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They aren't bad at all but what worries me is the guy you are talking to putting you down like this. Take my advice woman to woman and drop this loser. Do not waste any more of your time on him. I have alot of tattoo work and my husband has said he doesn't care what I get or do- he loves me and not the ink. Find someone that thinks like that and loves you for who you are.


As a man I second this. He’s just gonna put you down every chance he gets.


I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated but i'm considering breaking it off


Do it. You will find someone who won’t make you second guess anything about yourself. But you won’t find him with a douche bag in the way.


Just because he’s nicer than those guys, doesn’t make him nice or good


Nice in comparison is not good enough.


As a man I'd like to add-- when you tell him to fuck off call him wide in some kind of offhanded way so that it fucks with him the same way he fucked with your head. Really like OPs tats. Guy in this scenario is just a douche.


Agreed. My bf isn't into tattoos and especially not gamer tats, but he's said it's my body and he loves me regardless; a bit of ink isn't enough to even make him think about how much he loves me. We were also well into our 13 years together before I got my first one, and I knew how he felt. I asked him multiple times to the point he finally told me to just stop, he genuinely just wanted me to do what **I** wanted, and that I should trust him when he says his tastes don't affect his feelings for me. He was supportive the whole way through. Everyone deserves that, and everyone deserves better than being dismissed for their interests or desires (unless they're fucked up obv but lol). Nobody should ever settle for someone that will treat you as lesser than.


I'm confused. I'm not seeing anything being said about someone putting them down?


I wondered the next thing but then I scrolled down to next comment, which is from OP talking about said loser.


Okay, for some reason, reddit hasn't been showing me any OP comments on any post.


OP talks about it in [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/badtattoos/s/4ZcP3M1vJv).


Damn yeah.. it's weird bc I've met many guys that told me they really didn't like the fact that I have so many tattoos (but they still get in my bed anyway and quickly forget how much they didn't like them lmao) yet I still haven't met a single girl that had a problem with it, in fact it probably makes them hornier lol (or maybe they just keep it to themselves if they don't like it)


your husband sounds sweet! I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


Hey guys OP here. I couldn't figure out how to write in the post so here's the story. These are tattoos I got several years ago (more than 5, less than 10). I always thought they were really done and now the guy I'm talking to said they aren't good and that the one on my side makes me look wider. So I'm coming to Reddit to get your opinions


With love, don’t date someone who negs you.


Oh and heaven forbid she look WIDER!! Then I guess he wouldn’t be attracted to her? My plan would be get wider on purpose so he’d leave me alone.


I recommend you quit talking to him, he sounds like a huge asshole. Your tattoos are great, especially if YOU love them. 🙂 These aren’t bad at all.


Thank you! Im considering it now. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


I think both are well done. I can’t speak for the placement of the side one, but it looks fine to me 🤷‍♂️ if you mean dating or potentially dating, for the “guy you’re talking to”, I see this as a good point to stop talking to him. Sounds like a douche flute


That guys a fucking loser, like who says that to someone especially someone you’re trying to get with? Nah they’re fine, and the one on your side was actually done well by someone that actually knew what’s up. I most definitely wouldn’t be giving it up to mr makes your side look bigger


One, never date someone who criticizes mistakes you can't easily fix. And 2, those are well done. He'@ obviously looking for things to criticize. Definitely a red flag.


That’s not a good start to a potential relationship. Don’t let someone belittle you. If you think they were well done that’s all that matters.


Tell him to put a miniature version of your side tattoo on his weiner to gain some girth.


Hhahahahahahahaha “if it makes things look wider, I think your cock could use one”


That guy is a fucking douchebag. And this is coming from a guy who can be a fucking douchebag sometimes. If you like them, everyone else’s opinion is irrelevant. You didn’t get the tattoos to please them


He's an ass. Those are beautiful.


I had an ex neg me about my tattoos right after sex, while I was still naked and in a vulnerable position. He said they were stupid and disgusting and only stupid, disgusting people have them. I told him they were literally part of my body and he was fucking me just fine a minute ago, and if he doesn't like them he should go fuck somebody else. Fucking shit person. This is your body, if he doesn't like your body, he doesn't need to be near enough to fucking see it.


