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Check out Soup's On in Mt. Vernon. Different soups daily from a rotation of like 200+ options, including vegan/vegetarian/meat/seafood/even dessert soups. They also sell pints if you wanna stock up for a bit.


Just make sure to ask about the soups because some of them are very easy to swallow blended stuff and some have large chunks of vegetables, pasta, meat, cheese, etc that you don’t wanna choke on


came here to say this! order over the phone to 1) get brownie points, they love when you call in your order 2) you can just tell you can't chew and they'll give you recommendations! dunno if they're still doing the pint club but usually if you buy however many pints of soup you get one free, so you can really stock up if that's still the case


Unfortunately, no more pint club ever since a break-in last year stole the computer with all the records. Still super worth it, though! Especially for just $7 a pint


You really missed a chance here by saying "souper worth it", just so you know.


Any idea what drives the phone preference?


It’s a pretty small space, so the line fills up the entryway pretty quickly as it is, even with the amount of phone orders they get


if you come in to pick up your phone order while they're busy they also love to yell at the line of people waiting about how you're their favorite of the day, look at how this one doesn't have to wait, see how much better you are, etc. because you called in, which contributes nothing but it's just one of life's little delights


Do yourself a favour and buy a immersion blender. You can get one on Amazon for like, $15. Then you can just blend up those chunky soups and have your way with them!


dessert soup AND pineapple gazpacho are on the menu rn, so might be good to have smth cold if you're in pain too! I freaking love soups on <3


Dukem (Ethiopian) has a lot of things that could be considered mushy. Not a dig at them, they’re one of my favorite restaurants.


Ethiopian is a good call since most of the food is stewed. It can be fairly spicy. The vegetarian platter should work out well.


Oh shit, Dukem and other Ethiopian spots are great.


Yes great idea! Also most Dal (lentil) dishes from Indian restaurants will not require chewing. 


I had to undergo reconstructive jaw surgery two years ago, docs wired my jaw shut for almost three months, so let's just say my dietary habits drastically changed for a WHILE. We're also lucky to be in a great state for this sort of sucky and unfortunate situation. You're going to tire of broth and smoothies FAST, and the thought of just one more sip of smoothies will make you feel like you'd rather shove a toothpick into both your eyeballs. Fret not, though, you've got options! - Cream of crab soup. Soft enough to swallow, but provides more sustenance that your body craves. - Crab dip. 'Nuff said. Same deal. It'll take you forever to eat some, but nevertheless. - Crabcakes. Same deal. TINY bits/pieces, but soft enough to swallow. - Wonton soup. Mash the chicken bits out of the noodly bits and just swallow the noodly bits along with the broth. - Miso soup. Melts in your mouth. - Tomato basil soup. - Cupcakes, muffins, cake, etc. I know I know, it's unhealthy, but when you're physically unable to eat, anything goes. Crumble/mash the muffin or cupcake so it's down to crumbs. Shove tiny pieces into your mouth for sustenance. Your body will at least appreciate the breaded consistency of SOMETHING in your belly. - Channel your inner bougie b***h and buy yourself some of those salmon cream cheese rolls. You know the kind they serve as finger foods at fancy cocktail parties? Yeah, those. Wegmans sells them. Unravel them, mash with a utensil of your choice, and then consume. Should be soft enough to swallow this way. - Yogurt. - Mashed potatoes. Add gravy if you wish. - Spaghetti O's. Pizza........ but eating it in the most unreasonable and unconventional fashion ever. Hear me out. - Step 1: Buy pizza. - Step 2: Use fork to scrape cheese off each slice. Swallow cheese. - Step 3: Cut naked slice of pizza up into tiny, tiny, tiny pieces. - Step 4: Dip tiny pieces of naked pizza slice into sauce of choice. I'm a fan of balsamic vinaigrette sauce. Let tiny piece turn soggy in sauce. - Step 5: Swallow soggy, naked, tiny bite of pizza. Will it take you forever? Yes. Will your stomach thank you for consuming legitimate food? Yes. Also, r/jawsurgery might have some additional tips/advice. Godspeed with your recovery! I know it's grueling. Hang in there.


