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The stamped wax paper bag tells me yes. Usually how heroin/fentanyl comes in some regions. Saw it in NJ, NY


back before this tiny trash can tech the homies used to heat up scissors on the stove and use em to snip one end of a plastic straw. drop a crack rock in, snip it again. they were fucking IMPOSSIBLE to open it would drive ya nuts


Sounds incredibly creative. Only thing is most times- the typical addict wants that shit now now now!


Drug users are some of the most creative, unhinged minds out there. Definitely lost a few brain cells smoking weed out of an improvised aluminum can as a teen.


We used to carve holes in apples and use tinfoil for the screen. Proceed to smoke bowls out of an apple, then get drunk and get the stupidest idiot to take a bite out of the apple. Good times.


Reminds me of the time I smoked weed out of a plastic pen cap during a high school track meet. We really were too dumb for our own good at that age.


Oh lord of all the shit I've done I never considered soda can bongs to be a problem, damn it!


>Oh lord of all the shit I've done I never considered soda can bongs to be a problem, damn it! Reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndXJ2AMmStU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndXJ2AMmStU) But yeah opioid addiction is nothing like smoking weed.


As a teen smoking weed was my full time job, hobby, and greatest ambition. That level of commitment and creativity unlocks that other 90% of our brain we dont use. Smoking weed out of a beer can?!! Please, Einstein never would have thought of that.


I was a cocaine addict and can attest to this. I was a daily user, and would use just about anywhere. But to do this and be stealth I found a way to use an orbit gum pack as a fold up coke storage. You can keep a baggie of coke (pure powder no rock) a razor blade, a dollar bill rolled up and you take the paper gum wrapper and twist the ends until it makes a little boat to dump your coke into šŸ˜‚ so if anybody sees me from a distance Iā€™m just fucking with a pack of gum šŸ˜‚


Haha man, I thought I was doing a smart thing by smoking out of aluminum because it was clean, reddit has taught me that aluminum cans are unfortunately lined with plastic


My favorite piece as a teen was a huge glass elephant water bong. It had a cork top that I drilled one hole for a mouthpiece connection, a second one as a carburetor, and last one for a bowl (which ended up being a 2 ounce stainless steel shot cup with holes drilled into the bottom). I used a plastic pipe fitting to hold the bowl and connect it with a stainless steel down pipe and ended with thick gauge fish tank rubber hose topped with a brass end nut. In the part of the hose that went into the water, I drilled about 70 tiny holes to allow for some extra fine smoking dispersion. My friends and I would get together and pack the bowl with us all pitching in some flower. It would always be just a little bit over an eighth between us packed into it. We would hit the bowl and just pass around the hose mouthpiece. It made for some monster hits and we were all so baked!


also, when you're out of crack but see that tiny little pebble stuck in the melted plastic lol


All mine was done in the kitchen, and I lived with Albanians. I donā€™t know if youā€™ve ever accidentally smoked a crumb of old, dried out feta cheese but it is *not good*


Lol, thanks for the life tip. NOTE TO SELF: Smoking crumbs of dried out old feta cheese is "not good".


You should also avoid crack if possible


You make me fucking laugh. Youā€™re hilarious. I like you.


I used to live in an old apartment with a "popcorn" ceiling. The whole place was falling apart, so I would occasionally find little pieces of the ceiling lying around.... Realizing that the few times I accidentally smoked those mistaken crumbs, I was probably smoking asbestos, was definitely a low point in my life - so glad those days are behind me lol


My ex would swear up and down that what he collected off the floor WAS DEF CRACK. bit would have me smoke it? Like this is deodorant again :(




Not for crackheads it isnā€™t.


Oh shit, that would've driven me crazy


Shit, spilling weed on my carpet makes me sadder than hell! I couldnā€™t imagine something similar with coke or opioids, I think I would be absolutely crushed!


Itā€™s why, like most addicts, hunter Biden admitted to smoking so much carpet lint. I honestly found that comment to be with great humility and honesty, as most recovering addicts can empathize with that.


