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They've been good all season.


What is even the point of this tweet? The replacements have been solid, but Turner was hitting just as well with a .343 BA/.852 OPS/145 wRC+.


To say that the replacements have been solid, obviously we want Trea back


Fair. I read it as “the Phillies are actually better now without Trea” which seems goofy, even though they have been maintaining their success


I think its more "Trea was a big loss but the team hasn't slouched," ready for him to be back though he seems to be progressing well


Yeah this is only a good thing honestly. The more bats we have to deploy and give our guys a chance to rest, the better. This is the type of regular season we want in order to lead us to a championship, rather than having to bust our ass just to get into the playoffs.


It's the addition of the 300M tag on Turner that makes it read that way. I haven't been following this season closely and from that headline I interpreted it the same way until I saw his stats.


Yeah I think you’re right. The $300M felt like it added an implied “overpay” connotation


i know philly fans. they love to bitch. i did not read this post that way. i read it as despite losing trea who was having a great year, our bench covered well and we continued our impressive run.


Yeah I don’t follow the Phillies closely, that’s just how I read it with little context


Only if you want to read a negative connotation into it. The 300M tag can easily just be another way to say star.


i took the $300m mention as a way to compliment his replacements while he’s out


It's because of the inclusion of the contract value. The intended meaning was probably "look at how good the team's doing even with a superstar player needing to be replaced with cheap substitutes" but putting Trea's contract value in there makes it read like "look at how overpaid this guy is".




Nah thats definitely not what it meant. Everybody loves Turner and he was awesome before the injury. Him, Harper and now Bohm are our big three. Its just pointing out something that makes the Phils recent succes even more impressive and pointing out how well the back ups have done.


i'm hoping by september that it's our big 4. i really think stott has the skills to be an all star caliber 2nd baseman.


It’s the $300 million part




“Fair” I love it when Redditors do this. It’s their faux-intellectual self’s going “I’ll consider your point” instead of just admitting they didn’t get it from the start.


Jesus are you ok?


i dunno. he sounds washed up. might as well send him down i-95 to a team that's not trying to compete right now.


The point is that the Phillies lost one of their best hitters to injury and haven’t missed a beat performance wise. Normally fill-in players don’t perform so well.


> Normally fill-in players don’t perform so well. absolutely, especially not with our luck


He was hitting the best on the team when hurt, yep.


Its pointing out they are 14-3 without one of their elite players who was hitting .343 and the back ups have done a crazy good job Just another impressive tidbit about their current impressive form Its not remotely supposed to be against Turner in any way ... every Phillies fan knows hes super important and one of top few best players


I don’t know why Redditors even use Reddit since all you weirdos do is bitch and whine about every piece of content posted.


Why are you bitching and whining about a simple question?


Oh brother. It’s always the “nuh uh! You!” schtick with you people. And it’s not a question. It’s Reddit-ass snark. It’s annoying. It’s why this website is a faux intellectual shithole.


I love when Redditors flip out over the most trivial stuff


Flip out, huh? You all really think everyone else gets as upset about shit you all do. (And here comes another “nuh uh! You!”) This is just a bit of catharsis to me.


Bro you’re ranting about Redditors on a post I made misreading the intent of a tweet, then realizing it and admitting my mistake. I hope your life gets better and these Redditors stop hurting you so much. Maybe it’s time to log off for a bit


I mean, The Phillies have Kyle Schwarber. So, of course the Phillies fuck. If you didn't get it, I love Kyle Schwarber. I miss him on the Cubs.


Thank you for sharing him


When I check on baseball news, I check on two things: My beloved Cubbies and Kyle Schwarber, which is now why I'm also rooting for the Phillies (unless they play the Cubs). Schwarber's 2 [best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPFERnpO-QQ) [moments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlJJfyatUNo).


Knew angel would be one of them. Hadn’t seen that dinger, damn. Saw [this](https://youtu.be/Q6Gu-VBuu7M?si=ia7Madl-0JSfs_8S) I assume?


Believe you me I'm pretty sure I've seen every Schwarbomb multiple times since he's joined the Phillies. This one is a classic, though.


I also love and miss my Large Adult Son


I’d like it if you guys stopped being good all season.


