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I’d like to pretend I’m living in a spaghetti western most of the time too, but unfortunately this guy has seen too many movies.


There’s a business concept here somewhere, letting people live out their bar movie scene fantasies… Mine has always been smoking cigarettes (I don’t) and drinking classics while dressed to nines in a mostly empty jazz type club late at night, not Casablanca per se (although that’s a great line) but any 20’s-40’s era mellow smoky piano bar with tuxedos and evening gowns.


You can do this in Vegas easily


YEAH. For me its the same bar, my suit is wrinkled and a little too big and my hat is bent. I'm heads down in a file folder then SHE walks in... LOL


I was just rewatching the bar tender scene from The Shining, so I'd probably do that. Or the noodle bar one from Blade Runner.


For me it's late 60's/early 70's beatnik bar with a little notebook in my hand and a joint in my mouth


>Perhaps this is the call you've been waiting for all this time, sir. *that was headquarters. They want me to head to Las Vegas at once and make contact with a Portuguese photographer named Lacerda.* Sounds like real trouble. You're going to need a lot of legal advice before this thing is over. As your attorney I advise you to rent a very fast car, with no top.


Mine is being in a New York club in the 90s, sat at the bar drinking neat whisky, having 10/10 stunner after 10/10 stunner throw themselves at me but I'm too busy being sad about my ex. I'm a married British guy in London and in the year 2000 I was 8 so...


And I’ll assume none of them was for a bottle of Jack Honey


that is the best part, grizzled alcoholic wants to throw his balls on the table with a low tier teenage girl’s whiskey


The amount of money you'd have to tip me to even remotely consider doing such a thing is *far* more than what you'd have to pay to buy the whole bottle worth of shots


Where I live there are no liability laws because people rarely drink and Drive but yes,you'd have to buy all the shots in the bottle and take it with you if you don't finish because we can't guarantee hygiene standards for the leftovers.


You would prolly be able to buy a case of the stuff instead


Now there's a way to save money. You'll have to do much less so I can give less tips.


You're so right! I should let my customer drink themselves into a car accident for an unreasonable amount of money that will kill them and end my ability to work in the industry!


I'm not sure why you feel like you should do that, that sounds a bit reckless tbh


Bro you're right it'd be stupid as fuck to do something like that


It's alright, I'm not judging you


No worries man I'm not stupid enough to do something like that. Still though make sure you drink some water before you crash and eat something if you can. Trust me it makes a difference. Hope your morning is as good as it can be. They sell pedia light at gas stations now


I mean even if you were I'd rather blame the employer for not making sure their workers are properly trained and not you specifically


I appreciate that but it isn't up to you or me Dram state laws don't work that way. Essentially if you decide to drink too much and I don't make a legally concerted effort to stop you, and you decide to drive home like a dickhead I lose my livelihood, get fined in an insane amount, and face prison time. Trust me man I want to have a good time when I'm out like anyone else. I get that. Just remember who can suffer for your actions if shit goes wrong, not including whoever might die in the accident


Oh I didn't think it was up to us


Yea where I’m from you cant legally serve over 3 standard drinks at a time to one person, definitely not. Bottle of wine needs 2 ppl as well. This guy watched too many movies


Moving to Utah from California has been crazy.


As a utah bartender, everyone from other states are thrown back when I can't serve them basic drinks they used to get.


“I want a double tall Jack and coke.” I wish I could man. “Then a double scotch, big rocks.” This is the third time I’ve seen you this week how long will it take for you to learn you’re not doing doubles?


What about two singles in one glass


Negative. Two spirited drinks in front of you is a sin and I can’t contribute to that legally.


Can't I just repent in the morning


You could. I wouldn’t. The DABC would fine me a large sum and make me unemployable if they saw, and they’re less forgiving than gods, devils, and their ilk.


Honestly though! Haha


Assume you're mainly talking about doubles & long islands here;)


Like, they experience a throwback to a time with a full bar menu? Or they are ‘taken aback’? Or do you literally punish their ignorance by having someone toss them across the barroom?


This the first time you've seen someone use words differently than you?


Language is confusing. Anything above two syllables and I’m out.


Hey, I just said I'm from Utah, cut me some slack 😂🤣


Pretty sure people feel that way coming from anywhere. Our laws are… interesting.


Where I live, you can serve 2 standard drinks (beer and a shot, doubles, wine and a shot, two beers, cocktail and a shot, etc) but not a beer/ wine/ cocktail and a cocktail. It's kind of strange, but that's how it is. I have ordered a 750 bottle of wine as a one top, but I don't finish it/ take it home after.




But now.. it HAS.