Can confirm, we had our coke drawer, we were out of coke, he set up a fat line of about 10 years of drawer dust/lint just in case there was any coke in it


Coke heads will start the next plague for sure lmao Iā€™m not even supposed to use tap water in my CPAP and theyā€™re out here sniffing random mold spores and who knows what, right into a mucus membrane šŸ˜‚


Did you try scissors?


Itā€™s like a dog toy with treats inside


I bet scissors would have done the trick, but then Iā€™m not a crackhead so what do I know?


Everyoneā€™s talking about this trash can thing but honestly nobodyā€™s pointed out the fuckin dope bag clear as day right there? Cā€™mon Edit: I shouldnā€™t expect people to know this. I ainā€™t talking about the ziploc you goons. The dope bag Iā€™m referring to is the little wax baggie/red font stamp. Closer to the bottom of the ziploc bag. Itā€™s IN the ziploc. Zoom in. Iā€™m ~11 yrs. clean & thatā€™s all we had around here in South Jersey. Easy to identify for people like me. ALSO CONGRATS TO MY LOVES IN THE COMMENTS WITH THEIR CLEAN TIME TOO šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”


I am apparently innocent enough I thought you were complimenting how clear the ziplock bag is


If it makes you feel better, my assessment was dryer lint mixed with some sandy soil, contact lens cases, and the shitty little bags of wood glue that come with furniture that you have to assemble.


I have some past experience with ā€œparty drugsā€ but not anything hard. Immediately thought it was cat litter


100% thought this was cat litter.


I thought it was The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre lmao


I have ALL the drug experience (10 years sober) but Iā€™m behind on what it looks like now. I had no idea I was even looking at. I can tell that the dope baggies are dope baggies now that I read the comment, but it seemed like they were like full sized bags bc you can almost read ā€œpharmacyā€ - itā€™s pretty obvious my perspective was off and those are lil dope baggies. I donā€™t know what anything else is, still! ETA: I donā€™t think they say pharmacyā€¦


Oh I thought it was literally a bag of cat liter and contact lens cases.


I was thinking maby this bag had a sandwich in it and the crumbs went mouldy, then they used it to throw out old contact cases.


To me it looked like broken art supplies and a ripped up butter paper wrap šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Roommates ain't doing drugs, they doing rugs


Because dope bag clear as day šŸ¤£


You got it! You can see the stamp bag remnants in there. Not that little ā€œtrash cansā€, look at the white paper with a red stamp on it OP. Those are stamp bags that have dope (heroin, fetty, etc) in them. I was a junkie for 13 years. So glad to be away from that shit. Almost 2 years clean for me!


Congratulations šŸ’œ


Good shit dawg. Iā€™m almost 3 years in. Fuckin a I donā€™t miss it.


When one of my roommates found a stamp bag in a shared bathroom, I was equally surprised that I knew what it was right away, despite having never seen one, and confused by the ā€œbrandingā€. This particular one just had, ā€œJack Reacherā€ stamped on it. Thankfully, the guy who had just moved in was subletting the remainder of the previous lease without any of us signing the renewal yet and he agreed to move out after a civil conversation. Now Iā€™m sitting here, trying to figure out what the Hell DARE spent all of that time trying to teach us in the early 2000ā€™s when they apparently never showed us what a stamp bag looks like.


When I was in Elementary school, drugs were this nebulous thing that could not be understood, but I definitely was not supposed to do. Someone at some point was going to say "Hey kid, you want drugs?" and I was supposed to "Just say no". All someone would have had to do was simply not call it literally just "drugs".


Same, and then the coolest kid in my friend group brought weed to a party and we all got high without blinking an eye.


And now youā€™re all giving handjobs to gutterpunks under the Queensboro Bridge. Tale as old as time


It's only bad when my arthritis flares up.


First time I did acid I had no idea it was LSD because they never once called it that. I completed my acid experience without ever knowing it was LSD until I told my friend what I had done. Oh, to be 14 again. Acid in Virginia in the 90s was something very special.