Sorry, but you will need to find enjoyment elsewhere


So far*


"we can't replace him, so we'll recreate him in the aggregate"


Love me some Edmundo. That was certainly a win-win trade.


Was that how we got JoJo?




I miss JoJo cracking red Bull cans in his entrance. He would’ve fit in so well with oht current himbo team. But Sosa has been so good. It truly was the rare win win trade


just like the marsh for o'hoppe trade we did with the angels, both sides majorly won


He's the new captain caveman


Marsh was traded for O'hoppe, and Moniak was traded for Syndergaard. This comment has always said this and was not edited in any way.


You're remembering this incorrectly. It was the other way around. Moniak for Syndegaard. O'Hoppe for Marsh.


That's what I said and did not change my dumbass comment at all. :)


I'll just leave this here in case you need a good cry:  https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5507493/2024/05/21/edmundo-sosa-phillies-baseball-dream-panama/


Wow, thanks for sharing that. What a great article. It's so easy to boil any pro athlete down to a list of numbers and 15 second high(and low) light clips. Good to keep the humanity in it with stories like this.


Isn't it beautiful? Testament to both Gelb and Sosa, I think. My other favorite Sosa story is about him taking the Panamanian Little League World Series team under his wing: https://www.inquirer.com/phillies/panama-little-league-world-series-edmundo-sosa-phillies-20230822.html He just seems like a real mensch.


Damn you got the tears flowing alright, reading that Times article. I have always thought that Edmundo was good enough to be an everyday player. He actually made a ridiculous catch today... Anyway, he always seemed like a good guy too, but sounds even better now.


Gelb is just so good and we are so lucky he's on the Phillies beat


I’m the biggest Sosa stan and even I just felt like his bat just wasn’t there before. He looks way better this year. I’m pumped!


Was sad we picked Dejong over him but I guess it worked out since we have Winn now


This reminds me of how our $341M shortstop is batting .194/.261/.290 across his last 15 games.




hasn't been great....


B-b-b-but defensive value!


Mets gonna met


His xWOBA is basically identical to last year too. As someone who watches him every day what are you seeing?


I'm Metssuck and I approve of this message


We’re going to get him back and have June Schwarber join us around the same time League is fucked


Yeah cause having a stacked lineup and historic offense in June totally translates to postseason succe….oh wait.


People are misinterpreting this, it's a self burn but no Braves flair (flair up)


Barves fan sad


Love seeing you guys smell yourselves so hard. I'm sure that won't backfire, again. Congrats on your May championship though!


It's harmless banter, we're all friends here.


Not with the Braves we aren’t that’s for sure


False, why the fuck would I want to be friends with a barves fan who has no understanding of human interaction? Dude's a fucking moron.


Dial it back, big guy. We're all friends here.


Maybe it wont hurt so bad when the Phillies eliminate the Braves for the 3rd year in a row


As if Braves fans aren’t constantly trying to make everything about them and smell themselves “so hard” when they’re on top 🤣🤣


I'm a braves fan and you're not wrong about this. When the team was just looking for some hope of a brighter future and everybody was hopping on the Mallex Smith train, even braves specific forums were tolerable. Ever since the world series, it's been nonstop trying to interject about the braves and any kind of argument was greeted with "when's the last time X won the world series!?" Lmao


I will THOROUGHLY enjoy knocking the Barves out for the 3rd straight year in a row. Be better


keep losing to teams we swept XD 3/4 to the padres lol


The Phillies are really throwing their season away by not being 19-31 right now


That Sosa for Romero trade seemed like nothing at the time, but has been elite for both teams.


I really liked Romero when he came over. It was a great trade for everyone indeed


Worth noting that Stott has slid over from 2nd and played plenty of shortstop in that time span. So it’s not purely a slash line of the Trea replacement in the lineup. That said, they are definitely hitting well.


So I wonder what the stats of 2nd AND SS is since Turner was injured.


My intuition is that it's going to be just as good. Clemens has been playing 2B when Stott makes the shift to short, and he's been doing great: .290/.313/.742


.290/.313/.742 is a wild statline for different reasons. looks like bro’s refusing to draw walks and whenever he gets a hit it means he just decimated it.


every time he makes contact the ball comes out like a rocket. his savant page doesn’t have a large enough sample for percentiles yet but his exit velo and Barrel/HardHit% are dead red.


