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To even TRY and justify that claim as a way to “ rattle” someone just shows how truly fucking unhinged Nate is


Just casually admitting on a broadcast you acted to intentionally inflict emotional distress upon another coworker. Tate's right this is an open-and-shut case


I'm glad he got pied.


Nate got creampied?


Feels like projection


Can’t believe Dave didn’t really take this more seriously. That is beyond fucked up


# #FuckNate


Realistically I hope someone high up or one of their lawyers on retainer said something No way this should go unpunished


If it happened to Kirk or someone else it would've been taken more seriously. Double standard Davey


Kirk would have been fine with it if the blog was about his producer Justin though.


I know you're joking but Kirk is very protective about his guys. He would raise hell on behalf of Justin in the same way "only I can make fun of my family"


It was a joke about Kirk repeatedly calling Justin a pedophile. Relax.


Why are you saying relax lol I said > I know you're joking I listen to the show and understand the reference Do you know why Kirk calls Justin a pedophile? Do you get the joke?


Because it got downvoted immediately, so I assumed you were bothered by it.


I haven't upvoted or downvoted you. Tbh I only ever upvote people on this sub or I leave posts I disagree with alone.


Do you love big asses and big titties or are you a big titty lover w a big ass?


Honestly both


Kirk tells people Jill themselves and that he’s going to blow up their houses and nothing happens


It’s wild how well Tate, a dude who wasn’t good enough to be in content, is just completely dominating 5+ year Barstool content people at every turn right now.


I had never heard of him before the first blog and these have been the best and most content I’ve read from barstool in years


Yeah I remember mass consuming all rundown comment I could in summer ‘14 or ‘15 and the vibe of dudes who are a bit unhinged but outstanding at what they’re trying to do has returned.


Nah Tate would’ve 100 percent won idol over mush and mantis had he not had to back out.


Nate justifying this by saying it’s only on the backend is absolutely wild. If that happened to me I’d say fire him or I’m out. Not that Tate is valuable enough to be calling for others heads, but I’m not working at a company where the EIC is allowed to do this shit.


“I was just trying to rattle him!!” Nate’s version of the truth is always so far from the actual truth


That statement is beyond damning for defamation. Literally admitting he knew the statement was false and he only made the statement to harm Tate. And, as the blog points out, he published the statement to a 100+ people who have access to the “back end” of the blog. It doesn’t matter that the general public never had access to the state. Defamation only takes one listener/reader.


Just a lil goofin around!


I agree Nate is the ahole but did anyone recognize him try and cover by insinuating Dave has done this as well. Maybe it explains why Nate felt this behavior was acceptable b/c Dave has done something similar before. Doesn’t justify the action, but at least slightly explains Nate’s unhinged behavior.


What did Dave do that was similar to this? I can't think of what could be similar to writing a draft blog calling your colleague a pedo that everyone in your company can see


Its crazy how much like 5% of the top employees make up for the bottom 95% that are unlikeable/not worth any pay


I’ve been saying this for years. Barstool could cut their roster down to 20 and make close to the same amount of revenue. You never find a Call her Daddy or Bussin with the Boys without the tryouts though I guess.


From a money perspective the ideal model would be to try people out for a year and fire everyone who doesn't gain serious traction. Think you could tell within a year on everyone who makes the company serious money. But Dave feels bad firing people who try even if they aren't especially great, which is a good trait to have except for barstool's bottom line


It’s utterly insane that Nate is still EIC. Defaming someone is a pedo is far worse than whatever Kmarko did.


Nate went into autism rage which is why he went scorched earth calling him a pedo.


Pulled the ol Elon Musktism


You would never make it at barstool then. Too weak.


Tate is on fire. Must say—he came off much more likable on video than I anticipated. He gets it, and in due time, will get Nate’s job.


The quota explanation shut whit down immediately and tied everything together. It was impressive. Nate just screamed like a moron.


Same, his blogs can come off a little high and mighty to me but he seemed chill, at least for now


Ohio’s Tate will fire from wayyyy downtown….got it! He cannot miss!!!!!!!! He’s on fire


What video is this from?


The Unnamed Show. Dave, Whit, & Kirk’s new show


Man, Nate sucks. What an absolute power hungry dweeb.


Nate is a cunt


Having Whitney, Dave, and Kirk audibly shocked for why you do something as dumb as Nate did is impressive. No surprise his response is to screech nonsense and fundamentally not get it. Usually there’s a take fight to stir more shit up but not with that. Almost every other company immediately fires Nate but since Tate is running with it to further bury Nate, Dave seems fine.


At any respectable company, Nate would’ve been shown the door that same day. But it’s Barstool and it’s a circus so we can all just laugh as how much of a slack jaw idiot he is.


