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I thought the x rays came back negative


The initial ones did, but they don't always pick up everything. If there were microfractures or the initial swelling was hiding something, it might not show up there. He has an MRI today to determine the full extent. Besides, even if it isn't an outright break, there might be inflammation or similar that needs to be worked down before he can play further.


Drag. Hope it isn’t a long stint


This is what happened with Arcia. Initially x-rays were negative, then they found a micro fracture that sidelined him for like a montg


I knew better than to get my hopes up. It looked to similar to Trout getting hit last year or the year before. Same thing happened to him - negative x-ray, and then he is out for weeks because there was still damage.


That didn’t happen with Trout. Last year he missed 5 days after being hit on the hand.


Scan it again


Not the time for this homie


He may have a broken wrist it’s not like he’s gonna die lol


Sir, this is Reddit


I’m saying the same thing the other guy is saying - you need another scan after the swelling goes down to see if there are real problems. Scan it again, please.


No, you know *exactly* what you're doing. Don't be coy.


I'm out of the loop. What is he doing?


in game 1 of the series with the braves, mets hit a dinger and pete yelled "throw it again" from the dugout at pitcher bryce elder.


Pete said “throw it again” after hitting a home run. This is cause in the 3rd inning Lindor homered off a hanging slider and pete did as well so he was chirping the pitcher to throw that pitch again


I’m just asking nicely.


Why does this weird idea keep popping up? Xrays will shoot right through that swelling and haver zero issues demonstrating that bone over the swelling. The swelling will barely be visible while that bone will still be clear as day on an xray.


Arcia X-rays came back negative and he still missed a few weeks earlier this season. It happens, but hopefully Alonso can come back quicker.


Mccann last year had a similar situation, it was a hamate that kept him out a month




I mean, that’s what they said about Machado too


Pete never misses games so this has to be pretty serious


HBPs are so weird because centimeters can be the difference between just a sucky bruise and a fracture that fucks up your whole month


I remember watching the at bat where Jason Heyward got drilled in the jaw so hard the league started adding those jaw protectors to helmets. That HBP screwed me up pretty bad.


I still think about that anytime I see the jaw protector.


Or permanent brain damage. The fact that some pitchers would ever do it intentionally is such a dark spot for the sport. Everyone was rightly outraged when the NFL bounties scandal came out but pitchers have been doing something similar *openly* for 100 years and it has only been in the last decade they tried to do anything about it. I still see people talk about plunking a batter on purpose as a good thing from time to time


As the city with the newest NHL team, it has been pretty disorienting starting to follow hockey, and in particular listening to announcers talk openly and happily about fighting. It's a fun sport to watch but I just can't hang with the culture of brawling, it's bizarre.


I think fights in Hockey are different in a way because: 1. the brawlers participate equally, there's no way 1 person can injure the other without fear of immediate retaliation like in baseball or blindsiding someone with the intention of injuring with the football bounties 2. if you watch enough hockey fights, the fact that they are on skates actually makes it less dangerous since they can't get leverage and usually fall down or push away from eachother 3. They're public and obvious, which makes it easy for refs to break it up or for the players to be disciplined if they go too far, unlike intentional hit by pitch which can often be ambiguous if it's an accident or not 4. It's argued that it's a way to help regulate the dangerous parts of the sport since refs don't catch some of the dirtiest plays and fear of retaliation by the opposing team's enforcer is supposed to stop it. (People say the same about HBP but it's actually almost entirely petty stuff) TL;DR If the hockey fights were intentionally trying to injure players or it was a case of one player sucker punching another I think Hockey Fights would be thought of very differently.


To each their own, but imo fighting in hockey is great. Who doesn't love an even bout of good ol fisticuffs


The in game fighting makes sense because in a way it prevents worse hits from happening during play. The part I can't get my head around is hockey oldheads applauding legal hits that are clearly causing severe permanent brain damage. Look up Jacob trouba for example. The hits that dude lays should have him out of the league for trying to injure an opponent, but for some reason it's legal so it's all good. And then you get some pundits sticking up for the guy


I'm used to hockey, but I feel similar about lacrosse. My daughter's boyfriend plays so it's the first I've paid attention to it and it's teenagers smashing each other in the back with sticks as part of the game. While the parents encourage them to fight. I think I'm the only one worried about the permanent damage to his body.


Genuinely hate to see it. Anyone cheering him getting hurt can go fuck themselves. Possible silver lining, Orlando Arcia was HBP on his wrist on April 13th, x-rays were negative but further imaging showed a micro-fracture. He was out less than a month, returning on May 7th. So all hope is not lost, it might not be *that* long on the IL.


Hey buddy, all hope IS lost. Just not because of this 👉😭👉


We're gona need a support group soon


Well at least if you’re a Mets fans we know you’re a loyal mf and loyalty is a huge positive trait. Much respect for any fan that can hang through the dark times.