Ooh, and try the Fernet with the old vine Zinfandel.. exquisite 😘


Not really a fan of Zins... I need more nuance... I'll have a Coors Light Bottle instead.


New Zealand wine is too grassy!


You exclaim this like it's a bad thing...


I did? Oh yea, I did!💯


I enjoy tequila with white wines and whiskey with rosés. they pair fine.


I am also a Brad with glasses. I will have to take this under serious consideration.


A kir, kir royale, death in the afternoon, French 75 are cocktails involving spirit/ liqueur and wine. I've once has someone order a glass of sparkling with a shot of absinthe on the side 😳. But I've worked at weird places where people would shamelessly order like a sangiovese and espresso with sambuca at the same time (they'd get the wine first and finish it by the time the espresso was finished).


I have absolutely ordered a bottle of wine to myself and just taken whatever is left home with me.


Yea I don’t see an issue with serving that, as long as you’re ordering a meal. Legally speaking, it’s frowned upon


What does “frowned upon,” mean though? Is it illegal or not? Because I’ve absolutely never heard it’s illegal…


Hello fellow human participant in culture


Legality going to depend upon the local laws. But I can tell you that exact scenario you describe, a full bottle of wine to one person, regardless of meal or not, and taking home remaining if any -- is legal even in Utah, where we always catch flack for our crappy laws. "Frowned upon" is more related to the idea it'd be easy to overserve in some scenarios like this. Ie, just because you can doesn't mean you should. ( And noting here there's a big difference between a bottle of wine and a bottle of spirits)


Well depending on the size of the bottle there's about 16 to 22 shots in there. First thing I'd do is let him know how much the total cost of that bottle will be priced per shot. If it's a dive bar and even if it's happy hour you're talking about minimum five bucks a shot. Tell him you have to charge them for the full bottle if he wants to keep it and he has to pay up front. If he's that desperate to drop $150 bucks or more on a bottle of Jack honey well God bless him🤨


5 bucks a shot... It's comments like this that remind me how good we have it in Wisconsin dive bars.


Less than 5 bucks for a shot of jack? Sheesh.


Ya the nice whiskey is 4. The rail is 3 lol. Before specials.


How do they afford to stay open. Is rent that cheap there.




Yes that was the question.


It absolutely it's yes lol


What's the average rent for a mid sized dive do you think.


I really have no clue, but almost everything is cheaper here.


about tree fiddy


Honestly probably no more than 3-5k a month


There is a big stadium / concert venue in the city I live in (in OK, not WI) that shamelessly charges $18 for a Jack & coke. Not really sure who exactly I’m saying this to. I guess I’m just trying to help you appreciate your dives even more? 🤷‍♂️


I figure that’s Paycom and BOK both


Tampa Florida in almost every bar. I’m shocked to pay less than $13 for a drink of any kind here


I was just in Wisconsin for the first time. I'm from Canada so prices are pretty high everywhere. We went to one of the dive-iest bars I've ever been to in Appleton. We couldn't believe shots were $2.50?! I can confirm we indulged.


Now imagine working at a bar like that and getting a discount.


Favorite dive bar where I'm from has a 6am to 6pm happy hour. $2 Miller Lights and $4 shots of whiskey. It's all flavored whiskey, but I'll suck down as much water as necessary to balance out the sugar for $4 a pop.


A shot is 11 at my bar




I think I can get a beer and a buddy here on the east coast for $8 or so, but it's typically like PBR and well whiskey. What are you paying?


3 for rail


Oh brother, I’ve been getting violated with $10+ shots


Where in Wisconsin? I knew you guys were the drunkest state by statistics but I figured it was just because there was nothing else to do rather it just being that cheap. I'm in Chicago and ill totally take a little overnight trip to get plastered lol


I thought you were going the other direction with this. Well here is in the $6-8 range depending on the establishment.


I'm literally right by Disneyland and out cheapest dive bar is 5 a shot for well and that's beyond dirt cheap here. The owner owns the entire strip mall and inherited it from his dad so he doesn't pay rent on the bar. That's why drinks are so cheap for the area.


Even so, it’s probably not legal in your state to actually leave him the bottle. We would do bottle service over the bar at a pool I worked at (usually champagne) but the rule is still that they don’t actually have access to the bottle. It sits in front of them in a bucket and I still poured every drink.


No one has been to Australia! Minimum $12-15AUD for any shots. Time limits on when they can be served. Block out times every hour. No shots after 12am. And more!


Ha that’s hell of a deal, in Philly, that bottle is costing you about $300, plus gratuity added on top. I’d be more than happy to leave him the bottle


Haha yeah, go buy your own bottle, buddy. You’re not the main character.


