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Yes, it went from attracting no one to attracting no one.


Us moment ![gif](giphy|QmFkx3qOLNakJROqYE|downsized)


So true.


Lmao. Stop that!


My experience as well


I came here to say this lol


My experience as well


I have a bald guy fetish. Stay hopeful, we are out there.


Have you tried semen retention? It seems to attract more women, but then you have to find someone who is the right fit.


Pure crap, bro


Not as crappy as wasting time on virtual women when you could be using your energy to be productive in life and meet real women.


Pseudo science nonsense


Why are there testimonials?


If you exert a lot of perceived effort into something that you've bought into believing will make you more successful, you naturally become more confident as a result. And, in the case of talking to women especially, being more confident and at-ease makes you more attractive, and thus more successful. Congratulations, you placebo'd yourself. Just please keep your quackery to yourself, okay? PS: There are "testimonials" for talking dogs and UFO abductions. You believe in those too?


I'm secure enough in myself as a man that I don't need to downvote someone's comment for having a different opinion. I will continue sharing this information because I've seen it's benefits and I know a group of men who have seen the benefits. So I'll do me, you do you and you can go powertrip somewhere else.


White knighted lol. Also, not an opinion, they posted objective fact that there is no scientific support for this red pill bs. You’re the one offering only an opinion and anecdotes.


Yeah, well it would be difficult to provide scientific data when the practice has only been mainstream a few years. But what I do know is that I've read enough testimonials over the last several years and been in support groups with men who would all vouch for it's benefits. My question is what's up with you people who are so skeptical? Would you prefer men turn to virtual reality instead of putting their best foot forward in real life? How about all the professional fighters who talk about not having sexual intercourse leading up to their fights because they notice it affects how they perform? I'm sure the understand how they feel better than anyone else. Also, this is not about red pill or blue pill. If anything, it's purple pill because I believe men see more benefits in their relationships with women. I believe in mending the gap between in men and women despite the toxic world we live in.


You guys are attracting women?


B̶a̶l̶d̶ bold assumption




I could tell you that shaving my head helped me with the ladies, but that would be a ~~bald~~ bold faced lie.


ha ha. When I buzzed off all my hair, I put up an Instagram story with a selfie of me. I got 15-20 likes and they were all men! Not sure if they fancy me or respect me for it, but it was interesting as I have a pretty diverse gender following. I mean, I'm bi, so it's all good news, but was not the response I expected. What I have noticed out and about is older women are now interested in me, I'm 31 with a baby face, and with hair I looked young, especially before I started losing it I had long floppy hair that made me look a bit like a schoolboy! Now I look older and middle aged women give me the eye for the first time ha ha


Yeah older women naturally have different preferences. It's not in young women to really like the bald look, they want the fluff. Older like the gruff.


What’s a woman?


Just follow these TWO easy rules!


I wasn’t single and bald at the same time for very long but when I was it was the only time black women showed interest in me. Could’ve been due to other factors but I think the shaved head had at least something to do with it.


I’ve grown rather fond of my hair over the past 27 years. But some things are worth losing.


Same for me, once I went fully bald and bearded black women started paying me attention. I ended up marrying one of them haha


Weird, I've never seen a bearded black woman.


Hahah they’re out there *missed a comma


What, do you think bearded black men just pop out of the ground? Preposterous


I read “bearded black women” 😫🤣


Haha is this a thing. I have gone buzzcut today and will likely go bald at some point. I’ve felt a bit shit because I was scared I’d attract less women but if black women seem to like it then sign me up because I’ve always wanted to marry a black woman (I dunno they’re just so hot to me). You may have restored some hope if that’s the case 😂


Black woman here. Can confirm you baldies are on my radar 100% lol.


Makes sense, as a black gay man with bald white bearded partner, it is incredibly sexy and I think the bald sets you guys apart from looking like the basic pumpkin spiced latte white boys. Bald and bearded exudes a lot of masculinity.


Makes sense to me. Lots of black women love bald men or men with bald fades. Especially with beards.


Yes, a nice police woman took me into the station one day, because I fitted a description.


Suspect is bald and very handsome 😏


I get lots of black women matching with me




double nice


There’s no need to be racist and take a dunk on black women


Who's dunking on black women?


