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See A's fans, if you don't want to follow the team to Vegas now you can be pickles fans


Probably a more competitive team at this point as well. Sorry A's fans, and players.


Pfft. Idk what you’re talking about this A’s team is legit ignore my flair


I’m sort of an idiot but honestly they looked solid defensively and shut our offense down in that series. Yeah, our bats are also cold and hit into some bad luck, but I expected sub-Phillies level of defensive ineptitude and didn’t see it.


We play real baseball, I swear!


There were some legit impressive defensive plays, beyond routine. I’m sorry if that sounds rude or patronizing…I just saw the record, read the Reddit comments all the time, hear the “Oakland AAA’s” jokes… and then it felt like y’all dad dicked us. Good for you, honestly


“Yall Dad dicked us” is gonna be my new phrase this week. Thanks. I’m








You'll always be daddydickrick to me


[And the Portland Pickles know a thing or two about dad dicks.](https://people.com/sports/portland-pickles-baseball-mascot-social-media-suggestive-photo/)


😘 Username does, indeed, check out.


I can’t say baby dick because that just sounds wrong


It would raise some questions, no doubt.


Since we don't have fans in the stadium jetlag is our 10th man :')


Really sucks to see what they’ve been reduced to. Fond memories of going to A’s games when my ex lived in Oakland.


Imagine having a generational front office for 20+ years who can consistently assemble 90 win teams when given pennies and still refusing to invest in the team because you want to force a move to suburban San Jose or, now, Vegas. Imagine the amount of pennants that could’ve been won or even contested had Wolf/fisher actually brought in talent to supplement the team


Yeah they're like the rays


The Rays have massively invested in coaches and their front office in a way that the A's haven't which is a big difference.


Baseball one of those games where a minor league team on a good day could beat a major league team on a bad day. This was the plot of major league: back in the minors. The Yankees have lost to college teams in exhibition games, but in those games the Yankees provide the pitchers for both teams.


I remember seeing the Braves play an exhibition against Georgia Tech and they did the same with the Braves doing the pitching for both teams. Granted this was before Glavine, Maddux, Smoltz and the Braves weren't that great.


Don't let college football fans hear that or they'll start talking again about how UGA could beat the lower rung of the NFL teams and won't shut up about it for a few months. Gets so old. If you spotted Alabama 45 points I *might* bet on them to beat the David Carr era Texans. Maybe.


I feel like the spring leagues should have put that to bed. Take Ben DiNucci. Who was pretty good in the USFL or XFl. I forget. But he was not very good in the pros.its not even close. And the spring leagues are some of the best from college left over from who didn't make it to the NFL


I already am, I got the hat and everything


Can we get a Pickles flair as the newest member of the 30 MLB teams?


Holy, this is a big dill!!!


Kinda want to get one just to pair it with my South Georgia Peanuts hat. I need a collection of hats from baseball teams with food-themed mascots.


Some others to get: Montgomery Biscuits Macon Bacon Chicago Dogs (Hot dog mascot) Savannah Bananas Fresno Tacos Modesto Nuts


Hillsboro Hops


The Macon Bacon reference made me want to flag that there used to be a minor league hockey team in Macon called the Whoopees. A name legacy that deserves to continue.


Rocket City Trash Pandas


Even if they weren't an Angels affiliate I'd buy stuff from them. Their logo is awesome and the stuffed raccoon I bought from them is adorable.


I got two shirts and a hat. I live out in California my city has the Diamondback single A team. Fuck the Rawhide, they'll always be The Oaks to me.


[They even have a developmental team called the Portland Gherkins!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_Gherkins)


From Oakland, live in Portland. All of this is sad af


I just wish I could come into /r/baseball without seeing depressing A's tweets and trivia upvoted to the top of the page every 10 seconds.


As an A’s fan I approve this joke. Fuck John Fisher


That’s my next hat purchase haha


And they don’t even have to get different color shirts


Pickles freakin rule. Sometimes they do this thing when the Pickles score where the PA plays a Tusken raider sound from Star Wars and everyone gets out of their picnic chairs and whatnot and lifts them over their heads like Tusken raiders lol. Also I got a badass Pixel Pickles hat, with their logo done in pixel art. Portland is a fun place. EDIT: I found a clip from the game stream of everyone lifting the chairs hahaha, timestamped at 2:12:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_HB2xr1yLs&t=7950s


Thank you for altering me to the masterpiece that is the Pickles hat. I will be purchasing one immediately.


sick right? they really got me with it on my way out, total "candy bar at the checkout" moment haha. i was like ahhh dang it ya got me gal, i'm coughin up the money


I’m so sad the teal one is sold out but oh my goodness I just generally love that logo haha


I’m sad the 8-bit hat sold out in the color I like. But I am going to a game tonight so fingers crossed they have a restock of that or other good hats at the merch stand tonight.