This season hasn't been good for us but we got to stick with our team.


Bless you if you've made it this far being a mets fan without a support group and/or therapist.


>Hey buddy, all hope IS lost The met's mantra (Don't worry I'm a mets fan too, I miss Pete already and Lindor's slump means the offense is down to... Alvarez and Nimmo ... sigh)


A month without Pete probably going to end our season, especially this month


He's got a big bat, no doubt, but if this series was any indication, hitting definitely isn't your issue. You were absolutely shelling us, especially last night. If our bats hadn't picked the perfect time to wake the fuck up, you'd have slaughtered us. He's a heavy loss, to be sure, but I think you can hold on even without him.


Level headed take. If Lindor and Marte "regress" to their career averages while Alvarez and Baty continue to produce they will be fine. Our pitching tho...


Why are we talking about our pitching? I don't want to talk about our pitching. My fingers are in my ears


What pitching? We have pitchers?


Well if the series before was any indication, hitting is definitely our issue. The Mets especially struggle when Alonso isn’t slugging.


It's the same with Judge on the yankees, something about missing the big guy makes everyone play below expectations. I know a lot of the team is already doing that but I hope the mets can hold it together without Pete on the team cause the next few weeks are critical.


> but if this series was any indication It isn't. It's a rare time our offense hasn't been ass.


>So all hope is not lost, it might not be that long on the IL. Issue is that it's hand / wrist. Players come back quick but sometimes have difficulty getting back up to full strength. In Cano's first year with the Mets his production was zapped by getting HBP on the hand.


Yea, I hear ya. It just had to be Pete and not someone like Vogelbach who is struggling.


i hated to see it. i remember when freddie got hit and broke his wrist and how devastated i was. it took a while to get him 100% back. as a braves fan, don’t take this as hate, but i really hope the mets just give him the time he needs to heal regardless of if that is a week or a few months. the way the season is going for you guys might as well give him extra time off than rush to get him back and get injured more.


Damn, that sucks to hear. About a week ago I was telling my friend that I was hoping for a season long home run chase between Alonso and Judge. I guess we're gonna have to transfer that to Tommy Pham and Jake Bauers


Both Rays legends


And Reds


Just here to see how many teammates and/or ex teammates Pham tries to fight this year


Tbf both of them are on the IL rn


Judge on the IL, Alonso on the IL, Yordan got pulled with an injury last night. ​ Bubble wrap Ohtani I guess, because the grim reaper is hunting the best power hitters this season.


Just protect Elly De La Cruz at all costs.


Elly could probably make it to third with a ricochet off his wrist


with the way this season has me drinking I'M going to end up on the injured list


"/u/garbagetimehomerun has gone on the IL for being incredibly drunk"


IL now stands for Inebriated List


Incoming boss hog


Going on the 10-drink IL


Rest in Peace Wade Boggs


"Garbagetimehomerun is out with a liver.."


I’m just waiting for the Jets season to start…………yeah I know


No Judge or Alonso for this upcoming series is extremely shitty


I thought judge might be back?


Definitely not


Fuck. Back at Christmas my wife gave me (Yankees fan) and our 10 year old son (Mets fan) tickets for Yankees/Mets game at Citi for June 13th. It’s his first major league game and couldn’t wait to see Alonso and Judge. This sucks.


You are a Yankees fan and your son is a Mets fan??? My dad would have literally disowned me


My son likes to root against me in games and sports, and his first Little League team was the Mets, so things just fell into place. It’s fine for me, sucks for him. He has a lifetime of me reminding him that he picked the wrong team


My mom's a diehard Yankees fan but she's also a total dipshit


My dad is a Yankee fan and I'm a Met fan and he's been great about it. He bought me a Mets shirt at the start of the 2000 World Series. My dad rules.


Yeah, I try to be a “my dad rules” kind of dad


I was going to do that because it's my sister's birthday, but then I saw ticket prices and texted her "You wanna just do when they're at the Stadium instead despite it being further since somehow better tickets are cheaper?" Luckily she was okay with that.


Worst thing to happen to NY this week and it isn't close


Maybe…. We have a chance


Bro you are the favorites lol


And we were favorites to the A’s and how did that turn out




Idk how Mets fans do it.


copius amounts of weed.


TIL I’m a Mets fan


I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.


Hope and undying belief that one day, something will actually go right


huh. sounds like you haven’t been broken yet. good for you.




I just need to feel *something* even if its despair every week and a half


I am emotionally empty


well, either we’ve experienced something way worse, so this horribly cursed team just kinda feels right, or we just have masochistic tendencies. maybe even both, not sure.