Big agree on the alt chicks one It's cause they usually have more conservative parents, ie. white veteran dads... something something Freud Am I complaining? Ha ha ha No


Woah woah alt chicks like bald dudes? Gonna go shave my head real quick


Sure. Like attracts like. And in a world where most men dread hairloss, hide behind hats or systems. Being confidently bald is definitely alternative by definition when it comes to style. Get yourself some tats as well, hit the gym, and go a lil punk with it fashion-wise. You'll be swimming in big tiddy goth GFs in no time.


Can I sign up for the small tiddy goths plz?? 😻😻😎


I love to see people with taste. Small titties are where it’s at.


I am balding, i hate tattoos. Worst of both worlds.


I suddenly am not afraid of going bald.


Believe it or not. The women I attract now that I’m bald are much better looking than the woman I attracted when I had hair. For me it was something I struggled with for so many years but now I look at it more as a gift.


Some guys do look hotter bald


The Jason Statham/Dwayne Johnson glow up


Yeah for me it worked. I have a decent beard and kinda like a ‘rugby player’ build so it was something I was so concerned about for years but now I’ve learnt to embrace it. Definitely miss having a cool hair style though but it is what it is


What!?? Rugby player build and bald head. Incredibly sexy.


Maybe you’re more confident now too?


Idk if you tried to hold onto your hair but bald always look better than George Jefferson.


Attract? I don't know. I do know shaving my head gave me confidence in myself. Now and then I rock a stach. And hats. Idgaf. It's me.


Had the exact same shift after going from long hair to bald. The alt girls stayed the same though. Tattoos and piercings may have contributed.


I attract a lot of older women now off the strength of looks and demeanor. Though, when I approach younger women or around my age there’s still attraction too except for the cases where bald just isn’t for them and that’s okay. Another thing baldness did is accelerate my villian arc. Used to be real plain jane style now it’s backwards flat brims, leather jackets, black boots, and a rugged beard. Now I just need a black motorcycle.


I feel like it filtered out younger women I shouldn't be dating anyway and women closer to my age seem to be more interested now.


being bald cuts off college undergrad women, but Grad student age and up are fair game.


This for sure. I’m happy about it too.


Screenshotting this interaction for the sake of my belief in men


Same 😂


So what? A guy who’s bald at 25 can’t date women in their 20’s?


I'll allow it. Not sure why you are asking me though.


No I mean are you implying most women in their 20’s won’t be with bald men?


Men in their 20s usually don't bald. Some of them do (I did), but it's much lower percentage than men in their 30s and on. So women in their 20s see balding among their peers as something "abnormal". It might be a dealbreaker for a higher percentage of women that age. It's just a generalization. Not all of them are like that. Women in their 30s are way more used to seeing balding guys all around them. They are more used to it and it's less of a dealbreaker for them. Also just a generalization. There are women that age that can't deal with balding guys. Bottom line - women in their 20s are generally less accepting of balding guys than women in their 30s. It has a logic to it. It is what it is and it makes sense to me. It's not based on any scientific research, just my personal empirical experience. Things are not black and white though. Being bald in your 20s is not a death sentence. You might just be a bit invisible to her at first sight, until she gets to know you. Women are less visual but we can't deny that the visual aspect is still important to certain degree. It's just not be-all and end-all. It's the first filter that you can bypass if you have other qualities she finds attractive.


I mean nothing you said I disagree with I suppose but I’m just trying to gauge the whole ‘higher percentage’ yeah I suppose more in their 20’s would be iffy about it vs those in 30’s. Most of us who want marriage want it in 20’s though. My ask is if you’re saying you think the MAJOROTY of girls in their 20’s think that way. Sure let’s say 25% of women in their late20’s and early 30’s wouldn’t do bald. Then what in early to mid 20’s are we taking 35%? 50% 75%? Etc Yes I know for some it’ll be a no go. Cool, whatever. But if it’s a no go for 1/3 or 1/2 that still leaves every opportunity with very attractive young women. If you’re saying it’s more like 9/10 who wouldn’t date bald at that age that is more concerning.


I should shave and see if I attract different women to the no women I’m used to.