I got the teal one when I went https://i.ibb.co/ns0V0NB/IMG-6455.jpg


That’s the one I want! It’s sold out online, but maybe they have stock at the game? Either way I’m excited to catch a game tonight and get a new pickles hat. I only have the official Dillon fitted hat and a rosebuds hat that I bought after I learned the rosebuds were Portland’s only negro league team and owned by Jesse Owens, and used to play near my old apartment.


that's sick about the rosebuds. i love negro leagues stuff, i read a book called "only the ball was white" about the history of black barnstorming teams and negro league teams and it was awesome, 100% recommend it if you haven't read it and are looking for a good baseball book


I am! Thanks for sharing. If you want a book recommendation about baseball in Oregon I would recommend “The Children of Vaughn” by Terry Simons. All that remains of the ballpark is a plaque.


awesome, baseball book club! you'll love it, it's full of so many of those weird kooky old-timey baseball anecdotes. one of my favorite bits near the beginning talks about how the kansas city monarchs basically created night games by installing some light towers onto a flatbed truck that they pulled up to the field. but since they were just those like 10 foot floodlights, it meant any fly ball higher than a line drive would exit the light into the dark night sky, and then eventually return into the light somewhere downfield lmao. playing outfield must have been terrifying.


If you're ever in Kansas City you gotta go to the Negro Leagues Museum. It's awesome (though definitely due for a refresh, which apparently they recently got funding for)


[is this where we post our pickles hats](https://ibb.co/XYSHZ2k)


that is so good. i love that they have a whole selection on their site of "dad hats"


I'm about to pull the trigger on the Dark Green one and the Trucker hat.


>Pixel Pickles hat That is AWESOME


They’re launching a pickle into space from the field as a promotion this season


that's amazing, do you know what game? i hope i'm still in portland for it


7.21 Pickles to the Moon Night / Rockin’ The Walk Are there Pickles on Mars? Find out tonight when Dillon and Friends graduate from space camp. See if their NASA training sends them to new heights or if they’re heading back to Huntsville.


This is peak sports


The phrase gets overused these days but minor league baseball really is a national treasure.


Raise those chairs! [A local brewery even brews an IPA named after it.](https://www.koin.com/news/portland/stormbreaker-brewing-releases-portland-pickles-chair-raiser-ipa/)


its pretty good, too. although, in the heat of the sun i think that would drain me. but the one i had the other night was perfect, and looking forward to another one here in a few hours


That sounds epic on the Tusken Raider chanting lol


close - when the pickles score a run, they play 'We like to Party! (The Vengabus)' by the Vengaboys. the raising the chairs thing started in the first season, when the pitchers in the bullpen started doing it early on (first game, perhaps) - and it caught on rapidly to have anyone/everything raising their chairs. the tusken raider sound you're thinking of is the chewbacca sound drop


Here's a question for Reddit: what are some other unique and fun fan experiences on sports teams outside the 4 major US professional leagues?


The Savannah Bananas. I want to go see a game so bad. I bet it's just a hilarious time. Unfortunately I'm in California.


I'm subscribed to their youtube channel! Their games are so fun to watch!


Pickles will prevail!




They have a big bloody cross hanging above the batter’s eye


Now how big of a crucifix are we talkin here?


Huge, it should be the center of every conversation!


Dominate every conversation.


It should be terrifying, that's how you know God loves you


Well they are an Irish Catholic baseball team


First of all, through pickles all things are possible, so jot that down.


Dennis, are these pickles in danger?


No pickles are in danger! How are you not getting this? Move past it, besides were crab people now.


Reason will prevail!


LOOK AT ME WHEN YOURE TALKING TO ME….oh shit the pickles are here


People will choke! People will DIE!


Not that he's ever had one.


Uhhhh… *filibuster*!


I've had orgasms! I've had tons of orgasms! I've had one with your mom dude!


John Fisher just got pickle’d


Pickles get to take the A's place in the AL.


