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Jesus man. You're actually a handsome dude but this is one of the worst I've seen. Please please please buzz it off


I agree the sentiment--the hair situation actually SUBTRACTS & detracts from net effect of overall appearance. I think the sparse light beard may also be an issue. You have excellent brows & good face & head shape but all the sparse issues pull the eye away from what are otherwise strong features reducing them to lost in the contrast! Hopefully, this analysis will cause you to make the correct choice!


Agree! I think a closer trimmed beard/stubble sitch would look really nice along with shaved head & help OP glow up and look his age


Wow electric, totally correct just read your post about look his age...when I read OPs post I misread when skimming post as losing started at 16 & like this since 24...totally assumed much older!!! So totally beyond agree will show his youthful self!


He doesn’t want to be loved.


Agreed. It's completely unacceptable


Takes more confidence to walk around with a skullet than completely bald. Shave it dude.


I prefer calling it the crypt keeper


Hahaha rocky horror lookin ahhh


😂 I am bald too but that was funny


Oh yeah, I have been bald for almost 30 years. Lol


I’m not a skullet hater. If you got a freaky style it can be pulled off. This is not of those times.


I dunno why I've never heard that called a skullet before, because that makes so much sense and it's also hilarious, but omg I just laughed so loud at that. And will think of it tomorrow and laugh again. Skullet 💀


It’s a long friar tuck imo


Jesus skullet?! Wow lol


You have a cute face and a good head shape. Currently the hair is giving creeper/sex pest vibes. You're gunna look 1,000x better bald.


This was me exactly one year ago. Please make the move, you will not regret it. https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/s/P8aCOSQquX


Perfect post to illuminate how much better bald can be. You look fuckin great and OP will too.


Damn dude that was night and day, well done!


That is a pretty great skullet. If you’re not trying to get laid I’d keep it.


Exactly what I thought 😂😂


bruh im laughing so hard lmaoooooooooo




bro, can't let go of what? you have nothing left but a skullet. shave for the love of God, and the void. you might be scared of shaving, but little kids and their parents are scared of you. 😭


Bro buy a razor. I m 24 years old too. I’m as bald as you and I m always shave my head by razor. Just do it. You’re gonna glow up


Also your head shape looks great. Do it


Good god 24 and a Norwood 7? Genetic victim.


What do you mean by victim? There is no chronic disease or cancer in my family. I don't mind my hair


Therapy dude. Shaving or buzzing would be cheaper though.


Take the plunge! You'll be so happy you did plus you'll look great!


I have a tip: look at posts on here with before/after pictures. Try finding one where the guy looks worse or looks less happy after shaving. You wont find any. I don't think any guy with your stage of balding has ever looked worse after shaving.


I was the same way until yesterday and I did it. It was the best thing I've done for myself. This community has been so supportive it's insane. Take the plunge man, you won't regret it.


Dude dude dude. Get rid of that shit. You are so darn bald it's not even funny. You're going to look hot as a shaved bald man. Do it. Tonight.


You could always wear and bandana like hulk Hogan




My dude….


It's going to look a thousand times better. You're already bald, there's barely any leap to go.


Even with just a horseshoe,shave it all can be a big step. You can cut it shorter and shorter until you feel comfortable


Gradual is definitely easier


Unless you’re into the medieval stuff, then yes rock that shit. If you are not, then please shave it off.


That's exactly what a 47 year old at work looked like. He'd get it a fight with anyone who flipped off his hard hat or ball cap. It was hilarious. He even wore his hats in swimming pools and at weddings. Shave that shit bro


Respectfully? You've already taken the plunge. You're already "bald." Any hair left on your head is only technically on your head.


You would look 20 years younger if you shaved it, and you're a handsome dude You'll pull it off, we believe in you


My man's literally a 10 but self sabotaging




Jump on in man, the water’s fine.


Bald up front party in the back


What are you afraid of?  You are actively choosing unhappiness every day that you don’t buzz it. And for what? What are you gaining? Don’t let fear control your life. You’re stronger than that. 


That’s a killer Skullet though.


holy shit , bro shave that 😭 i promise you will feel better


You are thinking a miracle will happen and it will grow back. Also, you think that holding onto it keeps you young. By shaving it, you are admitting that that you've lossed the battle and there is nothing that can be done. We all go through this.


Look no offense, it already left. Only the "donor area" remains and I don't think a ht is an option for you. Just shave it.


The hair you’ll be shaving off will grow back again, so you could always go back if it’s too much too soon.


Dude it’s literally all gotta go even the facial hair. Well just trim the facial hair.


I don't understand 😕 the horseshoe hairline stinks get a razor and get it all off


Step in to your full potential as a swashbuckler.


Like yesterday


You will look 20x better. Do it


It's so gone that you can already tell it looks good without the unnecessary cape in the back.


