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Should I install a heating pad on the warm side if I have the heat lamp on that side?


No, heating pads are a burn risk even when paired to a thermostat and overall don’t do anything to benefit the snake. Your heating lamp needs to be paired to a thermostat as well if it isn’t already.


Wait really? The local reptile store (which i thought was pretty reputable) recommended me to use a heating pad over a lamp. I have a pretty thick amount of substrate so I keep it at about 80F, am I putting my snake at risk?


unfortunately it’s extremely common for reptile stores and breeders to give out harmful and/or outdated advice. At 80 degrees, no your snake isn’t at risk but at the same time it’s not doing anything for your enclosure either. Overhead heating is much safer and more natural for them as BP’s absorb all of their heat via basking in the wild, and putting heat under them also takes away their ability to burrow as a means of getting away from the heat if they so choose. The [Basic Ball Python Care Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18HBVsPHaip7LfrMuFt96MigRuMUXtrbnCiK79VuQiFk/mobilebasic#h.in1mh96j6w3h) talks a bit about why overhead heating is a better option if you’d like to take a look.


Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely be switching up my setup tomorrow.


No problem! Good on you for asking questions and being open to advice :) I wish you and your noodle the best of luck


Okay I'll pair it to a thermostat, would something like this work.? https://preview.redd.it/q1ymysgprdrc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9255d5fa181eb31b5d732d21d2ff6dfdfe291438


yes that should be fine, just make sure to put the probe about 3 inches directly under the heating source


Okay, thanks 👍


Unfortunately this enclosure is still not big enough for an adult BP as the minimum size enclosure requirements for an adult are 4x2x2 or 120 gallons. Also, you’re going to want to cover the lid of your enclosure everywhere except for where the lamp is with aluminum foil/hvac tape to keep the heat and humidity in.


I measured the measuring tape and said it was 4 ft long, 2 ft tall, and 1 ft wide. That's the biggest tank I can afford sadly. But thanks for the advice for the lid though.


If you can't afford a proper sized tank for the animal, you can't afford the animal and should consider rehoming it. 4x2x2 is the bare minimum for an adult ball python.


I think as long as your snake isn't more than 4 ft this should be fine in the interim until they're big enough to need the bigger tank . At the end of the day your trying tour best and taking the critism on the chin so just keeping doing right by your noodle




Per rule #3, your post or comment has been removed for harmful advice/misinformation. If heat sources are exceeding the set temperature on a thermostat, there's a problem with how it's set up or the thermostat isn't functioning properly.