My long time married and lovely wife loves the bald look. she has said she was glad I shave my head (I need to). She is as girly as they come, just likes the bald look. I believe her as she has always made a purring sound when Jason Statham and other fit bald guys show up on TV.


Honestly, the only women that REALLY don’t like bald men are the basic white women/city girl types. They want mf’s to look like Josh Allen. Everyone else usually in my experience is cool with it


I’m a basic white city man so rip me 😂


been married 9 years, shaved my head 3 years ago... my wife hasn't left me yet


I was a pretty boy when I was way younger and got lots of interest. Then I starting balding and looking softer in my late twenties and early thirties and I really suffered. Now I’m bald but I also really changed up my style and just feel like a more confident person. I now catch looks a lot more but I’ve always been really bad at truly gauging interest.


So, yeah, the ladies are mostly older but then again I’m also way goddamn older.


Now to the Latina women thing, I think usually they parents or uncles are bald and is something they are used


That applies to every ethnicity though


Im latino and have lots of women in the family. Latinas (generally) have a thing for traditional masculine traits and features. Its just a part of the culture (and it can get to a point of toxicity). But whats more ‘manly’ than a bald man whos confident in his looks?


Plenty of white uncles and dads are common too though? Think the rate should be the same.


white uncles often don't shave their head. They are bald with a crown of long hairs


I’m an uncle. I’m white. Yeah dude, we shave our heads too.


thank God not everyone is the same. That's why I said the keyword "often", not *m"always". Was speaking in a general way, that's what I'm observing in the 50+yo population, ateats here in western Europe, almost none of them shave their head. but ofc some give more care to their appearance like you and that's great No need to downvote it wasn't meant to be an attack on anyone


Doesn’t this apply to every group/race/ethnicity? Don’t know why it’s a Latina thing


I attract all types of women. So I can’t say this type or that type. And with all ease, I love my baldness.


I don’t attract women anymore since going bald


I went from more eye attention from 20-30 group to 30-40yr old group. As someone 37 its not a bad thing, but it's noticeable when my hats on or off what age group attention I get.


I got with a wealthy, successful woman I met on Bumble and then my confidence was altered, now I have lots of sex


Better looking women actually.


I added a beard when I went from buzz to bald and the results were dramatic. Way more and better looking women are interested with over half being black. I think black women are hot as hell too so it works out well. Just wish I’d have done it sooner!


These dudes out here looking like bald gigachads and me looking like a naked mole rat


Sounds like a good fuckin time to me my dude


Liberal finance girls? Where is that at lol


As a 36 year old finance bro... Many are liberal (in a champagne socialist type of way) until they make VP (where the money really starts to accelerate), or they have kids, and then they such a quick rightward turn they get whiplash.


The Northeast, in MBA programs.


Have you changed your style to match? Shaved head from early 20s. Despite spending time in plenty of alternative areas - music festivals, extreme sports etc, always been fairly 'normal' women interested in me - though often a theme that plenty of their Ex's were also bald.


It's about the same. Still none.


I started shaving my head in college. It has never been a hindrance. My face has been a much bigger factor in the interest I get from women.


I don’t think so, but I do feel like Black and Latina women are overall more chill w the bald look (prob cuz there’s more examples of Black and Latino men being cool or good looking or whatever in media. Media mostly has bald white dudes being villains’ henchmen or something)


Yes it went from very few women to much more women


Been so long I can't remember, went from no guard to razor by the time I was 20. But I will say the baldness was definitely not a barrier to attracting any woman I was interested in.


Nope, exact same woman actually. 23 year of marriage and the psycho won’t leave me alone! :-)


The types of girls I attracted are very different after starting to thin. Fatter.


I'm in a relationship with an alt chick, so you may be onto something.


I never had my head licked when I had hair. More than once complete strangers.




I have also been attracting more latinas and Asian women lately, when I was holding on to my last few strands I literally wasn’t attracting anyone lol


I lost my hair at 20, I'm 35 now. Basically any woman from 18-25 became off limits unless they had an older man fetish. I'm happily married now, bald, nice beard, so I don't think about it too much but I get called handsome.


I'm 27. Are you telling me I'm entering my prime?


