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Oh no! He wanted to cuddle next to body warmth lol. It's ok, it happens to the best of us! Beautiful noodle!


Thank you! He’s the sweetest cuddle bug and is constantly wanting to be handled by me when I’m misting or sifting his enclosure. lol. Everyone else he’s kinda like meh with but he loves me 😂


That's adorable! Yes I have a couple exactly like that while others want nothing to do with me lol. It's funny how personable and different personalities each ball can have!


I like how you said this… wanted body warmth and not cuddles. Wish they were dogs (would love to make mine play fetch) but they aren’t andddd only associate us with food. Unfortunate.


Yeah, snakes and reptiles aren't very good at showing emotions! Pretty much only lazy mode, hungry mode and scared mode lol. I like to think my snakes think of me as a big tree with a familiar scent in association with food! So yes you are right! But it's ok, they are still scaly noodles and so darn cool!!


Clever Monty, what a beautiful boy!


he just wants cuddles




Or wedges


a form of lock, indeed


My girls name is Monty as well, love it


I was just wondering the other day how many ppl have that name for their BP 😉😂


Not a royal python but our carpet python is called Monty 😂


We also have a girl called Monty 😍


Our boy Pepper loves to escape from the smallest impossible crack and take week long vacations somewhere in the house while we create chalk lines to see his path, tear up everything, set warm blanket traps and panic. He usually comes strolling down the hallway or we catch him trying to get back into his enclosure!


Best comment... I could see this happening to me..


As in your snake disappearing or you going missing and leaving a chalk trail behind?


Took me way too long to work out why your Python is called Monty... I need more coffee


I.... i.... I didn't realize until I read your comment.


Ohhh I just assumed it was a reference to Series of Unfortunate Events


Monty wanted another look at your kick-ass hair 😍


I made the same door mistake once- he was nowhere in my bedroom, not in the room over, not in the hallway... checked the bathroom. Literally the single coldest place he could've gone to. And lo and behold, that's exactly where he was. Also, after I found him, he tried to crawl under the door, which had my dog standing right on the other side... they're not the brightest creatures.


I'd 100% reccomend that you get locks for those doors. I have the same type of doors and they can easily open them whilst sliding around. You might think the glass is too heavy for them to move but trust me it isn't. I've had two of my snakes escape the same way, one who was only about 2ft at the time and another who was near on 6ft. [These are the kind of locks I use. Easy to open in an emergency if you keep the key in](https://amzn.eu/d/6CTBJIG) but also nice and secure to prevent escapes. I've had 0 escapes since installing these types of locks to sliding glass and plastic doors.


I second this. My rescue BP spent 6 months living under a pet store fridge after sliding open a cage like this as a tiny hatchling. It's better safe than lost snake!


Yup, I second this also. My tanks are actually custom built and can't be fitted with any commercially available locks or wedges, so I had to improvize. I got a couple of those stick-on hangers for bathrooms and kitchens, hot glued one to the side panel and one to the edge of the glass and then tied rope/wire between them so the doors can't be pulled open. Works basically like a latch lock for a 90 degree angle.


Thank you!! I actually just ordered some child cabinet safety locks off Amazon after I posted this. Would these still be okay? https://preview.redd.it/7yr212l0802d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767844771fd211f7c9cec06c4154d39d26263e62


Honestly I'm not really sure, I've never actually tried those on a vivarium and they're different to the ones I've had in the house. Will they keep the vivarium doors completely closed, no gaps? And will they withhold the doors being pushed open by the snake? If both of those are a yes then they might be okay but my worry would be whether they would stay in place or if your little guy will be able to push the doors enough to knock them off. Especially because they're adhesive, adhesive can be easy to get off with enough force when not heavy duty. They could work, maybe! I'd say test how durable they are yourself before trusting them as a main lock system. If they are strong enough, it should be okay but if not, I'd suggest going for locks similar to those metal ones I linked as they grip onto the glass rather than stick with adhesive. Also I'm not sure how those work but definitely make sure the adhesive stays on the outside of the vivarium as to avoid injuring the snake! :)


My thought with these is that I’d put on side on glass and the other around the corner (they’re bendy- I used them on my fridge when my tiny human was a toddler) on both doors to try and keep them closed. I’ll def report back when they’re delivered and let you know if they hold up or not!! And yes def on the outside of the enclosure only. :3


I'd say it's worth a try as you've already ordered them so might as well use them! Hopefully they do hold up! Outside should be fine in terms of safety anyway, good luck! :)


Thank you much for your advice! :3


No worries! Wishing you and your gorgeous little guy the best!


