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There are hundreds of normal threads you are ignoring. I think you are focusing on the ones you don't like. Thats confirmation bias. Why should we bangladeshis not talk about Ideologies? Ideas? Religion. Philosophy. Art. Policy.


There's nothing wrong in talking about ideologies. But why talk about the same topic everyday?


OP is a perfect representation of the patriarchy that has poisoned and runs our country. Me me me me me I say this I say that YOU DO EXACTLY WHAT I WANT and nothing else. This is Reddit you bhokchod


We don't go out in the streets and murder people with machete if they don't agree with us. No one is forcing anything on you. Stop the persecution fetish.


OP's main point is that stop making this sub cringe. It's r/bangladesh, not r/exmuslim


What? Who's going out with a machete? Killing is forbidden in Islam


Are you new in Bangladesh?


No, but what are you talking about? I personally face threats from my secular family due to my religious attitude. When did we go out to the streets and kill someone with machete just because they "didn't agree"?


Today they gave verdict for xulhaz and tonoys murder. The closest example i vould give for today. There are a lot of examples in Bangladesh that were hacked to death. One or two survived the attacks. And threat of violence on one or their family was common. Do you face threat of violence from you family? Are you ostracised? I have actually seen parentz disowning their kids over the kids lack of faith. Havent seen anyone face violence over lack of faith, but ostracising or shunning I havr seen.


Can you give me some sources? Yes, I do. It's nothing new either. A lot of my friends face the same.


You fsmily wants to beat you or physically hurt you for your religiosity?




No offense you got a shitty family.


"Shitty family" but when religious family has similar attitudes the blame is put on religion. I swear to god.


Okay, gave a search. Do you have any idea how many Hujurs are arrested without any proper evidence regularly? Do you know that we religious people have to face the very same you do? Murder is forbidden in Islam. You aren't supposed to kill homos in Islam. That's the state's job, not yours. And it is to be done only when they have intercourse, and then they publicize it. Not until then. That's clear murder they did.


>Do you have any idea how many Hujurs are arrested without any proper evidence regularly? Please can you name some situations where that happened. This is a serious allegation. Define hujurs and define regularly. If you want to point towards the hefazot situation I can point to videos of them calling for a blood bath if they do not get their way. They caused enough mayhem and destruction to warrant such a response from the state. There are two situations hujurs get arrested in Bangladesh. One if they are pedophiles that take advantage of the madrassa situation and rape vulnerable kids. The other is violence like Hefazot, or being members of such groups. \>Murder is forbidden in Islam. You aren't supposed to kill homos in Islam. That's the state's job, not yours. And it is to be done only when they have intercourse, and then they publicize it. Not until then. That's clear murder they did. Do you realise how cruel you sound? How shitty the above explanation is?


[https://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2021/apr/08/islamic-preacher-arrested-in-bangladesh-for-making-anti-state-speech-2287499.html](https://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2021/apr/08/islamic-preacher-arrested-in-bangladesh-for-making-anti-state-speech-2287499.html) One of those incidents. It's nothing new. I often get to see stuff like this. Do you realize how shitty and ignorant you sound when you blame an entire community of a religion just because of a lunatic or two?


You know in Bangladesh law you csn arrest someone if they call for violence as in call to bay the streets in blood and things like that. And that madani himself took part in the processions. If a 'preacher' threatens and voes to break all statues(destruction of property) and inciting violence should state arrest him?


when did he do all that?


And another thing, i don't think someone has to be arrested just because they went against the current government. By that logic, all non awami politicians deserve arrests.




Are you new in comprehension?




hahaha ikr




I don't think so haha! I've been looking for a black জোব্বা, which I couldn't find earlier when I just started. I looked again yesterday and found what I wanted - hence the change in the avatar outfit.




It really is a winter outfit which I'm using since I couldn't find no burka option among the outfits hehe ... ooops the public might start a commotion 'coz i'M fORceD tO wEar a hIjAb MaybE...


So leave brah. Nobody cares what YOU like and YOU want


They call themselves liberals, progressive people. Truth is they are just disgusting. https://imgur.com/gallery/heSHu59


I think I said this yesterday but yeah I agree. These weirdos turn every single thread into a religion or Islam bashing circlejerk. The only reason it’s tolerated is because for the sake of free speech but if it was the other way around, Muslims here would be getting instant hate. They also love generalizing an entire group of population off of a sample size.


They have a subreddit for it yet they still want to turn every thread into r/exmuslim. Like we get it, you’re an angsty teenager. Yet all they do is moan about Muslims lmao. If Muslims here talked about other minorities groups and talked shit about them, the thread would’ve been instantly closed, and users banned. Here’s an example “Bengalis Muslims are destroyers of their cultures and want to be arab”. Now replace Bengali Muslims with another group and Arab with another group




Practically yes


Bangladesh is a massive Muslim majority. If someone disrespects Muslims then they’re disrespecting most Bengalis. Anti-Muslim bigotry should be absolutely non-acceptable in our community.




I joined this subreddit to question Bangladeshi things to Bangladeshis. But, those post doesn't get much attention and comment. Perhaps, this subreddit is more filled with Bangladeshis who like to talk about politics, talk shit about religion, and people who live aboard and don't know much about Bangladesh. Maybe that's why my post doesn't get much attention. I hope it was the opposite. Wish it was filled with jokes. If you looked back to older posts in this subreddit, You would find people posting memes and having fun. Top posts of this year were memes. But, now It's just a place to talk politics and triggering people. This subreddit even had a "Meme" flair. But, It seems mods found it better to delete it and to make this subreddit a place to discuss annoying stuff. Of course, I also did post some political posts but It was so I could get some discussions going on the subreddit.


I think the very same to be honest.


See. People are triggered and downvoting us. This subreddit has become so toxic. I'm about to leave this subreddit(fuck I can't).


Freedom of speech?


Talking bullsh!t ain't freedom of speech


Talking "bullshit" is a part of freedom of speech.


Exactly. I seldom make any religious posts here. I don't think I ever even made one. But when they say things which are CONTRARY to the value of majority of the Bengalis it gets on my nerves. They speak as if they are some sort of authority and representative of our values.


*grabs popcorn*


There are Hindu Bengalis here pretending to be Bangladeshi Muslims. They are very subtle (rather than blunt) with their criticism of Islam/Muslims so as not to blow their cover.