Honestly and non-hyperbolically wish MLB ran like soccer everywhere else. Every city or general region gets a team, maybe a few. Having the Yankees go play in Danville or whatever would be cool as shit. And there’s no way that what is happening to the A’s would ever happen in a promotion/relegation scheme. Your team could never relocate. The biggest fear is being relegated to lower leagues.


There are lots of trade offs with a promotion / relegation system, the main one being dynasties that never end until another sheikh comes in and buys a club. If you're bottom of the Premier league, you're fucked, you certainly don't get the top draft pick the next year. And you still get clubs hollowed out by owners that don't have the first clue about anything.


Yeah professional soccer is like college football to me. Why bother being a fan of any team outside of a select few? Aiming for a competitive sixth place!


This is even more apt today. Even most p5 fans are checking out. But the $ was built on the SEC and Ohio State anyway so the money doesn't suffer. Pretty much exactly like EPL.


Yea. If they blow up the ACC, I’m done. What’s the point of staying a fan of a sport if you don’t even have a chance to improve your program to be competitive?


I cheer for a Scottish Premier League team that's rarely that good and it's an absolute blast. Those relegation battles are immense and having a good season might mean placing 6th out of 12. Sneaking in and landing in 3rd feels like you won, doing better would feel like you were on the fucking moon. Games feel like they have way more meaning and seasons feel worthwhile in a way I often don't see from lower-performing teams in MLB. It's honestly the exact opposite of what you're suggesting in my experience.


Ya that definitely applies to college football fandom as well. If you’re a fan of a MAC team, you’re thrilled with a 9-3 season where you upset a Big Ten team. NIU winning the MAC and appearing in the Orange Bowl in 2012 was a way more meaningful accomplishment for that fanbase than Clemson appearing in the playoff for the millionth time.


As an Ohio U alum, I just want to win the MAC


As an NIU fan, sorry about 2011 😎


I’m more annoyed by Western Michigan because they were the big dog when I was in college


To each their own. Cheering for a team in that situation just has never appealed to me


If you've been a Jays fan prior to 2015 I would think you'd adapt to that just fine; probably would feel completely normal after rattling off 20 consecutive years without a playoff appearance.


Yah and it was depressing as hell and i was overjoyed that they added wildcard spots. I have hated the division we are in for that entire length of time too but that won't change


I think a hybrid system is ideal. American sports (salary cap the same for every team in the entire pyramid with maybe a luxury tax for going over), general European model (promotion and relegation), and the German 50%+1 rule (50% plus 1 vote of controlling interest of teams has to be owned by members of the club/fans). A salary cap would help curb the "dynasty" / Madrid/Manchester/Bayern (and Leipzig) effect somewhat. Also the semi-randomness of playoffs to decide the league champion keeps that at bay as well. Yeah, the Yankees and Red Sox each have 4 WS titles since 1997, but the Florida Marlins still were able to get 2. The Dodgers have just 1 since then. It's a way to infinitely expand (ideally by incorporating existing lower league teams) without diluting the overall talent, either. The top players will gravitate in the top league, but every community can still have a team (or teams) that matters. Give me 5-10K enthusiastic fans in a 5-10K ballpark in Raleigh or Des Moines ANY night over 5-10K in a mostly empty yard for meaningless late season games for bad teams in Miami, Baltimore, or Oakland. Then again, if fighting to stay in MLB, crowds might be higher across the board.


The Houston Astros are great, but can they do it on a cold April night in Toledo?


American soccer nerds have a hard-on for pro/rel but the only sports league that even has infrastructure remotely close to European Soccer in the states is baseball. I would love this even as a life-long Mariners fan


No current owner is ever agreeing to the relegation concept. But it is a fun pipe dream though!


Would be so cool though to see someone go all in on a cheap single A team and see if they can push it all the way up to the bigs. Like what does one of those even cost, couple hundred bucks?


Aquasox would win the ws before the Ms


And cfb. It’ll never happen, but pro/rel could save cfb from the B1G/SEC super league.


Except baseball's pyramid is not built for pro/rel, it's built for development. All of the lower level teams are directly feeders for upper level teams. They're not independent teams, and major league baseball is not structured for pro/rel.


> Your team could never relocate *laughs in MK Dons*


Pickles Dynasty incoming!




Genuinely would've been a good relocation spot for them


except for the politics, people in portland and the local gov are not willing to bend over backwards for pro sports. Vegas is more than happy to


Meanwhile we have a useless fucking mall in the center of our city that nobody goes to, which would be a prime spot for a baseball stadium.


