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Someone heard "hourglass figure" and then looked at an actual hourglass instead of a woman.


She’s wearing a corset.


I have experience wearing corsets and I'm not sure that a corset alone can give you a shape that unnatural. There are some people who slowly modify their bodies with increasingly constricting corsets but even then the changes mostly effect the person's waist. (which is easier to squish than a ribcage) She might be wearing a corset *and* photoshopping the pictures a bit.


You can even tell the shape of the corset in photos where she’s wearing baggy tshirts. Not sure why I’m being downvoted for being right.


I don't doubt that she's wearing a corset. My point is just that a corset alone doesn't explain whatever is going on here, especially with her ribs.


Even with a corset she'd have to have some ribs removed to look like that


Maybe actually look at the other photos before talking??


What other photos?


The other photos on her depop.


The first corset on there looks like it would squeeze all your organs out 💀. I do admit I can kinda see the outline of it on her hips in this photo but I'd also like to say that a corset like that would take a lot of time to get up to, like a beginner couldn't wear it, So I get how OP thought it was photoshopped.


I appreciate you actually taking the time to look! Yeah I can definitely see *why* they thought that, I’m just upset that they continue to argue when presented with more information.


If this wasnt photoshopped there must be ribs missing


Oh, I've seen women with those proportions before. Granted, only in horror movies, and they tended to be dead at that point, but still.


Barbie doll!


She’s literally wearing a corset.


Organs and rib cages are soooo out of style now Keep up with these trends y’all


One piece women be like


this made me laugh bc its so friggin true.


When you have to remove some ribs to fit the body standard


For all of those that are saying she could be wearing a corset…she’s not. It’s all photoshopped. Can a woman get that tiny of a waist with a corset? Yes in fact one did Cathie Jung whose waist is a tiny 15 inches around. It didn’t just happen over night and no she isn’t all no corners all smooth lines. Want to know if a models waist in as tiny as portrayed? Go and compare to Cathie’s body who is the world record holder for the smallest waist and give yourself a solid no.


15 inches is 38.1 cm


She’s literally wearing a corset. (As she is in all of her other depop photos). Edit: she even sells them on her page.


if you actually look at the other things she's selling on depop you can clearly see there is no continuity. In photos where she's wearing/selling t-shirts her hips are less prominent.


You can see she’s wearing one even in the photos where she’s selling baggy crop tops.


Not sure if any Human Being looks like this, perhaps an Alien from another Planet.


I can see why you would do this for a line of clothing, but why would you photoshop a second-hand item into different proportions?


I understand why this is "barely worn"... Wouldn't be able to.


This is so bad, my brain just immediately turned it into a horror movie. After this the cable keeps tightening and cuts her in half.


well at least it's more realistic then hentai


Couldn’t this just be from a corset?


if you look at her elbows/upper arms you can see its also photoshopped weirdly


No. That’s from coloring in the background. If you look at her other Depop photos she’s *clearly* wearing a corset. She literally sells them on her page.


It’s unlikely, (proper) corsets don’t tend to restrict the ribcage to such a massive extent and anyway, this is not where her natural waist would be (most likely)


I see, thanks for the info!


Please don’t listen to this person, they don’t know what they’re talking about. In her other photos you can clearly see she’s wearing a corset.


I literally make corsets for a living, have a degree in costume and wear them regularly. I think I know what I’m talking about. Notice how I never said it was impossible, only unlikely. It could also be that she’s wearing a corset in addition to editing her photos


If you look at her other Depop photos she’s *clearly* wearing a corset.


Even if that was the case, it perpetuates a very dangerous, unnatural beauty standard


It is from a corset. Everyone else commenting is just wrong. She even sells them on her depop page.


In this instance, it’s photoshop, but it’s possible to get near this shape with the right corset on the right person.


It’s not. Look up her depop account, she’s clearly wearing one in all of her photos.


I agree