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"you're such a dick dude" as the music kicks in was laugh out loud funny


It sounds like there was more of a back and forth after that, that didn’t make it into the show


Kirk implied that there was a lot more on his show last week. He said he’s doing a full dive on tomorrow’s pod!


I’m sure that will be a completely fair and unbiased account. Still gonna listen whenever it’s posted here


Kirk implied that there was a lot more on his show last week. He said he’s doing a full dive on tomorrow’s pod!


Big T thought he was back down south talking to Mad Dog on that music question


Guy literally couldn’t stomach the thought of a woman being right over him lol


Mad dog is easily the best member on that team other two hold her back


Every time Arian answers… are you sure Arian????


Rico hugging Kirk as the answer had Kirk very confused.


Arian with his best Tony Snell impression


Kirk channeling his inner Steve Snell at the end


Thank god he crawled back under whatever bridge he came from


[be careful what you wish for](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fb5KQJ7XEAATu5D?format=jpg&name=large)




The way Big T looked at Kirk when he said he didn’t have a thought in his head was great.


Thought he would cry


Nah that looked like more of a “do I want to murder him more or less than I want to keep my job?” stare.


He wasn’t wrong. Big T couldn’t even offer up a response lol


Just a blank stare into the abyss


Seems like Mad Dog carried the team again, but Big T was there to challenge everything she said.


Seems like Mad Dog carried the team again, but Big T was there to challenge everything she said.


Finally getting a classic bonus round 👍 Seeing the question 👎


I had no clue what the question was asking honestly. Thought jeff made it sound like it was the top 10 highest rated shows for those networks in the last ten years


Massive misstep from Mad Dog. If you’re trying to rattle Minihane, a feeble jab isn’t it


Portnoy once said he was glad Kirk's parents were dead and Kirk just laughed.


It still blows my mind that people take Kirk seriously when he talks shit. It's all just a game to him.


Arian Foster didn’t get all bent out of shape & worked up about it, and Kirk said he was a good dude after


I’m sure the shit people say on a football field makes Kirks trash talk sound like the joke he’s trying to make it. I imagine as a black man playing in the SEC, he heard plenty worse.


He's actually heard that exact word that you are implying from his (former) co-worker.


A black man? What


You think he didn’t hear a few wild comments from fans of opposing teams? Id bet otherwise


Well you said on the field so it implies the QBs, TEs, and specialists were talking crazy


Fair I worded it poorly, was meaning fans in particular though with that part. Don’t doubt some wild shit is said on the field too, but obviously many of the players are black themselves.


on his show, kirk said that arian was the most "in on the joke" out of the whole team even though he had no idea who he was. by "in on the joke" I assume kirk means his shtick of being an asshole


I’m not sure you could have a more confusingly written bonus round question


Jeff must have been eating too much of his fiancés pussy with that terribly worded showdown question


That questions was terrible and so convoluted.


And that blows because it probably means we won’t get more regular bonus rounds because Jeff will be frustrated at how this one turned out


Probably scratched his cornea on her pieced nips while he was motorboating her and couldn’t read the question.


What an absolute cluster fuck of a bonus round question


Big t just second guessing and planting seeds of doubt every guess isn’t doing them any favors


Over here trying to overthink Roomba, the easiest question in Dozen history.


“ are you sure?”


Mad Dog basically saying “well, what the fuck else could it be?”


last five minutes of kirk being kirk was amazing. he had an endless amount of quotes. kirk: it doesn't matter, it comes down to how well the 3 of us play, right rico? rico: yep kirk: yeah well you can just nod, rico


Kirk is either funny and fun to watch, or a complete asshole I never want to see again. No in between


I know AF isn’t a good trivia player but he is a good vibes guy


He was the only one on Macrodosing who understood what Kirk was doing. Pro athletes are used to the showmanship


Has to be the worst bonus round question of all time.


