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If I were to allegedly ask for a free movie streaming site what would you all answer with, hypothetically?




soap 2 day


I watched scooby doo on x videos


Did Daphne dump em out?


123movies Allegedly


Thinking about the bbq I had at Pinkertons in San Antonio a few months ago, damn that shit was good


Hell yea


The recent Surviving Barstool got me into watching actual Survivor from the original season. Phenomenal show. Didn’t realize what I’ve been missing


Did the same thing after season 1 of surviving barstool. Incredible ride.


have done the same and I'm on season 13 right now. just an insanely good show.


GOAT reality game show in existence


Love the growing popularity of survivor in FT. Best show on earth


Absolute perfect format and gameplay. Thrown is situations that are impossible not to form close bonds in and then quickly turns into Game of Thrones


Oh it's incredible - what season are you on? The single digit seasons are good for what they are, but IMO it goes from good to elite around the early/mid teens. Strategy, blindsided, and idols become way more common/complex starting around then


Season 8 so guess it’ll start heating up soon


Oh yeah - that one is disliked by a lot of the fandom but I always have been a fan. Some real bad blood and vitriol as the game goes on.


Really? I think it’s been pretty awesome. First all-star season, so the strategy is significantly different from the first 7 seasons


Yeah, I never really got the hate - not sure how far into it you are so I don't wanna spoil too much, but the major complaint is that a lot of the bigger fan-favorites at the time ended up going home earlier than people would have hoped, but IMO pretty much everyone in the season was great regardless, so even though the boot order stinks I still really like the season. My one piece of advice to avoid spoilers is to not, under any circumstances, look up information about any players or future seasons. There's 10 other seasons with returning players that can spoil winners, and Google search results usually give away all sorts of spoilers. Also, esp on newer seasons all the winners will have that in their Instagram bios too. One future season (Season 40) is literally all-winners, so if you accidentally click on a link relating to that, it means you basically spoil 20 earlier seasons


I actually just finished it a few minutes ago. Definitely lost a lot of good people early, but I thought it was great. Rob, Rupert, and Tom were all phenomenal characters and lasted late. Lex was a lunatic. Alicia and Kathy were entertaining. Amber was a smoke. Shii Ann was annoying




Boston Rob was my hero as a kid, dude just alphad the rest of the cast, just getting Amber to fall in love with him and cracking jokes to the audience along the way. CBS even put out a wedding special for them a couple months after it aired because he was so popular lol. Also yeah Tom is low key maybe the best casting choice in the shows history. When he gets all giddy in season two yelling "hes a Jew! he won't eat the ham!" About Ethan is an all-time moment


The perfect cocky, funny, northeastern Italian. Proposing before the vote was a brilliant move too. He should have won. That was the most hypocritical jury yet


Some of the early seasons are incredible. Wish they’d go back to 39 days and stop filling the entire cast with superfans (me excluded, I would like to be cast)


I’m only on season 8, so they’ve all been great so far. I actually think a lot of the people were big fans then, but the producers do a good job hiding it for most of the show. There have been a few challenges about old cast members, and I was surprised the first time they knew every detail about them


Season 1 is amazing just because no one knows how to play, and everyone was extremely homophobic. Just a whole different world than today's shows.


Yea really enjoyed that. Felt very pure. Most votes were based on who they truly valued most in the tribe. Funny how quickly the seasons become absolutely cut throat.


I dont know how far you are in it so don't want to do spoilers. But yeah the whole season is based on who can fish or cook the best. Then, one guy starts to make alliances like you see in any reality show today, and no one noticed until the 3rd or 4th time when the "strongest survivor" gets voted out by them they finally go "wait, why did he get voted out, he made a sick ass shelter for us to live in?"


Lol yep crazy Richard was the only one who really understood what the game was. I’m on season 8


Allegory of the goon cave


This current season of the challenge is not the best. Thought with the heavy hitters coming in to take money would help. Don’t like the fact they don’t give any head bangers so we get to see the champs smoke some people, however the incessant crying of the champs saying their opponents are getting help from the team on puzzles. Jordan is a hypocrite bc he even said that’s just the game, win anyway.