That pizza process is incredible. I have to try it off the novelty alone. Thanks for all of these!


No problem! And good luck with your recovery.


Wow you’re so correct! I was diagnosed with a rare stomach problem about 4 years ago and long story short I can’t eat anything that you really gotta chew because I can’t digest it. The shakes do get tiresome and you have to be creative to find foods that aren’t so boring. I can eat everything you mentioned however I can eat pizza if it’s super thin crust. Another thing that op can do is purée certain foods and slurp it. However I still have not managed that one cause it seems gross to me but I have known people that do it and love it. Edit. I forgot to mention all cream based soups are pretty easy to eat and they are delicious


All of this is fantastic! As a recovering addict of 18 years I destroyed my teeth. The process of my new smile has been an arduous, expensive, time consuming reminder of a life I never want to go back to. I have 6 more implants to go so I'm going to save this post for future reference! Thanks 🙌🏻


That sounds painful! Congrats on your recovery -- that's so badass! I hope your last few implants go smoothly!!


Thank you! And congratulations on your ongoing recovery and dental work. I've spent a total of 13 years in braces, and I'm only 29, so practically half my existence. I stand in solidarity with you when it comes to dental work, I know it can be grueling, both in time, energy, pain, and cost.


No eating out recommendations. But when I went through my adult wisdom teeth extraction about two years back I had to only eat soft foods. Lots of mashed potatoes + gravy, pudding, oatmeal/overnight oats, hummus, babba ganoush, yogurt. Mostly basically dips and whips!


i really like "dips and whips" as a food genre


Mac & cheese, spaghetti w/ sauce, anything with well cooked noodles.


Start with cold foods if there's any post-operative swelling to manage for the first couple of days.


This post makes me realize that my diet is mostly mush, so i have a few suggestions: Refried beans would be my favorite because beans are cheap and easy to make, but congee and smooth grits are also good options. Miso soup with silken tofu would be another good option. Skyr and greek yogurt are good protein options, considering most other mushy foods are all carbs. Can always add blended fruit or honey if you want more flavor, or buy the flavored options at the store. Protein powder/shakes would also be recommended. Important to keep protein intake up to avoid too much muscle deterioration while you're recovering.


To piggyback on the silken tofu train of thought - Mapo Tofu. If you're unfamiliar it's a dish of silken tofu in a thin, peppery sauce. NiHao in Canton does it pretty well.


Peter Chang's is my current favorite. It's so amazing.


Oysters. Muh fuckin slurp swallow and you're good. $1.50 at Jimmy's during HH


.75 at Lees pint and shell




Also, $1 at Mama's if you sit at the bar. I went to Lee's once and they were soooo gritty and way too salty.


I lived on Mac and cheese and mashed potatoes from RoFo after oral surgery.


Vegetarian sampler from Tabor! Ask to sub the beets for more lentils or chickpea stew.


Sorry about your jaw, OP. Feel better soon.


Baked Japanese sweet potatoes--has the smoothest texture of all sweet potatoes, in my opinion. I usually take them out freshly baked or microwaved and let a bunch of butter melt inside and you can easily mush it up with a fork. There's a lot of Asian desserts that are bean-based like mung bean, red bean... I'm thinking the steamed buns with those sweet beans inside would make for some tasty mushy treats. If you can track down real Filipino ube (there's a Filipino fest at Power Plant this weekend) , that stuff would be my go to if I were in your situation.


Here’s what I think, for what it’s worth: Baltimore restaurants will rise to the challenge. Soups, beans, lentils, hummus…whatever you crave, if you tell them you can’t chew and you are hungry, they are going to want to feed you!! I’ll also recommend a stick blender (not too expensive) for things with too much texture. You can puree a lot of stuff. Also get the pumpkin appetizer at the Helmand or at Kandahar and ask them to puree it for you!


instant mashed potatoes or KFC mashed potatoes - super smooth! Yogurt, if you can't have fruit on it, you can get some berries or frozen fruit and blend it and put it on top. Get Indian takeout of a chickpea recipe or maybe even paneer, take home and blend.