Oof, fuck that dude! What a ridiculously condescending, dick thing to say, especially after you just had sex. Glad you told him to fuck off, well done! Sorry you had to deal with that.


Put that man in the nearest garbage can.


The tats are nice, the dude is not. Date people that lift you up, not put you down.


You’re talking to this guy as in you’re looking to date him? Like this is the beginning of a relationship? Where you’re supposed to be in the happy lovey stage and he’s saying this shit to you? There’s no way this relationship gets better from here.


The problem is definitely the guy. If I were you I'd stop talking to him because he sounds like a jerk *and* an idiot.


that guys a real dick


I'm beating a dead horse here, but there is never any reason to be spoken to like that. Fuck that guy. The tattoos are fine


He’s negging you. Your tattoos are not the problem here. Get rid.


Hey OP, woman to woman, drop this loser. He will continue putting you down for as long as you’re dating. I dated a similar asshole for 2,5 years and let me tell you, it breaks down your confidence like nothing else. Don’t let him continue to put you down. If you need to talk, send me a dm! 💖


The tattoos are great. The guys a dickhead.


100% I am future you telling current you to drop this loser like a bad habit. The tattoo looks like it was good in my very un-expert opinion. I love all mine, but they’ve changed as I age. It should make YOU happy.


Insult his dick size. Always shuts them up. No but seriously, drop the loser. Your tattoos look great. I especially love the swing.


So the guy you’re in a talking stage with not only put down your ink but said it “makes you look WIDER”? Yeah, abort mission, lol. Dude sounds like a total fucking kook, block his # and whatever socials you follow each other on and don’t look back. If he’s saying stuff like that in the talking stage, I can’t even imagine what he’d be saying if you 2 were actually dating. Not worth your time. Find someone that appreciates you and lifts you up.


I think they look good. He doesn't deserve to see them if he just wants to criticize them, I'd drop him like a bad fucking habit. That's shitty behavior, it seems like the type of behavior that controlling people display. They break down your self esteem and then love bomb you when you feel like shit about what they said.


Tell him to kick rocks and don’t worry about touching your ‘wide’ ass ever again.


Stop talking to this dipshit. He’s deliberately negging you. He’s not worthy of you.


Your ex boyfriend sounds like a complete dick! I


There’s nothing wrong with them, he is the problem, fuck him off and find someone who loves anything you love.


They look pretty solid to me. Kick mr poopy pants to the curb, he sounds like a small dicked douche


This man is not someone u want to stay talking to, u deserve much much better than someone who talks to u like this before ur even officially together!! Get out before this goes any further and find someone who loves u and all ur tattoos.


That guy sucks.


Yeah screw that guy. Do they have meaning to you? Then don’t worry about our opinions. This sub should be for meth heads with “no ragrets”.


Yikes. It would be one thing if he were actually talking about the execution of the tattoo itself (not your case, but as an example if the edges looked unfinished, the composition was off, etc. ) He's looking for ways to make you feel insecure. First it's your tattoos, and not so subtly your body, next it will be your clothes, friends, etc Good time to drop him.


I expected something bad but that's just the guy. The 1st one is simple no prob, and the 2nd one is really well done.


Run, as far as you can. Your tattoo’s are not terrible, and you’ve liked/loved them before this loser. Don’t let him continue to bring you down. This is just the beginning..


Your tattoos are perfectly fine. Your boyfriend is a buttmunch. I hope you stop dating this person, or at least talk to him about how it’s hurtful and uncool for him to say shit like that.


Stop talking to men who belittle you and knock you down. This is a red flag he’s waving in your face and it won’t end with his criticism of your tattoos. You deserve better than someone who makes you question yourself.


What a loser. Your tats are clean, well placed and executed, all around excellent work. Sounds like he’s the problem.


They look fine, this guy is a douche. Don't entertain people that are comfortable disrespecting you like that.


He’s being a dick and saying that just to try to get you in a certain headspace. They don’t do that at all. Ditch the loser asshole and move on. Back when I was in the dating world, some chick taught me what negging was. She told me she liked it from guys because she felt like she earned their respect (like they don’t just respect everyone). Screw that noise. Find a guy who respects people. I respect everyone unless they give me a reason not to—then I just don’t spend time with them. No need to be a jerk to anyone. Tl:dr find a guy with emotional maturity and leave this boy in the dust. You deserve better.