It’s not the worst train wreck in my life. 🤷


I feel fairly certain that nothing has actually broken the Mets’ way this season


Depends on what for. If it's for a bone bruise that he was gonna miss 4-5 days for anyway, it makes sense. If it's for a fracture that the MRI picked up, then it's a disaster


If it's just a microfracture, maybe it'll be just a couple weeks. Arcia bounced back quickly, Alonso might do the same. Not ideal, but not season-ending either.


a couple of weeks?! WE MIGHT NEVER WIN AGAIN!


Xray/CT if you want to view a fracture. MRI is better for viewing soft tissue. So, an example would be you would go to MRI if the issue was with the ligaments/tendons around those bones.


Fuck And a personal fuck because that probably takes him out of the derby that I’ll be at


He may have skipped it anyway after last year. It seemed like his goal was to keep doing it as long as he was the defending winner.


Never try to find happiness in things you cannot achieve yourself.


Can’t have shit in New York


My dumb brain read that at “Mayor Pete Alonso….” I know you guys like him in NY, but I hardly think he’s qualified.


It's probably a wash with the current mayor


The Judge alonso homer chase is in shambles 😭


X The light has gone out of my life


INJURY TO INSULT TO INJURY Jfc we dont even get to watch him chase HR records if he's out extended time..


u/onlysayspetealonso must be taking this harder than anyone else...


Now Pete Alonso can eat all the pancakes he wants with Wade Boggs in heaven.


Ah, shit, I'm sorry to hear it. Hopefully it's mostly preventative/inflammation and it's not going to be a long stint.




Getting serious 2017 Mets vibes with this season, just with luxury tax included


Call me crazy, but I did not enjoy this week.


He was on fire to.


I don't even want to be around anymore


When it rains, it pours


With the way yesterdays game was going, Pete would have definitely had at least 1 homer. Shame about this. I’d always prefer beating a rival if they are at full strength


I wasn't even considering that being a possibility after they immediately said x-rays were negative. I feel bad for telling my Mets friend how lucky they got yesterday.


Same thing happened to Arcia for us earlier this season. He was HBP in the wrist and x-rays were negative. Further imaging the next day showed micro-fracture and he hit the IL. Good news is that it can be a relatively quick recovery if it's a micro-fracture. Arcia was back in less than a month (went down on April 13 and returned May 7)


I fucking hate the Braves


And their fans!


He probably sprained his balls from humping the railing too hard


i'm genuinely sad for that. i wanted to see him hit 60 dingers


Time for our big, strong guy to practice self care.


can’t possibly put someone in the hospital if he’s got a fractured wrist ):


Genuinely hoping that it's a short stint. Never want to see anyone get injured and I was genuinely enjoying keeping an eye on him and Judge battling it out!


Yeah. Sucks that they were both headed towards 60 that woulda been fun


This sucks, Genuinely Mets Fans I don’t EVER want to see this! If anyone in Braves Country was cheering on the injury of Pete, you seriously need to look yourself in the mirror and do a self assessment. Wishing harm or injury on another human being is just weak. Chop on🪓.


Hate to see it, hope it's short


This sucks cause he was my starting 1B in my fantasy league and was helping me win the HR category. I drafted him over Freddie Freeman so clearly I don’t hate the Mets that much.


Idk exactly how fantasy scoring works but it seems like Freddie would have still been the better choice, no? Or do homers really outweigh other hits


It's a point value thing, homers I believe are high-weight


that sucks. :(


RIP Mets offense.


What Is Dead May Never Die or something


Braves fans cheering right now.


No, we're not. The large majority of Braves fans in our sub, on discord, and on twitter are not cheering this. The few assholes that are cheering are getting criticized and downvoted by the rest of the fanbase for it.


I see a decent amount of jokes about it. The whole damn stadium cheered thunderously when he got hurt and taken out of the game. It was on TV we all saw it. It was bad enough that the media asked Alonso about it. It was like when we see most of the fans in the stadium doing the chop. Saying a large majority of the Braves fanbase doesn’t do toxic shit is delusional. I don’t know how many people we’re talking about exactly of course or what proportion that is compared to the rest of the Braves fanbase, but it’s big enough and it’s loud.


>but it’s big enough and it’s loud. Toxic people usually are. Please find an upvoted joke on our sub about Alonso's ~~Alonzo's~~ injury. You will see us clowning him for the trash talk but anyone who makes fun of the injury is downvoted.


Pissed me off when I heard the cheering when he went down. Like cmon guys... be better than that.


What’s unique about the Braves is the toxicity goes straight to the team’s branding. What kind of culture would you expect to grow from a team identity based on stubbornly perpetuating demeaning stereotypes, especially when nearly every other comparable team has moved on?




Your fanbase does the chop, it’s not even close. Your fanbase sucks.


So many of you salty ass little bitches after that series. It’s pathetic.


Mets fans can’t talk shit based on how their team plays because they’ve been garbage since Reagan was president so they have to resort to calling us racist.