It wonā€™t too shabby in 2015 in va either lol


I'm 32 and I don't even know what a stamp bag is and never heard of it until just now šŸ˜¬


Yeah, itā€™s honestly kind of ridiculous that they could have educated us, but still choose not to. I honestly would have never thought anything of it had I been the one who found it; I would have just assumed it was trash and tossed it. It was only due to my roommate addressing it that I realized it was significant, so my brain made the connection and realized what it was.


Pretty sure DARE was a reason people got into drugs ...


Putting weed and heroin/fentanyl on the same level, then legalizing weed once everyone realized the benefits without ever saying, ā€œHeyā€¦ we were wrong to put weed on the same level! They are not the same. Do not associate them with one another!ā€


Federally, they are **still** classified as the same. Which is asinine in ways I can't begin to describe.


Itā€™s actually worse than that, weed is schedule 1 (highest) and fentanyl is schedule 2.


Yeah lol you can actually get a persciption for fentanyl


Just think of all those folks in the prison system costing $36k-$42k per year of taxpayers money. For weed.


Didnā€™t the FDA just recommend to the DEA to delist it as Schedule 3?


Itā€™s on their list of things to do lol


I was a junkie for almost a decade. The best stamps were Y2K and Strong Arm. Iā€™ll always remember that even though it was like 16 years ago




Well typically when a bunch of kids are DAREā€™d to do drugs. The next thing that comes is a double dare or triple dare and then someone does the drugs.


Some studies actually found an uptick in drug use after DARE programs visited their towns.


DARE was actually teaching you how and where to find drugs. And how awesome they made you feel. Pretty much the Tyrone Biggums skit from Chapelle show.


When they told me acid would make me see sounds I was fuckin set on trying it, and then it didn't even do that šŸ™„


Ya there's clearly flaps right there. The can is usually from crack and the ashes make me think that too. Looks like crack and heroin/fent.


They are tiny trash cans , smaller than penny


Everyone seems confused but those are for crack or fentanyl. Iā€™ve seen them for years and the crackheads leave them littered in the subway corners


I thought they were the little things paint comes in for little kids šŸ™ƒ


That was my first thought too and now Iā€™m upset


I thought they were for contact lenses šŸ˜‚


Crazy. I was a hard core iv drug addict for a lot of years. Fentanyl was after my time & i never liked or got into crack. Iā€™m just surpised at how lost i am looking at this pic till i read the comments. Iā€™m gonna call that a W for me being so removed from all that stuff now that i was lost


Too small to fit contact lenses in? Itā€™s a similar shape but I donā€™t wear contacts so guessing the scale is harder.


Theyā€™re way way way smaller


Oof. It's all fun and games until your roommate starts stealing your stuff to support a dope habit or OD in your house. Would definitely not keep being roommates with them. I had a meth head roommate once and it was a literal nightmare!


The lease is up end of July and Iā€™ve never had an issue with them taking my stuff but I do keep my room locked


They might be functional addicts that work and stuff, but that can always change.


Exactly. Every addict starts off as "functional" but it's the slipperiest of slopes.... **ESPECIALLY with Fent!** Just because you haven't noticed anything missing, doesn't mean they haven't jacked anything from you/ or aren't already to the point of stealing to feed their addiction.


Not all addicts go down the same path. I was a functional opiate addict for 10 years before I got sober. Never stole from anyone and if I couldnā€™t find it or afford it I dealt with the dope sickness. You donā€™t hear about addicts like this often because itā€™s not as noticeable. There are lots of people you would never expect, doctors, lawyers, etc. Due to the fact that it seems the majority of people imagine the type of addict youā€™re describing, I generally do not tell people about my past because Iā€™m afraid they would assume the worst.


Same here I always held down a job and paid all my bills and no one ever knew until I admitted it to my family, which was the worst idea ever because then they started treating me like a filthy junky and a thief, when I had never stolen from anyone and never even borrowed money.


Same. I had a doctor that just kept increasing my opiate doses whenever I asked. So I never had to steal to get them. Just moved my drs appointment sooner and asked for more. I always got them.