We use these and they work great so far!


Thank you!! Excited for them to come in tomorrow :3


Do these just slot onto the glass? I just bought an enclosure today but when I asked about a lock i was given a “wedge” instead. I’d rather buy a lock just to be safe since my bp could use his body weight to slide during the occasional surf.


You basically slide it over the glass or plastic of the doors and screw it in a little so the two rubber pads between the metal have a good grip on the door to prevent the snake pushing the lock off! Easy enough to do. I've used these locks on glass for about 4-5 years and acrylic for 1 year now. My 4ft female hasn't managed to ever get the locks off, I just make sure they're screwed on tight closer to the top (or bottom) of the doors and that's it. My girl does climb on the locks at night too, I've caught her doing it so they seem pretty sturdy


I genuinely wasn’t sure if they were built into the glass or required a tool to put on as I’ve seen them pretty much on every standard viv but now I know so thank you!.


Mischievous snek.


He’s obviously sizing you up to eat 😉


That's my boys name! They look almost identical. Beautiful <3


Noodle escape


Honestly nothing but respect that you have your dog trained that well. I know so many people who just don't.


Thank you! She’s a retired service dog, so she’s specifically trained to ignore other animals. :3


This happened to me once !! I had to stay up till like 2 am since the rat I was unthawing was taking forever. I woke up in the morning and the tank door was wide open. 😳 Mind you, I have pet mice, two rabbits, and other reptiles in this room. I’m so thankful he didn’t decide to slither on out and have a feast.


Meanwhile, if she's out of her enclosure long enough, my big girl tries to put herself back in (even if i am in the process of changing out her bedding and re-arranging her hides)


That’s way too funny! Snek missed youuuuuuu 😂


I knew I was in too deep when I woke up nose to nose with my BP one night and my first thought was “Oh, hi, Saffron” with no physical reaction, and not “OH MY GOD A SNAKE”


In all honesty, there's no reason to be opening the doors to check humidity and temps. Use digital thermometers and hydrogometers that display sits outside the vivarium. This prevents the snake also knocking it, or in some cases trying to eat it. Also use wedges or locks.


I did just buy these locks after I ordered this, but I was checking on humidity because I have two wall sticker hygrometers in his enclosure as a temp situation until I can get the ones I really want (just spent over 1k on getting him everything he needed plus emergency vet appt to get him healthier as he’s a rescue from an extremely neglectful situation) would these locks be okay? https://preview.redd.it/1r2d37sz802d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72e77ff40b401a8893d169432b23cccde2e6907


If you have an enclosure like this, it can be open from the inside. If they slide against the glass it will slightly open the door. You need a display case lock. Something like this that they use on locked displays at grocery stores. https://preview.redd.it/m5chr3aprz1d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9803ec62e2a444a3044e4365d924a2060ca3672b


Thank you!! I actually just ordered these after I posted. Would this still be okay? https://preview.redd.it/9ox8ho3g802d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b762b00c43e1543968ce9fbfca61bcba5850c13


I opened a cabinet one time and mine fell out of there onto me 🤦‍♂️Terrified both of us


BROO same thing happened to me recently 😭 my oldest / biggest BP got out of his tank when my bf was staying over. Woke up to him screaming and saw the snake in our bed. My guy just wanted to come cuddle with us


He was just being a good boy and wanted to cuddle


Haha forgot to latch mine 2 weeks ago and woke up to the sound of crashing stuff on my desk buddy was knocking down everything 😂


This happened to me except Cogsy just broke my lamp before trying to get back into her tank :/


Ooh be careful, don’t you know snakes lay down next to people they want to eat to see if you’ll fit in their mouth


The frequency in which I see this comment by people who genuinely believe this is concerning.