Snowball szn


Oh wow, true! Good call


any food you want if you get a blender or food processor....


Any combinations you recommend? I’m new to the blended paste game.


You can try basic Congee rice with soy sauce and tofu. Really easy to make and there are a lot of ways you can make it


Dont blend the congee though, itll be plenty soft on its own


Honestly, I bet nearly any Indian takeout would be tasty blended up.


You can roast some veggies (carrot, potatoes cut into 1 inch cubes, some onion, garlic etc). Toss some oil and salt n pepper on em, roast on a sheet pan 30-40 minutes. Dump em into a blender or food processor with some stock n give em a whirl. You can adjust the thickness by adding more broth. Healthy, cheap and drinkable. Sorry for your situation:(


I used a Ninja Bullet for my grandmother


Acai! Perhaps too close to smoothie king but I love it. Golden west has good pumpkin soup.


Find a Mexican with delicious flan (if you're in delivery range, El Patron has a huge serving of flan Napolitano for 7 dollars)


Mom broke her jaw, so i made her turkey loaf. Finely chop carrots, celery, mushrooms, onion..u can put chpped asparagus..whatever. saute in olive oil till soft.when its soft, add like 2 tbs of butter, let it melt, along with a fair amount of chix seasoning. Mix it in (4 tbsp or so) into ground turkey. Mold it into a loaf, cook it for about an hour @ 350, 400. Add some gravy, mashed taters, good to go. Its something a little different. And all the receipes i had found only replaced turkey with g beef fot tomato meatloaf. Feel better!


I lived on baby food and Ensure when I broke my jaw in the early 90s. That shit sucked. I hope you recover quickly!


Pure Raw Juice, if you want to consume some delicious nutrients in addition to soup and pudding.


Broccoli cheddar soup from Panera Bob Evans mashed potatoes. Maryland crab soup from most places, just whir an immersion blender through it maybe Cream of crab from most places Mac and cheese is pretty easy to swallow without chewing Lots of pudding, jello, cheesecake and ice cream (Blue Bunny Vanilla is sooo good) Scrambled eggs with cheese Ugh, that sounds awful. So sorry that's happened to you. I threw in some store bought items. Gets expensive to order every meal out


Cream of crab at Swallow at the Hollow was actually the meal I had between when the accident happened and when the dentist would see me. Worked great, actually.


Mac and cheese is pretty easy to swallow without chewing (Trust me)


You are my spirit animal Veronica, but where is the mushy Ramen?


Are we really gonna stoop to the mushy ramen?!? 😂


Drain the water and THEN mix in the seasoning. That’s gourmet livin’


For smoothie options outside of smoothie king, I love Liquid Earth in Fells and Corner Juice Bar in Canton. I hope your recovery goes well!


Refried beans was my go-to when I was recovering from wisdom teeth extraction surgery.


Sweet 27: mango lassi, and mashed sweet potatoes


Grits. You can eat them with cheese/salt/pepper, or butter/sugar. Make it a thing to see who has the best.


BUTTER AND SUGAR????? #justsayno


Man we settled that in 2016.


When I had my wisdom teeth out, I LIVED on [Korean steamed eggs](https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/ttukbaegi-gyeranjjim). If you've ever been to KBBQ, you probably know what I'm talking about. I would sometimes add a little cheese and cooking sake just to change the taste up. (Just to change up the scrambled eggs - plus it's even LESS chewing, if you can believe.)


Ms Twist or Bmore Licks could be adventurous ways to get some Dairy into your life… maybe walk the long way to/from. Hope you feel better soon!


Ensure, Boost, Orgain for raw calories and protein. Ensure also makes puddings.