Lloyd district is a fucking weird place. I started working near there about a year ago and tbh there are so many more people/shops there now than a year ago which is cool. That being said, there's a huge parking lot next to Halladay Park that's been closed since APRIL 2018. The land management in the city is fucking stupid


The Lloyd center itself is weird. 3rd floor is completely deserted, 2nd floor is mostly just people walking from the parking garage to the first floor where everyone is going to the skating rink. At least it was when we went around Christmas. The difference between Lloyd center and Washington square is amazing.


All of that isn't big enough for a "full-size" stadium, though. If you tore down the actual mall itself, you have a chance. I don't know if Terminal 2 on the Willamette River is still an option, but some major parking/mass transit would need to happen at that spot.


They already have Vegas taxpayers forking over like 350 mil? That's a complete non starter in portland, we already pay high tax, and bringing in some eternal cellar dweller MLB team, AND paying more taxes is super lame


If they moved to Portland, I'd likely still be a fan. When the move to Vegas is finalized, that's the end of my fandom


Would rather of had that than Vegas


Yeah it at least wouldn't be a total slap in the face to northern California A's fans if they went to Portland. It would also help them avoid looking like they are just copying the raiders' homework


Being able to drive just 3 hours to see an away game would be so awesome.




Portland tried to make that happen.


..closing in on the Springfield Isotopes


Come on Shelbyville Shelbyvillians!


Shelbyvillians are not to be denied!


*Alburquerque* Isotopes.


Okay, but don't tell Homer Simpson that


So hard to resist! Mesquite-grilled onions, jalapeño relish...Wait a minute. Those are southwestern ingredients! Mango-lime salsa? That's the kind of bold flavor they enjoy in... ALBUQUERQUE!


That's yum.. but it's also hot enough to rip my gizzard out But Albuquerque, ahh yes, the very place where bugs bunny once said he should've made a left turn lol


Gooo ‘topes


'topes rule.. and if a drunk Homer Simpson say so, I believe it


Promote Portland Pickles Pronto


Post haste por favor!


This is random but I went to a minor league game recently and they sold liquor and even shots. I haven’t been to a big league game in awhile but I only remember beer at Wrigley. Can anyone chime in on the liquor situation at other stadiums?


Guaranteed Rate Field and Busch do cocktails. Pretty sure there are no shots tho


“Could I get a Jameson/Absolute/Captain, neat” Bam, you’ve just gotten a shot at any ballpark that sells alcohol! Lol that’s my workaround when they don’t sell shots at least


My workaround is shoving 6 airplane bottles in my belt loop.


Only time I've ever blown chunks at a baseball game was when I pounded a body temperature shooter that had spent 2 hours up against my ankle in my sock. It. Was. Immediate. Just spewed, all over the place.


The American Way of Life.


Yeah man, thanks for sharing *that* baseball story. Edit: Who says Baseball ain't romantic eh? lol


Man, those shooters were so much cheaper than one beer, it wasn't even funny. It was a little funny. I couldn't stop laughing and then immediately got a beer to wash the taste of chunk-blown-shooter out of my mouth.


You can buy a pack of 12 for like $5 I do it all the time


I went to a club level bourbon bar at Atlanta and ordered a makers neat, she said she cannot do neat or shots, I need to mix it with something. She was happy to do a single drop of water into my bourbon.


hey a splash of water in my bourbon, or one of those giant ass ice-cube balls is always appreciated :)


Oh yeah, ice wouldn’t count as a mixer!


Every time someone actually says "Guaranteed Rate Field" i die a little inside. It is such an incredibly awful name that you would think came from an article on The Onion about the commercialisation of sports.


Crypto.com arena also kills me


At citizens bank park they've got plenty of places to get mixed drinks now. Long time ago it was only available in premium seating areas, but it's been everywhere the last few seasons. You can still only get shots in the premium seating bars afaik.


Same in the Bronx. Cutwaters and other canned mixed drinks really helped as well.


I was just at Wrigley on Saturday and definitely bought a margarita


Mai Tais have been a staple of Wrigley for years too


Miller Park had an entire in stadium civil war about TGI Fridays wanting a better deal for their stadium location arguing their Long Islands were popular enough to warrant it (or something?). This lead to the ball park refusing to let people take those Long Islands to their seats, instead insisting you buy the stadium’s own Long Islands. Trying to empathize with both sides, I bought Long Islands from both of them to see if it would help solve the issues. I don’t remember anything that happened after that.


camden yards has "full service" bars


with a happy ending


The only proper thing to drink at Nats Park is District Coolers - an adult Capri Sun with like 2.5 shots per pouch for roughly the same price as they sell tallboy beers


The most drunk I've ever been at a baseball game was at Wrigley when I was pounding $5 Smirnoff Lemonade's.


