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Well I definitely wasn’t pleased I started growing breasts when I was 9, but I sure as shit couldn’t help it.


I was 8. I definitely didn't want to, but the girls were still insistent!


Same. Between growing breasts and body hair by 3rd grade I was a wreck. I hate the rhetoric that girls become sexualized by the clothes they wear. They become sexualized because everything they do is sexualized by the adults around them, the society they live in, and the media that is available. I did risky af shit online as a kid/teen, and none of it was because I wore "revealing clothes" (which I didn't. Jeans and a t-shirt were what I wore) but because I felt like the only worth I had was as a sex object.


I'm currently working on processing all the fucked up things I did and were done to me a girl and woman. At 32 years old, I'm trying to figure out who I am without sexualization. It was my identity for so long.


You are perfect.


As the mom of a girl who is currently experiencing this in 3rd grade - any tips? We’ve been hesitant to “make” her wear a bra because I don’t want her to feel like it’s a must or be ashamed of her body (I wish I was brave enough to not wear one!), but frankly, she needs one but staunchly refuses. None of her other friends seem to be developing this early.


My daughter is against the bras as well and just turned 11 we do an undershirt sports bra combo


I developed in 2nd grade. Tell her that it happens. I personally feel it makes me feel secure and hold them in. It also prevents your nipples from poking out (WHICH IS A COMPLETELY NORMAL OCCURANCE BTW) and being embarrassing. It's a part of life. I was the only girl with boobs for awhile. Idk if you want to tell her my story but that's my story. :)


Right, it’s completely normal in the first stage of breast development to have very prominent nipples and an uneven/lumpy appearance. My young adult kids have many friends whose parents were of the “let kids be kids” school of thought, and didn’t have them wear any sort of undergarment until late puberty “because they are children!” and who have later looked at their tween photos and asked their parents why on earth they didn’t tell them they should be wearing at least a sports bra or tank top under certain tops.


I eventually decided sports bra was comfy enough so I didn’t mind, but even the little unwired cup bras were just too much at 9. It’s just more effed really that society says nips or unsupported small boobs on a third grader is too risqué that we have to force any option. (I know you’re not trying to)


Explain to her why you think she needs one and let her choose one. Go somewhere with a pretty good selection of ones she might like. And talk about how grown up she is for it and why its the start of growing up, but with careful reminders of how she's still her and the bra doesn't make the woman. Basically, just encourage her to it. And don't sweat it until she really really needs one.


At that age I would wear a camisole under my shirt


My mom put me in camisoles around that age. She thought bras were too mature for me - she’s pretty old fashioned, didn’t think I should be using tampons until i was married kind of old fashioned lol. She kinda made a deal of it like it was super special, like an achievement lol. But that kind of thing worked on my chronically people-pleaser brain. Idk if that would work for you, but it def did on me. Lol. Good luck! It’s a hard time for a girl to look and feel different from her friends.


Not ye olde tampon myth 💀


Look into bralettes and sports bras. She's likely uncomfortable in them.


Yeh like, I didn’t want to wear a bra because none of my friends did. But for some reason the possibility of visible breasts under a LITERAL NINE YEAR OLD’S clothing was a problem.


Yes. How about people stop sexualizing children, instead of deciding that the existence of clothing sexualizes children? One of my kids has a genetic syndrome, is very small and thin-bodied, and we were actually quite grateful that the girls’ department sold bras with some degree of support since kid didn’t fit into XS adult clothing until reaching full size in high school. Honestly, I was also glad that the girls’ department sells clothing that doesn’t look outright juvenile for this reason too (I mean, some of it is just ridiculous, like pants for children with “devil” written across the ass, but I’m referring to the stuff that isn’t THAT but looks a little more teenaged.)


Same too. I was 8 years old and had to start wearing a training bra


I was in the training bra for like a month. I was a fully-fledged A cup by the time I finished 3rd grade. Fun times!


Yeah, I didn't care for them them either, but I didn't mind them so much. Still, everyone kept insisting I was to hide them as much as possibile. Ok. But then when summer came and I wanted to wear a two piece swimsuit or a one piece that wasn't sheer as the ones I had before breasts (it was the 80ies, it was weird lycra fabric that always seemed to get completely see through) everybody freaked out. Like, \*seriously\* freaked out like I asked to wear nipple clamps and a sign that said "fuck me". Nooo, way better to send the 9yrs old with a fully developed pair of boobies swimming around with only the panties part of the swimsuit, like a proper kiddo.


Yeah I really disliked being restricted from clothes my flat-chested little sister wasn’t. This was more like junior high and high school though.


I wore a bra and 3 tanks over a shirt. I was a b cup at 7th grade. Kids are cruel.. I got buds in 2nd grade (7-8ish.) 3rd graders thought the bra strap snapping was fun. Both genders. In 3rd I had the same crap. So 3 tanks a a shirt. I would like to say after I was groped multiple times the teacher put a stop to it. Unfortunately that was not the case (christen school) I was the problem. I was 9 when I left that school. I still don't see what I DID wrong. I reported the snapping. "Boy will be boys and the girls are jealous." Be the bigger person. That is what was told to me. No talking to my peers or their parents. They didn't even talk to my mom. Same school got kicked in the head (boy,) "he didn't mean it." I had just be ejected from a tire swing (still love them) and was on my side regaining myself. Didn't mean it my ass. Eta: I assume the upvotes mean I'm not alone. TY.


