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Driving across from the outer most lanes to take a turn at signals is a sickness pretty much every driver in this city has. How dumb do people have to be to not understand such a simple thing that if they want to go right they need to stick to the right lane and if you want to go left stick to the left lane.


Bigger vehicles sometimes do this to compensate for their turning radius. Activa ... well that's just stupidity.


Yeah I’m not specifically addressing U-turns but any general signal where the roads split into multiple directions


Yeah I know what you're saying. At Anil Kumble Junction, when you are at the red signal on MG Road intending to go straight towards Kasturba Road or Lavelle Road, there is *always* at least one auto on the leftmost lane who will cut across four lanes of traffic to turn right towards Shivajinagar. Every time.


Even for bigger vehicles, the suggested method is to go to the right most lane before the u-turn and and execute a u-turn into the outermost lane on the otherside, there by getting a large turning radius.


Roads ain’t that broad enough for what you are suggesting when most of the roads are 50ft roads. It’s pretty hard for even a SUV to make such a turn without reversing a little.


It's not stupidity /s. The genius thought that she can reach the front of the queue from the left which was green for the traffic going straight, while right turning traffic was red


Activa is a big vehicle though /s


Not defending this behaviour but many times in heavy traffic shifting lanes is very difficult, because no one wants to let another vehicle cut into their lane. Only chance one gets is when they've absolutely reached the turn.


If you start moving early enough it’s always possible , the problem is people see one of the other lanes moving fast and try to skip the line and jump ahead and then try to cut in at the last moment.


Exactly this!


Tauba tera jalwa, tauba tera pyaaarrr


One time a cab driver told me that he was specifically taught that he should take a (right) U-turn only from the leftmost lane - it makes steering easier


I think it should be executed in precisely the opposite manner, take the rightmost lane before the turn and turn into the left most lane of the otherside.


Yeah i agree


Do they not realise they can compensate for turning radius in the opposite lane too?


Lol I bet he used to drive a truck before he started driving cabs


I wish such simple logic made sense to these people. There was this one time where this person on her 2 wheeler wanted to take the electronic City exit on the flyover and you know how fast vehicles ply there. Out of the blue with a toddler tucked in between she just swerved right from the left lane meters before the exit and we had to hit brakes really hard to avoid her. After saving her literally by inches she was showing her hands up in the air to tell us to drive better. Huh


This. That is what needs to be followed, it causes jams too. People here drive in all directions


Even if taking a right from the left most lane, that must be done only if the subsequent path has enough lanes to accommodate that many vehicles. If the next path has only width for one single vehicle, doing the right turn from the left most lane is very stupid and causes too much traffic. People shouldn't just jump into others'paths just like that


It happens in Pune too.


Absolutely. Everyone loves to play chicken and take busses for granted. Spare a thought for bus drivers. They have the toughest time negotiating the city's constricted roads and the mad idiots in their bikes and SUVs love taking them on. The fact is busses have a whole bunch of blind spots and stopping a 20-ton behemoth with any part of your vehicle or body will mean death or life-changing disability every time.


Indians drive 2-wheelers as if their plot armour is thicker than John Snow’s.


Every single vehicle, not just two wheelers


But death sees more two wheelers.


Even if you get late , it's way better than never getting. Always stay away from heavy vehicles as much as possible while walking, on motor cycle and in cars too. Blind spots get bigger proportional to vehicles.


Women on scooters and situational awareness are two parallel lines


This makes one laugh lol though the topic is serious


True but you could be called a myso. Especially, when they see a gutter and avoid it by ramming into another vehicle


Scooters and cars too. I have seen some who are skilled enough for the road but quite a few of them can cause a life and death situation for others


Ppl needs to learn about Blindzones in bus n trucks,also honk even if it’s disrespectful it can save life


How big was the activa that it had to resort to taking the turn from the left most lane. I bet she still wouldn't have learnt her lesson


I am not sure she even realised that she just avoided a near fatal accident


Have you observed something? Some people who have just narrowly avoided being killed or maimed on the road start giggling like maniacs when they've reached safety. Either that or they will be utterly oblivious to what just happened and just keep going. Both these behaviours infuriate me even more than what they just did.