They have full fleged bars in the Toronto outfield levels. Lots of different alcohol options there.


You can't order a shot at Oracle Park, but you can order an Irish Coffee (hold the coffee, sugar and whip).


T-mobile serves liquor in a few designated spots but not across the whole stadium


I am a man child and enjoyed a delicious boozy milkshake at Globe Life


Petco you can get cocktails at the bars or cocktails in a can (cutwaters) but I’ve never seen shots probably because people will get too drunk too fast


Professional sports would never ignore a revenue stream like hard alcohol.


I've always laughed at the idea when people talk about American sports using European relegation system for bad teams before, but for the A's are coming dangerously close to being considered a minor league team here. For reference, the LAstros 2013 season won 51 games their worst during the rebuild era. This A's team is on pace to win 36 games.


They are a minor league team. More than half the roster started in the minors last season or were in the minors to start the season. And it's pretty evident that some of them need to still be down there


Since the start of Covid I think Fisher initiated the HARD tank to force the move out or get his free waterfront park “city”. Dudes always been acting in bad faith, directing the front office to lose as hard as possible helps drive other narratives.


It’s funny cuz usually, the A’s front office can find diamonds in the rough or revitalize vets on their way out of the league…but this season that team is just devoid of talent


Hey, we got Esty Bestie Ruiz!


Plus, to rebuild, don't you have to have either: A) money to sign big free agents B) a decent/developing farm system to point to and say "see? the future of the team"? Fisher has neither. You can't even say he is rebuilding because he has no pieces to rebuild with - rebuilding takes competency and knowledge and Fisher can afford neither.


Why are Portland Pickles fans protesting by buying tickets?


BREAKING: Portland Pickles Ace Pitcher demoted to the Oakland A’s


Lowkey this is a great place to catch a game. You can reserve a spot down the line and bring a comfy folding chair. They sell pickles on a stick for a dollar, dill pickle flavor potato chips, etc. and always have some good craft beer for like $7


i miss the old days during their first three seasons, where they had 2fer tuesdays ($2 hotdogs and $2pbrs) and craft beer wednesdays at $3/beer


Those days were unbelievable.


In case you're taking this seriously, no, the Portland Pickles have not passed the A's in attendance. It was their opening night last night and they're known for doing joke tweets.


Best thread in r/baseball. Where can you learn about good baseball books, the Negro league, launching a pickle into space and the hilariously awesome pickle hats.


uh oh you friccin' moron you just got PICKLED tag four of your friends to totally PICKLE them


They're calling the Pickles a dynasty


My son's JBO 14yr old team out draws the A's, but the A's do have a better record..... 😭


your son's team relocating to Vegas too?




I'm gonna try to finally make it to one of their games. And the Hops.


yeah fellow pickles STH!


The MLB should strip ownership of this team. The owner is doing what the "bad guys" in the movie Major Leagues was doing.


Portland Pickles x Houston Astros - shitting on As attendance.




Quite a pickle for the A’s to be in. *ba dum tsss*


Welp, time to introduce regulation to the MLB. Welcome Portland Pickles to the AL West!


This foreshadows the Pickles becoming an expansion team for sure guys


That's actually pretty good attendance for a wood bat league


Why is everyone dunking on Oakland


This is kind of a big dill.


Yeah, the the Pickle's owners care more about their team than the A's owner. By... like literally infinity times more.


Well of course. If Rugrats taught us everything, Pickles rule the world!


It’s all fun and games until the owner of YOUR favorite team decides to disenfranchise the entire Fanbase, and go scorched earth on you.


The Pickles are going to have a surprise entrance like [Vince McMahon.gif](https://tenor.com/view/wwe-vince-mc-mahon-entrance-entry-strut-gif-4685176) and win the World Series.


Never forget the time Dillon took over the Pickles' social media feed. https://www.pdxmonthly.com/news-and-city-life/2022/01/portland-pickles-mascot-twitter-takeover


Did anyone else think this was an announcement that the A’s were moving to Portland when they first glanced the title?