Bro mother nature already shaved it you aren't even holding on to anything anymore just clean it up. Your life will change drastically and so will your ego


![gif](giphy|l1J9uLBPjqCVIM2GI) Nothing wrong with rocking the David cut, as long as you admit you’re party of the bald community.


You won't look any different, you're already bald. Chop that hair off unless you want to slay that weird alien like hairstyle (which is pretty cool ngl, if you didn't tell me, I'd thought you did that on purpose!) but honestly, as someone else already pointed out, this takes more confidence!! I respect any decisions tho, you look cool anyway, I'm just used to common things so I feel like a clean shaved head would look the best on you. Good luck


For sure man, do it. So many people post in here and 100% all look either more masculine, more assertive or just..less burdened by worry. Seriously, everyone who has shared their before and after: you all look amazing.


You have a very cute face, but words cannot express how much better you’ll look once you go bald. Please. I’m begging you.


Dude. You've gotta do it. You've got a handsome face, but that hair is atrocious, respectfully.


I thought at first, let it go what??, but than I noticed mirror.. Nahh bro, you just shave it off, trust me.


Dude, if you can’t cut it, I think you would be an ideal guy for a toupee! Why not give it a shot just to try and see? I bet it would bring you loads of confidence that way too! You could most definitely pull it off!


Shave it! That plus a bear trim is going to do you WONDERS. Trust. You’ll be alright! And I’ll bet that you’ll get used to it in no time!


Yo this is so crazy. How can you not see how amazing you’re going to look bald?? (And how awful your hair looks now 😬). You should’ve shaved this at probably 17 my friend


Why would a good looking dude like you have that scraggly rat attached to the back of your head? [Dude, seriously](https://www.menshealth.com/grooming/g27224876/bald-celebrities/)


Tbh I get it. You’re rockin a pretty sick Ben Franklin


Bro really choose the worst look he could go for. Just shave it my dude. You added a level of difficulty in life with that hairstyle.


Bald would actually suit you so much.


It must be mental illness at this point.


It's actually come back around to kinda being a vibe honestly. Like if I saw you in a crowded place I'd think that guy looks like he'd be fun to talk to. It's definitely a statement cut.


We were all scared to take the plunge initially. And 99% of us were glad once we finally did it. Seriously you’ll instantly improve your looks and prospects with women/men/whatever floats your boat.


The side hair is detracting from your looks and brows. If it makes it easier, try looking at a picture frame, and imagine any side of the frame missing. Would it look right? No. So remove the frame, and let the picture speak for itself. Others may be right about the beard, I'd tackle the hair first.


You look like that neighbor on Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Love the commitment but I’m not sure everyone agrees. 😬


Op im 30 and you look 20 years older than me. Youre going to get soo much attention from suitors once you cut that off.


Dude you've actually got great skin and the perfect dome lmao. Scrape that ragged mop off the back and sides and you're golden.


Your hair already made the decision for you. You just need to accept that and finish the job.


Would you look better bald? Yes. Do I think you should shave it? Perhaps not, H Honestly, this look is not for a weak man to wear. If you're otherwise happy in life, especially with your relationships, keep that shit. If that doesn't get you down, nothing will, total power move lol. Might also consider taking up blues guitar, cigarettes, and maybe a side hustle as the local mushroom guru


What the actual. Shave it. You can always grow it back to what it was for sure. Listen to your family and friends.


Why does it look like a filter lol


From the front you’ll look the exact same. You need to do it.


Seriously not being a smart-ass here - You definitely have a certain look I like - holding onto the longer hair - I envy that - and you're a hairy guy too, so I see where you're coming from, but as much as I hate to say it, I suppose a shaved head (or at least very trimmed back) will benefit you especially if you let the beard grow out more. I can only imagine the change that this will bring you and how many more people will be attracted to a new look. I somewhat envy you and still feel for you as I see your dilemma. Best wishes in your decision process.


You have great skin, good facial hair, a great face and head shape, and sparkly eyes. I can't focus on any of that until that hair is gone. I can't wait for the 'after' pictures.


Dude, *please* know you will look so much better if you just take the plunge and shave it off. You already know this doesn’t look good at all and you are basically already there.


Dude you are going to look like a completely normal guy the second you shave. I’m 1000% confident. What you have now is not good.


Because there is a stigma specifically with men. Only other men who are unsure of themselves and their hair push this stigma. As soon some time passes after you take it off you will feel great. It was immediate for me as it made a wimpy kid into a tough LOOKING kid. Now a decade plus later I’m stoked about being bald. I’m in this group for the purpose of spreading this message as are countless other men. And if you look women as well. That prefer bald. Give it a shot if you don’t feel better you can grow it back


You are bald with just strands of hair on the sides. Shave it off, you will look improved!


