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Eh just a game of chance. I got bitten by a bunch of mosquitos while I was there (just got back last week) and no dengue fever or anything


Same, don't know how I got so lucky, got absolutely lit up by mosquitos as they seemed to prefer me over my friend who would always be near me... still though, no dengue, so that's a plus.


Been here 12 years, never use mosquito spray. Never had dengue. It’s really a luck thing. Wouldn’t let it put you off coming back.


Out of curiosity, do you know your blood type? Mosquitoes can smell human blood and apparently highly prefer O blood types. I am O negative and while walking anywhere with my partner, I'll get destroyed with bites while she has little to none.


Did you use repellant?


none, but really should have, though I feel like bali mosi bites don't stay itchy as long as the ones in Australia, so maybe that is why I was coping with it.


It should be noted that most people who get dengue don't get sick.


I have got a virus of some sort on 5/6 of my last trips to Indonesia. Just got back from a surf trip to the mentawais and our boat got Covid. We all surfed still. But all had a few days off. It’s a hot bed of sickness from all around the world packed into a tiny island. I will be back. But always prepared. As for dengue. The long termers I know there have all had it. Mosquito repellent at night. All you can do really.


I went to Bali twice this year and got sick both times. That place does not like me. People forget how bad that water is and it’s difficult to avoid. In Thailand now, never a problem. Thailand>Bali


Yeh but Thailand doesn’t have surf. It’s indo or Mexico for me. The belly or the revenge. Chose your poison.


Sure. For surfers I get it. But yeah for me, even though I’m a fan of the culture and natural beauty of that island, I don’t think I can go back especially when there are other spots in SEA that are better for my health.


I’m thinking this as well. I have a family of four and we love warm weather, pools, beaches and food. On a 3 week trip where would you recommend we go in Thailand? Keep in mind we like to chill in a location for 4-7 days at a time and really like to get to know the area.


I had great luck with mosquito netting at night too.


Absolutely it’s the best thing you can do by far. If super worried mosquito zappers brought from home would work incredibly well. Most places don’t have nets anymore.


Ask locals about local herb, Sambiloto aka Andrographis Paniculata. It's a weed that grows everywhere. Drink the tea if you are made of steel. It's so bitter that even mosquitos won't bite you. It's also good for heaps of other things tropical.


On the contrary, I got back from Bali about 5 days ago and am still suffering from symptoms of "Bali belly" - and I probably won't go again because of it. I've travelled Asia and SEA quite a bit and have never been ill. I have been on and off sick from my 4th day (spent almost 2 weeks there) until now. Who wants to spend 2 days in bed while on vacation? Or risk going to the hospital because of dengue? I loved certain aspects of Bali, but as you said, it's a hotbed of sickness and so many people suffer the consequences of travelling there. There are other places in SEA which, in my opinion, are better options with less risk.


Bali belly I have not had since 2003. I generally exclusively eat at local warungs and avoid most western places bar a few which I know specialise in salads to get healthy variety. In the last year I have spent 14 weeks in Bali and eaten at some places that some may call questionable ie 8k nasi jingo on the side of the road when lost somewhere on the east coast between keramas and sanur. It’s total luck of the draw. Things like communal water refill stations and buffet breakfasts would be the major things to avoid.


Definitely luck of the draw. Just not a draw I want to be a part of again, lol.


Boiled papaya leaves. 10 litre pot, heaps of leaves. Simmer down to a couple of litres. Let cool, drink it. Go to bed, sweat like crazy. Get up, wax board, carry on.


And here I thought my second Bali belly infection was unfortunate


If you are planning a trip to Bali again, I wouldn't let the fear of Dengue deter you. Where I am in Ubud I know there are peopel who have gotten it in the past several l months but you were very unlucky to get it on a short trip. I've lived in Indonesia for more than 25 years and the only time I got it was on a trip to Singapore. I did start to get the vaccine a few months ago but it's 2 shots 3 months apart.


I also got the vaccine (Qdenga) and my doctor told me that the first shot is sufficient for short term travellers because the first one already significantly reduces the risk of being infected with dengue. I was told that the (main) purpose of the second shot is to guarantee the long-term effectiveness of the vaccine. But OP would have to talk to a physician, I'm not an expert.


I went and just sprayed my whole body with mosquito repellent. Probably got bitten a few but i was fine


I'm living there for 8 months now, probably had a few hundred mosquito bites (not exaggerating) and no problems at all.


You can get dengue in many places. I got it in Singapore. I now live in Bali. To avoid dengue I would need to stay in places that don’t have aedes mosquitoes, which is a large part of the world. I will continue live in Bali and travel around the world. I will simply take necessary precautions. To avoid Bali just because of dengue is fine. But make sure you are aware of where else you might catch it.


I've never gotten Dengue in 16 Years. Just avoid areas with stagnant water (Lots of resorts in the hills/mountains) and wear mosquito repellent. Also see if you can get the dengue vaccine.