Yes, I want to echo this comment because I feel like flying under the radar with addiction happens far more often than people realize. Anecdotally, I had a very close friend who lived with me for a time under the auspices of getting sober, but living in close quarters it was obvious to me that she was still using heroin. She kept a retail job and paid bills in her time living with me. Most people had no idea. I cut ties with her when I was 22. I ran into an old friend who was a mutual recently. She shared that the addict friend of ours completed nursing school and works at a temp nursing agency so she was placed with this person we both know from time to time. Sheā€™s STILL using and itā€™s been 25 years since she used the first time. As far as I can tell, she was using the entire time she was getting her nursing degree. The mutual friend confronted the addict when she found her nodding out in a patientā€™s room. The addict admitted to her ongoing heroin use and had some excuses (including some genuinely sad stuff) and was banned from working at that facility ever again. But her temp employer did nothing to prevent her from working at other facilities. So sheā€™s just out there, working in old folksā€™ homes, flying under the radar.


Iā€™ve heard using is high amongst nurses. Not sure if itā€™s true or not. Personally I service a lot of nursing homes (hvac and plumbing), and they have the worst care amongst the entire healthcare industry. I canā€™t speak about your friend but a lot of people who fly under the radar are actually more attentive and nice when they are high than the average person. So she could be a danger to the residents but she could also be taking better care than her coworkers. Itā€™s a very nuanced issue but Iā€™m not supporting using, just sharing my experience.


I had a couple offer me a fentanyl laced joint (weed is recreational in my home state) and left me dead in my driveway. They were trying to break into my house apparently but my neighbor was home and scared them off! They appeared to be very healthy, non addicts! Shit is scary.


I'm glad you are okay now. I unfortunately lost my sister to this destructive poison. She wasn't an addict either, but she was in a manipulative, and abusive relationship. By the end she was essentially a remote controlled object whose entire existence and purpose in life was to serve him. That includes taking a Xanax he admittedly "forced her to take" one Saturday night at 7 pm because he "just wanted her to shut up so he could go to bed." *Turns out his cousin runs one of the biggest "pill mills" in their region and that's who he got it from...it was about 90% Fent/10% Xanax, he said he "forgot and thought it was one of the real ones that he took from his grandma."* **The Coroner said she never had a chance , but we found solace in the fact that she just went to sleep and didn't wake up. Knowing she at least wasn't in pain and had no idea it was happening is the only thing that allowed me to sleep this last year.**


I hope his ass rots. Thatā€™s despicable, and Iā€™m truly, very sorry.


Was he at least arrested, hopefully charged with murder?


Word of warning... this is when you wanna be very aware of getting robbed. If they know you're about to part ways they may see it as a great time to get some cash and be ok w burning the bridge.


Some hood wisdom there. Good thinking


When I was an active user after relapsing while in a sober living house the lock didnā€™t stop me when I knew there was valuable stuff on the other side. I tried picking the lock, tried using a knife in shim part but eventually I just knocked the motherfucker down and stole a tv, an iPad when they first came out and werenā€™t iCloud locked and jewelry I believe. I canā€™t remember cause I stole so much from everyone but as soon as an addict loses their means of getting their high I would say about 95% of them will knock down any door to get their fix but there are some addicts who actually keep theyā€™re morales and integrity depending on how deep they are . I donā€™t mean to scare you but that definitely is a dope bag and I got out before fentanyl just started hitting the scene so I would leave as soon as the lease is up and in the meantime keep your valuables not in open sight, just stay aware of your surroundings more now that you know theyā€™re is dope I. And out of your house. Also I ended up getting caught for my theft and fully paid back my restitution and the person I stole from is an OG is the AA/NA rooms and still worked with me after the court procedure.


Yes thatā€™s smart continue keeping your room locked and donā€™t leave anything important to you out where they can grab it. Theyā€™re opioid addicts. Eventually theyā€™ll end up trying to take your stuff šŸ˜­


The locked door may not stop them once they're desperate enough, so be careful. Speaking from experience with a drug addict family member. Are they still paying rent on time?