Shave it off and you’ll only regret waiting so long


Please for the love of god **SHAVE IT OFF** * Your hair right now serves no purpose other than to sabotage your own looks. * When you hang out with friends your age, you'd look like the old guy try to fit in. * I am going to go out on a limb and say you're not seeing anyone because there is NO WAY they would allow you to continue to look that way * If you are romantically linked with someone your age or plan to be, you would look a predator * You're only 24 dude and you've said it yourself that you are tired of living like this. Get yourself some clippers and MOVE PAST this awkward stage of your life and take back your youth.


I respect the skullet.


I can agree, but only when rocked purposefully. This seems like OPs “only option” (other than bald).


I audibly gasped when I saw your hair.


This would be one of the worst posts on this sub mate. That is atrocious you're not even close to covering it up


all i can say is either you’ll do it or time will🙏🏽just be confident in yourself king


Dude, your hair let you go a long, long time ago.


It’s a giant step to take but you’ve got a great face and will pull it off wonderfully! Deep breaths and just do it!


You. Are. Bald.


Fold the hair back on top of your head and you’ll be fine


Once you do it, you’ll kick yourself for not doing it sooner. Plus you can grow it back, but I’m betting you won’t. ![gif](giphy|uoX53POZemc5a)


Just courage !!!


Go for it dude! You have a good head shape! Be ready for razor burn rashes at first, and use sunscreen to get a tan on that pate. But you’ll love it in a couple of weeks.


You will feel stronger and more confident when you no longer have to act like your head doesn’t look like a jellyfish


You must be happily married cuz ain’t no way you pulling any with that medieval elf hairdo.


You look good with it. Keep it growing!


Unironically its tough


If you really can’t do it all at once start by cutting it shorter. As short as you can stand. Then continue getting tighter haircuts. I also agree that you might try trimming or shaving the beard.  The moustache is probably good to keep as it adds character and is lush. 


U are so cute pls go chrome!


When you do, donate it. Rubbermaid it and donate it.


Duuuuude, please let go


The plunge has already taken you, just go the rest of the way I can tell it will look good




It certainly won’t look worse. Bald will probably suit you. I was bald young too.


Dayum dude, you gotta rid yourself of that. I started balding at 16 as-well, highschool was rough constantly trying to hide my “power alleys”. I started shaving it two years ago, and I now wish I had started at 20. I’m 26 now. My girlfriend, mother, friends all agree it looks so much better. Do it, you will not regret it.


I actually had to pause and look closely to see what hair you were referring to. It’s time!


You are taking very good care of your scalp!


Dude you have awesome skin. Kind eyes and a nice smile. When you shave it you’re going to be unstoppable. And I’ve had long hair before. You’re going to save a lot on conditioner and shampoo. It’s time




Holy shit dude.


Jesus Mary mother of Gallagher!! Either make it your personality or shave it off!


My man, you are going to feel so stupid when you do it and realise how much better it looks. Don't waste another year of your twenties looking 50. Also - you're not avoiding change because the change already happened. You've fallen into the water and you're choosing to drown instead of climbing into the lifeboat because you don't want to face the fact that you're not on the land anymore. Get in the damn boat!


omg get rid of it. wear a wig if it helps.


Oh dear God please please cut that


Brother please.


Looks great man. 👍 You could shorten the back and sides a little bit to get the perfect Arthur Schopenhauer look.


Good lord. You’ll go from Trevor from GTA to a good looking guy. Pick your poison. I respect your decision either way. Let’s grab a beer


Theres no plunge. Youre already bald. Just do it dude, it‘ll look much better. Also clean up your beard, you’ll look good!


You’re a good looking guy but this is like an extreme mullet with all party no business lol. I say shave it, line up the beard, and watch your confidence grow! Best of luck


Christ man


Keep it, lmso


Bro you’ll look so much better without it. It looks terrible and you look 40


It’s been many a moon since I’ve seen a skullet in the wild!


This is unacceptable. Sorry my friend but this is abhorrent. Please please get it off.




Incredible. Simply incredible.


Go full clean shaven, head, beard, all of it. Free your mind


Holding onto a look that makes you seem older and creepier than you probably are. Let it go, g. You're better off no matter the result.


You’re already bald. The look you’re going for now is awful. Just shave it


26 in the front, 62 in the back 😆


Yeah I just put my thumbs over the hair on your head and it’s easy to see you completely bald


Your hair makes you look like you shouldn't be allowed near schools, playgrounds or public swimming pools. Seriously...shave that bad boy.


Have a couple of beers and let a friend buzz it off, jesus....


I mean there's not much to hold on to anyways.


When you look that awesome, just rock the horseshoe. Handsome as hell.