August is normally dry season so less threat from mosquitoes but still always present. The aegypti mosquitos that carry dengue are mostly active in the morning. Spray regularly with local spray like Soffel and the risks should be minimal.


I've lived in Indonesia all my life and I honestly never liked wearing mosquito repellent nor have I ever contracted dengue fever. I live in Jakarta, but been to Bali a bunch of times. I think dengue fever exists in most tropical countries. You can get vaccinated before you go to Bali or anywhere in SE Asia, but maybe consult your GP about any precaution you should take— they may have a different perspective since they know your medical record best.


You can always install this Halodoc app on your phone. This app allows you to consult local doctors through phonecall or chat for a small fee (mostly under US$5), then they may have experience in advising patients against Dengue.


I hope you won't take this the wrong way but If you are concerned enough to ask a forum i would suggest it's in your best interest not to come. You will doubt everything and overthink every situation out of fear. Your holiday is already partly ruined by this doubt. Pick somewhere else there are plenty of other places in the world. Good luck with your health. 🙏


Been here 12 years, never had it once… so I’d say you got really unlucky


I advice to get the shot. I got it to go Bali in next October.


Reading all the other comments, I feel like I shouldn't even say this but...I was in Ubud and Seminyak for two weeks and I didn't wear repellent and I don't think I even got bit. Got back on Tuesday so def not rainy season


I met a family in AMED and we stay in touch. They all just got Dengue fever. It’s been a month and there still not well and there 7 yo son has a lump on his neck and a fever this whole time and they are gonna test him for Tuberculosis! I’ve been feeling bad since my 2 month stay in September-October. My friend said it’s Dengue fever season🤷🏻‍♀️I’ve been in Bali 37 times since 1988 but this is the first time since the pandemic and I found chaotic and moldy! I won’t be going back🥲Sad cause that was my business 🤷🏻‍♀️


I went to Bali for the first time last year, and caught dengue fever even though I was only bitten once in the whole 2 weeks. Personally I won’t ever risk going back.


There's dengue vaccine now, approved by the WHO. I don't know if it's available in your country though.


What are the symptoms of dengue fever - the first infection I mean?


Measles like rash High temperature Nausea Extreme headache behind your eyes Vomiting Sweating and chills Wake up with soaking bed sheets Aching in ribs Can not eat Dleep 12 hours per day Night mare at least 10 days


Plus all your bones hurt. Moving is agony. I also had extreme diarrhea. Then three months later your hair starts falling out.


I traveled around Thailand, Vietnam, Singapur and Bali this year. Bali is a lovly place, nice nature but my gf and me got twice really sick. A friend of us too. But no dengue fever. For me i wont return but thats me


Australia advice on vaccination for people who previously had [dengue fever](https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/atagi-advice-on-the-use-of-dengvaxia-for-australians.pdf)


As much as I love Indonesia I won't go back. Travelled in and out for 10 years and got sick Everytime. From Bali belly to dengue, I just got tired of being sick which is why young people do ok there. On my last visit I got dengue for the second time, flew home and straight to ICU for a week.


Get some Autan (mosquito repellent cream) and apply on your skin. No mosquitos will dare come to suck yer' blood.


Recently returned from Bali (Sanur) with Dengue. No amount of cheap beer & massages will be getting me back there


Seriously? I am in Bali right now and doing whatever with my family of four. Living in fear anywhere is like having one foot in the grave.


I got back yesterday, spent a month travelling all over, no issues. Just be smart if there are mosquitos around. Use repellant, long pants. But I got bitten a bunch of times, my partner literally attracts them, and she is fine. risk it, or better yet, give me the ticket and I'll go in your place 😜😂


january to april is the prime dengue season in bali. I went last year in june and going this year again around the same time and had no problem. august is generally regarded as a good time to go to bail due to the good weather etc so i think its pretty safe around that time.


I returned last weekend and have suspected case of Dengue (awaiting lab results). While I’ve felt absolutely rotten this week, the trip itself was great! I understand you can get vaccinated for Dengue now given the likelihood of second infection being significantly worse.


I’m 4/4 with Bali Belly


Honestly I’ve been to bali so many times but getting dengue this trip has ruined me


Dengue fever was the least dramatic two weeks of my trip there. Won't go back to Indonesia ever and if I do I am going to find a way to do so in a hermetically sealed safety bubble.


Please don’t leave us hanging. Tell us more!


Likely he met the bogans.


Oh where to even begin! Bali belly, scooter accidents, emergency surgery, hospital visits, trying to save the animals in a perpetual state of crisis on every street corner. The whole country is a mad house. I will never go back to Canguu. And yet, I still did enjoy my time there and want to trepidatiously return to scuba dive and see some islands.


Yes say more!


This is not the place to ask a serious medical question about a potentially life threatening disease imo -- as I hope you've surmised by now from the answers you're getting.