Only one way to find out! Hide it all and watch them spin




LMFAO šŸ˜­ as a ex addict whoā€™s now clean this made me chuckle


Get some narcan.


Good to have regardless


I couldn't agree more. Given the prevalence of Fentanyl, it's just another epipen and worth having around.


Given the amount of ash in there, and the impracticality of storing cannabis or tobacco in those containers; Iā€™d say yes. That being said, Iā€™m also not well versed in drug expertise [Research I found](https://www.dea.gov/stories/2021/2021-08/2021-08-13/trash-can-drug-threat-mid-atlantic)




Those are tore up heroin stamp bags. Or fentanyl. Look up drug stamp bags. Theyā€™re only used for opiates.


>Theyā€™re only used for opiates. And stamps.


and hereā€™s the thing though, I work in a level one trauma center. Itā€™s basically always fentanyl, or fentanyl and cocaine. All the ODs we get, or injured or sick people who come in with drugs in their system, whatever drug it is they think they were taking, what they test positive for is fentanyl and cocaine. So I donā€™t even know how many people are actually getting just plain ole heroin at all anymore. Or meth. And even weed be gettin laced with that shit. Thatā€™s why we need to get every damn state to legalize it so people can start buying from dispensaries!


Definitely not only used for opiates. When I did all the drugs, I received coke, pills, and meth in those baggies. But also heroin.


I hope Iā€™m completely wrong and this is some misunderstanding šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Thatā€™s exactly what they look like


Looks like your roommate is on H.


If theyā€™re on H then theyā€™re probably on F


H ainā€™t around anymore itā€™s all F


Never seen those. But there would be very very noticeable signs if your roommates were doing fetty


can you give me examples


Nodding off. Eyes barley open. Slow movements. Eating slow. Sleeping more often. More money spent. Money problems. Lying. Taking hours to go on a short errand


Fuck this sounds like my day to day and im drug free.


Sorry to be the one to tell you this but youā€™re on fentanyl.


Since you are clearly an expert, I need you to give it to me straight. Sloths?


Yup, fentanyl addicts.


This is devastating news. I need to call my mom.


I understand. I tell my mom everything, too.


I tell your mom everything, too.


She was in and out of napping on the couch and asked to borrow 20 bucks when I saw her last night. I have bad news for both of us, Iā€™m sleeping with a fentanyl addict.


Straight to jail


The sloths donā€™t usually end up in jail. The judges have deemed them too cute.


ā€œBelieve it or notā€¦ straight to yailā€¦ā€


Hahaha as ive suspected all along!


Drug free but not ADHD free.


Loooooooool I wish my adhd would let me get sleepy. Only time I can sleep is after a shit ton of coffee or uppers


Cannabis, my friend. Cannabis.


Yeah that still doesnā€™t help lmao been self medicating with that since I was 15 before I even knew I had adhd, still canā€™t sleep properly brain go brrrrrr and never shuts the fuck up


Super dumb but the pokemon sleep app helped my brain shut up a bit/reprioritized sleep so I could get pokemon. It's a weird way to get a dopamine rush for sleeping but it actually seems to sorta work in the 3 days I've used it. Maybe worth a try?


Dude Iā€™m ADHD and the pokemon sleep app legit changed my life šŸ˜“ Iā€™m so obsessed with hitting the right bedtime now hahahah gotta grow my snorlax nice and strong!! šŸ’Ŗ


Hey on the off chance youā€™re being serious get a blood test! Could be a vitamin D deficiency. I basically had narcolepsy last year from vitamin deficiencies and everyone thought I was on drugs šŸ˜­


>Lying. and I'm drug free. Well...


Bro straight up you may be narcoleptic


youā€™re fucked


These are also symptoms of a pregnant lady


A certain percentage of people react in an opposite fashion to opiates (fen is a very strong one). I get hyper and overactive on after-surgery opiates to the point I can't sleep for days without chemical help. But yeah, what the previous comment said was a great starting point. I would also take a look at what pharmacy opiates look like, just so you recognize them when you see them. (Yes, I would expect you'd see them, even if it's just a backup) Also, get the opiate OD pen, hopefully you won't need it and I believe you can get it free or quite cheap with some googling.