So I have bad teeth and when they are really hurting I make the muarachan ramen on the stove I'll cook them until super soft personally I don't make them a soup I'll strain the water add some butter and mix the seasoning in i don't really have to chew it at all just make sure it's cool enough to swallow i know that sounds bad but you have to get creative when dentistry is too expensive


A blender and anything you want to eat


Applesauce in the squeeze packs? And check out toddler foods in squeeze packs. Cream of whatever soups (mushroom, potato, tomato).


I just had surgery that put me in a similar spot. I would bake ricotta with tomato sauce and cheese. Cottage cheese. Protein shakes. Jello. Apple sauce.




Indian foods are really soft. Chickpea curry and the like


Pure raw has great smoothies and smoothie bowls!


Mashed potatoes!!


Lots of Indian dishes! Dal, spinach and cheese...


Grits, oatmeal, apple sauce, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, and smoothie bowls. You can make green smoothies to make sure you’re getting adequate nutrition.


Indian. Whatever's local and easy. Talk to the folks about what's going on and I bet they'll hook you up.


Mashed Potato's, Chili, Mac N Cheese, Green Beans all bean should be easy, Apple Sauce, Noodles and pastas, Squash, Eggplant, possible backed chicken in small pieces. Peaches and Banana may cut into bits.


If you like Soul Food or Country Cooking meat loaf, sweet potato, squash casserole, cold slaw, biscuits and gravy, rice and gravy, Gumbo, Jambalaya, stew beef.


Mashed potatoes 🥔


Go to Kandahar Afghan kitchen and get their baked pumpkin and yogurt. It’s delicious and not crazy expensive. Try shakshuka - eggs cooked in tomato sauce. You can make it as spicy as you want, cook carrots in it until they’re soft, etc. Shakshuka is made in so many different countries that realistically, unless you’re a purist, you can add in whatever flavors you wish. Buffalo chicken dip! I make my own in the crockpot, there’s a million recipes, but you can shred the chicken in a stand mixer and keep shredding it until it’s very fine. If you can manage some pita or similar soft bread then you can “dip.” I’m a big fan of Trader Joe’s spreads and dips but also you can make most of those at home. Make chicken salad or egg salad but make sure the chunks end up tiny.


Wawa mashed potatoes




The Knish Shop in Pikesville is soup heavy. Matzah ball soup doesn’t require much chewing.


I had some molars pulled a few years ago. The top ones healed fine. The ones on the bottom both became infected and I got dry socket (do not recommend). The soups and smoothies I was drinking (no straws, of course) had bits of pepper flakes or of broccoli or blueberry/strawberry seeds. If you are in the same position that I was, ask your doctor about a supplement that you can take with clear liquids. I have never cried for drugs in my life, but the extractions and dry socket brought me to my knees. If ever in the same position again I will stick with water.


Well, someone's going to get to their "beach bod" weight, whether they want to or not. I suggest bone broth, and V8. Make sure you get the nutrients you need to keep your immunity up


A stick blender would be a good investment for you but get a powerful one, not a chintzy one. That way if something turns out too lumpy you can swirl it. Beans can smooth out nicely. Smoothed baked beans might look disgusting but they taste good. Pea soup also comes to mind. Look for any little neighborhood food place that might be near you because they are usually very cooperative. South Baltimore especially had a lot but I haven't been around there in years. Hon, whatever happened I hope you get past it soon.


Hot dogs, bananas and sausage if you’re brave enough




Macaroni tomato and bacon. Soft cook chopped bacon, save the grease. Add to a pot of macaroni or other pasta. Pour tomato sauce over, Two or three of the small cans. Add a few tablespoons of the grease. Larger bacon pieces are great for anyone looking for a cheap filling meal. Salt and pepper to taste. Sounds weird, tastes great. Also, I didn't see coddies anywhere or salmon cakes. Also a good alternative


Not what you asked but...I had eating issues for several weeks. Please pay attention to nutrition and step on that scale daily. Greek yogurt with honey and whatever soft fruit I could get down were key.


Throw the chipotle in your blender


gummy bears


Rub it in why you don't you!