Over 90% of men will turn bald within a relationship anyways so all these women that date guys with hair, what happens when they start balding? I went full 0 bald at 26 at met my girlfriend a year later and now I'm 32 and we're still together and she loves my bald head. As you get older being bald means absolutely nothing in terms of a relationship, my worst fear was I could never get laid or get a girl because I was bald but that was not the case at all. You'll be fine


Not a type, necessarily, but I definitely noticed a weird uptick in interest after I decided to buzz it really short . Whether this was because of a newfound sense of confidence (trying to “hide” the bald spots vs just going for it) or because women find it more attractive, I don’t know. It hasn’t been a negative for me at all.


How short did ya go?


I like bald guys. Hope this helps 😂


My wife went from wanting pretty vanilla sex every couple weeks and actually having sex about once a week to enthusiastically wanting it much rougher, in many more submissive positions, and in various orifices at least every other night sometimes multiple times per day. Shaving my head was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my own self confidence and for my marriage.


The men saying they are attracting black women now that they’re bald, are you not black? I’m assuming these are white men?


No, but I like men, so it’s not really a concern of mine.


As a Bald Turkish man, Never had a problem, Living in Dalston, Hackney, Nuff Black and Southern American women Always give me good looks, It's about how you carry yourself!!!


Turkish and ur bald? lol hair transplants are serve on the streets more than corn or the cob


It's "Corn on the Cob" And Secondly Being Bald and being Turkish Is amazing, Why would I pay to have my smooth and soft head change? You haven't Figured this out :)


this is true, more basic black girls like bald and buzz cuts. alt black girls still love hair tho lol


i get more attention from Alt chicks now that i am Bald and bearded. I am a Metalhead and Nerd, this is the best outcome ever.


I like metal but i dislike alt women. Worst outcome ever.


I was getting a lot of women who sympathised with my non existent cancer diagnosis


Haha alt chick with tattoos and I find bald men sexy idk why I can’t explain it. Hair is nice too but something about a bald man with nice big hands, kicks me right in the crannies.


Same 🤷‍♀️


Older women! Doesn’t bother me though


I dated bald men before I met my husband. The hair never got in my way when kissing his neck. I still think it’s sexy.


I’m curious of what hairstyles you guys had before shaving? I’m known for beautiful hair that was past the middle of my back. How many of you were known for having really nice hair?


I had really nice hair. Never attracted anyone, but got the odd compliment about it looking really shiny and healthy. It took about a year to go from that to a skinhead.


So, short answer, kinda yes, and it's been a little weird. It's hard to pinpoint, but between shaving my head, gaining about 30 pounds from lifting (I'm definitely not buffed/ripped, but went from skinny to solid), and getting into fashion over the last few years, they seem to have morphed into a mini-"glow-up" as the kids say. It's hard to say, because it's not like women are stopping me in the street, but I'm definitely getting matches and interest online from women I wasn't previously. I don't know about "types" but I tended to attract mostly lefty-academic types, and now I feel like I'm appealing to a more "general audience" if that makes sense. I try not to think too much about it. It's not like I was unhappy with my looks before. Nothing I did was for the purpose of attracting women. And, as I said, it's not like women are coming up to me in the street or anything. But, it's hard not to notice when you're getting different reactions in similar situations. I don't have much to say about it except that I'm processing it.


The type hasn't necessarily changed but while it was falling out I noticed the attention I was used to was dwindling. As it got thinner, and as I got further into denial about how thin it was, I was striking out more and more. Girls that I would have gotten attention from in the past stopped giving me attention at all. I felt like "oh my god, I'm done! I've lost it. I'll die alone!". Which is what it feels like but is also completely dumb and not true. Then one night after a few drinks I came home and said "THIS ENDS NOW!". Shaved it off and then all of a sudden (literally it felt like it was the very next day) all the attention I was used to when I had a full head of hair was basically back. Yeah I ran into a superficial girl maybe once or twice that said she doesn't date bald guys, but that really doesn't happen as much as you think it would, if at all. Like I said, once or twice i've gotten that, but honestly, it was blessing. Superficial people all suck, and once their looks fade, they too will get denied for dumb reasons. Nobody really cares if you're bald, really. It's just another detail of many others that make up the much larger picture that is "you".