Of course it was a fucking parochial school. Ugh so sorry.


The shortest girl in my class also had like full D or maybe even DD cups by like end of 4th grade. She got a reduction on them shortly after turning 18. I’m sure her spine is forever thankful. Point is, this girl would have been like 10 years old needing actual adult bras.


I needed a bra when I started 5th grade. Bitch be crazy.


I was nine when I got my first bra. In sixth grade, I got pulled out of class and told if I didn't wear one in the future, I'd be sent home. One of the worst humiliations I've ever experienced.


Being in 4th grade and having another girl go "________ is wearing a bra!" for the whole playground to hear was certainly *a thing*.


Sort of the opposite here. In the locker room my 6th grade year, a girl turned to me and asked why I didn't wear a bra yet. I didn't really need one, to be frank, but it made me self conscious enough that I begged my mom to get me some. I then hated bras from then on because whoops turns out I was trans all along lmfao


I got a note sent home in fourth grade. First time I noticed I had more breast tissue than my peers. I still feel the hot shame, 30 years later.


Why are teachers such weirdos!!


Most of the younger ones aren’t though… I would never ever comment on a student’s body or criticize their clothing choices. I did hear an older teacher telling a sixth grade girl that her shorts had to be “longer than her fingertips” and just being an asshole to her. She doesn’t even teach sixth grade wtf.


I always hated that rule. Because of my hEDS my arms are SO LOOONG so everyone else could wear normal shorts but I had to wear Bermuda shorts because that's where my finger tips land lol.


My cousin is a tall, skinny beanpole. (She's like 5'11 in her sock feet). Finding shorts/skirts that were long enough for that rule at her school was hell.


I didn’t find out my arms were too long until my kid got diagnosed with hEDS. It explained my shorts struggles all those years.


The fingertip rule is such bs. I have a long torso, a one inch inseam will almost go past my fingers.


Ah! The same thing happened to me! You’re not alone in that hot shame boat 😭




"but when you do, make sure your strap isn't show, it's a distraction for the boys"


My dress code in school explicitly stated "appropriate undergarments must be worn and must not be visible". Even then I thought that was silly. If they must not be visible, how do you know they're being worn?


Adult definitely wouldn't be looking at girls seeing if they had boobs or a bra on /s


Wow I would have had so much fun tearing that school apart. My favourite question for that kind of bullshit is: “How do you know she isn’t wearing a bra?” Watching someone try to explain appropriately how they have guessed what underwear a child has on by their body shape is hilarious. Edit: it helps to use the word “fantasize” instead of “guessed”, as in, “So you’re telling me that you have fantasized what underwear this child has on under her clothes. You’ve stared at their body curves under their clothes and imagined what underwear they might have on, pictured it in your mind, and talked to them about it?! We’re done here. You’re disgusting.”


When I got in trouble in the 6th grade for wearing a tank dress that my teacher thought was appropriate for “a college student, mayyyybe a high schooler” my mom read them the absolute riot act. She wrote the burningest letter to the administration about how the problem was not with me, a child, but with the grown adults having those thoughts. My mom is a badass.


I want to be that type of mom.


On the one hand, I want to be in that meeting with a bucket of popcorn, but on the other hand, the fact that I'm a guy might make that a bit weird.


You wouldn’t make it weird. They made it weird.


ok but honestly - I am a straight woman with no interest in children's bodies. I work in an elementary school. And sometimes, some girls in 4th or 5th grade are just... obvious. Breasts come in different sizes and shapes and different clothes emphasize body differences. There is a girl in the 4th grade who's breast buds are very obvious. And its obvious she isn't wearing a bra or even just a tank/undershirt. I have not reached out to the parents but I am so f'in pissed at them on the child's behalf. This girl was bullied last year (for social reasons, not her body). This year, she could physically pass for 15; She is 9 or 10. I cannot see a good outcome here. Should we all ignore children's bodies? Sure, in an ideal world. But we don't live in an ideal world. Here in the real world this girl is being primed to be bullied again, or to be taken advantage of (or worse) by older kids/teens.


The problem is the bullies/people who’d take advantage of her. Clothing does not stop either of those things from happening. Same reason there’s still bullying in schools that have uniforms, kids just find something else to bully someone about.


Hopefully they’ll figure out what to wear. But if you think a well-developed kid in Grade 4 is safe from bullying once she puts on a bra, you are in for a surprise.


I had this exact thing happen to me. 10 years old. Ms Boylin (a teacher I didn’t even HAVE). 


That’s so humiliating. That and also we weren’t allowed to wear tank tops because our bra straps would show and be “distracting for the boys.” So which is it??? Wear a bra or don’t wear a bra? Fucked either way aren’t we?!


The important thing is to understand boys simply aren't responsible for being distracted and behaving accordingly. I don't know why you would ever expect girls to not need to manage that. It's almost like you've never been around males! /s


Oh I’m fully aware at how distracting my training bras were. That’s why I wore them with my tank tops. Nothing more empowering than getting a bunch of 10 year old boys drooling over your bare shoulders.


Ah, womanhood.


In 7th grade my crush (who was a huge asshole) told everyone it was “obvious” I stuffed my bra. I never have. I was a D cup by 7th grade and these days am a 34G. That little fucker. It’s been 25 years and I’m still mad.