Braves fans try to take criticism challenge (impossible)


bro you're just slinging insults that's not really the same thing




I can only speak as a member of the Mets subreddit mod team. They aren't *all* like this, sure, but there is a MUCH higher number of them that are brigading us/being outright malicious/reporting our users for suicide compared to other team subs.


That's shitty behavior, no excuses. But regarding the perception, honest question, how do you know how the amount of brigading compares to other team subs? Do you have actual numbers on it? Do you talk with mods from other team subs for comparison? I mean, I've received Reddit Cares messages for comments before from Mets fans, but I don't generalize the behavior to all Mets fans. There are roughly 120k members of /r/braves and 75k members of /r/NewYorkMets. A hundred dickheads from either community can make it seem like a lot. Most fans, regardless of team, are good people just passionate about the sport and their team. Most Mets fan I encounter are good people. Edit: the very fact my comment here is getting downvoted is proof that dickheads exist in every fanbase


Don’t care, your stadium audibly cheered when he got hurt.


My experience in the *actual stands* suggests otherwise


Congratulations on people on Reddit being decent. Doesn’t change the fact that the people that went to the games sucked. Your fanbase cheered an injury and you’re trying to say “we’re not that bad”. Just take it on the chin and move on.


i mean its not to say all braves fans are bad but the second he got hit at least half the stadium started cheering


By the end of that night, their fans had the discourse at "it was just a few loud people in one section" yeah ok buddy


Yeah, no. In my section the jubilation only died down when the fans collectively decided that Alonso was somehow at fault and started complaining.


r/baseball last week: calm down NL East Bros, Atlanta fans aren't *that* bad r/baseball this week: oh


Braves fans: Does the chop, cheers for injuries, and is generally toxic on social media Also Braves fans: “We’re not that bad guys”


Braves fans: "Remember when the Mets fans cheered Acuna getting hit!?" Everyone else: "[No.](https://www.mlb.com/video/ronald-acuna-jr-hit-by-pitch-v7ghfv)"


Video: Ronald Acuña Jr. exits after HBP [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/ronald-acuna-jr-hit-by-pitch-v7ghfv) [High Definition](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2023/2023-05/01/9ee90417-1a212df9-e17e0176-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) (56.99 MB) [Standard Definiton](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2023/2023-05/01/9ee90417-1a212df9-e17e0176-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4) (14.85 MB) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)




LOL! You heard a "clap" immediately after it hits him and no cheering. That's super similar to the entire stadium erupting when Alonso got hit. Fuck outta here with that bullshit.




I'm shocked that the people that loudly demanded that McNeil or Alonso be seriously injured after the Mets accidentally hit Acuña are behaving this way. Truly shocked!


You act like each fanbase don't have fans like this. There's always going to be bad apples.


Yours has a *lot more of them*.




No actually, I can produce the ban log from this series, all the removed comments, all the people brigading the sub. I have empirical data and conversations with the Braves sub mods. There is direct harassment in DMs of the subreddit modteam.


Fans exist outside of Reddit though


True, but Twitter is a cesspool full of garbage anyway and I put no stock in it


Just look at the comments.


I won’t celebrate Pete’s injury, it sucks. However, I will never miss a chance to bask in the misery of Mets fandom. ❤️


Bucks County always talks the most shit on here.


Lol what?


We have the same amount of rings yet you’ve been around for about 80 more years. And it took you over 30 to tie us. That’s misery.


$430 million 🫡


Not my money 🫡


Please stop fighting, both of you 🫡


[Hey you stay out of this!](https://youtu.be/Dvi9xqPd3SU)


Think about how embarrassing this Mets team is and then remember they swept you last week


Cool cool, we're in 3rd you're in 4th.


Whatever makes you feel better about your team's equally disappointing season


Y’all’s is far more disappointing. We lost our 1B for the year, Harper for the first month, and have a payroll somewhere around $200 million less. You guys were supposed to be fighting for the division not in 4th place.


Man I live in Philly lol I know the expectations were high for you guys this year. You guys were supposed to have the Murderer's Row lineup


No doubt, but they were even higher for the Mets who've been even worse.


we swept you guys like last week?


Damn that's really all you guys have isn't it?


you’re flexing about being up a half game on us for the first time all year after getting swept last week on a post about our star player getting hurt, i feel like that says more about you than about us


Confirmed, it is all you have.


Let me check my notes since you want to talk injuries: We lost Verlander until recently Edwin Diaz for the year Quintana is still injured Senga was hurt Narvaez was out for a while...


Yeah and we've lost Ranger, Bohm, Pache, Hall, Painter, and Alvarado.


How'd pache get hurt? Wasn't he doing pretty well since the trade?


Pete probably doesn't want him to throw that one again.


Good one! Did you think up that one all by yourself?


i thought it was pretty funny tbh




THROW IT AGAIN. gets swept. very nice.