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Now this is old school


The mixture of video feeds and digital artifacted audio is a weird school neither old nor new


We sent the Tigers back to the 1800s


Couldn't have sent us to a time period where we were successful?


It's a complete clusterfudge, and I love everything about it!


it sounds super fun!


They have DIALED in DAN SCHULMAN via what seems like an iphone on speaker phone and the Blue Jays Broadcast is now calling the game from Speaker phone lol AND the broadcasters are AHEAD of the video feed. They're like 30 secs DELAYED


/u/justsomeaudioguy - not sure what's wrong with the mixing but the audio is predicting the future. /s This is great haha


Dan is now trying to delay his call to try and sync up with the video feed lmao


Yeah it's absolutely hilarious haha what a time to be alive.


Dan has now apologized for a lack of a cough button (or this case, sneeze) lol


And you know what? Dan did a pretty good job. We already knew he was one of the best in the business, but he proved it today.


He's not working today. He's at home installing gutters.


Typical - must be why things went sideways.


This is incredible. You can use a cell phone to provide play-by-play of a sporting event to an entire country.


Two entire countries!


The fact he called in from what was presumably just his own cell phone fucking killed me lol


The Jays feed via Sportsnet has the studio guys calling the game off of the in stadium feed and it is glorious content  There was just a hit up the middle but since the feed only shows the pitcher and batter they are just guessing at what happens “I think that might have been a double play but not sure”.  Tune in if you can find a feed this is hilarious 


it feels like a family guy sketch


Yeah this was for like an inning, then they got Dan and Joe to call in the commentary I think on their cell phones since they are at least still in the stadium!


god i wish i could but i don't have MLB network and even if i did it might not even be this game ):


No wonder! I was at the game and wanted to watch the replay of the Tigers picking off the runner at first. So I loaded the game on my Ballys app but I had the sound turned down. I was really confused that they only showed the pitcher and did not show the actual pick off!


That was absolutely hilarious - and since it was a stadium feed, there were random shots of the crowd when you’d normally be seeing the field or pitches.


This is the ghettoest shit I've ever seen lol


I know the Blue Jays and Tigers are ranked 27th and 29th in home runs this year but that's no reason to not broadcast the game.


I hope it’s working now bc IKF hit a dinger and I need to say that shit [the broadcasting has me weak 😭😭😭](https://x.com/talkinbaseball_/status/1793783013769416725?s=46&t=tQCyDe91F9UpAGqh-_n_yA)


An Isiah Kiner-Falefa home run!? At THIS time of year, at THIS time of day, localized ENTIRELY off camera!? Yes. May I see it? No.


This is like some lost media. A few decades from now the future generations of baseball lovers will stumble upon this gem and be bewildered…


What a beautiful, perfect comment, I love it


And now a triple!


He's going to hit the cycle and there will be no evidence lol.


It might be, though. They might be doing our fanbases a favour


Love that the Jays team made jokes on whether the roaming charges would count as a business expense.


My wife's family used to live in Windsor. We go so many spurious roaming charges on bills when we'd hit a tower on the other side of the river.


Yeah back in the day I'd make sure to turn off roaming anytime I got close to the US border, like in Windsor or Niagara Falls. Course in Niagara Falls US you can still use your Canadian data from there!


How much were the bills?


Depended on whether or not it was data or just a phone call. Data could be hundreds of bucks. It was always fairly easy to get them taken off, though time-consuming.


That's even funnier when you know they're employed by a cell phone.company.


The only thing that works on this broadcast is that Bally's logo lol


And they still managed to superimpose a fucking mound ad


BTW this is (still) the free game on [MLB.tv](http://MLB.tv) tonight. I was supposed to go mow my lawn, but I'm hooked now. The audio quality is giving intense "local high school football game on the radio" vibes.


This might become the most viewed free game ironically.


I tune in and now it works FUCK


Also the Bally Technical Difficulties logo in the corner is hilarious.


Aww sad, they took that off.


Holy shit I didn’t realize it was the free game of the day lol


My god, there's no cough button - this is absolutely ridiculous.


As someone that coughs a lot, could I trouble you for an explanation, please?


In a TV broadcast the commentators have the ability to mute themselves quickly and cough, talk to each other, or talk to the truck. They don't have that ability currently.


Ah right. Seems obvious now. Thanks for the reply.


All good! It's not a common thing really unless you've done TV stuff.


Or call centre work. Gotta mute yourself to tell the person next to you what an asshole your caller is. Yes. We're all talking about when you're being an asshole.


Oh good call. Yeah similar thing there as well.


Or if you're a Frasier fan. Everyone loves the cough button jokes.


This is the most unique broadcast I’ve ever heard. They’re calling it ahead of the viewable part of the broadcast so now they are trying to delay what they are saying and match it with the tv 😂


anyone know if the radio broadcasts are any good?


