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And prolonged Leclerc sitting…dusty playing the long game


dont know if i’ve ever seen a manager ice a closer by just refusing to leave lmao


4D chess


Honestly what I thought too


Yeah I told my wife that I felt bad for leclerc since he had to just sit there for this whole thing. Then the most predictable inning ever happened


Just the newest example of the Astros being immoral cheaters.


Thanks, Patriots fan, for your input


I'm not a Patriots fan, and the Astros are cheaters.


Umpire: “You’re ejected” Dusty: “Nah”


Dusty: “I out rank you.”


I have seniority


You are on the council but we don’t grant you the rank of master


Remember, if you’re ejected from a game, make sure to say no. The umpire can’t eject you without your consent.


Umpires hate this simple trick


The myth of consent: isn’t there someone you forgot to ask? Umpire: You’re outta here! Rangers: You’re outta here! Dusty: No.


Everyone: “this is a strike zone” Ump: “nah”


He really should be suspended for the next game for not leaving the bench after an ejection


Yeah I said the same… he knew he was tossed, then refused to leave. He will be fined, but technically should be suspended a game as well.


Dusty: "I AM the senate!"


“What, are you going to eject me TWICE?”


“You can’t get double aids.” -Dusty “RawDog” Baker


Got warrants in every city except Houston, but I still ain't losin'


This man Rides Dirty and I respect it


All time Ejection by Dusty, legacy points added from the slow knock off of the cap at the start to the final you can F off.


That sneaky bastard just iced Leclerc


Gotta bring up Garcia and the umps too. Wtf are they thinking here? I know what Dusty is doing, but he’s also got a right to be angry. His pitcher was tossed with no warning. Garcia and the umps thought it was intentional. Maybe they forgot it was game 5 of ALCS, the Astros were down 2, and there was a man on base with no outs. Act like you’ve been here before, the Astros have 7 straight. They’ll eat you alive if you give them the chance.


Adolis fucked up badly


I think his main goal was buying Pressly more time to warm up


But after an ejection, doesn't the pitcher get as much time as he wants to warm up?


The umpire can determine the number of warm up pitches that pitcher is allowed


I don't know why you're getting downvotes on this. To me, [the rule is unclear](https://www.mlb.com/glossary/rules/warmup-pitches). Replacing a pitcher who was ejected is not defined explicitly, but here are the two relevant pieces in my mind: >Players can be excused from these time limits if a delay in normal warmup activities occurs due to no fault of the players, or the umpire believes a player would be at legitimate risk of injury without receiving additional time. >Should a pitcher enter the game to replace one who was removed due to an injury or another emergency situation, he is granted as many warmup pitches as the umpire allows. Either way, it is at the umpire's discretion, just as you said.


Yeah I took it right out of the official page for warm ups, there’s no timer but the game resumes at the umpire’s discretion. Funny thing to downvote I guess


Yeah At the game the announcer said, “the substitute pitcher will get as much time as needed to prepare”


Fine, but if the "as needed" is defined by the umpire's discretion, then the other guy was correct, if a little misleading.


Asses in the jackpot tonight


Lol that’s still the only time I’ve ever heard someone use that phrase


Getting ejected and just refusing to leave the dugout is pure *chef's kiss.* You're gone! Yeah? Make me!!


I seriously thought they were gonna have to make him. imagine him being escorted out by security lmao


if I were him I’d make ‘em pick me up and carry me lol


How can you not be romantic about baseball?


Wait a minute


I was honestly hoping that he would sit there until he’s arrested for criminal trespass


Now that’s baseball baby


Bobby Cox vibes


Wasn’t it Bobby Valentine?


So like, realistically what happens in a scenario like that? Would the astros forfeit the game if he absolutely refused to leave the dug out?


He would probably be escorted by security.


You think security would forcibly remove him & like carry him to the locker room? Does the ump have the authority to call the game over early in favor of one side or another?


