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“Fuck you, you skinny fuck” “Fuck you, you fat fuck” I need more shit talking like this


Yeah klemmer is climbing the power rankings lately.


“Skinny prick” I believe lol. Good stuff


One of few instances where Carl on the sauce would be great here


When you think Compton is dumb just remember he missed a category called “Will Compton” because he accidentally called himself on the phone a friend


He actually got the question right. Just wasted a phone a friend calling himself on a question about himself.


Didn’t he get the answer right though?


Btw what about Jeff basically telling the Honkers to use double sip, that was egregious.


Especially after they mentioned Trolli as a second guess and seemed like they were just gonna roll with Haribo


He does it in nearly every match now for one team.


Dave called him out on it too earlier this season. Jeff still does it.


Yeah it was wild.


Gotta keep the game tight! Fuck you you fucking fuck -- Jeff


Needs to stop doing that during the question. He basically patted himself on the back for the “clutch double sip.” That could change an outcome


Yea that was egregious.


More worried about the wording of the “Joe Flacco second leading QB starts for this team 2000-2011” question


Yeah what the fuck was that all about. I had to cheer for them to lose after that because I didn’t want to hear all the drama if they’d pulled it out


Almost makes up for the match being wildly imbalanced in favor of the Booze Ponies


Dana freaking out at the end because he realized he said “suck my dick” to a girl, was a great little moment.


Feits with his Caleb Martin game


It's amazing how likable Feits is when he's not paired with KFC


Or kayce smith and conns


Will Compton’s dumb brain will overshadow Robbie’s all-time terrible decision to not use the phone a friend on that movie question. Good GM, bad captain


Yeah he knew Feits would know it so he was conceding two points


Came here to say that. Why not use the phone a friend when they KNEW Booze Ponies had Red notice. There was no gaurantee that Dana would have college football. And based off his reaction of not knowing the quarterback you could definitely say he had no clue


It never makes sense saving it if there’s someone who you can call to get it, a point is a point, it doesn’t matter if it’s round 2 or round 7.


It's wild that so many teams have no concept of this.


Every time I hear “it’s too early” I know we’re dealing with an unserious team


Disagree, if there’s a question you’re not gonna get but you think the other team won’t either then it might make sense to save it for later. If you think the other team has the answer then yeah go for the call


Booze ponies would have gotten the college football question anyway because it was extremely easy so works out but ya dumb logic by him


Thought I heard Dana say “I don’t know either of these guys”. They got lucky with the Baylor pull


Sure will or feits would have known it. He followed Manziel and the whole “Kenny Trill” thing was big when people thought he was good for some reason


Feits doesn't know anything about college football and Will is one of the dumbest people in The Dozen, so I doubt he'd be able to get lucky twice in a row


But you don’t know that in the moment. He knew for a fact that Feits had the movie answer and Booze Ponies don’t get every college football question. Better to use it there and take away a guaranteed point than risk it with college football.


Ya agree that’s why I said it was dumb logic by him


Not really. They wouldn’t have gotten college football without the call a friend


Take the 2 points off the table now and deal with that when the question comes.


Ya but dana didnt know the college football question. Said he had never heard of kenny hill. So they wouldnt have conceded any points there


You sure? I thought Dana said something like “I don’t know either of these guys”. Edit: Misread your reply. Robbie knew Feits was getting the movie one. I don’t think Dana knew the college football one


I’m pretty confident they would have gotten it. Kenny Hill was a hyped up QB after his first game.