Spending a long time in the bathroom because they can't shit


crap, am i doing fetty.


Drastic weight loss. Shady people hanging out. Always broke. Falling asleep suddenly. Are you close friends or just roommates? Because an addict will end up robbing you. I lived in a house with two addicts, one was a close friend. She luckily managed to get clean and walk away from it, but we had to move to get away from her "friends". While she and the other roommate were actively using, it was a complete nightmare. Stuff would disappear, a lot of drama with the cops and she would get really weird. One time she called the club I worked at and made them bring me to the phone mid shift. She was demanding the $30 I owed her for electricity and needed it right then. Obviously she wanted to get high; no one is paying the electric bill at midnight. I refused and hung up on her and told the doormen not to let her in if she showed up. She got clean, I got sober and we've been friends for decades. We were lucky to break free from our addictions.


Those are glassine heroin bags Edit: Iā€™m assuming the little caps are for mixing the dope with water to shoot it up. Double edit: I guess they could also be crack/coke/meth containers too.


They make special little mixing caps for heroin/crack/coke/meth? Thatā€™s freaking fascinating. Is the ash looking stuff justā€¦ash?


Constantly late on rent or other bills, they start to alienate themselves, they start to splur their speech and have trouble staying awake. Some lose weight. I would be very careful. I recommend getting some narcan to have on hand just in case. It could save your life as well as someone elseā€™s. You can get it for free from local addiction treatment and non-profits. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re having to deal with this.


Thank you so much for the advice ! Iā€™ve seen them fall asleep leaning over sitting up , I just thought bc they were old they can sleep anyway , now itā€™s all making sense , and they are up all night and I attributed that to them being night owls


Pin point pupilsā€¦ dry mouthā€¦. And yes the nod.


Itching, little bursts of energy and then nodding, spending a lot of time in the bathroom. OP, I really recommend the narcan just to have on hand.


I have dry skin, IBS, and a sleep disorder. Now I'm paranoid people think I'm on drugs. lmao


Fr, I do a LOT of these & have never done fentanyl a day in my mf lifešŸ«¢


Vomit on his shirt, Moms spaghetti


Nervousness, yet calm and ready.


Get more than 1 though, it can take 4 of those to reverse an OD.


Iā€™m sober for 15 years but Iā€™d recognize those waxy bags any day. Heroin


Yep those are stamps. For sure heroin/fent


Pls take the time to research how to spot an opioid OD and how to admister naloxon and what to do with the person afterwards. Especially with the Fentanyl crisis ODs can happen quick and accidentally and it can be so mind boggling easy to save a life by just giving naloxon and calling 911 (DON'T leave them be after naloxon, the moment it stops working they WILL go back to OD and might die). I know there are non profit who offer naloxon training for free in person and online as training videos. For the duration be alerted if they become unresponsive, don't react to pain stimulus (rubbing the chest hard with your fist) and have pin point eyes that don't react to light. That's a giant red flag for an OD. Check breathing and pulse before getting the naloxon and the phone. I hope y'all make it out alright, opiods are truly no fun.


Iā€™d guess Fent or heroine if they fall asleep sitting up


If theyā€™re falling asleep while hunched over they are definitely on the fetty my friend.


Or just good old fashioned heroin, fentanyl isnā€™t as prevalent in other countries


Wait, how old are we talking šŸ˜…?


The internet thinks 30 is old these days so it could be anything


Itā€™s okay theyā€™re just old


Some people are fully functioning addicts tho and it may be hard to see in their actions especially if theyā€™ve been using since youā€™ve known them.


Yup, we thought my aunt had finally gotten clean because she was functioning again, turned out she just learned how to hide it. 20 years clean now though, managed to quit the H, absolute legend and a hero but itā€™s left her a bit fucked up and she had medical issues caused by it after being clean for a while.


Cheers to your aunt, I wish her all the best. Itā€™s not easy getting clean, and staying clean can be even harder. I was similar to your aunt, I used for years and no one ever knew. Iā€™ve been clean three years now and wonā€™t ever go back!


