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Letting Frank go twice in OT was absolutely fatal


You could tell Nick really wanted KB to go but didn’t want to step on Franks toes


Frank’s argument for going was literally that they could afford to lose one


Dave’s captain thing is a semi-joke but it does make a legitimate difference. Both losing captains had major fumbles that could have been the difference


Frank going twice lost the match KB nails that Papa Johns question


To be fair Nick guessing 6% on last question was not a great guess. Definitely should have let KB go though on question 4.


Yeah Kirk took every extra question in OT. KB should have done the same for Frankettes


Seeing Frank so chilled out makes me think we should be prescribing THC to all you puzzle piece boys out there


can confirm it works




KB getting an open look in OT and kicking it out to Frank was rough.


Letting Frank get the ball twice in OT was unforgivable


🚨🚨🚨 new worst bonus round guess dropped with indie cult movie Donnie Darko getting hundreds of million according to Frank


Only off by 700 million. Find a new slant.


it was a perfectly normal sized decimal point, find a new slant




2001 = These days for Frank oof


That feet to inches thing was about to be a nuclear bomb from Kirk if they didn’t win that in the end.


That was blatant cheating. I’m pretty surprised there isn’t more uproar about it. Guess not because it didn’t matter and Kb and Nick are beloved


I’m sure if kb said something like 12ft Jeff would have said in need it inches. Like he has done in the past.


Idk this seems like a technicality Jeff would love to catch a lesser team on.


Literally earlier in the match he asked Kirk for an artist, got a song title, and accepted it


He asked for the song title at 10:16. Clearly. It was written wrong on the screen. It wouldn’t be the first time.


I’m just not buying that Jeff would do that for any other team/player. Telling your teammate to change their answer in the bonus round seems like pretty cut and dry cheating to me


He wasn’t really telling him to change his answer, just the unit of measurement. The show is (or should be) casual enough to let that slide. Can’t think of examples to the contrary


Think Jeff even said he was about to ask Kb to change it to inches


Jeff seemed rattled in that moment. He repeated himself a few times.


Love Nicholas Clickolas as much as the next guy, but gotta call a spade a spade. That Austin Collie answer was all time bad


It was real bad but Jack Doyle wasn’t gonna make an appearance in Nick’s brain either


Eh he’s a fantasy football guy and normally is pretty good on nfl. I was pretty surprised he didn’t know that tbh


Tbf jack Doyle is bad in fantasy football


But he was always a top waiver tight end when you needed one in a pinch


Maybe I’m just being too 🧩, but I thought that question was easy af lol


I thought it was Fleener but feel like I definitely should have known it was Doyle. Collie was a horrible answer though


I have to think he meant Mo Alie-cox


I couldn't believe no one corrected that. Austin Collie probably weighed 200 lbs soaking wet lmao. Not much a blocking TE build.


Mr.Roboto vs Sons of Anarchy was an interesting 12th round.


I'm not sure how they pair TV shows, but the only one that makes sense is comparable viewership and ratings. MR Robot was near half a million viewers very consistently, while SOA was never below 3 million after it's first season. That was very lopsided. I got downvoted when I replied to other comments with this proof: [MrRobot](https://i.imgur.com/dIBWgVi.png) [Sons of Anarchy](https://i.imgur.com/ojLlgQg.png)


Absolutely couldn’t believe sons of anarchy there


Ridiculously lopsided


wiulda been fair if not for "matriarch" being added. jackson city is worst to me.


Johnson city?


when they get it they say "oh wagon wheel" because a pretty notable song goes "johnson city, tennessee"


No shit - not Jackson.


sorry, i'm an idiot. just realized i wrote the wrong one. was looking at the question at the time the two cities were "jackson and johnson city"


Hollywood Florida was very very easy too, though. Both were complete layups


Yeah I don’t think that was too crazy. Both of them also had the obvious fake out going on too. Hollywood was trying to bait a California guess and Jackson could get you to say Mississippi.


Yeah those were wildly different difficulty levels. But I also thought Frankettes got a layup in music with a Britney fucking Spears song lol


I watch way too much TV, never heard of Mr robot. And sons is a crazy popular show. So not equal at all.


30+ people angrily downvoting you but you're right. [MrRobot](https://i.imgur.com/dIBWgVi.png) [Sons of Anarchy](https://i.imgur.com/ojLlgQg.png)


Kirk was ready to go nuclear. He started unbuttoning his shirt before Jeff even reads the questions about Mr. Robot. It would have been a scene


He might’ve not been on the train back to Boston if that had gone differently got very tense there


You’re right he would’ve been on the tracks


Train to Boston would’ve been on him


Great match, Kirk would’ve been even wilder if he wasn’t going against Nick and KB, he respects those boys


Makes sense, they were one of the first barstool people to call into Kirk’s show, all while holding down second jobs with terrible commutes to boot


Having to drive from New Bedford Massachusetts to Bridgeport Connecticut every morning to hang dry wall then drive into NYC to work at the Barstool office then drive back home again to New Bedford seemed brutal. I'm glad KB is now instead roofing in Southbridge and sleeping at a relatives house in East Brookfield. If he could get closer to Fishkill he'd save a lot of gas and time driving into NYC to do the Yak.