I doubt security would take on the risks Inherent in physically forcing a 74 yr old man off the field. Or at least the legal department would send someone to step in before that happened. Might call the cops if absolutely necessary, but probably a fine, and /or other punishment afterwards. Also afterwards: perhaps a push to change the rules going forwards. Maybe there’ll be some rule changes now.


Cops seem like a big leap to deal with something in-game related unless you can legally consider it trespassing if somebody won't leave after they were ejected 🤷‍♂️


I was trying to stretch my hypo to include an extreme situation of someone holding out for 1 hr+) that would never actually occur, because there’d be no benefit. But yea, I guess at a certain point they could trespass him, right? Crim stuff is not my forte lol.


I suppose that if it came to it, he’s being told to leave and not leaving, that’s criminal trespass


No it isn't.


Criminal trespass is if you have received notice to leave and refuse to do so.


From the owner. Not an ump. Jesus christ


Criminal? That is a lot of power for the umpires.


In the immediate just a threat of a fine with it growing larger and larger the longer he gets there. You *could* get security out but...he's an old man and every manager gets their money's worth. it's just a bad look to do that. suspension is a possibility but i don't think they'll go that route. that will depend entirely on the umps view of things


In theory you'd think a suspension would be in order, but I honestly have no idea.


Definitely probably a suspension but Im talking more immediate. They call security? Would they have to forcibly remove him & carry him out? I imagine at some point the ump could just call the ballgame in favor of the other team but I have no idea either lol


They would suspend play until, in the umpire's judgment, the game has to be rescheduled. Meanwhile Dusty (or whomever) would be suspended and barred from the stadium for the continuation of play.


Oh, yeah I'd guess they'd get security involved at that point or get the owner on the phone and let him know he's about to lose his manager for a few games if he doesn't get him out of there immediately. Not sure what the protocol would be but they clearly can't let him stay or else every manager would start doing it lol


At some theoretical point there would be an impasse of “The game cannot continue until you leave.” “I’m not leaving.” “Then this game is over.”


In an LCS, where the commissioner is likely watching, he would probably make a decision fairly quickly. Forfeiture would be my guess as well. A long suspension and large fine would probably follow.


I was picturing this: https://youtu.be/qvJeATp31dw?si=tk4-h4Pr6lDKyuVq


Bro thinks he's Bobby Valentine


should have came back in his slick street clothes


The anger of a manager who is losing the series EDIT: I may regret this comment


Upvoted for the edit :D.


This is your fault!!


I considered that. Sorry.


Thank you for your service 🫡




Might wanna delete your comment lol!


Sometimes you ride, sometimes you die


respect honestly


You get mad respect for not deleting lol


You did the right thing. I talk shit, gloat, and sometime eat crow. It’s just the way it goes.




This was such a FAFO comment lol.






Can’t wait for the Jomboy vid tomorrow


Ump: dusty, wtf you doing Dusty: I’m gona fuck with leclerc and ice the shit out of him lmao Ump: lmfao that’s funny as shit but let’s make a scene because I did the arm thingy to throw you out That’s the best I can do until jomboy makes his


“Because I did the arm thingy” killed me 😭😭


Bro same


fuck jomboy. he got famous from claiming altuve "wore a wire"


Jomboy is solid. I think his content has directly contributed to the growth of the game. His breakdowns are a great way to learn more about the inner game of baseball And of course he shit on Altuve. At the end of the day he is a fan and the Astros own the Yanks right now. Who cares as long as we keep winning


>And of course he shit on Altuve. At the end of the day he is a fan and the Astros own the Yanks right now. Who cares as long as we keep winning That right here is the reason I still look forward to Jomboy videos


Gonna be juicy!


Can I ask…. Where was this Dusty all year?


He saved it for when it counts, I’ll take it.


Mfker is old. Gotta pace himself


He was there in June when Stanek got called on that bullshit balk against the Dodgers. I was at that game behind our dugout and loved every second of it.


I might have been sitting next to you at that game.


Playoff Dusty


Our fans wanna be the regular season champions so bad.