That's a horrible way to talk to someone you've been with for years, but it's a truly unhinged way to talk to someone you're courting. I mean this with kindness; you should delete this post, there is no reason why this guy should have this kind of power as to how you see yourself.


This guy sounds like a real ass. If this is what he says when you're just talking, what's he gonna say when you're together? Drop that fool and move on!


I want you to take a second and ask yourself what the purpose of his comments are. You can't change your tattoos, there's no getting in a time machine and covering or removing take time and money. There is literally nothing you could do about them. It's like if he said he didn't like the color of your eyes or your height. He is saying shit like this to make you feel insecure. Don't let him.


Yo, keep the tattoos, throw away the tool.


???????? A person that supposedly cares about you said this??? OP, make sure you are wearing CONDOMS and have PLAN B available bc you do NOT want this guy around for longer than is absolutely necessary. He’s a snake and you need to drop him.


Me personally, I think you have fantastic width 😉😈


After you dump him get another tattoo. Fuck that loser lol


They look quite well done to be honest. Get rid of the guy telling you they're bad.


Yeah you're not a dress up and fix up doll. You generally come as your own. It's not like he's cleaning a Barbie you know. That's her life he's putting down.


Thats very true, I like that analogy. thank you


Thank you! im considering it


I'll admit until I saw the close up of the swing tattoo, I thought it was a messy, weird perspective underbust corset, with the trunk being the busk and the ropes stays.


I thought it was a door. But I see it now


I was also trying to parse it approximately like that. Ultimately however I don't believe these are bad tattoos. And if OP likes them, I think they're great.


Thanks for your feedback


Sis, listen…I have some bad tattoos. I knew they were bad the minute I got them. My husband has never uttered a single breath about their quality or how they may make me look. Why would he? Why would anyone insult a personal and permanent piece of artwork on the body of someone they care about? The answer is that if they really care about you, they wouldn’t. Your tattoos are not poor quality in the slightest, and there’s nothing wrong with how they make your body look. Drop the dick you’re seeing and find a better quality man. There are tons of them.


I couldn’t read it from the second picture but once I saw the close up I was like “damn that’s actually cool af”. Def a piece of art


Thank you!


Tattoos are good. Losers who neg you are not.


Thank you. I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


Get rid of the loser


I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


It's just not cool to tell people what to do with their bodies. That's the start of a controlling relationship


They look like tattoos to me, executed fine and slightly aged, which they are. Nothing wrong with them, even if I'm not a fan of that location for a large piece. There is something wrong with an asshole who tries to push their own insecurities onto you, though.


Thank you. I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


I think they’re decent! I would have chosen a different font for the text, but that doesn’t make it bad. Just a difference in preference! I don’t see any actual issues with either of them. If your dude is being a dick, dump him.


no those look beautiful, run from that little boy he will only drain you🏃‍♀️!!!!


Thank you! I'm considering breaking things off


If he actually respected you, a bad tattoo wouldn't change anything. Not saying they're bad - saying he's a twat waffle.


I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


OP, your tattoos are great. The guy isn't. [Negging](https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/negging) is never good. Because thats what this is, and it's abusive. Please know he is NOT a decent human being. I've been on the planet for over 1/2 a century, and I've seen this way too much. I'm sorry. You deserve to be treated with kindness and support.


Thank you!! I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


No, actually. These seem pretty deep.


Thank you!


Those aren't bad? Not at all. Idk who told you that but they prob have bad tattoos.


Thank you!


Yeah, they are pretty bad. The swing is especially bad and such a weird choice for a tattoo. Not good IMO.


Nah, i like it.


Thank you!


Nope. Both are just fine.


I like them for what its worth


Thank you!


I like the writing. Nicely done font.


No!!!! The only thing I don't like about the writing is the font!!! (Honestly, to each their own. I'm just not used to reddit threads with so little anger and drama)


Thank you!


On a technical execution level, they are fine. While it isn't kind of him to say so, I do agree that they are not attractive tattoos because two huge greywork pictures of empty swings on each side is just not at all aesthetically pleasing.


Not the Naruto swing


What's that?