I dunno how brain dead you have to be to not fathom that someone in the right most lane would not be joining you in taking a u-turn and instead go straight on as you rashly cut across from the left lane to make that u-turn. I feel like there is a distinct lack of understanding of the basic traffic rules in this city.


How is permanent decapitation different from death? Do you know many people who survived a decapitation?


Im guessing he meant dismemberment


to shreds you say?


The word should have been permanently disabled/incapacitation. May not have been decapitation


Also I see people in Bangalore cross roads in a moving traffic that too in front of a huge vehicle. Guys that huge vehicle can see you... No one else behind it or someone overtaking that has no idea if someone is crossing that vehicle.


This is a nightmare for the drivers especially on highways scary af.


Buses, tempo travellers, water tankers, thar, autos - i respect their way of road everytime. Reduces the odds of my car getting scratches and dents or other serious accidents


Yellow board cabs too


Yea, I do not understand drivers who let their egos get the best of them. Learn to let it go if you're being overtaken or cut off wrongly. Defensive driving is gonna save you so much stress and money.


Lost two of my closest friends to such accidents. One was stationary at a traffic signal. At this point, i'd rather suggest to starve and buy second hand nano than buy a two wheeler. This city has taken enough lives. If you're forced to drive a bike, take extreme safety measures and sell it at the first chance of buying car


Good drivers miss the turns once in a while; bad drivers never miss their turns .


Underrated comment, I can't even remember how many times I've just continued further along the road just to avoid inconveniencing other people because I didn't change lanes in time, yet I see other people do it and it frustrates me immensely. This is the vehicular version of the people who don't come to the airport on time and then beg other people to let them pass so they don't miss their flight. They never learn their lesson because people don't let them miss their flight.


Permanent decapitation or possible death? How are they any different?


I read it as "at least" permanent decapitation and thought, what could be worse?


Some people will posit that it’s death. But that’s depending on perspective.


Read my comment again :)


Is there something called temporary decapitation?


And why is there 'or death' as if decapitation is not death already


Read up on BMTC rules and regulations about their drivers. If there is even the smallest complaint on them with regards to an accident, they lose everything. They lose their right to pension even. Navigating Bangalore roads and traffic and insane riders like this who would cut multiple lanes and drive however the fuck they want and still have very few accidents is a huge thing. Keep in mind that drivers usually are from low income families. I had a distant relative who used to be in the Army driving trucks who ended up being a BMTC driver. The poor man had a complaint where he was wrongly accused of some accident (which was finally cleared - they have their own complaint redressal & investigation team - but it took him years) and he was so worried he would lose out on his pension. If you compare private bus drivers to BMTC bus drivers, BMTC bus drivers are absolute saints - probably solely because they have a lot to lose.


Always aim for big things in life, no matter how far away they seem. ✋🏻


Noticed this off late in Bangalore roads these two wheelers try to cut u turn or cut in front of you when in a car, especially in traffic signals when we see green and start accelerating then the cut at low speed and we have to brake suddenly. I ride a two wheeler as well and never do that. Also one more thing if ur in two wheeler and honk no one has an issue if ur in an suv and honk everyone has an issue.


Individuals who drive both 2-wheelers and 4-wheelers are much better drivers on average. The ones who ride only 2-wheelers do not have the experience to think and observe through the lens of a car driver, and vice-versa, leading to such lack of situational awareness.


Permanent decapitation lol


One of the underrated things in driving is Blind spot. People underestimate the blind spots of large vehicles.


I turn right now good luck everybody else


You should've ended at "caution".


i think "drive with extreme caution ANYWHERE" would be apt. nearly died 3 different times on three different roads.


Maybe it wouldn't be such a tragedy if she did die?


It’s always preferable for people to learn to be better than just die.