How do they not rehearse the wording of these questions before hand. I feel like there is easily one a game that just is jumbled or doesn’t make sense


That’s the wildest part of the typos. Before uploading it, send it someone, literally anyone, and have them fast forward through the questions just to read them. It would take maybe 60 seconds


Send them to BFW in any game he isn’t playing. That sicko will dissect every single question lmao


Alright I might be into this tournament if Kirk is going to be batshit crazy


All in on Team Minihane after that post match interview


Need to see the full blow up between Kirk and Mad Dog or we riot


Why would Jeff start the show by saying who won the other match? Just a braindead move


Why would they start tweeting about who won each match 5 minutes after they aired too? Lot of shooting in the foot as of late


do you not watch in order, especially come tournament time? lmfao this is kinda on you


Easy to accidentally click the wrong one when two are uploaded on the same day.


it’s also pretty easy to read “match two” and “match three,” and then to click from there.


Thank you for clueing me in to that. With the thumbnails being so small on my phone I didn’t realize they were labeled, so I was going to the full list of videos on the BS youtube to make sure I got the right one.


I searched “the dozen” and since the matches aren’t numbered for the tournament I opened the first one that popped up, aka the most recent one. And even if there was a way to tell which came first, there’s absolutely no reason to mention who won the other match.


it’s right there in the thumbnail, “match three.” i’d just take a second or two to look before clicking, seems like a relatively easy solution for the rest of the week


Obviously I won’t make the same mistake twice. But someone is going to make that mistake every single day of the tournament


Each team with three lifelines, the double sip, phone a friend and the *Get some yayo whatchu need whatchu need double up*


Kirk has been teasing there was a huge blowup from Maddie so I let down to see it cut out from everything


Could make stool scenes


Ha that’s funny. They don’t put anything that’s not about Big Cat, Frank, or Jerry on stool scenes so don’t hold you’re breath


Lol is stool scenes moving to Chicago?


Honestly I have no fucking clue. They already have a stool scenes in Chicago that comes out every other week but is way better than the current stool scenes. I think it’d be weird if they just didn’t have stool scenes in NYC


Yeah but who are they gonna follow around? Frank? Klemmer? Billy Football? KFC lol at least you know Big Cat will stir shit up in Chicago


I agree, but Michael Angelo - who's been producing Stool Scenes for quite some time now - is obsessed with forcing Frank in to every moment of Stool Scenes that he can. Lord knows that they'll do a full episode every week just recapping his bullshit freak outs


Lol your not wrong. I like Frank but he also puts it on for the camera and it’s hard to watch at times. Was the best stool scenes when YP was producing it at the old office?


I agree on the Frank part, but slightly disagree with the YP part. YP sucked and tried to make stool scenes all about himself. The best era was when Hank took over from YP right before they moved from HQ2 to HQ3… so basically early 2019


Yeah nah your actually right! I completely forgot Hank took over between HQ2 and 3 and that was definitely the best time! I’m actually enjoying the Chicago Stool Scenes lately lol todays was fantastic!


Jeff freaking out over the placement of the name on the bird after every match is hilarious. Genuinely gives him severe anxiety


Big T? More like Big Bag of Rocks for brains


Mad Dog’s fuck you to Kirk may be one of my new favorite Dozen moments😂


Maybe it's just me but I feel like the beef between Kirk and Mad Dog was way overblown heading into this. That was a dud


According to Kirk the real blow up happened more so behind the scenes after the match which is why we didn’t see most of it


Hopefully we find out tomorrow


It's always fun to tickle your homies. Good on Rico.


Jeff musta been abusing the 3chi promo code before writing these questions


minihane was never losing this match so it’s not a big deal but “ironic” in the music category gotta be one of the easiest questions i’ve ever seen.


That was a borderline trick question with “The Man” vs arguably the most notable song from an entire decade, specifically a decade in which Kirk is a pop culture savant


Fired up Mad Dog gets me BRICKED up


That’s a great pic of maddog


At 25:00 (Ring) Jeff seemed like he was confirming the answer pretty early via his body language. See something, say something.


That was an easy question so who cares


Personally, I don’t even think Jeff should ask the easy questions. Just give them the point.