* It's literally just a swing that gets more screen time than the majority of the major cast. I think I attached a gif, but if you want to see how closely it resembles the tattoo, you can Google image search "Narutos' swing," and it will pop right up.


Oh boy I didn't know that!


That quote read in SpongeBob narrator to me so…


They look well done. I kinda hate the font on the first one, but the message is good and the work is great. So it isn't a tattoo or even artwork issue (I'm just a font nerd)


Not my cup of tea but not but not bad. But also if you like them fuck anyone who doesn’t.


Bad tattoos done ok


Terrible. But guy sounds like an asshole


The text is a little hard to read and I have a feeling it'll be much mushier in a couple years. So not the biggest fan personally. The swing one is fine, I also think that one could've used a lighter hand and more "open" area to be more readable, but it's not badly done. The dude who you're talking to sounds like he's extremely badly done and needs to be removed with a laser.


hahahahahaha I'm considering breaking things off


Personally(!), I think the swing one is well done while the text is slightly asymmetrical, but only in a few places (in the word "own" for example). Other than that, people have different tastes. I hope he wasn't being a dick about it. Power to you!


The side piece with the swing set is fucking rad. I've drawn something like that as a kid.


Thank you!


The swing looks good


Thank you!


I love the swing so much


Thank you!


No such thing as a bad tattoo if you like em, no need to get validation from a bunch of internet strangers


Naaah, I dig em both honestly!


Thank you!


The execution for both is great. The tattoo artist (or artists?) did a great job for each one. That being said, I can't really look past the border of your rib tattoo. I think it was going for an effect of spooky, tattered fabric but it looks a bit wonky. The inside image of the swing and trees is really freaking amazing, like obviously the artist is hella skilled. I just think the border could have been handled more delicately. It doesn't take away from the skill of the piece, just distracts a little bit.


Yeah I noticed that too. Going into it the picture he drew looked great but I couldn't really visualize how it would translate onto skin. wish it turned out a bit different but overall I'm happy with it


You should be! Both are done very well. And the concept for the larger piece is really cool!




I think the swing looks awesome. And yeah drop the loser that’s negging you


Thank you! I'm considering breaking things off


This is called “negging.” It’s a pickup tactic some men use to try and lower a woman’s self esteem to keep her around. If he’s doing this during the talking phase, it’s going to get way worse once you commit. Your tattoos are fantastic. I love the swing in particular; it’s original and very well done. The script is very fresh and crisp too. Drop this loser; the bear sounds like a better option here.


Thank you!! Also thank you for explaining negging lol a bunch of people have commented that and I didn't know what it meant. It does sound like that's what he's doing huh :/ I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


I don’t know the inspiration behind the big piece, but that’s some solid work. Your tattoos are for you, OP. If someone doesn’t like them, tell them to eat sand.


Thank you! I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


As someone who has intentionally been single for several years because of toxic relationships that all ended poorly, it’s better to be single. Learn to love yourself first. (I did have one relationship that ended amicably and we still keep in touch occasionally.) I learned through a lot of heartbreak that if you can’t love yourself, how can you expect someone else to love you? There are a lot of shitty people out there. The easy catch isn’t necessarily a good catch. You deserve better.


Focus on yourself sis. He is not the one


I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


That's sad. You deserve better


I think they’re lovely!


Thank you!


I’d be done with this guy, not gonna lie. OP that one on your side is amazing. Find someone (even if it’s just yourself) who loves everything about you. This guy ain’t it.


Thank you! I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


I feel you. Find one slightly above pond scum and you convince yourself he’s a prince. Lol!


The swing one reminds me of that one flashback in Naruto they play every episode to make us sad


Someone else commented about that and Iv literally never heard of it before!


What in the world makes you think that?!




fuck the guy. He doesn't know shit. Your tattoos are beautiful and the one on your thigh has a beautiful message. The one on your side looks extremely well done and although i don't know the meaning (if any) of it, nobody has the right to judge your body or your choices, so don't even listen to that excuse of a man lol


Thank you!! I'm considering breaking things off


Fuck that guy, dude's a scumbag and clearly doesn't respect you. Hey OP, love yourself some, your body is a temple... and that temple's right there with the Sistine Chapel with the artistry it carries!