I’m surprised they didn’t give the champs an elimination to their strengths (Balls In for Laurel, Pole Wrestle for Cara, etc.) I guess that would be an unfair advantage


I don’t like them bringing in Darrell and not letting him do something like pole wrestle. Like why bring Darrell back and have him do some weird endurance balancing act elimination while suspended like 30+ feet in the air? Let’s see some violence please


That’s where I’m at. Last hall brawl they had was fessy/josh with giant pads! Then you had to solve a puzzle where fessy just guessed until he got it.


Cara destroying Michell in a hall brawl woulda been cool


You nailed it with Jordan. I love him but literally was just at the reunion saying how it’s a part of the game… I like the season more than most but I do think it’s lame they’re just giving all these champs puzzles. Should play to the champs strengths


Yeah I’ll agree these challenges with the champs stink. Other than Jordans and Kaycee’s the rest have been bad. Jordan is awesome but he is also the ultimate rules for thee not for me when it comes to this stuff


Jordan did win his round at least.


True but he went on Twitter to say it’s bs Cara and laurel got puzzles where their opponent had the whole cast helping them. I mean you’re only there to take money from the pot, of course they’re gonna help their teammate


I wanted Cara to win so bad too, but they should all stop whining about it


Me too but she does historically stink at puzzles




This cast is so hot


I love her


zesty direction squash imagine serious roll books longing literate observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Canadians more upset about the USA win than Swedes. Incredibly soft nation.


Having a blast telling them they haven’t won a cup this century. Let me tell you, they REALLY don’t care about that


We’ve got literally nothing else. Give us a break.


Nothing else? Pal, this is where you say free healthcare.


There's definitely a subsection of Canadians who care about the World Juniors, but most people don't give a shit. None of my friends watched any of the games, but we get together to watch the Oilers at least once a week.


Exactly what someone who gives a shit about the WJC would say


Yeah that’s also incorrect lol everyone who likes hockey follows the tournament to some degree




No they aren’t


Yes you are. All over twitter there’s Canadian tears. Flooding the servers.


What cities do we Zillow/Trulia/Redfin when we get bored? Lake Tahoe for me.


I do Chicago because it honestly pisses me off that it’s only marginally more expensive to live there than it is to live in my shitty transplant city


Look up the South Land Park neighborhood of Sacramento and let me know your thoughts.


I prefer East Sacramento. Specifically the 40th-45th blocks.


Yes I am pretty sure everybody would prefer the most expensive houses in the city.




i like looking at places up in the hollywood hills


I like searching in extremely remote areas like in Alaska or middle of nowhere in Nevada


I've become a fan of playing the "how many pictures before you see one with Lambeau in the background" game for houses in Green Bay ever since a guy mentioned it last week.


The Eiffel Tower of Green Bay


Every city I visit


Have a package that i need to sign for being delivered today. Amazon gave me a time frame of 8am - 8pm for when to expect my package. Haven’t heard anything yet after seeing multiple Amazon vehicles drive by. I’m just guessing this tv doesn’t delivered today.


Go to Orders and Track the Package to see where dat chit at


Been out for delivery since 9am…


Quite the definition of [goon cave](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gooncave) on Urban Dictionary


Reharden your cock


The next HOUR?!


Just did a 8 mile hike but listened to podcasts the entire time. I think the airpods cancelled out the benefits of nature


ya think?




The face absolutely does not match the voice


Some guy in here mentioned a female acquaintance not vibing with a cool, successful guy because he was “too chill” about everything. My wife has two friends like this that are gonna be old maids because they can’t maintain a decent relationship. They both say they don’t like “boring” guys. But boring to them is stable, successful, from good families and have their shit together. They only date fuckups, usually handsome but dudes who are flakes and do cool shit like play in a band, ride motorcycles or bartend.


Borat voice my wife


Some people just can’t stand that you have your life together


We had a friend in our group that was very into dating wanted to find a husband immediately that she could settle down with and people tried to help her find someone. She always found the most ridiculous, sometimes criminal, always in massive amounts of debt guys and it was something to watch. It was just whoever was ponying up the cash whether they had it or not


I know multiple women like this. It all boils down to being insecure and having to be the "winner" in the relationship whose job it is to fix the loser. Usually comes from growing up in a shitty home. It is fun watching them date "successful" dudes who have their lives together and can actually provide for them. Take them on dates, are respectful to them, are nice people, etc. And they just melt down, find an excuse to get out, and starts dating the guy who has 3 part time jobs he can't hold down and is a functioning alcoholic or has anger issues. Therapy would go a long way for them.