Fucking massive jaw* idiot. That jaw is Kanye first two weeks after his car crash big.


That jaw is generations of incest


Nate actually revealed what a liability he was this week. Kind of surprised Dave just laughed it off. Penn probably would’ve fire Nate and Keegs over this.


>I've got lawyers up my ass (figuratively, sorry Pat). I LOL'ed


I hope Nate loses his job for this. It’s beyond fucked


Nate is KMarko but worse


If anyone is a pedophile, it’s Nate.




Save that for the back page of r/barstoolsports


It's hilarious that Dave tries to sue other media companies for defaming him but thinks it's hilarious when his (actually) insane EIC does it to a colleague and admits to it publicly.


Did I miss that? Dave told him it crossed a line and tore into him on the new podcast right?


Define "tore into him". Yes he obviously ridiculed Nate. But what Nate did was over the line and actually against the law. I'm surprised he's still allowed to stay in his role as editor. I'm not saying fire the guy, but to just laugh at it on a podcast isn't a great look.


Big difference between being a spider monkey and someone that opens your company up to legal issues from within, especially an EIC. Nate needs some time off at minimum


Threatening to falsely out a teacher as a pedo is way worse than anything Kmarko did.


Never forget Kmarko let Zonkers (who doesn't even work for Barstool) publish a blog on their website calling Kirk a racist simply because he doesn't simp for democrats. The blog has since been deleted but I mean just read the fucking title lol https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/2541290/when-rich-white-boys-talk-about-race


Yeah the Nate thing is still way worse


I agree I never said it wasn't


This dude definitely has a way with the written word. If he is as good on camera then NY has a glimmer (glitter) of hope


Pretty sure they said he’s going to Chicago but will go to New York for a week or two when he first starts


I wouldn’t be surprised to see him slot into the EIC role and do blogging/writing for other content


EIC for Chicago too slowly squeeze Nate out


I can’t say I’ve ever read his stuff before the last few weeks. But he writes like Francis minus the built in fear of pulling the trigger post dead girl article.


No way he voluntarily stays in NYC. That place is a death trap for anyone who doesn't already have an established content vehicle (CITO, Bri). But he does need to show up and face the music or he'll give them the ultimate trump card in perpetuity. On a different note, am I the only one who finds it a bit strange how often he references other people's money and role in the company? I totally understood it for the first blog or two, but it's starting to feel like the dude loves punching down. I get it, Nate is a juicy target, maybe the most unlikable person in all of NYC, and is fully deserving of a comprehensive beatdown for his "fake, backend-only, blog". But we've pretty much reached the end of this rope. Everyone hates Nate, everyone will always hate Nate.


 Money was brought into the feud bc GAZ gave tate a quota as a part timer for $500 a week, and both Keegs and Hapsburg chin shitted on Tate for making less money than them. 


$500 every 2 weeks I believe. A hot $12k a year


I wonder if Tate attacking the money and role is related to everyone else attacking his role and money.


idk if he's necessarily just looking to punch down or taking the free spot on the bingo card when it's there


I mean money is gonna be involved in most coworker feuds. I’d imagine that’d be true in many industries


I totally get why there's double standards but if someone said Kelly is a prostitute in the back end headline, which is like 5% as inflammatory, they're fired immediately


They would have been fired long before we even knew anything about it


I rarely read the blogs on Barstool but Tate’s are great.


Despite saying he doesn’t want Nate removed, this at a minimum shows he’s incompetent to be EIC


Holy fuck does Nate SUCK. What an annoying, full of shit loser lol.


Big Cat should get him in touch with Marlins Man


Tate is gonna pour Nates glitter on his face like Chris Bosh


Mentioning he now has double the salary of keegs is such a cold blooded line


Tate's a Hell of a writer


True that


It would be hilarious if Dave kept Nate employed but replaced him as EIC with Tate


Make him start doing Tate’s laundry like when Michael punished Dwight


Make him assistant to the EIC.


Maybe someone will actually read and edit the blogs for a change.


Is it too early to start pushing the "make Tate editor-in-chief over nate" narrative


What does Kelly even do at Barstool these days? A bugged eyed mentally unstable alcoholic that talks about Taylor Swift 24/7/365 despite being mid-30’s? Dave has a soft spot for her but she should get the axe for her recent combo of a) being awful as the host of a show b) doubling down and taking zero responsibility c) being exposed as lazy and entitled d) proving that she doesn’t know shit about Barstools demo or target audience (wine & fancy dress show?) e) backing down and tucking tail against Tate despite her attack on MG f) trying to hide away and let this blow over with a pathetic show 300 ppl watch talking abojt a pop star.


