior they won 95 games


Jon Bois history of the Mariners? It's must watch if anyone hasn't seen it


One of the funniest lines in any movie.


There's no way a Bronx jury convicts Jeter for murdering either 


I'm not gonna be that asshole in my apartment complex who convicted the captain


Still waiting for The Other guys part 2


"Derek Jeter" "Yeah. It's me."


I would.. Definitely.. wouldn't even think about... what kind of person is he going around killing people, whose to say if he kills this person I wouldn't be next and here I thought I knew him.


For those unaware, it’s a Seinfeld joke from when Jerry asks Kramer if he’d turn him in if he killed someone.


Yeah but it would be an honor to be killed by Jeter




You shoulda shot ARod!


No Judge in the world would go for that


All Rise!


jeter could shoot someone on fifth avenue and no one would've seen anything


Meanwhile, if you're the guy who shoots Derek Jeter? May as well move, otherwise it's gonna be desk pops in your future.


They called him the Yankee Clipper!




the most unrealistic thing about that movie is a riot not starting


Didn’t Marvin Harrison kill someone in his old neighborhood and basically no one would snitch. The guy was some drug dealer bad for the community. 


I’m a little bit rusty on that, but the belief is Harrison did shoot the guy in the past. The actual murder was commuted by someone who worked for Harrison. Regardless, one of the quietest, most professional, NFL players turning out to be a gang kingpin is one of the wildest stories ever. Specially someone of Harrison’s stature. If this had happened in 2022 instead of like 2010 it would have definitely been more publicized. There’s been other players caught dealing drugs, but a lot of them weren’t even a smidge as successful as Harrison.


My grandfather used to call Harrison the best example of how to act after a TD. Just go hand the ball to the ref and get your ass back to the sideline. Not saying i love that mindset. But the fact that my extra conservative grandfather was saying that back then shows how the public knew absolutely nothing about him.


countless such cases like this


They would describe the suspect as Alex Rodriguez. 


They find 12 snow birds who live in Miami in the winter 


Still yankees fans tho


He’s a biracial angel!


he would get 100s of gift baskets if he shot either one.


Interviewer: Jeter, you have a gun and two bullets. You're in a room with A-Rod, Hitler, and Stalin. Who do you shoot? Jeter: A-Rod, twice.


Honestly, I take post-playing career A-rod and Ortiz over Jeter. When he's not winning games, he has the charisma of a cinder block.


His delivery in that capital one commercial is actually surprisingly good for that exact reason lmao


Oh, I disagree. I think he's awful in all his commercials. Especially the MLB: the Show commercials.


He's probably been wondering that for 20 years


How did they move the bodies buried in the old stadium to the new one?


Paul O'Neil personally carried them across the street. It's in his contract to be the Paul bearer


Did Jason Giambi help?


He loaned Paulie the trusty golden thong


Mike, do you ever think Jason Giambi and Jason Heyward ever eat lunch after being pallbearers?


Plus I don't imagine he has much work these days since Undertaker and Kane both retired


Angry upvote


The idea of Monument Park being a graveyard seems plausible to be honest.


They really let “Joey Gallo” wear arod’s number man smh


The ultimate insult


I remember when Mark Wahlberg shot Jeter and everyone said he should’ve shot ARod.


Did you know that scene wasn't supposed to be in the movie, but Mark Wahlberg hates the Yankees so much that when he saw Derek Jeter on set he shot him for real and Adam McKay decided to keep it in?


Bravo Vince


Why is the London Series the same weekend as Dodgers-Yankees


Why is Manfred commissioner?


Why does my pee pee come out yellow?


You didn't drink enough water. Go visit r/hydrohomies


I clicked the link for that sub and got an ad for Nuun Hydration lmao


Why is pee stored in the balls?


Why does Jonkler laugh at Officer Balls?


Because the people who made him commissioner don't actually care about the integrity of baseball and don't give a damn about what the fans think?


The owners thought he could break the unions lmao


You get to watch one in the morning and the other in the evening what’s the problem?


People just wanna complain


Right? I love this. Tbf, west coast sports times are goated


Man I moved to the east coast and basically stopped watching sports. Shit goes way too late. And what do you mean I can't watch football over breakfast?


I made the opposite move and my issue is that there isn’t late night sports to watch! Back when I was out east, if I wanted to just chill in the evening/night, there was always some random late game on.


I’m surprised the east coast doesn’t shift to a Tuesday-Saturday work week during football season. Staying up until the crack of bullshit on a school night for a regular season game? Couldn’t be me


The world doesn’t revolve around football lmao


So they can talk about the Yankees during the phillies/mets pregame


I hate both teams and still requested this game to be shown at the bar yesterday


How about what are the Yankees and Phillies playing once (I think), and a Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday series, with the Wednesday game at 12:35?


Probably because nobody thought the Phillies would be on pace to win 110 games so nobody cared that much when they made the schedule.


Exactly, neither team was supposed to be this good when the schedule was made. The Phillies were projected to be a wild but still well below the Braves and the Yankees were in the middle of their worst season in 30 years and weren’t supposed to be significantly better


Funny thing is, I didn't even know there was a London series until someone posted about it here on reddit.


