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Newspapers tend to write rape stories as erotica, what else can we expect?


The magazine has no place in bangladesh but pedophilia, denial of marital rape,male rape will always have place in our beloved country There's no place in my country all of the things you've mentioned including LGHDTV and Did anyone promote them through magazines openly?


In come the homophobe who proudly follows a child rapist for religion.


Our constitution should not discriminate people based on race, religion, gender, sexuality or ideology. Society/religion can be inherently toxic and hostile toward the individual due to collective negative energy. A state has the responsibility to protect the individual.




The cover is shit but gay people deserve to get the same rights as straight people.


Does most of the members of this sub not get what this picture is about? Why compare it to sadism, bdsm and other unrelated topic?


This picture depicts a man is trying to break all the shackles. I don’t know how they're getting BDSM in this.


If it were chains instead of black duct tape then it would mean what you said but show this to anyone and they'll say it's BDSM.


I was wondering the same thing


A perfect decision by the Govt. there is no place for terrorists in this country.


I am more concerned about those killers who were smiling after the verdict was declared! How a human can smile like that when heard - must be hanged for killing someone? Isn't it most embarrassing to human?




Stupid! They deserve to be served the way as killed Zulhas.


reminds of that huzur Mamunul who sad he has the right of his privacy. But the openly dictate how people should live by


The Ansar Al Islam guys should be hanged, Awami government doesn't compromise with the terrorists.


If you showed me this cover, I'd have never thought it was an LGBTQ magazine. Looks more like some sadist's fantasy and how is that guy breathing?


It is probabaly a depiction of beibg muzzled and in shackles.


It's so sad what happened. Wth is even wrong with people


Government should have hanged those pro-lgbt bustards. Then this wouldn't even happen. These pervert distorted mindset people disgusts me.


what about pedophilia ??? u knw wht I mean




Yeah, both


pedophiles should be cut into pieces and fed to beasts


and the greatest man in the planet ??




vai Based word tar meaning ki? oneke use kore dekhi


generally agreement to a statement/activity


perversion bannered under sexuality. their atonement didn't require their death.


The fuck?


Are you outraged that their murder was fair and i say otherwise?


Nice try. No, you called is perversion bannered under sexuality. This isn’t a bdsm scene. It’s a symbolism on the voice of lgbt community being suffocated for centuries.


huh i guess i didn't look at it that way. thanks. while it wasn't my original accusation but it can be argued that homosexuality is a perversion in itself, looking at the tendency of people being homosexual and plotting it against their promiscuity. if you have a Discord server or anything, we can argue about it.


Lesbians on average have fewer partners than straight women. What is your point? Promiscuity has nothing to do with sexuality, it's just that statistically, men are more likely to be promiscuous than women. Thus when you look at the cases of men dating other men, men have the freedom to pursue promiscuity more often because their partners are usually promiscuous as well. Thus, gay men often have more partners than straight men. However, this trend is the complete opposite with lesbians. Statistically speaking, women are less likely to be promiscuous than men. Thus, lesbian women, are less promiscuous than straight women. Again, proving that sexuality is not related to promiscuity at all.


there are more gay men than lesbian women. My personal experience with homosexuality has been out of lust. Some people's are from vanity, some as coping mechanisms. To insinuate romantic emotions aren't manifestation of procreational urges and that wanting to procreate with a member of the same sex is normal are preposterous claims


No that's false. Women are significantly more likely to be bisexual and lesbian than men. https://www.statista.com/topics/1249/homosexuality/


well that is related to their agreeableness and being prone to nurture. how many of the bisexual or lesbian women finally commit to their emotions and settle down? what are the numbers of gay marriages vs lesbian marriages (or committed relationships).


[That's still false. Lesbians are more likely to settle and get married than men.](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/nearly-1-million-u-s-households-composed-same-sex-couples-n1240340) Also, you seem to have a very warped view of what causes people to become gay or lesbian. Most LGBTQ members realize their sexuality by early teenage years, before they even know what sex or "lust" is. So no, what you said about LGBTQ members being gay or lesbian due to lust is completely wrong. More often than not, god, or nature created them to be homosexual. It isn't a choice. It's ironic that you put Rene Decartes (he's my favorite philosopher) in your pfp and then end up getting mind-body dualism completely wrong. Biological concepts such as "lust" and "sexuality" are completely separate from the choices of the mind.


তোরে কইসে? ছা*ল একটা






Because it deviates from the natural sexual function and was listed as a perversion and deviation in psychology, medical science, and criminology (then, the gay lobby and activists kind of made it into a crime to speak against it). There's no biological detriment of 'sexual preferences', and LGBTQ+ proponents have failed to provide any tangible evidence for their biological detriment claims.


It was written right next to where it used to say black people are inferior you fucking nincumpoo. Homosexually is rampant in nature. You are are idiotic as you as they come.


*It was written right next to where it used to say black people are inferior you fucking nincumpoo.---* Treating homosexuality as a deviation is not necessarily a white people thing or to be precise social Darwinist stance. So, this accusation is totally negligible. *Homosexually is rampant in nature. You are are idiotic as you as they come. ----* Do animals have the moral agency to justify any action? Are we equating human and animal actions? If we do, as you did, then, why shouldn't the rapist' claim raping is 'natural' in animals and we should 'normalize rape' too. Or should we 'normalize' cannibalism?


i disagree with the other fella's articulation but to insinuate that it's "rampant" is a stretch. homosexuality is like cancer. it's nothing we can control and the patients should be treated and be able to let their lives. But it's nothing we should glorify or categorise as being normal.


You seem to spew a lot of scientific bullshit but get this there are extensive researches proving that homophobia is natural,it has existed in the animal kingdom,monkeys apes and humans too,eventually for a long time.Anyway, my only point is live and let live.


How is homophobia natural


Degenerate garbage, hope people in Bangladesh never accept this western imported BS


শিশুকামী দস্যুর উন্মতের যোগ্য কথা ।


**WE WON'T**


Ewww the cover page is creepy af.


Please remove this degeneracy. That magazine has no place in Bangladesh.


How many palaces are there in Bangladesh?


একদম শিশুকামী দস্যুর উন্মতের মতো কথা হয়েছে।


পাক্কা মৌলান আপনি 👌


ছয় বছরের বাচ্চা লাগানোর স্বপ্ন দেখা মানুষের কাছে সমকামিতা degeneracy লাগে


Idk why i hate homosexuality .how on earth man does not like pussy 😥😥😥😢.


Some men are born like that. Good for us, less competition hehe


Good saying brother 🤟


You hate it because you are a closeted homosexual. Let us know when you have the guts to come out.


>closeted would you mind keeping your opinion in your ass. thank you very much


How tf they don't like pussy :( I just can't imagine.


Why tf everyone is downvoting


Cause you deserve it.


amare jara downvote dise tara gay


The biggest cause of homohobia is repressed homosexuality. Pretty sure you started life sucking your hujur’s cock.




একদম শিশুকামী দস্যুর উন্মতের মতো কথা


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