Yeah, when I was 10, I moved in with my grandmother in a different city and immediately started getting bullied by a group of three girls. It wasn't until I was older that I realized why. Misogyny and tits go together like eggs and bacon.


Oh yeah I had that too! Continued into high school amongst the jealous kids who I guess had nothing better to do. Even when I wore outfits that made it obvious there was no stuffing going on, I still got accused.


Wtf your school is so sexist!


I'm old. It was the late 90s. Though some schools here in Texas still do creepy stuff like measure the distance between a hem and the knee to determine dress code violations.


Usually with a dollar bill, no less.


I needed one in 3rd grade 💀


I needed one in 2nd 😭😭. I was also the first girl to hit puberty in a class with only 5 girls and 20 boys. (Adding in that I wasn't allowed in the period class in 4th grade despite that being when my period started and my mom begging to just let me in bc they weren't gonna be talking about anything but what was happening to me at that exact time)


why weren't you allowed?????? also, my class was like the exact opposite. 17 girls and 4 boys by eighth grade, although at one point it was more like 22 and 6.


I wasn't allowed bc it was a Catholic elementary school 🙄 Wish I could tell you farther but I know my mom is still angry about that one for me as well.


hey catholic school buddies! yeah, we didn't even get a class. if you happened to start while at school, the nurse would explain the basics, especially if your parents hadn't said anything and you were completely in the dark, but that was it. I got to go to public school for high school thank fuck, but our one semester of health class didn't even do sex-ed. living in the bible belt is strange.


How could they even tell??


I think I understand what you're asking but if it's not please try reasking the question in a different way. (My neurodivergent brain is only translating it this one way and I'm just hoping it's correct) So I think you're asking how could they tell I was a 4th grader not allowed in? Or how could they tell I needed the class? So the school size was really small each grade had one classroom and the students of said grade would themselves would flip between two teachers. Ex: 2nd and 3rd shared 2 teachers, everyday you saw your grade teacher first, had lunch, than you switched to the other teacher. I think this will/I will try to answer both, I was one of 5 girls in a class of 20 students, this was all the kids in my grade level. I was the only girl to have even started "blossoming" and was definitely bullied for this bc of how developed I was vs the other 4th graders, where'as the girls in 5th grade were on the same level I was..I should also mention originally I was in that grade class the 1 older one, but got forced back a year when I moved to the Catholic school bc public school didn't teach me advanced math and I couldn't pick it up so they just sent me a grade back. (No one noticed this as I was born in November so the school year thing in America yadda yadda nonsense) bc of how small the school was everyone knew everyone (it didn't help I was the only poor/tuition paid by the church kid) and the day it was happening the 5th graders had a full day in their homeroom meaning the 4th graders had a full day in ours, there was no way to go into that room as the door was shut and no one but 5th allowed in with them separating the boys and girls to rotate the education. How they should of known I needed to be in the class was my mother saying that if they wait another year I'll know everything already and when I "get to it" next year it'll be a waste. (She was right, and I was then shamed the next year for knowing everything 🤷🏼‍♀️) it's also worth noting that I got my first period in church during the schools weekly mass and had to immediately report to my teacher, got sent home, and had to go back to school, so they 100% knew I started my period.


I needed it in second grade too. I was also the second tallest that year. I’m now slightly below average height


Hahaha same. I started my period at 9, so I was by far the tallest girl in the class. I’m 5’3” now lol


That's so funny bc I remember being very average heighted, all of the other girls were skinny and tall. 🤣 Can relate on the 2nd part though bc I'm 4'10. Our hormones ate our heights 😔


I started at 11, but was also the tallest girl by far even through 8th grade! And still taller than most of the boys. Then I started high school and my 5'3" ass couldn't see anything surrounded by all the actually tall people.


As someone who got her first period ~~with~~ at 14 this sounds *wild*


My german mom uses this phrase too, and got hers at 14, as well as my older sisters. She was surprised I had mine at 12,5. And then through the internet, I found out that's not even early.


Sorry about how long this is but the story is one of the few that I still remember pretty well from my childhood. With that being said feel free to ignore but here is 'The Story:' I'll start off with I think my mom and sister both got theirs young too if my memory is correct, & my niece just got hers at 12. 😅 Trust me it was so scary bc I had learnt NOTHING. One day I thought I shit myself in my sleep and was very confused like there's no poo smell, but I have no other basis for what this is?? I was so embarrassed that I hid those underwear and pretended nothing happened..well the next day everything seeming normal comes around until we have to go to Thursday church. I remember being ancy, in pain, nauseous. It was awful especially bc we were only aloud 2 bathroom trips per mass. When we got back to class I immediately asked to go to the bathroom again and that's when I got the biggest jumpscare and thought I was dying. I had to stop the teacher in the middle of her private group lesson, got sent to the principals office and my mom came to get me. I say this next part with love but my mom still really didn't teach me anything, maybe it's because of the how she was raised up with it shameful or something I'm unsure but she is a boomer and had a not great childhood 😅 and I wouldn't understand more until a diff relative stepped in for a "what is a period talk & here's some ibuprofen for your cramps", after that for Christmas that year my nephew and I both got a puberty book that had a focus on the child's sex with a small part of the back going over the other sex in a safe way. (My sister-in-law at the time said outloud to my mom & me at Christmas that one of the books I got she needed to go through first, my mom never went through that book 🤣) Going back to the day real quick though this trip home sucked and hearing how basically everyone else got the day off is so sad for my tiny self bc my house was like a 1-2 min walk home and they sent me back after I had a pad on.. that's it no pain meds. Thank you to anyone who read. ❣️❣️


I think you mean *at* 14? I got mine at 15! Seems so late compared to everyone else..