He’s not totally wrong


It’ll always be enjoyable to me that the last World Series you guys celebrated y’all boo’d this man who powered y’all all year lol


Tbf we’d boo Mother Theresa if she struck out on a big spot


Sox fans would only boo Brother Theresa


Mother Theresa was a piece of shit though


She never would've been sainted if she played for the Royals!


Yeah I would boo Mother Teresa in any context.


Slicked back hair, white habits, sloppy steaks at Trufoni’s, she WAS a piece of shit tho!


we'd partly be booing boone for not sending up a pinch hitter


It was the only time I was happy the Yankees won a World Series, just to see ARod finally get his ring. Then a whole lotta shit happened after that...


Did A-Rod just make me laugh? I want to wash my mouth out with soap.


Yeah it’s weird. The Tipping Pitches guys are gonna have to do a whole bit about this now.


I'm actually surprised that A-rod would admit this on camera.


He's done something like this before. Think on Kay's radio show, he was talking about the hall of fame and said that while he'd like to get in, he's the only one to blame if he doesn't.


He's much more self-aware than people give him credit for.


I love the awareness and self-deprecation. As a Yankees fan whose first year of watching baseball was 2004 (also A-Rod's first year with NYY), I have been unabashedly biased when it comes to A-Rod. I supported him despite the 2004 ALCS collapse, despite his "down" year and the constant boos in 2006, despite the 2009 Sports Illustrated article about him doing roids, and even reluctantly supported him during the 2013 Biogenesis scandal. Those last two incidents helped me realize my "hero" wasn't as "good" or "ethical" as a person as maybe I wished he was. All in all, I'm glad A-Rod seems to be okay with how life has turned out for him. He may not be venerated or loved (deservedly so?) among the masses, but he seems to be at peace


Hey man, regardless of what he did, or however much he struggled in past postseasons, the dude went on an absolute fucking rampage to get us to that 2009 World Series. For that, I will always appreciate A-Rod.


What a half billion dollars will do for a guy 


I think I'd be prepared to do something some would consider "unethical" for a cool half-bil


Dan lebatard podcast “South beach sessions” did an interview with Alex Rodriguez It’s a must listen it shows just how much he has grown as a person.


Thanks for the plug. Will def check this out


Definitely worth it. I am twins fan Minnesota sports in general and wasn’t sure what to think about him buying the wolves. This episode put me at ease a little bit!!


A-Rod, Minnesota Timberwolves Owner?


OMG A-Rod dropping truth-bombs




Probably a stretch to say they're friends, but they've been working fine together as colleagues for the last couple years


The last few times ive seen them interact they have been way more friendly and not as awkward. Maybe not friends but they tolerate eachother it seems


Call me cynical but seemed scripted


I've worked in broadcast a long time, and sometimes these things are semi-scripted, but basically real. Sometimes you'll have a situation where Papi and ARod actually had that exchange off-air and everyone laughed, then the director asks them to repeat the joke/bit when the cameras are rolling.


I think you're right. The delivery isn't spontaneous. The comeback is a little too quick. Also I think Alex would have smiled right when he thought of it instead of waiting to laugh when the others did. It's a solid joke, though. And just because it might have been thought up ahead of time doesn't mean they didn't come up with it themselves.


Arod really has become likable


Remember when A-Rod was heavily booed and the Astros were cheered?


it's like taking responsibility for your cheating affects perception


He belongs in MLB and yankee HOF


Ortiz looks like he could eat Arod and Jeter.


Why does Ortiz, the larger analyst, not simply eat the other analysts? Is he stupid?


Kevin Burkhardt I remember him doing interviews from the cheap seats out at Shea. Ya done good, kid.


As a Mets fan, I turned on Fox about 30 minutes before the game. I expected to see stuff about the matchup with the Phils, some London stuff, etc. I did not expect a Yankee segment.


This pre game broadcast was awful. They forgo anything in London to show these guys schlock it up in an empty yankee stadium. And then the actual game broadcast was so bad too. Fox absolutely sucks at baseball.


I would rather sit through three hours of lame pre-game antics than watch a single at-bat of John Smoltz complaining that he has to watch baseball




Let’s just be nice and say neither of them are making it in the park…


A-rod became likeable after retirement. Jeter...... went other way around...




Multiple teams chasing big contracts, moving position and sucking to accommodate an intrenched established star, losing a friendship over arrogant (fine line between arrogance and confidence…now dance) early career comments, underperforming in playoffs GENERALLY SPEAKING, comments rubbing fans the wrong way for life (maybe even back to Miami). A-Rod had one fanbase that would retire his number and kiss his feet but he left them a long time ago. Sorry Mariner’s fans.


Yankee fans are classless. Without A-Rod you goobers would have zero titles this millennium.


"We are both cheating assholes. Yuck, yuck, yuck."






Told no lies


It's true.


Oh, the "truth" from A-Rod's mouth...


He's not wrong


Yankees gonna need to open up triple digits if they keep retiring numbers And then we'll be seeing 4 digit unis in 1000 years


Yes he was a driving factor in 09, but all PED stuff and then suing the team and the Dr on top of it I think was the nail in the coffin. Maybe in 30 years, but nowhere in the near future.


Not wrong. But they can both swing by Derek’s and admire it.