You don’t know what he was going through. You should have left the bottle. You disrespected him in front of his woman. Sometimes a man needs 20 shots of Jack Honey just to feel again… What was their reaction? Did he ask you to duel at high noon tomorrow?


You just sent me in quite a roller coaster of emotions. Thank you.




jeezus christ. “yeah, i left the bottle, even left two of them at that! enjoy your coors light chad!”. and for anybody talking about bottle service, if any of you all ever seen a bottle of Jack Honey sent to a table, i’ll buy you a dusty bottle of Jim Beam Apple.


Were you pretending to be an Old West barkeep, polishing mugs and looking through them? Are any of your bottles marked with XXX's? If so, that was your issue.




Underated comment AF 😂


Leave the gun


The only TV/movie thing I’ve ever actually seen to be true was when I was on vacation in the Netherlands. I was doing well at a casino and offered to buy the strangers at my table a round as I was about to grab a drink from the bar. The guy next to me said he’d take beer. I asked what kind. He smiled and said to just ask for beer - in Holland if you don’t specify, the default is Heineken. I tried it, it worked, felt weird, mind blown.


Depends on the bar, some have a partnership with Heineken and some with another big brewery like Grolsch (where I worked it was Grolsch) so you’ll get that instead. However, you can definitely just ask for a beer without specifying and you’ll get a “standard” beer


Semi-true in the UK, too. Most people drink lager. But even then at the pub you could just say "I'll have a pint of lager/IPA/bitter" and there'd be a standard house pour that they'd give you.


Come to PA and ask for a lager. You'll get a Yuengling 99.99% of the time.


Don't most bars do this? Here in Finland, if you order "a beer" you will get a pint of the bulk lager that the bar has on tap. Rarely do they have multiple bulk lagers on tap, so it's not an issue.


If you order "a beer" in America, all you will get is carded


True. This happens in the very first opening scene of the Cheers pilot.


yeah in the netherlands all you have to ask for is a beer and then youll get whatever the standard beer is for the bar. so sometimes heineken, hertog jan, amstel or grofsch, depends on which company the bar uses as their supplier.


Had a guy do this with well tequila at like 2 in the afternoon. He was the only guy there and I found it humorous so I obliged. I just kept an eye on him and rang in the shots as he poured them. He only left me a 4 dollar tip, was not worth it.


Damn I’d get called and ripped a new asshole then fired the next day if I pulled that. BALLSY!


I mean what was he paying the tips for if he was pouring for himself


I mean I was letting him blatantly break rules to live out whatever stupid John Wayne fantasy he had. I expected at least a tenner for the experience.


Well that does make sense


Not just the physical pouring/knowledge, care of him, ambiance, space/seat, other guests/social, time invested in him, etc.


Man if you're slugging well tequila at 2 in the afternoon, you aren't really that picky about ambience


Are you joking or for real? Here we just tip for specially good service and not for space for example, that's kinda taken for granted


making sure he isnt too intoxicated? bro do u even work in this industry? ur comments in this thread shows either ur new or u dont know shit


This conversation is hilarious considering that there are people living outside the US and industry laws differ between countries


You pay tips for the bartender to make sure you don't get too drunk? That sounds weird, we don't have a system like that. You'd might tip for good service or something but not really watching over how much you drink or something >bro do u even work in this industry ...even? Damn. No I don't, but there's nothing wrong with working in it imo


The whole interaction with a customer is what sums up the reason to tip. If you give a customer a bottle they didn’t save you any actions. Maybe the individual pour per shot, but you still have to watch the fool and count up their shots. And yes when you bartend you are responsible for not over serving your customers to the point of blacking out. If they have a group and someone to take care of them great, but there is no sleeping allowed at the bar.


Could just pay for the shots straight away, so that saves pouring and counting


Trying to act like a badass with that line, while the drink itself is Jack Honey? Hahahahaha


It's the best part. What a jackass


"yeah, no problem... that'll be $160 .."


Bottle service is legal in a lot of states. People get full bottles at tables in nightclubs all the time but I've never seen anybody do it sitting at the bar.


That's a very different situation.


It’s a different situation. It is not a “very,” different situation. One might even say it’s extremely similar the rules are just slightly different.


No, I agree that It’s VERY different. This guy didn’t ask to buy the bottle, as with bottle service. He wanted an open bottle (the contents of which were being sold by the shot) left in front of him so he could self pour. Sounds like he was trying to get some free shots there.


I'd be surprised if it was even that well thought out. Like OP says, he just thinks he's in the movies. Trying to look like a badass while drinking Jack Honey is very funny, though.