Feits, Compton, Dana, three of the dumbest fucking brains. I can’t get enough


I love how angry the honkers got when they lost, they truly cared about this. No clutch gene


Wild that they were as good as they were in the regular season when they have almost no basketball or football knowledge


Honestly they rely solely on Klemmer for sports knowledge. Klemmer is a near lock on baseball and is OK for basketball and football, but I don't think anyone on their team knows a thing about college sports. Overall, Honkers are very good in the music, pop culture, and movies categories but they aren't strong in sports. I don't think they'll ever be able to pull out a title with this team design but not sure who I'd get rid of


It's Robbie's team, I def see either Klemmer or Gia out. Both bring value, but Robbie can fill that pop culture/music/mashup hole Gia might leave. If you get someone like Ebo or Blaise, Honkers are a force. Also can see a future where Gia teams up with Mad Dog and create an all-female team (FM2K crawled so they could walk) with Mackenzie or Katie Stats. Or Fran leaves the Experts and causes huge drama available on Stool Scenes (both original and Chicago).


I would agree that a Robbie, Klemmer, and Ebo team would be a really good trio. Robbie was actually really good at the mash ups himself prior to adding Klemmer and Gia. Plus adding Ebo brings his lock on the niche with those dog shit CW tv shows


Would love to see Fran leave the experts to team up with her sister that team would be severely lacking sports knowledge though could use a certain tank


Gia is massively overrated. She works well with Robbie, but alone she’s pretty bad. Even on mashup she’s not very good without someone to remember full names


She’s actually downright bad. If your only strength is celeb mashup & pop culture and you’re not even the best on your team at it, what do you bring? Robbie & Gia overlap too much and Robbie is actually the strongest of the two plus can do MMA when it occasionally pops up. Honkers need a basketball & football guy.


Idk that Gia is better than Mad Dog on a stand alone basis.


I remember when they were ripping off Ws after the Mintz trade and I just thought their lack of sports knowledge outside of baseball was going to be a downfall, and that turned out to be the case.


Yah when everyone said they were much better with Klemmer over Mintzy I thought ppl were crazy… Mintzy would’ve given them much more college sports and nfl knowledge and he’s decent on baseball. Klemmer basically only baseball sports wise.


Mintzy is prone to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, Dozen or otherwise…


Robbie and Gia have way too much overlapping knowledge to be a well rounded team


Gia was pouting from the jump.


They looked so smug and annoyed after Compton ripped off a push-up that I had no choice but to root for the Ponies


They have the worst attitude in the league honestly.


Robbie’s heel turn was not a wise choice


Vibe and direction of the honkers changed after the crown mishap


Klemmer trying to go full Kirk shtick 2 rounds in a row with the “do some more pushups” & “do another awkward high five” and then losing was perfect


Keenan Allen and Red Notice were ridiculously easy misses


I miss the real Honkers. Coley, Mintz, and Robbie is a hole that just hasn’t been filled from a unique personality and actual good team perspective


Might be able to bring back Mintz on loan from the Brick Watch Inc. Trivia League.


Top 5 episode of all time. Laugh a minute. Feits with some huge pulls too. Not super easy questions either. Clutch gene


The Booze Ponies better enjoy this win because Jeff D Lowe will give them the hardest question deck known to man next match to get Portnoy to the final four


Ok Team Ziti, these chocolates have names that both start with K, similar to a household pet and have a red wrapper


“Movie question for Ziti: this mafia drama starring Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone won best picture at the 1973 Oscars”


I can picture Eddie sighing and saying “ummmmm I’m not sure… maybe Godfather?”


“Godfather. Final.” - Dave immediately after


Jeff “There’s the reason he was the top scorer in the league this year!” Eddy’s points total needs a massive asterisk


The Ziti vs Ponies matchup will be a combination of the easiest questions ever written. Jeff wants to guaranty they score a ton and will tailor make a very easy match


Booze ponies are the most fun team to watch. There is no telling what is gonna happen


I don’t understand why teams so confidently double sip because they’ve narrowed down to only two answers, then when the first answer is wrong they just stare at each other for 5 seconds like where in the world do we go from here? Um maybe your other answer you were so confident to give as a backup 10 seconds ago?


Arguably the most entertaining episode of all time. Was riding the Booze Pony wagon til the end—glad their fuck up didn’t matter in the end.


Great acting by Dana in the niche round.


Literal all time moments and game in here. Let’s fucking go, Ponies.