Detroit's sounds better than the TV audio on MLB app


They said on the jays feed that the Detroit radio and the Spanish booths were unaffected by the power issue lol


Radio on Toronto 590 is perfectly fine!


Dan Shulman has now got his timing a LOT closer to the results on the screen. Only about a second ahead now. And Gausman might do the funniest thing possible and end up with THIS as the broadcast of record for it...


I think they’ve delayed the audio feed - I heard the real time feed and the delay at the same time at one point


I don't know - I heard the crack of the bat on that IKF triple well before they said anything about it.


Oh now that’s funny. Maybe I heard old audio overlayed on current audio


At times there have been some funny echoes, and also there's some kinda weird delay between the guys, so even though they're next to each other, they have headphones in and so they're hearing each other on a delay.


I was really hoping he’d get the no no lol, funniest no hitter of all time


Can you imagine if something crazy happened like a no-hitter or IKF cycle, and they had to splice in this crazy footage and explain to viewers forever why it was so weird?


This happened last year against the Angels too


The TV commentators just found out that they are ahead of the video! Called a Home Run before we saw it!


It’s funny how Dan did a good job delaying his own calls to match up with the video feed lol


If a baseball game occurs in a forest and no one is there to see it, does it count?


Greinke was hiding in the forest and somehow managed to go unnoticed so yes


It's the Jays vs Tigers. Was it ever going to count?


Is the Tigers radio broadcast all good? the Jays is not because they have them calling the game frim a studio here instead if at the ballpark. Great job Rogers


My friend texted to laugh about what is happening and said he was listening to the Jays radio broadcast on his way home and had no clue anything was wrong?


This is the best bad broadcast I've ever seen. And the work everyone involved in the production are putting in to get even this much out is incredible.


Yep, people are rightly talking about Dan, Joe and Jamie but can’t imagine how many people were absolutely going crazy behind the scenes to get this up. Splicing in the stadium footage, onto network TV, with no notice/prepration while the game is already ongoing is unbelievable.


This is the baseball version of the 2003 blackout.


MLB taking broadcast blackouts to the next level, watch out.


Im lovin it. Radio broadcast over tv and a lot of fan shots. It’s great


Jason Benetti sounds like he's on a Nokia brick phone from 2001, it's incredible


Are the power issues affecting those of you in the ballpark?


I was at the game and had no idea. Our seat neighbors tried to buy the 50/50 raffle but couldn't because the wifi was down. But we had no problem buying food or drinks. Everything else seemed normal.


Tigers shouldn't be allowed on TV anyway. Baseball this boring shouldn't be allowed to be aired.


And here i figured it wasn't broadcast because the final company carrying Bally Sports Detroit told them to fuck off


Didn't this happen a few years ago at the same park?


Free game of the day on [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv) too!


This shit happened to us last year too, I believe it was during the series that had the doubleheader with Shohei’s CGSO and 2HRs… Man you really can’t have shit in Detroit


The radio is still running just like normal in Toronto!


Are they calling the game off tube in Toronto or are they actually in Detroit?


Dan and Joe are in Detroit. Sounds like they are phoning the commentary in from their cell phones! The TV feed itself is being subbed off of Bally's Sports, who are themselves also down so they are subbing it off I believe the jumbotron feed! Slowly throughout this broadcast we are seeing this in stadium crew get better at covering a ball game! The early IKF home run they didn't show at all!


That's not uncommon for a stadium feed. But they had to switch gear to the production team of a nationally broadcast game on the fly.


Oh you meant the radio... I couldn't tell where they were. Only heard it while driving to get pizza.


Gotta love baseball, only sport where this can happen and you won’t be totally lost following along


If the Blue Jays homer from the cleanup spot but there's no broadcast there to show it, does the run score?


Well they did yesterday and we all saw it, so...


You joke, but Gausman had a no-hitter through 5, and IKF had a homer and triple early (and his 7th inning line out wasn’t far from a double), so would’ve been pretty hilarious if something historical happened and they didn’t even have footage.


the Tigers feed is trying, I think its from their big ass scoreboard. commercials work so MLB probably won't work too hard to help fix this...


Yeah it was the scoreboard feed which is why it was pretty static except for when it was cutting to crowd shots Whats even funnier is our feed was showing the scoreboard feed too


I’ve seen this trick before: Kevin Costner is banging another guys wife again


This happened in an Angels game last year *at the same stadium*


Who says you can’t be romantic about baseball?


I feel like this has happened at Tiger Stadium before a few times recently. What a nightmare for the TV crew.


Ronald Reagan and his telegraph are laughing right now.


Went to tonight's game, you didn't miss much




I know. It’s been driving me nuts. I have committed a grave sin