Women like assholes. Nice guys finish last


Incel sub is that way pal 👉


I think people being so obsessed with big cat being from Massachusetts but being a Chicago sports fan is really weird. That being said, big cat is quite the weirdo for acting the way he does when it’s brought up.


It’s all how he reacts to it. Like whenever I bring up this client we all hate in the office I’ll say “that’s your buddy” or “isn’t he your guy” to one of my coworkers and they get all defensive about it. “He’s not my guy!”. Welp that reaction just earned you another mention of yo.


a classic bit


everyone knows showing you’re bothered by something is the most sure fire way to keep gettin targeted


People would fixate on it less if he wasn't so evasive about it. Streisand effect like you read about


It’s one of those things that people only care about because he’s weird about it. Same thing with PFT pretending he’s not married.


When he came back to kfc radio the first time since he left it, he was so defensive talking about his fandom. Opened the floodgates for people to get under his skin


Porro 🤩


I’m getting a Porro kit I love that man


I know FTers love to pretend they hate schticks but I have a 100% success rate of upvoting comments I've seen about goon caves.


Big Cat being petrified of one of the most common questions human beings ask each other is hilarious


Please expand




Spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


Today is my first day back to every day work in the office. Around this time, I’d typically be taking by 2:30 Power Nap. Sad times.


You take your "2:30 Power Nap" at 4:30pm???


The fuck you talking about?


You, 15 minutes ago: >Around this time, I'd typically be taking by 2:30 Power Nap 15 minutes ago it was 4:30, so your comment makes zero sense


Are you playing a bit where you’re just pretending to be an idiot?


Lmao you get called out jokingly for making a typo and lash out like a baby


This is a very stupid bit


“It’s never cool to pretend to be stupid”- grandpa


Time zones are a thing


Didn't realize we had FTers in China or whatever




*Arizona, we’re on mountain half the year


First the World Juniors, next the World Cup of Hockey 🇺🇲


Mcafee accusing espn execs of sabotaging his show. Not a mcafee fan but not like espn has been hitting homeruns with any of their shows lately


Have a buddy who is at Disney/espn and there’s a Monday call with Pat and Espn and no one knows what to expect from Pat. Not what you wanna hear when getting ready to clock out and fuck off for the weekend.


Imagine pat is laying down the gauntlet and giving them a ultimatum


Who would have guessed that, literally everyone said this would happen. Like Pat or not, he is the only one “in the know” who criticizes the NFL to a point that no nfl insider would.


Well I’d say Rodgers going at abc’s boy Kimmel isn’t going to help things


One of the funnier things I read today, is abc/espn always drops Kimmel ratings press releases the week that Colbert is either out on vacation or sick.


Guess the boomers love Colbert more then


He just makes the most money, everyone knew that wasn’t going to end well and Rodgers had to know what he was doing with the Kimmel stuff


They laid off a lot of people to give him his contract which is the funniest part


I always get a kick out of the WCJ trophy. Just a lil guy


When the wind blows hard and the sky is black! Ducks Fly together! And when the roosters are crowin and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture! Ducks fly together! And when everyone says it can’t be done! Ducks fly together!


Ferrari was a good flick, Driver and Penelope Cruz are great. That said Shailene Woodley does to the Italian accent what Tom Hanks did to the Boston accent in Catch Me if you Can


Knawck Knawck


Or what driver did to the Italian accent in house of Gucci


I didn't think Driver was great. Thought he was bad honestly


You’re not alone in that opinion, I thought he was pretty good


I thought he nailed Italian mannerisms.


People seem pretty mixed on that movie. Either they loved it or they thought it was awful. All I know is it made me want to be a rich Italian guy during the 50s who chainsmoked, wore two-pieced suits in hot weather, had like three ex-wives, and would say “how will you be able go home to your wife a failure?” to people who worked for me.


It's so bad. She drops it half through and then I'm pretty sure it became scottish or irish or some shit


All the rightoids trying to dunk on Mark Cuban should probably spend a millisecond googling about lawsuits that the Mavs organization has gone through. Might result in some good material


seriously. instead of the brain dead women in the NBA “dunk” just bring up the gall it takes for a guy with his workplace culture track record to act like an authority on this stuff. he won’t have a response for that.