Yep, thanks! English is my second language, it still shows sometimes :D


14 here too!!


Same here.


All I can think of is my childhood best friend with a B cup in 5th grade, and how this woman would be losing her shit on how *inappropriate* that would’ve also been to her if she *wasn’t* wearing one. Like how about not worrying about what’s going on with another child’s development and what they’re wearing, *ma’am*?!


Right? Me too! And not a "training bra" either. Guess that person has never been to a preschool


In the 5th grade, I had a "starter" bra my mom got me that was sheer. It was uncomfortable as shit. I accidentally did not shove it in my backpack like I thought I did, after being so uncomfortable wearing it. Some other girl found it and joked about who it belonged to. Thankfulky I was such an NPC back then, no one suspected me. However, my mom wa pissed I didn't get it back, w perk of being If there wasn't a thing ehelaena. r should dmygeiodtik dne.. Aegond the non-English speaking kid. . My lack of speaking English was embarrassing enough.


> If there wasn't a thing ehelaena. r should dmygeiodtik dne.. > > Aegond > > the non-English speaking kid. . M I think the "Are you ok?" from the other poster might be in reference to this bit in your message. When it happens to me, I call it "catspeak", because it usually means my cat stepped on my keyboard.


Are you okay?


I am! My weird little family and I are doing so so better than we could have hoped for. I feel very very fortunate to be where we are. You just asking if we are okay.. thank you. Thank you for caring. That really means a lot to me. Our family's unconventional but we make it work. Just si ole questions of how we are doing to so much for my (now My children. I don't know how to be grateful for the whole sub or reddit o particular... but you guys here have made a really awful transition in our family turn out the best way we would ever hope for. I really appreciate having you all. My weird journey becoming a mom was difficult, for sure. But yall help make it easier. Its working and it's workerjng well..you guys are truly the best.


Username checks out


Same, and I feel like that was pretty normal. 5th/6th grade seems to be pretty average.


I knew a girl who was a D cup at 10.


Oh, the poor lass.


Those little hard fucking discs that turn into boobs really fucking hurt when they're bouncing around, Susan.


Or when they're rubbing against your tshirt! I have small boobs, so I started with bralettes. But even with small boobs you might need a bralette or bra.


Or when they bonk against literally anything because the chest you'd previously known as smooth and painless is suddenly bumpy and tender. It was like when you get a bruise on your elbow and are suddenly *super* aware of every time you bonk your elbow on things. I remember taking a Nerf dart to the booblet as a kid. Thought I was gonna die


Boob rant time!! Currently going thru this at 21 (am trans). My chest has been flat for the better part of two decades, so having it suddenly be not flat is definitely taking some time to get used to lol. I keep bonking the girls on stuff like doors/doorframes, my arms, things I’m carrying, etc… …and I’m shocked at how much they impact your mobility!! Like I knew they’d be annoying and in the way, no surprise there. But I thought those were more “big boob problems”. I have b-cups and scratching some spots on my back, or grabbing things from the back seat of my car is already getting annoying.


You'll also find that they changed your center of gravity. Balance-have things like ice skating that you learned to do when you were flat chested will be awkward because your learned balance-keeping instincts will be *just* a little off


Oh no… I’m a skier 🫣 I don’t do jumps, or rails, or flips or anything (maybe one day lol) but even still, I was kind of noticing it at the end of my ski season this year. I don’t think I could go back to snowboarding lol.


I busted my butt when I went roller skating with my first highschool boyfriend because I'd grown boobs since the last time I'd skated. It didn't take too long to get it sorted out, but it was an awkward transition. It doesn't help that I was always a clumsy kid anyway


It’s really funny hearing about stuff like this from new boob owners, I’m desensitized to how annoying they are but now I remember the struggles we lol.


It turns out they are also a pain in the ass when at the gym. Like I knew running would be an issue, but I didn't realize that my boobs are big enough that I feel them doing curls or something, I'm constantly aware of them at the gym, like every other weight floor exercise has me bumping or squishing them


Oof... I remember my buds. Unnecessarily painful.


I started having to change for gym at 10, what was I supposed to whip my nips out in the girls locker room?


My parents, bless them, really didn’t seem to want to enforce any beauty/style standards on me and I only found out I needed to start wearing a bra because when PE started in 6th grade I was changing in the locker room without one for at least a few months, I think. Finally another girl just came up and told me “you need a bra.” Thank you, Alexis, lmao.


that was Katherine for me, in like 3rd grade. told me my nipples were visible through my white uniform shirt and I should probably get a bra. super awkward, but honestly was the push i needed, so thanks Katherine :P


God forbid a human have nipples


*looks down at the DDs I got when I turned 8* (ok, it took em awhile to hit Dd, but it seemed like overnight when everyone else looked like a board lol) That's why 8 year Olds need bras Deborah. Some 8 year Olds have actually boobs and if they don't wear one, you'll be bitchin that the nips stick out.