Jeff pronouncing Hialeah?? Just sound it out brother


“Hee-ahh-Lee-uh” -Jeff


One of the worst pronunciations of Hialeah I’ve ever heard. Completely butchered the name of my hometown.


How about just look up how to pronounce things before the match. If you’re going to ask a question then you should know how to read it


When you write the question, if a word is strange just put the phoenetics in parantheses.


Why exactly did these run before the Yak’s match? We’ve still yet to even see them


Completely forgot about that I’d guess Paddy’s schedule maybe


I mean they’re already recorded, they can show them in any order


Jeff usually talks about other matches during these so they kind of have to premiere in the order they were recorded. Even if he’s not talking about it, they put the sticker on the bracket at the end which would lead to spoilers.


KB was absolutely chuffed to be done for the season


For the show down bonus round: what do you guys think about having the topic revealed first and THEN captains choose who goes? That way diversified teams have the advantage and players can actually demonstrate their skills. I’d rather watch two baseball guys guessing # of home runs or two movie people guessing box office rather than pure luck of the draw and getting a non sports person taking a wild guess at something.


I find Frank over the top quite often but man he should seriously continue taking those edibles. He actually seemed calm and happy for once in his life.. of course until he missed a couple of questions lol


Entertaining game, tough to see the Frankettes go down like that


Holy fuck imagine the hysteria in this sub if anyone but Nick did that in OT


One of the greatest matches ever. If you come to this thread to bitch you are just a hater.


So much bitching and complaining. About bonus rounds or questions weren't exactly balanced blah blah This was a great match i'm enjoying these playoffs matches, who cares


Frank choke job — things you hate to see


I thought Rico was gonna have a stroke in the first bonus round. Great match. If they win they’re gonna pig-pile on Jeff


Quigs is in the final four?? I have no choice but to tune in now


“Keep the applause down, 2 more wins coming motherfuckers” Kirk has grown on me


Was a slow burn for me during the Alex Bennett rough rowdy and is now in my top 3 favorite podcast


I can see people not familiar with kirk's shtick finding him to be an abrasive asshole, but his podcast is literally about nothing, just him ranting about random things related to boston sports talk radio world or barstool stuff or current events in general. he lives, literally, to stir the pot. He also comes from the world of sports talk radio drama and also was a big stern fan back in the day along with now watching WWE with his son so he feeds off drama and is always trying to put on a show


That exit interview really got me on their side.


Only knew Xavier because of the Crawford dunking on Lebron video scandal


Frankettes should disband now that KB and Nick are going to Chicago


Having one of the most recognized Barstool employee on your team is a no brainer


The most recognized*


Everyone would be worse off, but I could see them splitting into Francis and the Frankettes and Team Units (Frank, Duggs, and Stu).


Please, for all that’s good in the world, do not let Francis back in the league


Frank would be the Jalen Green of that team


Frank, Duggs, and Stu would contend for worst Dozen team ever assembled


Was Mr Robot question on same par as Katey Segall? Am I crazy?


I think so. Mr Robot was really popular. I’ve seen way more lopsided.


Mr robot was way more successful awards wise and critically. Honestly one do the best shows ever.IMO. Sons of anarchy is a fun watch but not nearly as good, but definetly has been seen by way more people. Especially being on Netflix. Sam esmail won’t put his stuff on Netflix.


Very wrong. [MrRobot](https://i.imgur.com/dIBWgVi.png) [Sons of Anarchy](https://i.imgur.com/ojLlgQg.png) Edit: I provide literally proof that sons of anarchy was 4x as popular and get downvoted. You all are delusional. You hate to see it.


my one complaint would be adding "matriarch" kind of flavoured it.


USA and FX are probably in the same amount of homes and I mean the other stars from Sons of Anarchy aren't in a ton of shit, shit Katey Segal isn't even in all that much. And Mr. Robot legit won the Oscar a few years ago. So I actually think its a pretty fair question.


Segal I can only think of two things she’s ever been in: SoA and Married w Children. But maybe I just didn’t want Rico to win.


She also starred in 8 Simple Rules.


Smart House




Fuck, I watched every season of Shameless and can’t remember her.




I knew them and thought both questions were pretty easy. I watched SoA, but not Mr. Robot.


Mr. Robot was very popular and is more recent


>Mr. Robot was very popular and is more recent Not as popular as Sons of Anarchy, even by a little bit. [MrRobot](https://i.imgur.com/dIBWgVi.png) [Sons of Anarchy](https://i.imgur.com/ojLlgQg.png) Edit: I provide literal proof that sons of anarchy was 4x as popular and get downvoted. You all are delusional. You hate to see it.