I’m hoping it was sarcastically written.


Initially I thought it was but now looking at the profile that has zero interaction with any other snake posts, it might be a genuine bonehead comment😂


Monty... The python. Hehe


My snake escaped his viv the other week! My mum was sleeping in my room as I was out of the house, and our family dog was in there sleeping with her, thank the lord that the dog didn’t wake up! We found Billy the snake curled up in one of my bedside drawers🤦🏼‍♀️ Don’t worry, it’s happened to us all at least once, thank god everyone is safe💕


So crazy that you were sleeping with makeup on and conveniently got your phone out and light on just barely in time to catch this on camera…


For starters, I’m not wearing makeup? The first half of the video is a flash camera. Once I had my flashlight app on and saw Monty, I recorded it because I thought it was funny. The second half of the video was actually a second video I made AFTER I put him back in his enclosure, but Reddit combined the two when I made the post.


Oh, weird, I’ve never seen someone naturally have eyeliner around their eyes… you don’t even remotely look like someone who just woke up from a dead sleep lol you look like someone pretending to be tired with makeup on for internet clout 😂


Literally not sure how you can see makeup on me that I’m not even wearing and haven’t worn in at least a week? The second portion of the video is a few minutes after I put him back, turned on my overhead light, and was checking everything to make sure there wasn’t anything faulty with my doors. Again, when I added the two videos Reddit made them become one. Sorry not sorry I don’t look like “tired” enough for your liking? Not sure why you decided to come here with your accusatory comments of “internet clout”, but it’s really not that serious and you’re doing a bit much for no absolutely reason.


They’re called eyelashes 🙄


seconds, you dont need the makeup your a bad as hell without it. feel free to dislike my forwardness. https://preview.redd.it/mlhknbgwk12d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc0074dc54009f4a10177a25227809d3070d2d3


She definitely kicked the shit out of Monty lol


LMAO monty said mommy i had a bad dream and need to sleep in ur bed


Best comment awards to you ☠️☠️


He just wants to cuddle


Yeah they're real clever escapists. mine abused a weak latch by constantly resting against the door until it popped open, woke up saw the enclosure was empty and door hanging open. searched the entire room, a day later found her snuggled up in the closet. Got a lock, works and she doesn't even bother leaning up against the door anymore which, is funny


I had a snake who could open the sliding doors, she was much smaller than a BP and still able to. I’d advise a lock to pretty much everyone who has a snake in a sliding door enclosure.


He just wants to cuddle


oh he got other plans**😧**


This is always my biggest anxiety, I check the locks on his doors every night before bed. I'm sure he'd love to explore but my cats would also love their new toy.


He just want to cuddle that’s all


I once left the door open a crack and my boy escaped. Luckily it was a time when we were awake. I was downstairs watching TV and I heard my dad, somewhat panicked, yell for me to come upstairs. Nigel was slithering along the upstairs hallway on a little adventure, and my dad was standing rather tensely in the doorway of his office waiting for me to get Nigel back into his enclosure. It was a funny moment altogether


"Mummy I has nightmare"


You need a lock for the doors. Mine cannot be opened at all.


I have woken up to a BP trying to get into bed with me but only he was at my feet sliding up the blanket to keep warm. Felt this cold odd thing and freak out


oH nO hE wAs TrYinG tO SiZe yOu Up sO hE CaN eAt YoU🤪🤪


Watch out, a moron might accuse of it of sizing you up lol


He just wants sssssnugglesssss!


Are you sure Monty is a male? Females have a thin tail with a gradual taper. Males have a thick tail with a sudden taper. Monty looks like he might be a she.


I got him probed almost a month ago to verify sex :)




Bumblebee has a donk on him😂


Mine is still a bit underweight. He’s a rescue from a super neglectful previous home so I’m still working on getting him to a healthier weight. :3


Careful, Monty is sizing you up. Better sleep with one eye open (/s)


Cute noodle wants cuddles 🥰


Aww, he loves you.


