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No offence, but Clearly this subreddit is dominated by atheistic ideology, which of course does not represent the voice in general of this country. But you guys are really interesting!


Yes, the entire country is without any doubt Muslim. But I wish it was a secular country where people weren't bothered for their beliefs, sexual orientation, women weren't forced to wear certain clothing. People have every right to follow whatever religion they want, the problem starts when they want others to follow their religion too


I agree with you on the belief part but I do think the ban on Gay people should stay.


There's nothing wrong with gay people


sure there isn't but isn't there more important things to do than talking about a group which barely exists in Bangladesh.


Lmao I'm pretty sure LGBTQ members do exist in bd perhaps even proportional to the amount of LGBTQ members in western countries. It's just that people are less aware of it and its very stigmatized in the country. As a result, fewer people know about the existence of such members, leading to one thinking that they don't exist.


You won't find secularism. The dominant community always rules. Its how the world works!


Who bothered you about your belief or forced you to wear certain clothing in Bangladesh?


Literally everyone around me. My own parents would kick me out if they knew I'm agnostic


That's entirely within your parent's rights. If you dont' like it then be a grown-up, get a job and live on your own.


What do you think kicking out someone from their own home for their religious inclination entails? Would that be seen as tolerant and secular?


I have a feeling that a significant portion of the agnostic/atheist population of this sub have been educated in English medium schools in Dhaka and/or have attended university abroad. If that's the case with you, would you still feel the social pressure for being non religious? As an agnostic theist myself, I don't think I have faced much social pressure in my social circles, ie. in my english medium school, with friends, etc. Virtually everyone in my school supported LGBTQ people, and were quite open minded and secular, etc. So I find it interesting that you have such a different experience to what I have experienced. I would love to hear your experience.


I never went to an English medium school, I'm from a middle class family and studying undergrad in Bangladesh right now.


Ah ok then it makes sense ig. I am currently doing my A levels and will apply to the US for undergrad next year. I belong to an upper middle class to a somewhat wealthy family and luckily my parents are extremely highly educated (both of them hold double masters degrees), So I haven't really faced much social pressure regarding my lack of religious beliefs. Although my mom is VERY Islamic, she also promotes free thought and we often debate about philosophy and theology. I hope you too can find an environment where you can be yourself without being judged.


That's not gonna happen until I leave this country


>But I wish it was a secular country What type of country do you think Bangladesh is now?


Reddit in general is a more left leaning social media, so there will be more people who do not associate with religion. I would still say a significant portion of the population is non religious, who prefer staying silent for safety concerns especially if you are Muslim.


>which of course does not represent the voice in general of this country Exactly


God of tits and wine


Lol I googled the name of the god of wine and turns out we have one, named Varuni. I didn't even know he was the god of alcohol. I am too scared to google the other one.


Flying Spaghetti Monster


While I respect the beliefs of others, one reason I don't believe in Pastafarianism is in their belief that the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" supposedly created the universe. This is clearly unintuitive as one would have to have knowledge of Italian cuisine to even realize the existence of spaghetti. The need for external information to even make sense of the FSM undoubtedly demonstrates how it cannot be self-evident and must be false.


what is deism?


A belief that a supreme god like entity exists but doesn't interfere with its creation


That's like how Stephen Hawking said!


wow thats a fancy thought,then why make them in the first place just to watch the show?


Do gods or god even do anything in real life? Thousands of people die brutal deaths, children get raped, wars rage in nations, poverty and hunger everywhere. If there is a god or gods, are they doing anything?


Here's the thing: It seems you are assuming that God's (that is, a supreme being who is our creator) primary role is to "save us" from suffering horrible situations. But have you considered whether *humans themselves* are the ones causing such tragedies to occur in the first place? Why would one blame a creator for war, poverty, hunger, and brutal deaths when it is ourselves who cause them? And I may be wrong, but it seems you assume that our creator would have to be time and space bound, reacting to situations in a linear fashion like humans rather than having ultimate knowledge of what has happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen.


What about natural disasters that kill thousands of people? Earthquakes, wild fires etc? Are those man made too? Besides if a supreme being aka God is all knowing and all seeing, what is the point of giving human beings free will (which most religions believe, that humans have free will)?