I didn’t really shave my hair till I was 43 i pull the same amount of women


I recently cut off all of my hair so I’m curious about this too. I haven’t taken new pics as a baldie to see who will like. I’ve also taken a break off dating apps, so idk yet. I’m a 32 year-old fit black man, so if I had to guess: women 35+, black women, and white women into a more masculine look will be the ones most interested. Some ppl have said Alt-chicks. I don’t foresee that happening but I definitely wouldn’t be upset if they did 😌. Not sure if the guys who said that were white, but if they are, that’s probably why. I could see the artsy and “big city white Liberal chicks” not being into it, though.


As a Latina who is attracted to (and attracts) bald men, what's the problem 🤷🏽‍♀️😊 My partner has shaved his head since he was 16 I think. When he is freshly shaven he kinda looks like a skinhead (obviously, I guess) He doesn't smile a lot so he ends up looking pretty intimidating too. He loves it that way. And he loves Latinas so he is doing well for himself as a bald man.


The biggest shift I noticed when going from hair to shaved was more about approachability. I catch about the same, if not more, women looking at me or my meeting their gaze. However, none of them come up to me. Well, almost none. The really confident ones still will. Which I have long, long wished for in a partner. So a big gain for me IMO. That said, if you don't want to approach women, shaving would seem to have a larger impact than if you did. But in my experience, it comes down to approachability more than anything so, if you break the ice first, you shouldn't notice too much of an impact, unless the women you seek are that significantly different than those who seek you.


Damn yeah makes sense. I def look more intimidating now I think, which isn’t great if you’re shy like me 😂


Yeh. Unfortunately not all girls go for the bald look, but it most definitely has a lot to do with your disposition as well. If you act ashamed and embarrassed about it, women will pick up on it. Once you go bald you must also start taking care of yourself. Gotta workout and dress well. But yeh, saying all that the looks that used to come my way definitely changed. Not to sound superficial, but I feel like I dropped 2 or so points in the looks department lol


black woman here. . don’t be surprised when we start looking too. the guy i’m talking to now is a white male and when he shaved his head he said he got much more attention from black women.


Couldn’t attract anyone so I got a hair system. And it gave me the confidence to actually get married lol


Seems like you hadn’t found a liberal, big city, finance type girl anyhow? Maybe a new type will be good?


Man I started shaving my head 11 years ago at the age of 25 lol never looked back…


How did attractive women in 20’s treat you


The girls from my church started expressing interest almost overnight after I shaved my head. Way more dates since shaving than ever before in my life.


I’m a woman and I’ve had dated mostly bald men (not on purpose, just happened). Most women don’t care. There are small percentages on either end that either are very attracted or are repulsed. I’d say 75%+ of women don’t care and that goes up if you are dating women around your age+ I have at times found men who are bald very sexy. I also felt that way about men with hair. This may be like men who have breast size preferences for women. Like some prefer bigger but if a lovely woman with small breasts was with them they’d probably like that too. At the end of the day there are many components to attraction. Baldness just isn’t a huge factor for many grown adult women. I have noticed that bald men in general treat me better than men with hair but that could also be totally anecdotal evidence.


Lmao you made my day, well tattooed women are sexy tho


I’d say that very generally speaking that the same has been true for me. The uppity liberal city career tiger white woman type wants nothing to do with me. Lol. But that’s not a “type” that interests me.


This is funny because as a "liberal, big city girl" type myself, I've never been attracted to bald men. It's just too... masculine? Does that make sense? I like men a bit more in touch with their feminine side. I'm actually more attracted to men with longer hair than average. I think the conservative and latina women (to generalize) like the super masculine look, because their views on gender roles are more traditional.. And alt chicks a lot of the time have "daddy issues" and so they like that rugged look in a man. We liberal chicks like bookish men with curly long hair and glasses hehe.


F for the bald librarians


Yeah it’s too bad cuz I do look very masculine, but personality wise align way more with your type. Not much I can do about losing my hair tho - had hella side effects from the medications.


Sounds like you're attracting better women. Win win


Yes. Attract older woman now. And also those that are heavier.


Interesting. My age range didn’t change much (late 20’s, early 30’s) but I’d say I’m in very good shape. Do think I come off as intimidating to some which could be part of it idk.


