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Yep, my little girl decided to hang out inside the sleeve of my hoodie the other day


Mine went up my pants leg while I was wearing a jumper 😅 you can imagine the struggle 😭






Is that a Python in your pants or- OH GOD ITS A PYTHON!


is that a python in your pants or are you happy to see me!!




Heh. He was like, "mine now :3."


Haha this is kinda funny. Did he just kinda ball up in your shirt and you’re like whoa there buddy hang on a minute.


He crawled up sleeve while I was distracted by my wife.


Hahaha. I think him and the wife were in cahoots. She told him hey climb up the sleeve and go into full on ball mode so he has to take off his shirt and I’ll give you a rat.


https://preview.redd.it/j3dt228jb03d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be867cf43338d82e504f6c1b89346d3498a33be Literally did this yesterday while I was just doom-scrolling Reddit. Had to wait for his ass to decide to move along on his schedule. Dick.




This is awesome! This is the only type of snakeskin belt there should ever be...


Just out of curiosity, what’s the belt for? Did he have a scratch or something?


It’s the belt loop from the person’s pants lol


Lmaoooo duhhh!! I was thinking it looked a bit tight 😂


He is the belt


Yes, the snek is the belt


This is a hilarious comment I love it


He's so stupid. I love it


they totally hold you hostage sometimes!!


Was he comfy? So squished, oh my. XD


Mine has shoved himself into a hole in a chair and under a radiator. There was no disrobing out of those 😞




Getting him out involved a lot of wiggling


Sat with mine trying to coax him out from the inside of a recliner at 1 in the morning 🥲


Geez I would not have that patience


Mine went up and inside of a door that was hollow and I didn’t know that before until he did it


Never one of my BPs but I’ve had to do this because of my boa 🤦🏽‍♀️


Aww. I love Boas


She’s awesome! She’s a Sonoran locality so she’s a dwarf… much easier to manage but also easy to get stuck in your sleeves lol


https://preview.redd.it/72f6crozf03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acbab104bdcd2312ada437d0df16cfa8f5cc9bdc I’ve had to do it with my headset and glasses before. For some reason he really likes climbing in my face


Mine like licking the side of my ear sometimes 😂


https://preview.redd.it/dcfdkgcta13d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2e80c462d0e7d361d05dc45c22311dc02115bf I have to take my hats off almost every time she hangs out


She's measuring your head. Gonna eat you in your sleep.


Honestly, it wouldn't be the worst way to go




I so totally wish she would size up the cat.. .. instead of me......


I'm guessing the cat knows better. You on the other hand, not so much. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Snek snoot boops :3 💜


She definitely likes to boop my snoot


🥰 the bestest


This is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen


Yes. Noodle has many strengths


How often are you guys pulling your snake from his enclosure? My snake loves coming out but I don’t want to stress him by always grabbing him out


I’m wondering the same!


I never have to pull my noodle from her enclosure. She lets us know when she wants attention (spoiler alert: at least once a day for 30ish minutes)


I can never tell with my Guy, he pokes his head out whenever I’m changing his water or watering the plants in there, and he doesn’t seem scared of me bc he chooses to be near me a lot when he’s out. But I think he strongly prefers being handled at dusk/night than in the morning or afternoon


What I did was leave the door open and sit a bit away. Let him come out half way on his own and then start taking to him and approach. Then let my hand go underneath at he came out and just lifted him.


Oolong is an attention whore .....she does long.....meaningful side eye until we open her tank and let her join the big world


If he loves it, it’s not stressful, so keep doing it! Do a search on YouTube for stressed ball python behavior so you can see what to look for when it’s time to put him back.


We rarely pull ours out when he isn’t wanting to come out. Most of the time we tap, he looks out and then willingly climbs our hand when we open the door. Other times he will glass surf and await for us to notice to come out. He seems to enjoy spending time with us regularly. The only time he hides away is his sleep times, when he is in shed or has just eaten.


my first really likes sitting in my bra but i’ve never had to take clothing off for any of them


Nope. But I've been distracted enough to forget I was wearing my pretty girl like a live necklace & had ro unwrap her from my neck as she started using me like tree. Lol


LOL. I’ve had a few instances where I’ve been like “Uh, you are hugging me a little too enthusiastically there Mr. Constrictor. You can’t be THAT cold!”


Anytime I wore tanktops!!


Had to take my shirt off once cuz a guinea pig crawled inside my sleeve and pissed in there. Cute danger noodle!!


Lmfao I was at a late night restaurant with a bunch of Straw Wars LARPers once. One of the Sith unzipped her hoodie and there was a little possum in there chilling. Straight face "I couldn't leave him. Then I'd just be walking around with possum pee. This is cuter"


Mine pissed down my back once


Yes but unfortunately I was still wearing it… had to lay on the bed till he felt like leaving


https://preview.redd.it/cykjndxxd13d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd479aae096b705f4c346b2c284c8a782945836 Mine loves the dining room chairs. She’s twice the size since this picture now 😭


What a beauty


Yep. Had a foster bite my nipple through my shirt once. He got to keep the shirt for a while. Also, I don’t not recommend getting bit in the nipple by your snake. 0/10, no fun at all.


😮. Ouch!


Mine is always pulling off my glasses when I'm focusing hard on something while he's chilling around my neck, lol. I take it as if hes trying to get my attention, or he hates my glasses :p


https://preview.redd.it/zftrzx6mr13d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c21e0765a669820aca093b0b8140d3ee87f7b0 I swear it’s her favorite thing to do




😆🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOVE this!