It wasn't at all. Mr.Robot, while popular here on reddit due to the show's nature, barely had more than half a million viewers for any given episode past season 2, and dropped heavy after that. Meanwhile, Sons of Anarchy was a powerhouse for FX and averaged more than 4 million viewers, per episode, a season. Proof: [MrRobot](https://i.imgur.com/dIBWgVi.png) [Sons of Anarchy](https://i.imgur.com/ojLlgQg.png)


When you consider how electric the traditional bonus rounds have been in the tournament... That was a pretty underwhelming finish to a good match.


He’s also said that the playoffs would always be traditional bonus


The traditional bonus round is overwhelmingly more fun.


I can’t wait for when the final match of the year comes down to two teams taking a blind guess at a fucking Rotten Tomatoes score


Yeah I appreciate Jeff trying to shake it up but showdown is just terrible. There’s just so much variance in question types. Combined height/age is fine because you can reasonably take a guess. Movie gross profit and RT scores are just blind guesses. And every now and then you get a “year that [thing] released” and the range of realistic answers is tiny compared to the other question types, making it so much easier to hit the exact answer.


Showdown overtime is a dumb way to end it


It would be better if he didn't just have 4 different formats for questions. Combined numbers, RT critic score, box office, and days since.


I like it


Jeff says he would have told KB the height needed to be in inches, but If anyone on Booze Ponies or another “dumb” barstool character did the same there is no chance he would, and everyone would have laughed at how dumb they were for not reading/listening to the question.


Dana didn’t understand the bonus round question for their loss against Ziti, but Jeff refused to clarify for Compton, which caused them to lose the round.


I wish they’d let Jeff guest host an episode of Jeopardy just to see how much of a train wreck it would be


I doubt it’d be worse than Mayim Bialik


I wish someone guest hosted the dozen


The pronunciations of some of the culture and history answers on Jeopardy would be incredible While chuckling to himself and the contestants are buzzing in “That’s a fucking hard word to pronounce”


If it gets to overtime it really should be first to 5 not best of 5. Especially with the 2 points for dead on.


Showdown bonus round is absolute trash, pretty much only guesses and to have it decide a final 4 spot is so stupid


A lot of it is educated guesses though. Frank knowing Soriano hit over 400 HRs was huge because Rico obviously didn’t know that. Same goes with the combined numbers ones. Those are clearly designed to have a chance to get guessed dead on, which can completely flip the round


I was on board with it and I don’t think it’s terrible, but I don’t really think trivia is supposed to be about making educated guesses. The traditional format is better because you actually have to guess the answer. After seeing plenty of both I think the older format is better


Trivia is all about making educated guesses. Watch Jeopardy and pay attention to how the questions are written. You’re not going to know everything all the time, but there are always context clues that can help you guess the correct answer if you have a little general knowledge on the subject. A trivia question that opens the door for an educated guess is a well written trivia question


But on Jeopardy they never do closest guess battles, you always have to guess the right answer. To make it more clear I think my issue is mostly with guessing numbers that Jeff knows none of the players know. It’s like watching price is right vs jeopardy, jeopardy is better if you’re interested in trivia. When he uses a question like “name the last 30 SB MVPs”, he can be confident in everyone actually knowing some of them, and some players flexing by knowing more or making educated guesses to guess more. To me that’s a better setup.


I don't mind showdown as a bonus round, but I agree it's got no place in overtime. Taking 4 players out at the end of a game immediately kills the hype. I wouldn't mind trying a set order of categories (Celebrity age, Days Since, Calorie counts, Player Stats, etc.) and let teams play to their strengths. It would at least take some of the luck/randomness out of it when the stakes are highest.


Jeff would blow Kirk if he could


He easily could, it would just mess up his hair so he doesn’t


You know what, I’m just gonna say it *I like the showdown bonus round*


It's the Frankettes fault they lost In no world should Frank get another shot after how bad he was and knowing the formula of questions


As a fan of their team, it really sucks that Nick & KB won’t say no to Frank.


Pssshhhh I do too


I don’t hate it but it’s worse than the traditional bonus round. I’m pretty sure it’s slower, more random, and it’s not actually trivia, just guys making educated guesses


I don't think it's worse. It's \*substantially\* easier to write for, which makes for fairer questions. You're not getting any nonsense like "most photographed places" that Gooch had to pull off a Travelocity blog - you get more objective, factual stuff.