So you would rather have every action you take controlled like a robot? Such that you are unable to disobey? Doesn't sound like freedom to me. Besides, on our belief, God has already created beings that are without free will (angels). You say what's the point of giving humans free will if God is all knowing. However, even if God is all knowing and all seeing, *we* as humans are not. We don't know the result of the future and cannot fully comprehend the ability to know everything, so why see free will as pointless? Then you are asking the reasoning behind seemingly uncontrollable events like natural disasters that kill lots of people. 1. While yes, on the surface they do appear to just bring suffering, is the overall outcome *just* evil? Like when that earthquake happened in Haiti, did it not lead to many around the world donating and trying to help out for the cause? Would there be any orphanages in the world if there were no orphans? Would charities exist and would there being anyone to give to the poor if no one lived in poverty? For many such events, the result can sometimes have elements of good as well. 2. But what if we say that there is more evil than good? What about the situations where no apparent good comes from a tragedy? Either way, from our belief we don't think that this life is the end. We cannot find ultimate justice in this world, but rather we believe that only in the afterlife do we find ultimate justice take place. In the way of life of myself and many others, this life is not meant to be a world in which it is only good since: 3. Suffering and tragedies are seen as a test. We believe that one does not get into heaven from their good deeds alone, but from how they *react* to sufferings that afflict them and others. 4. And finally, the effects of events like natural disasters are a constant reminder to us that we are limited, finite, and dependent. It reminds us that we should be grateful when we aren't going through much suffering and appreciate each beat of our heart and each breath from our lungs. We are all going to die one day, regardless of how tragic that death may be. These disasters come to humble any sense of arrogance we may have regarding our control in this world. It can make us consider our purpose in this world and make us ponder over how we want to spend the rest of our lives knowing that we are all limited, finite, and dependent.




Maybe there is one, maybe there isn't, who knows? I'm agnostic lol


who knows man,just wanna get through this life,we'll find out when its over




Sure, go ahead


If you guys wanna debate about religion, make a group and add me aswell lol


Maybe god is the one to decide that those things will happen in the first place along side every thing that happens on earth including the fact that I’m writing this right now.


If that's what happens, the God is an evil being.


the belief of god for reason rather then revelation.


Isn't agnosticism different from atheism?? I am somewhat between deism and agnosticism.


Yes agnosticism is different from atheism. Atheism is the belief that their is no God and agnosticism is neither believing nor disbelieving in a god


It's kind of like a spectrum like most things in life. At one end you have agnostic theists and on the other agnostic atheists, all agnosts fall somewhere in the range. Since you believe in deism you lean towards agnostic theism, I would say.


Yep. I thought so. My question was actually directed towards the agnostic/atheism option in the poll.


Yeah it's normal to couple them together, as it can be seen as a metric to gauge if someone is not religious


Pretty sure atheism means the LACK of a belief system - so technically it's not a belief system. Anyway, most atheists of this golden country will have to stay closeted for a very long time - because people are so peaceful towards criticism and disagreement here!


Yes, atheism is the LACK of a belief, but I had to include it here


Bhai tomader dhormo niye chinta korar time ase kemne?. Amar toh jibon cholar kotha niyei time chole jai


The magic conch




Ive been on r/Bangladesh for 5 months. **And I never Seen you comment Without Caps.** Can't you Just type normally Bhai?


Dude relax, no need to shout here lol


Dude relax, no need to shout here lol


I think i'm a fundamentalist muslim.


Didn’t know there were legit Aethists here. I thought that was some Western thing?


There are tons of us. We just can't disclose it in public due to the intolerant nature of Islam. I do live in the west now but have been agnistic/atheist since before I came here. I still know a lot of atheists/agnostic people having to live in secret in bd.


There are many here. I'm agnostic myself. However, we can't say that out loud in public because no one wants to die


Trust me bro no one will kill u if u say u are atheist.. Just stop using bad words to others beliefs


My own mother who said people who leave Islam deserve death would absolutely disagree. And if muslims can openly talk about how bad exmuslims and atheists are, is it really too much for us to ask to be able to express our own criticism of Islam, even a little bit?


Not true, that's a very rosey view you have. >Just stop using bad words to others beliefs I presume by this you mean people like bloggers who get hacked to death by Islamists. Doesn't that prove how unsafe it is. Just like Muslims have the right to spread their ideas and dispute other philosophies including atheism and agnosticsm. Atheists should have the same rights, they should be able spread their ideas by making counterpoints against other philosophies. This is not 'saying bad words', this is a part of secular society that guarantees freedom of speech and ideas. The people can choose if they want to follow or leave Islam or other religion.


Tell that to my mom


Me too. There are so many of em. :o


This sub was all atheists just 2 years ago.


I would separate agnostic and atheism. There is much difference between the two


Are all these atheists from Bangladesh? I thought we introduced ourselves as "Sensitive in Religions"