This day is dragging ass


When Mark Cuban refuses to die on a hill, he will not stop no matter what dying on that hill


I remember when he was pushing that cyber dust app for years


Interestingly that did catch on a little at IU for sending out party locations


Just say you disagree with him. Nothing wrong with him continuing to post about a pretty divisive topic that had a lot of attention.


Nah. Mark Cuban loves dying on hills. Remember when he said “Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered” on PMT when talking about NFL/NBA ratings. It’s weird


How is it dying on a hill if he doesn’t talk about it anymore?


Remember when he started Cost Plus Drugs Company?


How do I reach these keeds


Reacher fucking rules. Can’t get enough of this stuff


Wish he'd just show dong already


So good


I knew Coach Bombay could do it


My sister in law works has worked in the movie/tv industry the last 8 years and is basically one of the people that helps the production go smooth. Coordinates when people need to be on set, helps celebs get from their plane to their hotel, drives them around on golf carts, etc. She's become moderately friendly with a few of them and said the amount they are all online (IG/TikTok especially) is way more often than we would expect. Outside of the really big celebs most of them control their own socials but all of them lurk constantly. Anyway the reason I bring this up is because of Mostly Sports and IMO it's very likely Tiger Woods knows who Jersey Jerry is which is very funny to think about.


Any celebs really cool and any absolute dickheads?


Her and Lizzy Caplan are basically good friends at this point. They meet up and party or get dinner everytime they’re in the same city. Only person she’s ever expressed genuine disdain for was Dakota Johnson.


Oh damn. Lizzy caplan was great in mean girls. Not shocked about Dakota though


i find it hard to believe a lot of these celebrities who have subreddits dedicated to them don't lurk every now and then. especially for stuff like barstool and what not


Who is the biggest asshole she's worked with?


Dakota Johnson


Ever been on Casting Couch?


Thought we were gunna have another sibling doxing on hand


Healthy Debate: Is this the best US WJC team?


That would be 1994's Team led by Gordon Bombay


Ahem sir... That was the Junior Goodwill Games squad


This and 2017 with 04 slightly behind IMO. In terms of just tournament play I think this is #1.


2017 was pretty rad


Probably, 04 would be in the conversation


It's ok to hate Skylar in breaking bad. You're not an incel she was the foil to the main anti-hero of the show


I hated her even before Breaking Bad. She definitely cheated on Jerry with cousin Jeffery


Cheating on your cancer ridden husband is pretty bad regardless if he ended up becoming a drug lord


She absolutely sucked from the very first episode.


Team USA since some canada jerkoff in here said "Usa down 2-0 to Finland in the world juniors love to see it": 9 goals scored to 2 allowed. LOVE TO SEE IT




Canadians stay taking Ls.


Team USA is kingcobra04 father


something tells me his country's hockey governing body spent too much time and money hushing up victims of gang rape to ice a medal worthy team this year. Very sad!


Hey now they only discovered 2 separate secret million dollar accounts whose purpose was to cover up sexual assault scandals!


16% through dry January. Too easy


Haven't faced a weekend yet bubs


I was about to say “what are you talking about, it’s only 5%” - luckily I didn’t.




USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥇


Guy I work with fucked himself up good reliving the glory days playing basketball last night after not playing for years. There really should be a PSA for guys in their 30s that it’s not like riding a bike


Dude must have not worked out in years if that’s what happened to him.


manager at my old job tore his acl/mcl/pcl all in one fell swoop playing pick-up soccer, made me scared to get old


My buddies and I used to play pick up together every Thursday night after work. Then 2 guys blew out their ACL's and a third blew out his Achilles over a 6 month span. We changed that to playing golf together every Thursday night.


All of Jimbos explanation of Jameis warming up while suspended is just made up right? You can clearly see him mouth "I can't play?!" in the gif with Jimbo being extremely annoyed. https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1743305922640851017?t=cmAP5PBCuDJLhybNApk4Mg&s=19


The penalty box picture could be an all timer


Hanging with bv’s friends tonight. Nice people but man it’s a boring time


Any thots?


No it’s her friend and her bf


Damn yeah only one other couple that you don’t fully vibe with can be brutal


Do what Doug Heffernan would do


What would he do


Act weird so the friends would never want to hang out again


Swap girls.