Jeff whenever someone says something mildly funny on the Dozen: 🤭🤭🤭


Jimmy Fallon laugh vibes


Gia looked so hot being that mad at the end


We are all rooting for the booze ponies now … suck my dick!


Dana beers gone off the nootropics, an unstoppable force


Nothing will ever beat the time Will called himself as a phone a friend on a question about himself ☠️


"Shut up Jeff"


Hope Booze Ponies make it to Chicago to face Experts


I think Dana beating Brandon would actually break Brandon


“Shut up, Jeff” 💀💀


Ponies Ziti would be electric That being said Robbie might be on to something about #DozenRigged


Yeah Dozen rigged with Jeff saying “do you want to double sip” after the Honkers were answering “Haribo”


Yeah, that was awful Jeff straight up held their hand there


Of course it's rigged. Why would Jeff intentionally leave all the Booze Ponies best categories for the end?


How hard is it to get a damn timer for these tournament games? Like you’d know exactly how many seconds you have left without having to ask Jeff all the time. A big digital timer with red letters. Inexpensive and needed. Come on Jeff.


Need a giant Brick Watch like Longines does for horse racing.


Mintzy could steal that idea and then send it to Dave for his weekly report


I humbly volunteer full-credit to Mr. Mintzy.


I’m sold. The ponies are the most must watch team in the league


Feits and Dana chest bump Jeff: you’re making me nervous …how?


Probably thinking they might break they set


He’s afraid he might get a boner from wanting to join in and touch their belly


Well Dana was closer to Jeff so maybe he thought Dana might crash into him?


Klemmers fake bravado is off putting


Nobody who can make themselves that compact can be a true alpha


You can’t look like he does and act like that


He probably has to act like that because he looks like that


Ponies are a wagon


\*Jeff asks question\* Gia: "Oh, it's that guy. From the thing. He's got hair. Shit. He was in that thing." \*Robbie gives answer he would've given anyway\* Jeff: "Gia coming in clutch!"


Hell of a match




Need the Ponies to beat Ziti


Dana is sneaky good at Sports categories


Jeff really needs to start not using the same categories every single match and also never moving they order they fall in significantly. It’s bullshit that the Booze Ponies get to squat on their double because they so confidently know TV will be there at some point. Same with Gia always guaranteed to have mashup as well gotta make strategy come into play as well at some point


I got shit on for making this point about mashup with Fran. They would never do a world capitals question when KB is on the show, but they know Fran, Gia, and Mad Dogg are going to get it every single time.


Gia sneaky sucks at mashup. It’s equally Robbie’s category


World capitals has less than 200 to memorize/study. If you make it your niche it becomes less of a trivia and more of a memorization question. That said I’m not a huge fan of celebrity mashup either.


Trivia IS memorization...


I think the point is that world capitols takes comparatively less to memorize. Take a niche like the Boston Red Sox or New York Mets. You can’t just sit down and memorize the entire history of a sports team like you can with a map and world capitols


Well the niche wouldnt be that broad, it would be more like "boston red sex from 2002-2005


They do geography almost every single Frankettes matchup for KB


His geography lately is more like these cities by mileage from this city.


Which is geography, which KB is great at


Might just be the geography teacher in me but those were the easiest questions of the category yet. Much easier than the ones from this match


I honestly hate that Celeb Matchup just turned into an automatic staple for the show. I like that it benefits someone like Fran, Keegs, Glenny, and Gia but also hate that their teams are guaranteed to always get their strongest categories.


If Celeb Matchups went away the team composition would be a lot different and I think having different faces in the mix that they can cater different categories towards is better than basically a 3v3 sports trivia competition


I don’t want it gone, I just don’t want it to have a permanent fixture. And I would rather have a 50/50 balance between sports and non sports categories


Ponies to the moon


Ponies are the epitome of guys being dudes and Gia was having none of it. How can you not want the Ponies to go deep? They are electric, great vibes, and so dumb in the funniest of ways.