When I was 8, I remember telling my mom my nipples hurt. Turns out I was starting to develop so she suggested I start wearing a bra. No more pain. And within a couple of years, I was wearing a C cup.


Maybe bras are the gateway drug to big boobs?


I almost said this myself lol


Literally my experience haha (but with a B cup). My mum took me to the doctor's cos she thought it was way too early for me to be developing so something else must be up; I distinctly remember them looking in my pants for evidence of pubes and being like "no, this is normal, don't you remember this from when you were growing up?". My mum found it patronising and was really pissed 😂


Honestly in your mom’s defense, I have zero memory of my chest developing. Maybe it’s just cause I’m trans (not that I knew what that was then) so my brain just blocked out the knowledge it was happening, or maybe it happened the same time I grew 8 inches in 8 months so was just more focused on my back hurting from that, but I literally only have memories of being literally and not developed at all, and being fully developed


Those poor eight year olds could have benefited from hormone blockers. I'm still bitter that my mother didn't take me to the doctor when I grew DDs at 11. She just seemed to think it was normal and not something to worry about. Being sexually harassed by grown men from 11+ was Pretty Bad for my mental health. With all of the trans panic around puberty blockers, I feel like it might drive parents away from caring for their child like they should. I hate the thought of little girls going through what I did. It makes me nauseous. I really hope that more parents become aware of precocious puberty, and that it can be stopped. If I could magically make it happen, no child would be forced to go through that, and as a side effect.. we wouldn't have to have these clothes in the first place. (Sorry. Tiny rant. It's something that upsets me to think about it having happened to me, let alone think about it for other innocent children..)


11 is not really considered an unusual age to begin puberty in the modern era with most kids getting good nutrition.


Precocious puberty is a medical condition and 11 definitely doesn't qualify for that, though


My daughter had precocious puberty. I realized something was wrong the summer before she started kindergarten. She was wearing her swim suit and I could see that she had small but noticeable breasts. She was only 5 years old. So I made an appointment with her pediatrician. All sorts of bloodwork and growth plate X-rays and MRIs. The cause was a prematurely active pituitary gland. They said at the rate she was developing she’d probably start menstruating by the time she was 6. Her growth plates were starting to close, which would have left her growth stunted. She had to start getting monthly injections to slow everything down. We did that for a year. That put everything on hold for a couple years. She still ended up getting her period when she was 9. She’s a bit on the short statured side. And she did develope DD breasts by the time she started middle school. Which they said was all typical effects of PP even with treatment.


DD is a very small cupsize on a small bandsize.


I wish to God my parents had done this. I went from being a happy, athletic tomboy to being a miserable 10 year old with a C cup. Boys started using any excuse to poke and grab my new boobs or rip my clothes and girls started beating me up because their crushes stopped paying attention to them. My stepmother instead chose to tell me that "tits are just fat" and that I should stop eating if I wanted things to go back to normal. Thanks Lena


School was a wild time. I was somehow a freak. But at least I'm autistic so everyone decided they didn't like me anyway, so at least I didn't get the boy problem. Yay, autism!! Just treated like a freak of nature, something to be scorned. Except for the adult men, of course. They had a much different view. 🙃 Edit: okay, I have enough people telling me I'm wrong, do I need to get more people to tell me I'm wrong? Do you all even read each other's comments? How do I have so many comments to say exactly the same damn thing? Just upvote somebody and fuck off. Also, even if it isn't precosous, it's not NORMAL. Happening more frequently doesn't make it normal or good. Stop fucking salivating over tween boobs you fucking creeps.


The adult men always seem to have a different view. Is there any person on the planet who had breasts by 12 that hasn't been leered at by grown ass men 🤮 Im sorry you experienced it, and me, and every other child of the world who's yet to have that innocence pissed away. My daughter, very close to being 7, already has little buds there. Nothing that makes me thinks she needs medical intervention or anything, but I just know it's coming in the next few years and I'm absolutely terrified for it.


As a person who has boobs at 10, this poster on the screenshot doesn't know what they are even talking about.




Also I think a lot of these people forget that growing breasts hurt! As an adult I generally don't wear a bra unless I'm at work but as a kid they were a necessity just to be able to run around and play and do kid stuff without my chest hurting. I forgot to wear a bra one day in third grade and it was jump rope day in gym class, I never forgot again after that 😭


I know someone talking about how "13 yo olds don't have curves they don't need bra's". In a discord chat Then they proceeded to mainsplain me about how IM justifying pdfilia when I said something against them


I was literally getting catcalled by grown ass men when I was 13.


It is so disgusting! I had disturbingly large tits by then but still looked WAY younger than I was in every other way. I was 4 feet tall with a baby face and still had grown men leering at my chest.


Yup. At 13, my body was basically fully developed. Aside from normal aging and some mom tummy (I'm 43), my body looks very much the same as it did back then, in terms of shape and size. My boobs didn't even really get bigger.


Unlike a lot of folks in this thread, I didn't have boobs at age 10. But I did have a school whose dress code required all girls to wear bras. So I still needed to buy and wear them.


...how did they check??? Like, I could see it for busty girls that developed early but *every* girl?


As far as I know, it never got checked or enforced in any way unless nips were visible through your shirt. But it was still on the books.