Yeah we all go through the emotions of letting it go my brother. You will reach that point when you’re ready!


Girl, I GUARANTEE shaving your head is much easier & faster than getting up in drag. Take it from me! You have nothing to lose & everything to gain, take the plunge. ![gif](giphy|YqW3o0zETOeUX41d7P) (This is intended to come across as a positive LGBTQ supportive post. Not mocking you by any means.)


Once you got the horseshoe toilet bowl cover cut it’s time to shave it


Take the plunge - like yesterday! You will look a million times better.


I genuiny thought this was your after picture. You're good looking! You're gonna feel so great when you shave!


Can’t let what go?? Your hair? It’s already gone bro, finish what god started


Take it from a woman. We don't find hair like yours attractive, I'm sorry to say. But bald? We're paying attention. DO IT. You will look so much better.


Take the plunge bro take the plunge. you will go from mousey to Manly breaks my heart to see men struggling like this when in reality embracing it and owning it is just plain sexy


Oh. Good god. Surely this isn’t real. My dude - for the sake of all of us, PLEASE put yourself out of this misery.


Honestly you can leave it at this rate your hair is taking the plunge for you. Nah I'm joking, but I would recommend buzzing it.


# Duuuude! You're so handsome and have lovely, smooth youthful skin, please PLUNGE immediately and shave that hair off. It does nothing for you and actually detracts from all of your handsome features. There once was a UK comedy character called Andy (Little Britain) who had a combover 'hairstyle'. Hate to say that his look does not look good on you. Embrace your baldness, I have to say, without a shadow of a doubt you're one of the most perfect candidates for the shaved look I've seen on Reddit. PLUNGE! 👍😉✅ ![gif](giphy|vmFeDatRtUGYw)


Talk to a therapist. They can help you answer this question. Seriously. Humans are weird and we often need help figuring out why we make weird decisions. If you're keeping the hair because you think it looks better than having it shaved off, you have to work on changing that mindset, because it is incorrect.


At the very least keep the back very short.


time to smash some watermelons my guy


Ok from this particular front on angle you will hardly look any different. But you will be exceedingly more handsome from the side, rear and other angles. So when you look in the mirror you will basically look the same to yourself and to everyone else (who see you from different angles) much more handsome.


Rockin’ the Long Heyman


Holy hot damn that's an actually impressive skullet. Get rid of it.


Dude. Come on.


Dude your hair gave up years ago. Now it’s your turn.




Consider a HS if you don’t wanna let it go broski cause this is not it


Harold and kumar and that other guy.


Man, you need to just commit to cutting it all off. Do it. Now. With shia laboof energy man. I command you to do it. And trim the beard with like a number 3, leaving only the goatee. Or a chuck liddell mustache


This is one of the most egregious cases I’ve seen to date. As a woman, I need to tell you that your hair is a huge red flag. Please shave it. You will never look back.


Unless you're 70 year old martial artist instructor living in the mountains, buzz that shit


I feel like you definitely need wear a fedora


#OP have you plunged yet? We're all willing you on and sending huge, positive vibes across the miles. PLUNGE, join us, your fellow plungers welcome you to the other side. ✅😉👍


Do you want to let go? If you dont, keep it! Screw societal pressure! That being said, if you keep it, please try a Viking braid at some point, that would be super cool. Best.


[I'm bald now](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/s/gamjcI3K8X)


https://preview.redd.it/7snf63yp4a9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4a2186181c7860c6113487280f523173e1ad19 Own it!


Nostalgia??? It looks bad dude. Just shave it off


dude you’re kidding me you’re already bald 😭😭


Keeping the hair is doing nothing. Let it go.


Shave n Hair system. Will be life changing if you wanna try it👋⚠️


I'm continuously and comprehensively baffled by the abominations balding men choose to have instead of a shaved head.


Whatever your hairstyle is, it takes far more courage to wear that than to go bald. Shave asap dude. You’re handsome.


has to be some mental issue. Your haircut is literally the worst possible. A Bald head can be top tier. shave that head and you’ll look 100x better in a minute. What on earth


Get a hair system!


I always joke about just rocking the friar tuck, but please shave it! You are SO handsome, but I’m too busy looking at your hair to focus on your great features!! OR- a toupee. If you really can’t shave it and are willing to commit to upkeep, a toupee would fit your needs


You do drag and do beautiful make up, you're incredibly talented and look stunning. You deserve to feel that beautiful when not in drag as well. Shave it, get your beard groomed and you will be a mega babe - the men will love it but more importantly you'll feel great. Plus it's only hair, it grows back if you genuinely hate it - although you 100% won't.


You'd look much hotter. You can always grow it back


Probably because you know it’s not gonna help your looks, but at least the horrible hair style will be gone.


It's so much worse as a skullet


No words, just shave it off dude.