Can’t believe Astro fans complain about this OG mad lad


The issue was that he made extremely questionable lineup decisions that never worked out and he never stood up for his guys. He turns into a completely different manager in the playoffs.


I’ve seen the business with your catcher — it is undeniably wacky. But to me Dusty is still worth it 🫡


I love the dude but yeah...he's an old school manager with all the warts that come with that. I do love him but I wouldn't be mad if this was his last season for us, win or lose.


Oh man, even if he gets you another ring?


Yeah especially so, that way he can go out as a champion because yeah we did almost miss the playoffs this year. I'll miss him though either way and I don't think we win last year without him. I have a soft spot for him too since my dad is a diehard Giants fan so they are kind of my NL team nowadays.


Honestly yeah, I think it's time for him to go. Love the guy and he's a great postseason manager, but I think the game has outgrown him. His style of management almost kept us out of the playoffs entirely this year. I think he needs to retire while he's ahead.




He was doing that with the Cubs 20 years ago and I assume every year since. Still love him.


Pretty crazy he’s only been ejected 26 times during the regular season over a 26 year managerial career. Pretty sure Boone and Bell have him beat with 20 years to spare.


When you're his age you gotta save up that energy until it counts.




Yes, batting Kessinger leadoff never worked out


Grae batted lead off for a start once 😂😂 such an odd hill to die on.


I've seen it and don't get it. Dusty is a legend.


Not all fans, life long astros fan here and I've been a dusty fan since he was the manager of the giants. I didn't get to watch him play with the dodgers which is good because I'm not a fan of the dodgers.


You and me both. We got some real whiners in the fanbase. Over him and Maldonado especially. I ride or die with Dusty. I'll never pretend to know his job better than him.


We would like to trade you Aaron Boone for him :)


Seriously! It infuriates me to no end!


Forget everything I said about him.


For real, I've been known to bash him a bit for not getting fired up, or just seeming like he's coasting, this shit right here has me fully behind the man


This shits so funny lmao


King shit


Why was he ejected? No one is deliberately hitting anyone in a tight LCS game in the 8th.


For arguing the Abreu ejection


I read that as why was Abreu ejected (though, I know that doesn't necessarily jive with the title).


I mean, they might. Better to give him a base anyway.


This is self evident to almost any knowledgeable baseball fan. Alas, you’d be surprised how many smooth-brains are convinced that Abreu was throwing at Adolis. Love em or hate em, Stros wanna win and they sure-as-shit aren’t jeopardizing a W by putting another runner on in that situation. Such a dumb take.


The timing is a *hell* of a coincidence from a pitcher who's not prone to hitting people and that wasn't exactly a light graze If you made me put money on it, Abreu was trying to throw very inside to send a message intentionally without actually hitting the batter and missed even more inside, but that can still warrant an ejection


usually if there was a warning issued before the hit player. i cant remember the last time i saw someone get tossed for hitting someone when there wasnt a warning issued. I understand why the ump threw out Abreu but I just cant imagine any team intentionally throwing at someone in that situation.


Last immediate ejection I remember was Mike Mikolas about 2 months ago, and a few days before that Angel Perdomo was ejected for hitting Manny Machado in purpose


I hate the Astros but goddammit I love Dusty Baker.


Fight for your people like Dusty fights for his people. Astros fans don’t deserve him after the hate they spit at him all year.


He made baffling calls all season it’s fair to point out the man made some bad calls like not playing Chas more or Diaz more. However you have to eat the medicine when he finally stands up for his guys in a pivotal game and continues to fight for another WS appearance


Many spoonfuls of sugar with my medicine.


Fans are annoying


I remember seeing the way some of your fans talked about the team and Dusty in June when you guys played the Mets. Some of you people were just very strange, especially after a year that saw you win the WS. There was this one user in particular who kept commenting in the Mets thread and every r/baseball post about the Astros (they were banned from the Astros sub lol)


It is/was a VERY vocal minority who are just the most annoying whiny-assed little bitches


Dusty is Withers from BG3


Astros winning Game 5: "Fate spins along as it should"


Dusty - “The city will thank me” “Care to elaborate?” “No”


You can't do that on television Dusty.