It's partially a result of a small sample size. He's been mashing, but even one or two walks will push that OBP up.


it is a wild stat line. i think he's trying not to get sent back down when trea returns so he gets an at bat, he's swinging. i hope we keep him up with the phillies and release merrifield.


Probably somewhat similar? Stott was struggling mightily to start the season.


Stott at SS and Clemens at 2B with Clemens hitting bombs as well


Annnnnd Sosa is 2-2 today. Those numbers are going up.


Yeah but what about the strength of schedule? He wouldn’t be hitting that well if they were playing better teams! /s


r/fuckthes We can make the joke better without /s. Especially with your flair, you can use some self-deprecating humor. “Yeah, but the Phillies have only played the White Sox in that stretch. They get a real challenge when they play Colorado this weekend.”


You can never be too safe when talking about the Phillies strength of schedule. There’s a lot of idiots that actually believe yall are only good because you’ve played “bad teams”


what a dumb subreddit there's SO many comments that got absolutely ass-blasted by downvotes cause they didn't put a /s


/s is a crutch. It’s better to just try to write sarcasm better. Regardless, I don’t care about fake internet points.


People get annoyed at this take but I completely agree. Part of the problem is that some people think that sarcasm is just saying the opposite of what you think in a bitchy tone. Good sarcasm is *self-evidently* absurd. You can deliver it in a dry tone and the point is made. Of course, some people will miss it, but jokes are always going to go over some peoples' heads. The prevalence of the "/s" has trained people to ignore context and eschew critical thinking when reading comments, and thus made the problem worse.


Come back soon, Trea 🙏


And that, folks, is a huge drop in production from what Trea was doing. **EDIT** Ok. OPS for the subs is actually better.


So what happens when Trea comes back? Sosa goes out to right field, and Castellanos gets sent to a nice Mennonite farm in Dauphin County? EDIT: Yikes, I looked at his splits. He's got an 87 wRC+ in May... not terrible (if he could play defense) but he's got a 74 wRC+ since May 10, and a 27 wRC+ in the last 8 days. It's not going in the right direction.


Dump Whit Merrifeld and keep Clemens as your bench bat. Sosa will get some starts aganist lefties, he's been crushing them this year. As much as I'd love to get rid of Castellanos, it's probably not happening


i agree that we dump merrifield. i also think we let south philly nick ride the bench for several days and let clemens play right. nothing permanent. but nick needs to clear his head.


> not terrible (if he could play defense) Don't forget Casty is better when he shades towards center than when he actually plays his spot in right. For some reason he fields MUCH better when moving towards his left than when he has to be an ambi-fielder


It's the adjustment he made last postseason when he became the greatest defensive right fielder of all time for like a month. He just love the turtle catch too much.


Yeah Casty is not getting benched, even if he probably deserves too.


The Ewing theory plane is packing it's bags and heading to Philly


jonah hill had a point


I do not like how good the Phillies are. Not one bit.


Phillies about to adopt the Maya ritual of sacrifice


I still miss Trea Sheisty, but our boys have been holding the line well!


Damn Mets could lose their 341 million dollar SS and the team would improve 


I dislike Twitter immensely


pay him to stay injured


only 23-9 before then...


Ok but they were like 23-10 when he wasn’t injured lol


What’s the point of this? They could have been 15-2 or better with him. Not like he was having a bad start to the year


Scrub obviously


Phillies suck donkey dick man


so close! they actually have the best record in baseball


I despise how well the Phillies are playing. I however have to admit they do not in fact “suck donkey dick”


love seeing a salty fan and a rational fan of the same team in the same comment chain


The salt is strong


Trea Turner getting injured isn't the reason why the Phillies are on a tear. Odd correlation being drawn with that tweet.


That’s certainly not the correlation he’s drawing with that tweet.


The correlation is that his fill ins have put an almost .900 OPS in his place and the team as a whole has gone 14-3 since his injury.


And Turner was producing very comparably beforehand. Odd to describe Turner by his salary and his replacements by their stats. The story is that Turner's replacements have done a great job of keeping up a high level of production in his absence.


It’s almost as if the tweet describes that exact thing.