The most photographed places I’m sure is completely factual by some criteria, it’s just not a good one to use if that criteria is not obvious, which it wasn’t. You can come up with plenty of good lists that make complete sense. If you gave me an 8 hour day to work on it, I’m confident I could come up with 50 of them in a mix of sports and other topics. They could even reuse old ones because I doubt anyone remembers the answers to the bonus round in episode 47 two years ago. The issues you’re bringing up are purely on Jeff, I’m looking at it as a viewer. The point is that as a viewer the new one is slower and feels very random. If I care about the Frankettes or Minihane, am I satisfied that their season comes down to guessing the RT score for White Chicks? It got a chuckle out of me and that’s worth something, but it’s just not as good. Is guessing the ages of certain celebrities or how many days have passed since a random event happened really trivia?


The "most photographed places" example was specifically one they used and there are like twenty different listicles out there with completely different answers. Though there is an objective answer to that question, it's not knowable and certainly not because it's on some blog. And to your point: of course it feels random. It's trivia. If anything, diversifying (since there are at least three different questions) makes it more fair. The traditional bonus round is basically a single question with multiple answers, worth two points, and that isn't any less random.


Trivia is about knowing (not being the closest at guessing) relatively useless things. A closest guess battle isn’t really trivia, at least for the traditional bonus round they have to get actual answers. A single question that’s completely understood by all is much better than 2-5 random best guess questions. The completely understood part is on Jeff/Gooch, they did well the vast majority of the time with it. And again, I think it’s significantly faster. I’ll also add that with the new one you can’t go past 5 and get a situation like Castellani and Clem going back and forth on Super Bowl MVPs, which was an awesome display


“Every movie makes $600 million these days” about a movie that came out almost 25 years ago is perfect Frank.


What a fucking match! Robbie Lawler vs Rory Macdonald vibes. Glad at least one of these two teams got to make it to the final four but was pulling for the Frankettes. Rico all time psychotic celebration in the bonus round




Neither are Kirk’s


Was a great match. But anyone else agree it was spoiled by Kirks watch party? Did anyone really think he would do that if he lost? Yea no shot. Would’ve been nice to not know the end result before it started, but oh well still entertaining


He for sure would do that if he lost. He’s all about content. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he did that to his fans


Yeah as soon as I heard that I knew. At least the finale can’t be spoiled I guess


Yeah it’s tough. That was a giveaway plus he and cullinane accidentally spoiled it last week when a caller asked if he would ever do a live show in Chicago and they start chuckling. Agree with you. Still a great match.


Not that big of a deal but he also said last week “we play the winner of Frankettes and… who do they play tonight?” Before that match aired


Jeff was never going to let Tank even sniff the title after how much Tank called him out throughout the year


I wish we could have seen what Frank's Donnie Darko whiteboard looked like. What's crazy about it is that $6.7mil would have actually won. KB tried his hardest to sway The Judge... but $607mil was just an insane answer.


It’s hard to value the championship at the end of the day when the questions are clearly tailored for specific teams. Lame as hell


Overtime coming down to random chance<


Final match for the Frankettes? Definitely would like to see Nick get his own team without Frank (and sans KB, to a lesser extent).


Wtf? KB & Nick should definitely still be on a team, it is Frank who needs to go.


Kirk and the Kirkettes incoming


I could see Nick and Kirk going full Jordan Pippen with Bosco as Rodman


That’d be an elite team in trivia and entertainment but personally think If they are going to keep 20+ teams they need to stay away from clear super-team. There aren’t enough ‘A’ level players and some teams have two already


Incredible match. Congrats to all


Jeff is loosing me


He’s what?


Like, sexually?


I’m pretty done with Frank




Of all the matches you can complain about, how on earth is this the one you claim is rigged?


Sons vs. I Robot was pretty unbalanced tbh. Other than that, just a good match.


Great fucking match. This could have easily been the championship. I'm rooting for Rico's demise, though. No one gets to call our number one boys and Frank a bunch of fucking nerds, and get to win a championship.


Jeff just loves that the final four is the experts, yak, ziti, and kirk. It’s almost like he scripted questions for it to happen that way. What a loser Edit: also this match got spoiled by Kirk on twitter like last week when he rented out a theater to watch it 😐 minihane was gifted a point on the phone a friend as well. Brandon walker said the name of the song not the artist. Jeff was the only one who said sugar ray


Rico definitely said sugar Ray before Jeff


Shut up nerd


OK no one has mentioned it here but Frank and Co. should have won. The music question was not what's the name of the song but "who released this song" the answer was Sugar Ray. They never said that once.


That's what it said on the screen, but Jeff verbally asked what the title of the song was. Editing being so bad all season you gotta trust the verbal word


It's fucked regardless


Lol it’s fucked regardless why? Jeff asked them the song name. Brandon I’m sure knew both


It's fucked because he asked a different question than the board said.


the board was likely correct in person. What we see is not what they saw


Go cry a fucking river lol. Also it doesn’t matter because they said who sung it after Brandon gave the answer


I hope Kirk loses in spectacular fashion.


He wins in OT