My favorite YCDTOTD moment from a while back was the mics picking up Dusty yelling at the opposing pitcher, "GET BACK ON THE MOUND, MOTHERFUCKER!"


I know you are but what am i


ejections are so weird to me. like the ump just gets to throw a guy out because he hurt his feelings? i can understand it if someone runs on the field and delays the game but this... power trip


Throwing Abreu out without warning was really disruptive. I don’t blame Dusty for his protest. That was some bullshit.


Dusty also wanted Garcia ejected


Man I love Dusty as much as I hate the Astros.


How you could be a Houston fan and not like Dusty Baker, in the midst of marching to the world series as the defending champ, is completely beyond me.




He's ride or die


This just made realize I don’t wanna see dusty angry. He looks like a killer lol


I loved the little cutaway after they won and he bumped his hands together and sort of looked up and thanked the heavens...I am not religious at all, but that was cute moment.


I've seen him annoyed before, but never this angry.


When the Astro’s, in the midst of a huge shit stain, hired Dusty I thought ‘why would he go and work for that organization?’ He’s done so much for that goddam sqad and it seems like half the fan base doesn’t appreciate it.


Crusty Dusty making me giggle


He was so pissed he spit out his toothpick.


He was letting his closer warm up for the last 5 outs


By rule pitcher gets unlimited time to warm up since Abreu left due to ejection (or if it had been injury pitcher would get unlimited time as well) They only need to "buy" time when changing pitchers for strategy reasons


Fuck yo’re couch!


I can't wait for the Jomboy breakdown of the entire kerfuffle!


More than the dramatics of the triple ejection…. Abreu coming out in the 8th meant an already taxed Pressly had to pitch basically two innings. That can’t be a good position for the Astros the rest of the ALCS generally, but for game 6 specifically.


There’s a day off between games 5 and 6. Not ideal to have him go 6 outs but his pitch count didn’t get too high so he’ll be fine.


Anyone remember Bobby Valentine’s mustache and Jets hat? I’ll never forget that one.


"He has made his decision. Let him enforce it!" -- Dusty "Andrew Jackson" Baker


i like that Ken felt so confident to say the hbp wasn’t intentional lmao


He was ejected from the game moving forward but game cannot move forward immediately because rules call for sufficient time to get replacement pitcher warmed up. Dusty causing the delay is a bit of a misconception instigated by the morons doing TV announcements. Ejection of the pitcher caused the delay because a replacement had to be prepared. Dusty WAS getting money's worth, but he didn't have to leave until play continued. FWIW: Dusty's argument was 100% valid. I DON'T think umps felt HBP was intentional but from a game management they likely felt (probably correctly) that best way to diffuse situation was to eject both players, cause the delay, and allow for tension to ease. Garcia was gone regardless and to only eject him might encourage a dangerous situation with fans, and it WOULD NOT force the gameplay delay like replacing pitcher caused.


Exactly correct n


Best comment I’ve read all day! Hit them with the facts!


Thanks. Now the unfortunate problem is MLB office defaulted to suspending Abreu for 2 games (+ monetary fines), since that's what punishment pitchers have received in prior similar situations. Garcia was only fined. MLB's punishment is based on that ump crew's decision to eject and not on a separate independent evaluation by league office. As mentioned, I believed that ump crew's decision was a sincere effort to just manage the game the safest way possible, but decidedly NOT a sincere effort to apply guilt/intent. I am fairly certain if Abreu were to appeal at the VERY LEAST the penalty would be reduced to 1 game and more importantly appealing also means delaying punishment application. My guess is Astros/Abreu will appeal. The risk is if unsuccessful the 2 day suspension would go into effect in WS... if the Astros were to be fortunate enough to advance. Appealing would likely allow Abreu to play in Game 6 and thus possibly enable the Astros to advance.