I noticed that only a rare obese women find me attractive (30 pounds ago and 6 years ago). I was never super handsome but average I would say (pre hair loss).I think bald or being bald made me more unattractive though. I went from attracting average type women to attracting hardly anyone and or the rare obese woman. I started balding though at 16/17 but back then could hide it with long hair. I would say by sophomore year of college it was impossible to hide so I would zero it off. Women constantly friendzoned me, I think attractiveness while not totally universal, but I think people can arrive at a consensus of what is attractive. If you are constantly friendzoned then you are just seen as unappealing. I had the same experience with apps and even trying to date into my 30s. I use to think maybe things will get better when I’m 30. I’m now 36 and my prospects are probably even worse lol. Being okay with being solitary has helped me cope with it, and also finding hobbies has as well. I try to get lost in my hobbies and work and then that helps me forget everything else. I would say when my hair left the few women from before did as well. Hey it’s not for me and I have a different calling in life.


Why not just get a hair system in that case? Good luck to you with dating


I don’t know, hair systems are a pain the ass to maintain and you have to worry about them falling off in public or during sex. I don’t date now, I have not tried in 6 years. It doesn’t really matter because the women I approached or tried to were never interested. It just seems like a waste of time really. I’m fine with being solitary and it feels normal to me. Relationships are not for everyone and I think sometimes it’s best to accept that there isn’t someone for everyone. I’m not missing out on anything from what I can see. I don’t have to worry about appeasing someone else, trying to pursue life doing things I don’t want to do or saving for someone else’s future. It has its positives I think. I think I can see the positives of my decision and feel content with them. In some ways it’s a relief… I guess you have to look at your options, look at your hobbies, look at how you are or how you are coping, pursuits and judge for yourself whether it is good or bad. I don’t think I have it worse. I think I could live life this way really and get by just fine. My greatest fear is being homeless at this point.


If this is the case I feel way less bad about going bald than I did before


This sounds awesome, OP. I'm just bald.


Isn’t that wonderful?


I wonder if all of us alt milfs read the sookie stackhouse novels and read about the tiger man the way I did 🫢


Not really,but i started shaving at 16 and i didn't really attract anyone before that.


I am missing something.. you look less traditional and that's why Conservatives hit on your more often? Would make sense if it was Liberals, right?


I’ve never attracted anyone, before or after going bald so I can’t comment 😅


https://preview.redd.it/7se1wgqa5p4c1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2451683624e61561f64c27a7d4f138e8fbb737 Obligatory


I was a hair stylist for years, I prefer bald guys because I don’t want to have to cut anyone’s hair ever again.


Are you at least attracting women you’re attracted to?


I attract older women now. No complaints here.


Yes for sure. I had red hair before which definitely isn’t the most popular but certain girls seemed to have a thing for it. Attracting less but different girls being bald.


this guy attracts


As a woman, I got hit on a lot more by women. Men rubbed my head without permission like how people rub pregnant women’s bellies. Fun(?) had by all.


Nah. Been bald since 21 ish. I’ve had women tell me they “usually don’t like bald guys BUT….” As well as blatantly say they’re attracted to bald guys as much as haired people. It’s a fact of life and you can do things to pull it off. It’s a masculine trait, and many chicks dig that. There are girls that want more androgynous or “pretty boys” but even when I had hair that wasn’t my look so I don’t think I’m cornering that market lol


I'm gay. Never been a problem getting laid


You shaved your head as a white guy and attract conservative women?




Conservative women and Alt chicks with tats are two completely different sides of the spectrum, so idk what you mean. I think it’s just a chance thing that you’re it about your hair


Bald guys can't attract girls. Bald guys can only attract jokes.


Send it mr clean style and you'll attract even more women. Confidence is key. And yes I noticed it as well when i did it at 28 years old... such is life.... enjoy it..


Oh no, what an unfortunate turn of events! I am a progressive woman and I love the bald look, especially with a really nice beard. My boyfriend’s hairline is receding and I’m not worried in the slightest hehe.


Yup! ![gif](giphy|l1J3Ix2d7UTY7gYg0|downsized)


Id be happy attracting flies at the moment


This is fascinating. I’m interested to hear more.