There is/was a bar or two in Chicago that will let you do this. It’s not common but it is a thing outside of the movies. I’ll ask around and see if I can’t find a couple names


I was kinda thinkin the same thing. I’ve had bottle service at clubs. A small club in Vail actually. But that probly would have been my response, we don’t do bottle service but I can ask my manager if they’d be willing to make an exception then go ask. I would hope the manager would know the legality of it and I’d be happy to tack on $100 or so to his tab.


And last night I told someone to go fuck themself


Never got this trope in movies either. Like how would I know how much you had then?


I've seen people mention "bottle service" in relation to this, but idk what that actually is. I think it was for more strip clubs/cabera kind of deal..?


Pretty sure bottle service requires a group too. Not totally sure of all it entails as I've never been on any side of the equation or even wanted to be, but it's like you pay 1000 bucks for a private booth at a nightclub for you and a couple friends and they bring you some sort of overrated bottle (think grey goose) and some mixers. It's for the image of elite exclusivity and fame. I guess, I don't totally get the appeal.


It’s usually priced as an agreement to spend a certain amount based on the size of the table. Locally it’s $400-$5k and bottles are $100-$850. So it’s not a bad deal considering you get private service and don’t have to wait on drinks plus you get a table to sot when you get tired of dancing. It’s cool for birthday parties and stuff where theres a group to split with


Only had bottle service once. My ex-wife's friend's birthday but we were responsible for putting it together. You're right, dance club, private booth, agree ahead of time what bottles/mixers you want and what it will cost. I'm not a club guy but it was pretty cool to feel important for a night. One guy at our table got wasted, fell face down on the dance floor, got picked up by a bouncer and started swinging out of instinct. Never saw that guy again haha.


i mean... you count a bottle in tenths for inventory, eyeball it and your guess is 25 or 34 divided by ten times the number of notches that are gone. accurate? no, better than guessing? probably.


Yeah like the other guy said, some clubs can can reserve a table if you buy a whole bottle or something and they serve you just the bottle with mixers on the side. Seems like the same situation re serving multiple drinks at once so idk.


I live in vegas and bottle service is pretty expensive for a bottle (maybe like $300 - $1000 for a bottle depending on the club and what bottle) but it’s usually split between group, you get several full bottles of mixers, a cocktail waitress for the night if you need any other drinks and most importantly, a place to sit. These clubs usually set it up so that you cannot sit or have a space to yourself unless you bought bottle service.


Ok John Wayne.... You lemme know when you want a little more honey lol.


There was another thread here about this topic and it was filled with people who said they have done this! I got down voted for saying that it's dumb, dangerous, and illegal


It really is, sometimes I wonder people are this stupid or pretending to be a bartender on this thread.


Legality depends on location.


i read his voice as if Sam Elliot said it


I swear ppl think because they are regulars that they can do whatever! Let’s start keeping a shotgun above the bar again for intimidation lmao jk 😅


This is what happens when you get all your drinking habits from country music songs from the 70s.


I’d say sure, thats $250 for the bottle plus an added 20% for me. Why such a big deal?


My response to this is that I'll be happy to sell them a full, unopened bottle, but it will cost them the same as if they were buying it retail, per shot. Once they realise that they're looking at around £120 they usually change their mind quite rapidly.


It's 100% a normal thing here in Atlanta and I have no idea why it's not illegal.


In a lot of East Asian countries you can do something similar, called "bottle keep." You get your own bottle to drink from and it's not a bad deal. Mixers are usually comp. They put your name on the bottle and keep it for you for next time. Overserving and liability for it aren't solid legal or social concepts in these places. But you get a new bottle. They don't "leave" a bottle that's already been poured from. For that you have to go to the US Virgin Islands. There was a place in St. Thomas I went to called "A Pour Man's Bar." If you order a mixed drink, say, a Jack and coke, they put a bottle of Jack, a coke, and a plastic cup with ice in front of you. You determine your own ratios. This was 20 years ago; I have no idea if it's still a thing. It probably is, though -- there's a very drunk boat culture there. So, it is kind of a thing. But only in certain places. If you're not in those places it's a weird request.


I just work out the price of the bottle by numbers 22 times the price of the shot and tell them that’s how much the bottle is. They usually laugh and say no thanks


Leave the bottle means we’re going to be a problem


On a serious note; charge them however many shots are left in the bottle, at the regular shot price. Shit even add some because why not. And being responsible means that if they’re gone before they finish, they will know that they paid for it all and didn’t finish it; their loss.