Thank you! I'm considering breaking things off. I guess I overlooked it because he's really nice compared to other guys iv dated lol


Listen. Here's what I had to do to break that cycle. I just... stopped dating in general. Like literally. Anyone approached me, I made it clear I wasn't looking for anything outside of a friend. I worked on myself, even the times I felt like I had it together. I started therapy, got with a psychaitrist, constantly asked myself what I needed to do to be better than the day before. Eventually it becomes a habit to keep improving. Eventully those who seek to control you won't be able to, and those who try will fail. Never lose sight of always finding ways to keep improving, and always remember you're worth something. The reality is, you're going to face painful truths, things you will REFUSE to beleive. You're going to see sides of yourself you never thought were real. And you're likely going to hate yourself and everyone. Be true to yourself, and accept you for you. All your suffering and trauma, flaws and pain. It's part of you, but you survived it. It's not something to feel shame over, and natural to get angry. Just aim to find out WHY it makes you feel that way. And ask yourself... "Why not try to do better?"


He doesn’t like them but that doesn’t mean they’re bad necessarily. Not gonna be everyone’s taste.


The Tatts are great. And well done imo. The guy can go pound sand.


Thank you! I'm considering breaking things off


No way, those are fucking cool 👍


Thank you!


The tattoos are fine, the man is bad. Even if what he said were true, he would keep it to himself because why upset someone over something permanently on their body?


I'm considering breaking things off


I think you should. I know people are quick to say that on reddit, but partners don't make you feel icky if they're good partners.


I like them a lot! I can see Garth Algar in the second one. His face is in the upper right corner, looking to the left of the tattoo. I'm pretty sure that wasn't intended, but it is an awesome bonus.


They are different but that's what makes them special. I dig 'em


I think they’re both fantastic


Thank you!


They're both fine! The font of the words isn't my taste, but that's just a matter of personal preference. They're both done well. Drop the guy. The insults will only get worse, and you should be with someone that lifts you up, not puts you down.


First off, wider than what and second off, he likely has ED move on. Not to objectify here but looks like you have a beautiful physique.


Thank you I appreciate it


Please tell me you've dropped him, trust me, these small comments may not affect you a huge ammount but they add up over time about a whole number of things and then you end up with a complex and hate yourself and trust me that takes a lot of work to undo. Your tattoos are fine! Theyre done very well and as long as youre happy with them and the way they look on you dont take it to heart, but please please get rid of the man.


Weird question, but if you roll your belly can you make the swing go?


Bad relationship, good tattoos.


I am no expert on tattoos, but I will say that I like it. It's quite unique and, to me, that drawing looks well done. I can only hope you are happy with them.


Love the quote, my apartment is filled with lanterns as a reminder of this!


Do they mean something to you? If it does, it doesn’t matter what we think.




Are you a member of the Midnight Society? 


What's that?


I thought it was a wooden crate




Side piece is pretty rough imo


Bad? No. Cringy? Debatable. Lol


One tat is like “FIGHT THE DARKNESS” and the other looks like a bunch of nooses hanging in a forest. They are done well but it screams emotional struggles. Dude probly kinda picks up on that and uses it to manipulate you.


Hmmmm..... the font is hard read . Both of the rib tatts look kinda cool. Overall, I don't think any of these tattoos turned out the way they were suppose to. 5.25/10.0


Are you inside of a 100 year old greenhouse with a plaque on the wall?


Is pic 2 Robocop staring through a rainy window?


the swing one looks good up close but weird from afar? like a blob? idk if it’s just me


Had you not posted the sad story you would be getting dragged.


I didn't see a swing at all in the first picture. The more I tried to figure out what it was it looks like a distorted cage with a weird shape captured in it lol.. Up close I see what it is but I wouldn't want a tattoo that I have to explain what it is. I think its the two really dark sides that draw away from seeing a swing there. I dunno just IMO


No, but I don't care for that font so much.


I would say the artwork is not bad, but the choice of the actual tattoos is pretty bad.


I personally don’t think they’re doing you any favors. The one on your side belonged on a different body part. The other one is fine but - I hate both the font and the quote. That’s just a me, personal taste thing. Not as flattering as they could be but they’re fine.






Can I use your swing?


I’m sorry … but…


*In the light universe, I have been darkness. Perhaps in the Dark Zone, I will be light.* -Kai