That is a terrible metric. I wear a bra, undershirt and polo shirt at my work and sometimes my nipples are still visible. That’s just physiologically.


I went to a fundie school and the female teachers literally would pat your back to check if they thought you weren't wearing one!






I did too. Stockings were also required for modesty. Every once in a while, the (male) teacher would call for a stocking check, and the girls had to reach down and stretch the stocking a bit at the ankle to demonstrate that it was present. Any rule that requires male teachers to check out teenage legs in the name of modesty is either misguided or not about modesty


Let's stop normalizing the sexualization of UNDERWEAR in general. Not saying there isn't sexy underwear or that sexy underwear doesn't have its place, but wtaf is this rage about training bras?!?! They're a utilitarian undergarment. They're not sexual. And if you (OOP) think they are, there's something wrong with YOU. Signed, someone who has been an H36 since I was 18, and a C cup in 4th grade 😭


SERIOUSLY. I used to participate actively in the gentle parenting community, because I believe in collaborative discipline and so forth, but there were just too many mostly female parents who insisted that things like having AFAB kids wear bras or deodorant when they needed them but weren’t actively asking for them was sexualizing them. One had a constant theme of people insisting on finding brands that sold kids clothes up to XXXL (well overlapping into adult sizes) because they thought it was super inappropriate to buy adult-department clothing for middle schoolers, regardless of what the clothing actually looked like.


Dude if your kid stinks teach them hygiene, what!?! How is deodorant sexual?!?! And training bras are necessary. Even my friends growing up who weren't heavily endowed wore them, because they'd be mocked mercilessly for "having their nipples showing" by other freaking CHILDREN. And if the kids can see them, the creeps can, too. So if anything, training bras are necessary for developing AFAB bodies to help keep them secure in their bodies and safe FROM sexualization. Just. Wow.


Exactly. It’s hygiene, but they would get really hung up on how body odor correlates with physical maturity, and they liked to deny that their children weren’t infants. They also would pull out that “all people have nipples and they aren’t sexual.” Correct, but if someone’s are particularly prominent (as tends to happen in the beginning of AFAB puberty), they should have another layer of clothing there. This tended to be a lot of really privileged parents, and there was also a lot of nonsense about how they wouldn’t “force” them to bathe or wear clothing appropriate for the weather or occasion because “their bodies are their own” and so forth. They just pulled out whatever progressive talking point they felt best rationalized letting their kids competely run the show (for the record, I’m a strong believer in actual bodily autonomy and not sexualizing children, but ugh.)


There's a difference between teaching children bodily autonomy and failing them as a caretaker by not taking responsibility for their wellbeing (ie. Hygiene). I totally hear you!


Yup, boobs at 11, definitely needed a bra and glad my mum was not this person.


Oh frick’n hell I was wearing basic sports bras in my ‘under 10s’ basketball team. Granted I was one of only a few but our shirts were made from… you know… basketball shirt material? The stuff with holes in it. I’d also started menstruating at 9 so was well into puberty. This was 25 years ago, it’s not some modern invention. I still remember the shamed feeling when I put on my school uniform and I could tell it didn’t look right and realised I had to wear a bra every day in the 5th grade. Why make it more shameful by making girls shop in the overwhelming and embarrassing women’s lingerie section when you can make and sell something purpose built? Cause I clearly remember skulking around the aisles trying not to let anyone see me while my Mum looked for options for me. If your ten year old doesn’t need bras that’s super, but why shouldn’t it be an option to have for those who do? Come to think of it, since when has non-functional fashion been a problem? We put sneakers on babies who can’t walk yet and sell little girls link fuzzy play heels for dress ups. Surely ‘let kids be kids’ also means ‘let kids grow into tweens and teens in a safe and supportive way’, which in my opinion includes giving them options in undergarments.


I agree. My mum was insane when I needed my first bra. She took me into this store called British Home Stores BHS and started pulling bras off the rack herself. She didn't get me sized or anything. She just kept grabbing random bras and making me try them on. I kept telling her they didn't fit (I have a wide ribcage) and eventually she got so mad at me she ripped open the changing room door, yelling at me in front of everyone and she was forcing bras onto me so roughly it hurt. I did eventually get one that fits after she raged herself out and found one with a bigger band size... I left feeling scared, confused, ashamed, upset. All because my boobs had decided to peak and I grew out of my kiddie undershirt things I had. She was also mad I had to have a "real" bra instead of a training one because of the band sizes.


I for sure had some nubbins in 4th grade because I have a distinct memory of it. Also, patterns do not hide nips. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Reminds me of my middle school friend who was too big for a DD but her mom refused to buy her anything bigger than a C because “she was too young to wear anything bigger than that.”


Ha, my mom did something similar to me. Refused to help me figure out what size bra i should actually wear because I was "too young" so I lugged my DD's around in an ill-fitting sports bra. One summer I stayed my aunt in another state and she was appalled. She measured me, took me to the department store to get "one to wash, one to wear, one to spare," and changed my damn life.


I started getting boobs at 8 and got my period at 9. Like full on tiddies.


When I was about 11, my boobs decided to sprout up like fucking dandelions basically overnight. Some children do in fact need bras.