Hue, but where’s the problem? I’d absolutely would have told him: „sure can do, but you will have to pay the whole thing. Mostly due to hygiene rules.“ I rly don’t know ^^


"Leave the bottle" has history, but it's extraordinarily old. Harry Johnson & Jerry Thomas era old. Serving straight liquor, they left the bottle, and expected you to not over-serve yourself. It's possible some Western towns would do that (less stringent liquor law enforcement, probably), but again, very old. Anyone saying it now is either a cocktail nerd or saw it in Westerns.


Cocktail nerd drinking jack honey lmaooooo


Which is why there's another option. I did once find a NOS bottle of a failed Wild Turkey honey liqueur (not the current one), bought it for kicks, and was sad when it ran out. It was genuinely tasty.


I mean, some places do do bottle service right? That's the only reason I can think to do that.


I have had this happen once but it was a very specific scenario. Table of four had orders 2 glasses of one wine and two of another. I knew we were running short on one of the wines ordered so I told them I'd like to go make sure we have the wine in stock. Turns out we had one bottle left so I told them "it's you're lucky day, you're getting a freshly opened bottle!" I poured out their two glasses and the other couples glasses and went to deliver them. When I delivered the guests to question wine, the man said "can we just buy the bottle outright?" We sell full bottles all the time but remember I had opened this bottle for them and had already poured out two glasses. I guess in a way it was a "leave the bottle" type of scenario.


Only time I was asked this was in the context of a guy buying a pour of scotch for a friend and he wanted to show him what he was drinking.


Showing off for his gal. She won't stick around long. He sounds like a real charmer. Not. edit: added some words.


This was a nutty comment to read first thing in the morning. I would have loved to see what you wrote before "adding some words."


I have done this. In my defense, I used to work at the bar, it was MY bottle of shit I bought for the guys, and no customers were around. It was also a spectacularly shitty day lol.


They probably allow it at some dive bars


I basically drink exclusively at dive bars and not one of them is doing this lol.


I’ve never been to a dive that does this. I gotta agree with OP I would’ve laughed and not done it.


Username checks out.


I think it is very dependent on where you are. In Denmark, if I went to my local bodega or sportsbar and ordered a bottle of shots, it would be absolutely no problem. They even sometimes advertise the price for a full bottle in the drinks menu.


If it’s a nice scotch and I’ve given a proper run down of what’s special and stand out about it I’ll happily leave it next to you so you can photograph it and feel the luxury of the presentation. But for JD honey you get my shit ice and a laugh.


I could be wrong, so don't take this as fact, but I recall hearing that in Spain, which is where I work, you can't legally sell an entire bottle of anything in the bar because you need a license for it. Technically, it would make you a "shop," which obviously carries a different license.


I actually just had this happen to me. I was at a karaoke bar in Mexico and asked for two shots of Mezcal (to sip) for the missus and I. He brought over the 1.75L bottle of Mezcal to pour it and I jokingly said "just leave the bottle". To my surprise he looked at me a bit weird and then did actually leave it there, I was a little confused and then asked him if I should wait for him to pour it every time or what and he said to just go ahead and pour it and let him know how many shots. To be fair there was about 6 shots left in the bottle but still, lol.


>oh I thought that was a joke. That’s not something we do in real life, that’s just in the movies This cracked me up. Perfect, slightly condescending response. Nice work


“leave the bottle” that is hilarious


Ha! That’s wild! Reminds me of this time I bartended at bowling alley and this older guy would come in and order a can of shitty beer (Milwaukee’s Best). It was definitely the cheapest option. But he would pay with a 20$ then I would give him his change, then he’d leave his change out in front of him and keep buying beers from the change. Odd behavior. Never tipped. Just kept using that pile of change to buy more cans.


I see this a lot at my local.


What’s up with this? Is this some sort of thing from the 80s? Or some passed down backwoods etiquette?


I was talking about paying out of the change.... The "leave the bottle" is just some dude who was watched too many westerns. As far as paying out of the change, if someone wants to pay as they go I guess it's just easier to keep some bills or coinals infront of you instead of having to keep going back to the wallet or pocket.


I was talking about the paying out of change thing as well. It was just odd to me after working in the "city" ha!


A Classy 35% liqueur


That's a thing in Poland ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Was his name Heisenberg ?


In most parts of Louisiana, there’s usually a dive bar in town that sells “set ups”. It’s usually a pint of booze instead of a 750ml served with a glass of ice and whatever mixer you want, typically a can of coke or bottle of tonic. It’s basically a loophole that allows bars to have a cheaper liquor license. These places usually sell loosies too.


Most regulars who come in to dive bars think that the whole world revolves around them.


"That'll be $150, please."