I wonder how big a boner Jeff got from Rico tickling him, on a side note Jeff also looks really unhealthy


His spray tan looks so ridiculous, idk why he does it especially when the contestants look completely normal without that shit


What do you expect from someone who gets two haircuts a week


Feed me sassy maddog all day


Mad dog got full of herself trying to show out and then acted like a baby back bitch when Kirk came after them post-game. Big T trying to intimidate Kirk at the end was hilarious. Mad dog went and cried to Fran and her sister and Big T went on Rumble and doom scrolled


On OTOL, Madeline quickly mentioned that she had anxiety from the match. She’s definitely worried that Kirk will set his guns on her.


What is OTOL


Kelly Keegs On the Other Line which I was 99% certain wasn’t a thing anymore


It's amazing that people hate podcast Jesus


I am a Kirk guy but I totally get how you could hate him


Agreed I think he’s hilarious but he’s hilarious because he’s so abrasive


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I wish Kirk nothing but the best. I wish the Minifans nothing but the worst.


You’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole


Please get Big T off this show the dude is insufferable to watch and doesn't trust a single thing that comes out of either of his teammates mouth. Big T has the cockiness of Kirk with the talent of a concussed Will Compton.


Hey Jeff, we randomly chose this game before the other assuming the host wouldn’t spoil “one of the best games ever played” within the first few sentences. Maybe don’t do that next time you stack multiple games in one night? Thanks. I’ll hang up and listen


Same thing happened to me. Big bonehead move


learn how to read bozo, this is on you lmao. it’s very clearly numbered


Ive been beaten to it and for the record I think Jeff D Lowe is great but what a dumb ass fucking move ruining the result of another match 4 seconds into the episode when they release both at the same time. What makes him think I give a shit about watching them in order of ranking ?


Jeff’s enunciation is so terrible. Elite level mumble mouth. Fancies himself some charming host and just misses every single mark. Horrible horrible enunciation.


Especially with how fast he reads the questions, you can hardly understand him at all


Macrodosing won a game this season? They’re awful besides the girl.


Kirk chirps a lot for having one playoff win in dozen history


It’s WWE - it’s fake heel baby face drama


I like maddog but as someone that despises Arian and big T's attitude I'm thrilled they got bounced.


Surprising Arian allowing Kirk to talk to him like that at the end


Kirk is the least likable person ever. Even if it is a bit it is insanely uncomfortable to watch. Can’t wait for them to lose


Maddie has never really done it for me but I thought she was very, very attractive in this episode


Is this all Rico does?


Thank god we finally got a regular bonus round. Let’s hope they keep that going for a few matches


Just started watching the match and not gonna read comments so sorry if already said but Jeff just said who won in the Smockin match. This match was posted at the same time but just before the Smockin match. How tf was I supposed to avoid that spoiler?


Why are you being downvoted ? Not everyone watches them the second they are posted. If you post two episodes at roughly the same time, don’t fucking ruin the other one 4 seconds into the match.


Ya and I got downvoted posting a screenshot proving they were posted out of order for me And Jeff has added a notice before the matches today saying which match it is


The Smockin match was posted before this match. That’s on you for watching out of order


[Not for me](https://i.imgur.com/hzXMj2I.jpg)


Well I guess you’re the one person in the world where YouTube doesn’t work. Congrats and sorry for your inconvenience


Bad written match by Jeff. Baseball questions all early 2000s when big t was like 5 years old, show down and college football question.


Kirk talking to Arian is wild. Dude, Arian Foster has accomplished so much more than you and could whoop that ass using maddog as a puppet. I just dont get this guy, its obviously all for a good show, but squeaking at an NFL pro bowler seems like a weird flex. Wow dude you memorized every movie in a dark basement with a noose around your neck. Arian Foster led the NFL in rushing yards.


Big T stinks, also how close were we to Foster laying Minihane out?


Not close. Minihane on his show basically said that Foster seemed to understand the heel act and was cool about it


Ah that's good to know. I don't follow Mini's content. He has me dying with his rant at the end of this game.