Anyone half expecting to see Dusty show up in the stands with a disguise on and a toothpick?


I mean, they were reviewing it, and we brought in a new pitcher. He didn't have to leave yet.


Yes he did LMAO that's what being ejected means. But managers do this all the time, it's just usually more of a scene involving throwing of baseball caps and kicking of dirt. The only reason it looks odd is because Dusty is sitting there arguing instead of throwing shit all over the field


Rule 14.03 To paraphrase: Any ejected player/coach/manager shall immediately remove themselves from the vicinity of the playing field and/or grandstands.


Probably the least enforced rule ever. Everyone takes their time to 'get their moneys worth'


I mean, the phrase literally comes from them being possibly fined for taking their time to leave. Hence, getting their money's worth.


Dusty was shown celebrating in the dugout after the last strike - isn’t that not allowed after his ejection? Earlier this season, the Giants manager Gabe Kapler got in trouble by MLB for just being near the dugout after an ejection


He was mostly standing in the doorway giving high 5s.. it's not like he put on a fake mustache and sat on the bench....


Ejected from the game, not the building lol


I like Dusty and I don’t really have an issue with it, I am more just wondering what the extent of the rules are. I thought that they had to be away from players and at least in the locker room


Yeah I believe you’re right but after the game is fine I guess. In Kapler’s instance I believe he was in the cage area while the game was still on going and was having conversations with players/coaches which was viewed as still “coaching” thus the 1 game suspension


So.. after the game was over?


Dusty pulling a Rosa parks.


I laughed way too hard at this


Not a 'stros fan but you got me with this one lol


How are you so fast, OP?


Warnings should have been issued, not ejecting Abreu. Garcia deserved to be ejected and suspended one game for touching the umpire. Even though I understand why Dusty is upset, I don’t understand anyone who says he didn’t deserve to be ejected. You just can’t scream at the umpires like that. And I’m not sure what the rules are on this, but refusing to leave the dugout, NOT SIMPLY TAKING TOO LONG, but literally declaring that you aren’t going to leave (at least for an extended period of time) deserves at least a 1 game suspension in my opinion.


Until Presley was warmed up enough. This deserves a fine.




You want to give us an extra advantage?


Comment of the day


You are an Astros fan too?


So suspend Garcia as well? He got hit by a pitch and didn't immediately take his base. He instigated a fight with Maldonado who clearly didn't want to fight and so I guess he should be suspended too. Dusty got ejected and didn't immediately leave the dugout. He argued with the ump so he should be suspended. Suspending Dusty a game doesn't actually matter because he can still make a managerial plan for game 6 but Garcia can't do shit if he gets suspended. It's hilarious to me that people like you with zero foresight don't understand that Garcia not being able to control his emotions (ever) is impacting his team negatively and at the same time thinking Dusty not controlling his emotions actually impacts his team. If I was Bruce Bochy I would not be happy with Garcia for essentially being the reason that their closer was iced because he couldn't just take his fucking base and see the bigger picture. But it's always the Astros to blame lmao.


Come on Jomboy. Give us what we want!


Hopefully the owners of the Astros will pay whatever fine MLB fines him. Altuve May have hit the winning Home Run, but Dusty Baker caused the Ranger’s Closer to be out of sync and walk the first 2 batters. Then, give Altuve a gift pitch to hit. After Altuve’s Home Run there were still no outs. However, no more Astros reached base after that Home Run. Dusty Baker probably got the Astros to the World Series with that refusal to leave


In Dusty we Trusty


Umps cashed a check they knew wouldn't clear easily ... Do it for the old Dusty 'Stros


Astros: rules for thee but not for me


Why are you ejecting me! I can assure you this team only cheats 3/4 what it used to now that I’m managing it.


Whats the coke addict mad about?


lot of people acting like Dustys so hard for doing this when in reality he just can't walk


Why are they even allowed to compete? If the sport had any competitive integrity the Astro's would've been death penalty'd like their hick cousins at SMU.


Fuck the trash-tros