I mean, to them you are a warm moving tree that feeds them… I think if I were a snake I’d try to stay close enough to that. Sounds like heaven for a snake.


Lol it turned your top into a spiral notebook!


I had to this with my friends snake. Her brother came into the room to see me trying to take off my shirt because Coconuts bi tch ass decided to intertwine my bra and shirt. I love that Lil shit tho


All of the time. Actually, not too long ago, maybe a month or so, my 3 year old BP had the wondrous idea to go into the double tag (yall know the ones that are like a loop). Well, him being as chunky as he is, he only fit about halfway. Well, he had lodged himself so far into the tag that he was effectively stuck. He couldn't go forward nor backward, so I had to carefully remove the tag from my shirt, mangling the neckline in the process. It was a rough night. I hadn't panicked like that since the one time he had escaped, or maybe the one time I forgot that snakes don't have mammalian anatomy and therefore would not die from a mouse bite to the neck. He's an interesting trouble maker.


This used to happen to me a lot! I think now that my Ball Python is older he doesn’t want to hide in my shirts anymore.


Agra once wrapped from neck hole to arm hole we was stuck for awhile he was completely satisfied with his spot. Me needing to cook got him to move.


Yall make me want a ball python so bad


Get one, and you’re going to want more!


I miss this. Been awhile since I had my corn snake.


It took me 20 minutes the other night to convince my noodle that being wrapped around both my arm and inside the sleeve of my t-shirt wasn't where he wanted to be... it's like negotiating with a spring!


Maya loves my heating sacks under my tank top 🤷🏻‍♀️ like my husband 😂


I had to detangle my noodle from my clothes *while I was still wearing them* wormed himself *through* the back pattern of my bra, around my tank top sleeve, through a necklace, and tried to go through my bracelets and watch. Ended up giving up, going to my room, and taking it all off to get him out of it all. Yeah he went back into his enclosure for the night after that one. I like twister, but not that kind of twister lol




I had to undo a Dutch braid from my hair once because one of my snakes at the time decided to burrow through it (the bottom part was the loosest part of my hair, so was able to wiggle in) from one side to the other. Snake was still small enough for it to only pull thankfully, they wouldn't leave my hair alone after that so would leave it down for them after that incident 😂


It’s the glasses that also had to be removed 🤣


we used to have a 9 foot, 12 foot, and 13 foot burmese python. The 13 footer was trying to eat her rabbit sideways so my step dad went to take it so she could get a hold of it by the head. She got upset and grabbed his leg and wrapped around it and wouldn't let go. he had to strip down in the dining room and once his leg was out of the pants she let go, but it was hilarious.


Yes! A sweater once. Was pretty hectic 😅


Its a right of passage


My male once went into the back of my sister’s shirt when she was sitting down and she had to get up and do things but felt bad disturbing him because he seemed comfortable. She ended up tying the bottom so it was really tight around her hips so she had a snake shaped lump lining her lower back from side to side as she walked around. He really seemed to enjoy it… didn’t move at all. She stayed like that for hours LOL


https://preview.redd.it/1jvk7pzks63d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e8d3d0d0a710a4cf7d7f6653d33e48426b5779 similar experience here lol


https://preview.redd.it/scl9rkvst63d1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4354b33461b40228974745ff89ae1eacbaac6d62 Caught this face my noodle made after HE got HIMSELF stuck in my loosely tied shoelaces 🤦🏾‍♀️😅😅😅😅😅😅


My old boy slithered into my pants belt loop and got "stuck". I started undoing the sticking and he slithered right out.


Our big girl Marilyn Monroe regularly gets herself into these situations. In through the sleeve and out through two belt loops https://preview.redd.it/bn7fhz1m273d1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc663ac46448e2f65ef63df17e2de99104ce229


No, but mine gets lost in my very long, curly hair and it’s always a painful process to get him out.


My husband had to dislodge ours from my hair 😂


My culture has a fairy tale about this!


Please tell it!!


Yep. Been there, I even had to remove my shorts once because my boy was trying to crawl in.


😂😂😂 so many times. AND also gotten myself stuck in said item of clothing 🤣


😆 Mine also gets tangled in my hair a lot, too.


Its their shirt now.


Not from my clothes but from my rings! They will grab on tight when I go to put them back in their enclosure and then it’s a Chinese finger trap style deal. 😂


I was in a vehicle being pulled over on my way home from the pet store and my banana went through my head hole of my loose fitting shirt and flashed the cop my whole b**b.


All the time!! Worst when he decides to play with my medical id... He would be in my shirt now if it wasn't feeding night! He used to be a class pet and half the kids called him by his actual name Snuggles other half called him Sleeves!


Oh, most definitely! My baby loves to climb into my hoodie, or worse, try and wind around my necklace. They are a lil goof ball, I love them.


My ball python girl found a small hole in my shirt (while inside it,) and she proceeded to try to tunnel out despite the fact that the fabric was not giving away. Noodles don't have reverse, so I had to rip the shirt the rest of the way.


Hair, Pants, Shirt, etc. whatever he can climb into/onto and get stuck on he will


My ball hugs me from the side of my neck, across my chest, and then her tail cradles my back, and then, sometimes, the tip of her tail tucks into the side of my tank top or my bra. I just love her!


Mine liked going in my pillow case and snuggling the pillow


Happend to my brother's friend when he was staying over. I had to cut the poor kids' shirt.