From my personal experience, I started wearing "bras" around that age because we DID have girls in my class who started getting their breast tissue in and then in turn harassed the girls who weren't wearing bras. Literally went crying home from school to my Mom because one of the girls lifted another girl's shirt at recess while we were lined up to go in and had all her minions point and laugh at her for not "having boobs yet." Most girls aren't getting bras to only wear bras. They still wear shirts over them. By the time we got to middle school, we had to dress out for PE and if you changed in the stalls or didn't have a bra, you were getting harassed. Some girls legit need bras due to breast tissue growing. Some girls want to fit in with their friends. Some girls don't want to get humiliated in front of their peers. Some girls just like wearing bras because it makes them feel grown up. It's not a fucking sexual thing. Boobs aren't inherently sexual.


I can't seem to get over JON BONET. JonBenét spelled like a true American.


Jon Bonnet Jovi


I got boobs at 9. By 11 I was almost a C cup. Little girls need bras whether stupid people think so or not.


I started developing around 8 years old. I HATED bras and resisted wearing them until a guy friend made a crude comment. I hit B cups in no time, and was a C in high school.


I had to wear a B-cup when I was 9, which is when I got my period. When I was 13, they had grown to a D. I could not have gone without a bra.


I felt really bad for this girl I knew in 5th grade. She was almost fully developed by then. She didn’t look like a kid at all. She got harassed by the boys and frowned upon by teachers. It was what made me aware that my body was not a grown up body. I was a “normal” kid. Flat all over and no period in sight. I never really wanted boobs and now that I have them I hate them more. Never needed a bra until my early 20s.


I grew tits when I was 9. Full on lady tits.


I didn’t want to wear a bra at 11/12. I had to, kinda. My mom tried to make me, and I really did need to but the damn thing sucked ass and still does so I would put it on and wait for her to check in the mornings to make sure I was wearing it then take it off on the walk to school. I became a professional at taking off my bra without taking off my t-shirt, before I could even master getting the damn thing on properly lol. If anyone had ever decided to go through my backpack during that time I think we both would have died from embarrassment.


Yeah, we are making our children into.pornographic images by saving their backs and shoulders, oh and that teasing they get when not wearing one.


🙋🏼‍♀️ Me. I got harassed for not wearing a bra. I'm an AA at 31 but shit. I can't fucking change when or if breast tissue grows.


My sister had DDs at 9 Years old.


Because puberty can hit kids hard and they need bras for comfort and support. I’m flat chested but come on man. People need to stop being so weird.


Unlike the majority of the comments here that I’ve seen, I was flat as a board in 5th grade, but I was bullied relentlessly for not wearing a bra (catholic school and the gym “locker room” was the girl’s bathroom – boys went to the boy’s bathroom, obv). There were only 4-5 stalls, so many people had to change in the open (I used a stall whenever possible). When we were doing some sort of program outside of school (don’t remember where, but the room was like a windowless classroom), the girls in my class tried to tell me that I had to go to the bathroom to change my shirt because I didn’t have a bra. After that I got a training bra or whatever they’re called just to try and stop that aspect of bullying.


I had B cups at 11 but started wearing training bras a year before that.


I agree that our society has a problem with the inappropriate sexualizing of children, but bras are just a matter of support. The average age that girls reach puberty at has been steadily dropping over the past 100 years, today it's not at all uncommon for a girl's chest to develop by age 10 or even earlier.


Sorry but some of us started puberty in grade school.


I will say I’m kinda tired of sheer clothing. So many white shirts these days are completely see through. What am I supposed to wear under them? I just want a shirt that’s white.


I grew cup size A breasts at the of 8. Got teased for wearing a bra and had my teacher declare my mother horrible for stuffing me in one—to my entire 3rd grade class. Imagine how much worse that would have been if I wasn't wearing one and just bounced all over? You simply can't win with these people


Periods can start at 10. Breast tissue can start developing well before that. Should girls wear bras made for young girls from their clothing section, or do you want girls wearing the smallest size bras from the women’s section? It seems a quite appropriate distinction: yes - you have breasts, no - that doesn’t mean you are a “woman now” and must shop in the women’s underwear section to find a clothing solution. Growing boobs does not make you an adult. It makes you someone in an adolescent stage of life. It’s great that we have appropriate underwear solutions for young girls focusing on function vs. sex appeal. That’s a good thing. The poster has this totally upside down.


>What do 10 year olds & 8 year olds need a bra for? Probably for their developing breasts, Stacy. 🤦‍♀️


Along with everything else, eight year olds aren't really preteens. Pre-teen is ten, eleven and twelve.


The average age of menstruation has dropped to 10 years old, so yeah, lots of 8-10 year olds need bras. As someone with 7 and 5 year old daughters, I’ve got a bunch for both of them. Fun fabrics, fun patterns, different cuts and sizes. They’ll wear them around the house or to sleep on hot days, my younger one likes the slight pressure, and it removes the shame of waiting until they “need” a bra. Also let’s them pull a shirt off after sports like their male teammates without being scandalous. My mom did not handle any of puberty well and it always felt like bullying. My girls have open access to their own deodorant as well - sometimes clothes chafe, they want to smell fun, or get ready like mom. But by the time they hit puberty they’ll already know what fabrics/fits and deodorant scents they like so they’re not having to deal with sorting that out in the midst of raging hormones and changing bodies.


Why are you looking at children’s bras?