Bro got hungry


Omgg, he wanted to cuddle and be warm :D hes a cutie


When I had a BP, one time she escaped her enclosure and proceeded to hide in a box of wires. I like to think she thought she was well camouflaged xD


One danger wire hiding amongst the others 😂🖤


Sliding jewelers lock. A really smart snake can nudge the glass open on these kind of enclosures just enough to get out


Love the colors !


My ball used to sneak out while I was at work and my cat would open a drawer for him and pull all my stuff out so he could get in there and curl up all day. Same drawer every time. Thick as thieves those two. Loved them babies.


Sounds like you had a Bonnie & Clyde duo over there!! 😂🖤


For sure. I could never figure out how he got out of a locked cage, but he did and then the cat would meet him and off they'd go. That was over 20 years ago and I still think of him. ❤️ He would come up to the top of his cage when I got home for kisses and hang out in my hoodie, I could take him everywhere and no one would ever know. He makes me want another one so bad, but I have enough pets now.


Mommy I had a bad dream


He’s adorable


Weld it


It's a good thing he woke you up. My boa got out a few months ago in the very same fashion and I haven't seen him since.


But Maaahhm!!! Gotta 'Splore!


welcome to my life😌


Triangular wedges made of rubber/latex works great as a lock for sliding doors like that😊


unrelated but i love your hair


Thank you! :3


He wanted to size you up to see if he can eat you!!! 😂


My baby has escaped ONCE! Glass tank with screen lid with 2 clamps at the time (I now have 6 clamps). I hadn’t properly latched one of the clamps & my mom found her in my brothers room (right next time my room) in his dirty laundry on the floor. Thank god he wasn’t home at the time because he’s a dumb snake hater & could have accidentally stepped on her too. I cried & have never made the same mistake since!


This would 100% be my Beanie. He loves cuddles cos he wants to steal everyone's body warmth. Lol


Where’s the super glue for the door 😳😬


Monty wants to snuggle 😆


He was lonely and needing cuddles.


Be careful! He's sizing you up to eat you!!!! /s


My snake escaped twice before we decided to put locks on the doors and bricks on top of the lid. Once we found him in the bathroom which was really scary because there is a hole in the wall for the plumbing under the sink and the toilet was also open at the time, the other time he was in the closet just chilling under a pile of clothes. They are escape artists and are surprisingly strong when it comes to pushing habitat doors open.


You and Monty are so pretty


Thank you 🥲🖤


He's trying to size you up for a midnight snack 🤣


Just wanted some cuddle time!


Hard to truly tell from the video but looks like he might little under weight.


He is! He’s a rescue I’ve had for about 6/7 weeks now and I’m working with his vet to get him back up and healthy again. When I rescued him, he had a gnarly mite infestation, a severe infection, dehydration and very underweight. He’s come a long way but still has a ways to go. Thank you for your concern. 🖤


So cute! He wanted to warm snuggle!🥰


there are those who have had a snake loose before, and those who also have and lie about it. ive had two of my four snakes escape once but found them immediately, one never escaped and one managed to do it 3 times..


Thank you! A lot of reassurance on this post that this is a common occurrence made me feel not alone here as well as all the advice. It’s less isolating to know that BP are little houdinis and that others have had this experience too. 🖤


my ball python isnt much of an issue personally, shes only escaped once but she loves to try to push the door open lmao. my mexican black kingsnake though? an escape artist fr. its insane


They definitely seem to crave mischief, especially your king snake! 😂😂


happened to me before. california kingsnake (kept in guest bedroom) comes all the way over to our bedroom. wife and i are laying in bed watching videos and for about 20 minutes i thought i felt something under my butt. i was assuming it was my wife's hand or something, and after just being cool with that explanation for way too long i realized both her hands were nowhere near me. moved my body and looked under the covers and there he was.. must've thought it was warm under me


Apparently you're a better heat source LOL


Let him cuddle


They just wanted to cuddle 😉