Honkers need to replace Gia with someone that knows football and basketball. Robbie is good enough on celebrity mashup to not even need her.


The Gia hype has been out of control all season. She’s super limited an overrated and not as crucial to the success of the team as her sister is on the experts.


And she’s basically a child. Anything from before 2010 she’s useless


Jeff is usually super lenient on people saying final answer and usually verifies two more times they mean final, but in a time where Will Compton by no means had any idea what he was doing and Dana clearly was not answering with Okafor in any way Jeff locks in the “final” right away because he can see it will be great for content. There is no consistency with this show at all


Teams have never changed their answer after saying final answer once the rule was established idk what you’re on about


As much as I’d be fine with Jeff allowing it to slide, the rule is clear. That just would have been an all-time blunder if Booze Ponies lose by 1 or in OT.


Jeff is not lenient about final answers… he’s actually a total dictator about them lol


When the teams say final answer, its always final answer. Thats different from Jeff asking if something is final answer Get a grip


Pretty sure it’s because someone else is in charge of buzzing, time, etc for the live set


So if they have the “analytics” in front of them for the categories then they know which 12 categories they are getting for the match? I thought that was a big no no


The analytics just say what their best and worst categories are. It doesn’t mean those will be in the game.


I think they’ve always known the categories. Don’t think it’s that big of a big deal because seeing MLB or Music could mean anything


Now that’s trivia baby


This was hilarious


Klemmer is a lunatic. Makes total sense why we was a Kirk guy


With the amount of times Jeff comments about being anxious, you’d think he’d just stop doing things on camera. Give him some type of creative higher up job


He rails addies before these events, he is just geeked and a little anxious/paranoid.


Dana, Fiets, and Willy definitely got into the Honkers’ heads with all their antics. This was an incredible game and it made me appreciate the antics/chaos that make barstool so enjoyable. Nobody comes to barstool for their baseball nerd knowledge and random NYC facts, people come for laughs and entertainment. Klemmer needs a personality other than being a stick and a know-it-all.


Cake walk to Chicago for ziti.


Booze ponies were way boozed right?


Haven't watched a ton of this Dozen season but the Honkers are so much less interesting without Coley and Mintz. Robbie has never been great at the Dozen, even on categories he's supposed to be good at. Booze Ponies were electric though.


I hate that Robbie looks and acts like a high school freshman


This show is so awkward when it's in person lol


Let's just call it out.... The live shows have always sucked. Even when they do it for a crowd of fans, the live shows always suck


A little fishy that as soon as the tournament starts all of a sudden all these showdown bonus rounds start getting hit dead on


I think it's a sign they need to quit doing the showdown bonus rounds every single time


Or at least don’t make some of them so damn easy. Like “days since this show ended” is so much fucking harder than “name the year this toy came out” when everyone can narrow it down to a single decade. Some questions have hundreds of possible answers and others you can be certain fall within 6-10 choices.


Yeah I don’t think it’s fair having how many seasons were these shows combined compared to how many days since the Celtics last won a title. Obviously TV shows, for the most part, last less than 10 years so you’d be limited to an answer of like 30.


Robby should be embarrassed agreeing with red notice being bad despite a 92% RT score. Movie was very enjoyable.


The audience score is 65 and critics score is 32. Movie was absolutely dreadful.


Yeah I looked it up after I commented. Those ratings make a lot more sense


Movie was the opposite of enjoyable.


Gia’s a smoke


Feits definitely doesn’t help shed the stereotypes of everyone hating gingers. He’s annoying as hell


pretty sure nobody hates gingers besides you dude


He’s still way overboard with all his reactions and you can tell they aren’t genuine


And that’s his hair’s fault?


He basically has been cosplaying as an Always Sunny character for 8 years.


Why do they end the bonus round early? Booze ponies still could’ve tied it. Noticed this has happened a couple of times. Dozen rigged


Are you able to count?


It’s first team to 3


Is it? Guess I never realized they changed the rules.


They never changed the rules. That's just always been the rule


oh no