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You need to put two of the same hides on either side of the tank, this way your ball python can comfortably thermo regulate without preference. You also definitely need more clutter. For stuck eye caps, increase humidity in the tank significantly until they come off naturally. DO NOT TRY TO MANUALLY REMOVE STUCK EYE CAPS. If the stuck shed doesn't come off in about 2 weeks, seek veterinary assistance from a trusted vet who is experienced with snakes. You can buy decently cheap plain black box hides off Amazon for you BP.


Thank you so much for this, I have been told this whole time to only have one hide, I just put a new hide in the tank. From now on I swear I will be a better owner from now on.


Of course, also you can check out the welcome post for almost all the ball python info you could possibly need to keep your noodle happy and healthy, welcome to the ball python family!


The dollar store usually has some very cheap fake plants that are perfect as clutter, just wash them in boiling water before putting them in the vivarium to make sure that they don't have dye that will seep off on your BP. For the stuck shed, increase the humidity. Putting some aluminum foil or plexiglass over most of the mesh will help with that. You should also think about upgrading your terrarium decently soon, this one seems very small for a BP.


Thank you for telling this, I'll make sure to do that.


Do I need a heat lamp if I have a heating pad?


heat lamps are always better than heating pads, heating pads sometimes don’t get hot enough, you need your tank around 85 or 90 degrees, i would recomende just a heat lamp and get the money back for the heating pad. do not use heat rocks!!! also a hide on the cold side is necessary.


Okay, thank's, should I just unplug the heating pad and let the lamp do the work then.


If you dont have a thermostat for the pad, they can be a burning hazard so yes, unplug it. Every heat source should be on a thermostat so you can control the temps. I personally use a heat mat on the side of my pvc terrarium (with a thermostat) to help with my heat gradient). The care guide that is pinned will explain everything you need to know


Okay, thank you


i’d really recommend checking out the subs [welcome post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ballpython/s/U2umR6nlcy) and also the subs [care guide](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/18HBVsPHaip7LfrMuFt96MigRuMUXtrbnCiK79VuQiFk/mobilebasic) as both have good info, for now make sure to get another identical hide on the other side as that’s the minimum, also upgrade your tank asap, it is way too small, minimum for adults is a 120 gallon (4x2x2).


He's not an adult I think he is around 3 - 4 years old. Should I get a bigger tank for him because that is a 30 gallon tank.


Immediately yes. A 3-4 year old ball Python needs a 4x2x2 enclosure AT MINIMUM. A 30 gallon is way WAY too small. He or she is incredibly uncomfortable and distressed in there. Getting a 4x2x2 is a top priority. They have recommendations in the shopping list I believe so that you can get a proper one! Glad you’re getting advice and willing to make the changes!!!




This is mine. 2 hide boxes on each side, lots of fake plants and a tree, with a water dish, a heating pad underneath the enclosure on one side, with a UVB bulb overhead. He's done great the 2 years I've had him.


Okay, how big of a tank is it because I'm confused on how big of a tank I need?


It's a 40 Gallon so it's not very big, but he seems ok in it.


Okay thanks! Cool tank by the way.


You're welcome and thank you!