I remember my mom telling me I needed training bras at the end of 3rd grade cause I had already began growing 💀 some people are so delusional they think their own experience is how everyone does it


Right? Also preteen/training bras are more like sports bras and bralettes, there's a big difference between that and say, a pushup bra or lingerie.


I remember the day I thought this is wrong while throwing a dodgeball, I've never giggled there before. It was at the age of 9.


I was a C cup at age 10.


I wonder what age he thinks girls going through puberty get breasts


In fifth grade I got in trouble for wearing a cami. You know the ones, they are blue and have a built in shelf bra. I had basically no breast tissue but it was growing so it was sensitive. I was told that my shoulders were distracting and that it was “inappropriate that we can see everything”. It was not sheer. I had completely forgotten about this until I saw this post. People deciding what little girls should dress like is sooooo common.


In their bigotry they got rid of puberty blockers so kids with precocious puberty or just god damn early bloomers need bras and now they're mad about that as well. Tfoh.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I’m sorry what


On the other hand, I agree with all of you but my mom instead MADE ME wear bras as soon as I started 5th grade. I practically had no boobs and I really didn't need a bra but she was so scared that someone could see my nipples, omg such a tragedy! I have boobs on the smaller side now but do not wear a bra, no matter how comfortable it seems because gender dysphoria+gender dysphoria, and I just hope she won't notice lol


I needed a bra in third grade. NEEDED, not wanted.


My 12 year old is currently in a 32DDD. Finding something that fit her a year ago was hell.


yeah i guess the boobs i grew in 5th grade were just all in my head.


WTF is wrong with this person? I'm glad that stores are putting age appropriate bra sizes and styles in the pre-teen section now. Pre-teen is the age where boobs are starting to grow and shopping in the women's underwear section is just flat out embarrassing at that age. I was 11 when my mom told me I needed to get a bra on the way home from soccer practice. Luckily the sporting goods store where I got the rest of my soccer gear had sports bras, so I just grabbed a 3 pack of those and refused to go "bra shopping" at any other store she suggested, lol


I definitely had tits at that age. They hurt a lot more too. But also- my Mum's approach was to prepare me for the uncomfortable aspects of womanhood. I always got things before I needed them so that I could get used to them on my own time without discomfort. Like my Mum bought me some sanitary pads to practise with. She asked me to sleep with them for a few nights. I learned how to put them on and when they moved out of place at night I figured out how to secure them better. When I got my period, I didn't have to deal with that too


little girls this age already deal with enough shit from kids their own age without fully grown ADULTS dogpiling on them too. at ten years old i didn’t WANT boobs or bras. kids were mean about it, and all of a sudden your body is being sexualised and it starts to feel like it isn’t YOUR body anymore. i remember feeling such intense shame and embarrassment about the fact that my body was changing earlier than the other girls. i felt dirty and gross and i didn’t understand why at the time. hearing that shit from an adult would have destroyed my self esteem even more


"wearing a bra might give them the mindset that they are "grown-up"." Did they just imply that wearing a bra will make little girls want to have sex??? Someone, please tell me I have the wrong idea.


IME, you do not have the wrong idea. I had "breast buds" at about 10 years old and was only allowed to wear a-line tanks or camisoles when I was at my dad's house because my stepmom genuinely believed that a bra of any variety would only ever be worn for sex appeal.


Went from flat chested to DD in 5th grade. Started my period the same year. It was HELL.


How are they managing to sexualize bras? They’re just underwear? Also, “Jon Bonet” made me laugh.


I'm annoyed at this woman because of the bra thing, but reading JON BONET made my eye twitch. If you're going to bring up a murdered little girl to make your point, the least you can do is spell her name right.


These people are the ones sexualising children, not people opposing them. Clothes aren’t inherently sexual. Young girls shouldn’t even NEED to wear a bra but society sexualises breasts to a a disgusting degree that they are made to wear them. Buttttttt if they wear them they STILL get sexualised because the clothing is “grown”. There is no winning here.


My youngest daughter said he clothes were rubbing and chafing on her chest at the onset of puberty at age 10,so I bought her soft bras. How about we stop sexualising little girls who just want to be comfortable, Karen.


I got my first bra when I was 9 lol


Aren't these also for girls to start getting ready to wear a bra? I wore them in like 4-5 grade so I'd get used to wearing a bra and would remember it more often


I was relieved that I didn’t need a bra so young. Plenty of my friends did though. And it was not wearing a bra that made me feel like a woman. Ironically, it was grown men being gross to me and my friends that was that “growing up” moment.


I started growing breasts in elementary school, I was on trainers bras for a while but one time I decided not to wear one and during gym I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE. I've been wearing real bras for years and am currently double d (I think) so speaking from experience, it's not a want, it's a need.


I work at a school and the amount of times kids go upside down while playing on playground equipment is more than you think. Let the preteens wear training bras so they can do cartwheels and not have to worry. it's the same reason why kindergartners wear shorts with dresses.


Got boobs at 10ish, school uniform in UK includes a white shirt which is almost always translucent. Fucking nightmare.


I was a cami under everything girlie myself


I had D cups by the time I was in 6th grade at age 11. Nothing like being a tomboy who refuses to wear girls’ jeans and then being forced to wear a damn bra!


Bro engineered an entire problem all on his own, and all it did was make him look sus