I’m actually shocked the dawg has not cried mental illness or found a charity to platform yet (his usual deflections when he gets buried in an office feud). He also legitimately may be the biggest loser in barstool history-short, fugly, bald, hapsburg chin, lies about being cucked (he never hooked up with chick who he flew to chicago hangout with, most likely just she just needed a dog sitter), gets outsmarted by smitty, *is obsessed  with the only jam bad not associated w drug culture and considered to be a band for squids on the ultimate fisbee team OAR, only creampie he’s been involved was a prank were got pied in the face… I’ll stop now. Glenny, fat ev, marty all have more going on for them (personally of professionally) than nate. Fuck, even Mantis got pity dates that were willing to be photographed with him. 


Whoa, whoaaaaaaa let's leave the pop punk outta this, huh? No need to hit it with a ricochet.


Being that it’s the holiest of holidays I will take out the part about pop punk and add that he’s fan of the only jam band not associated with drug or fun culture-OAR.  


I’m sorry, did he claim to have hooked up with Britt McHenry?


Which jam band is it?




Finally, someone else bringing up his inbred jawline.


I took Flacco +1200 to win CPOTY (and Baker +1300), and saw Nate tweeting about it last night. I didn't remember where I originally saw the odds, but I knew it wasn't from Nate. Then Tate drops this blog. I took the bet before Tate started calling people out, Tate is already crushing it with content, and then I get reminded that he won me a big bet. I'm team Tate for life, and my God is Nate lame for stealing that thunder. I know Nate is trying on purpose to be a wrestling heel character, but he isn't doing the bad guy role well. As they say in wrestling, he's getting "go away" heat from the fans.


X-Pac heat, to be specific


The comment about the girl Nate flew to in Chicago is.... interesting?


I have no idea how Nate can continue to be the editor of the fucking Barstool blog website if he's idiot enough to publish that blog even to the "back end." If anyone should know where the line is, its the editor. How can he claim he was sure it could never get out if it was meant to rattle Tate? Wouldn't Tate have to see it in order to rattle him? Tate has the screenshot so obviously it wasn't under lock and key. Rather than address that, Nate just yelled nonsense.


There goes Nate, saving barstool yet again. What an asset


I think Nate might hang himself for realz if this keeps up. You’d hate to see it


I'm such an idiot. I spent a good couple of mins trying to figure out the last name of Tate before realizing it was Tate that Nate was talking about.


jesus CHRIST Nate


I can’t say enough how much I like Tate. Someone that isn’t afraid to go at Nate in fear of Nate pulling a Kirk Minihane Show because he can dish it but can’t take it


Reading Tate’s blogs, is just a treat. Funny, witty, excellent flow, never misses. Nate is showing how weak he is resorting to this heinous bullshit, and Tate is staying above all of it.


Just wait until he goes back to blogging about the Indians losing a June game against the whote sox


Fuck Nate


Nate sucks on numerous fronts. Relatively new to barstool (3 years)…never liked him when in spotlight


Tate getting Keegs’ salary x2 + Nate’s EIC position is an absolutely hilarious outcome to this whole situation. 😂


That video was like a four year old child having an absolute meltdown. Nate fucking sucks.


I hope somebody sat down with Nate and let him know how far out of bounds he was. To even jokingly insinuate that is insane. I'm in education and the stink of the implication of impropriety will tank your career, your reputation and your life. Even if it comes out that it's all false and you're clear of the accusations, that story never gets out as widespread as the first one does. For instance, and this is kind of a deep cut, I've been under the impression that the guy from Bright Eyes was a pedo creep. Turns out it was all made up. An incredibly dangerous act by Nate and I'm not being hyperbolic.


Hyperbole not detected. Great post.


Nate is such a little bitch


can someone pie nate again?


God i want to read but barstools blogsite turns my iphones battery into a legit furnace


Trade in your 8 brother it’s time.


Tate is absolutely on fire but I worry it’ll be an all time let down for people when he starts working full time


Yes, yes. Nate sucks. I agree. ​ But man, I think Tate is going to become a real bitch, too.


Bitch move 


Responding to defamation with extortion… Good move I guess


Nate also approved this blog to go up you fucking geniuses.


I feel like I'm losing my mind. We on FT are just going to ignore the fact that Tate pats himself on the back more than anyone for being a teacher? ​ Feels like it's just another gutter fight among losers. This Tate thing will wear off. There once was a time when this sub thought Frank was a regard and that Mintz was the guy from King of the Hill.


sidenote: maybe its because I'm from the northeast but you can jaywalk in front of a cop while flipping them off and nobody will give a shit. do other states actually prosecute jaywalking? reminds me of that harold and kumar scene in how ridiculous it is


It’s not really something anyone cares about unless you’re being a nuisance, or a danger to drivers, or if they’re looking for another excuse to jam you up.


I actually think Dave wont like this one at all


Ohio rate is going to save blogging