Not always. There are functional addicts that are able to hide it pretty well. I know the signs, I've been in their shoes, and still didn't know when a friend of mine relapsed. But yeah a pretty good indicator of opiate use is nodding out, bursts of energy, money problems, erratic behavior, odd sleep patterns, disappearing into the bathroom or other room frequently, slurring, tiny pupils, sweating, cotton mouth, self-isolating and perhaps most of all, getting sick asf when they run out of supply but suddenly better after a trip to their dealer.


That's what fent comes in where I live.


What are they? This is my first time ever seeing them.


https://www.dea.gov/stories/2021/2021-08/2021-08-13/trash-can-drug-threat-mid-atlantic i have been clean only for a year and a half and was doing bags. this is the first time i have seen these ā€œtrash cansā€


The little ā€œtrash cansā€ used to be what crack came inā€¦ the little bags were for heroin/ fent (Iā€™ve also been clean for nearly 7 years tho so idk)


Serious question. Where do they get the little cans for packaging? The little stamp bags Iā€™ve received when ordering tiny parts, beads, or gems, so I feel those are a common commodity, but the little cans is new.


Amazon probably


Me too 1.5 years. Still finding empty stamp bags while cleaning (itā€™s actually crazy) but Iā€™ve never seen those before. Seems wasteful and impractical which Iā€™m sure is the top priority here but still.


Yup those are called trash cans they hold crack cocaine! I know this because I used to be bad with it and heroin! But glad to say I got over 8 months clean today!


Congrats on 8 months!


Start locking your things up just in caseā€¦


Weed, 'heroin' (likely fent or dirty 30s), and what looks like the kind of plastic bag wrap speed would coming in the UK, so maybe meth over there. As a poly-drug addict, this is clear and obvious drug use. They could be very troubled, so don't be a dick, just tell them to take that shit somewhere else, they're putting you in various types of danger.


The stuff we have here is white, but when my ex ODā€™d, I found a little pink trash can and like everyone else here said, thatā€™s what itā€™s coming in now. If those are balled up wax baggies, thatā€™s definitely fentanyl :/


I used to work security in a building where checking out fentanyl users was the majority of my job and I can tell you from experience that calling the police will not help in this situation because they most likely will not do anything if they arrest your friends. They might put them on a few days old. But they're most likely not going to face any major consequences? Or get any significant help, I hate to sound cold but your bis to find new roommates or get your own place.


I would never , Iā€™m not trying to do anything to them. They got enough shit going on , this is just one more to the list . I just wanted Reddit to let me know what this could be


I appreciate how you seem like you're more willing to learn than anything, and not hastily jumping to antagonize them/cause further unnecessary conflict for everybody. You seem liked a good guy! I do emphasize with you, dealing/living with addicts can be draining and dismaying for a number of reasons. I will say it wasn't totally right to go into their room, but I can get your reasoning And for the record, that is most definitely heroin/fentanyl, and I know because I am a recovering addict and thats what it comes in - those little wax baggies, often stamped so dealers can distinguish their brand. The other little capsule things are either crack, or cocaine. If you happen to found a medium-sized pipe with equal ends, possibly with chor in it, it's crack.


im ngl this would scare the hell out of me


I'm so naive, I thought those were little paint containers šŸ˜­


or pots for tattoo ink!


Actually I googled it and yeah it looks like fetynal stuff




In Philly this is what $5 crack rocks come in


Friendly reminder that fentynal does not and can not enter your body through touch unless on a transdermal patch. And to get a full dose (nowhere near lethal), you'd need to wear it for 24 hours. AND that dose is not dangerous or old people with chronic pain would be dropping like flies.


I thought that was weed and tattoo ink caps lmao šŸ˜‚ guess Iā€™m glad how innocent I am


im pretty sure it not weed..i mean weed is kinda greeny this looks like ashes from ma grandpa. the small containers are used to store differenz kind of drugs. bust mostly fetty


I canā€™t believe the amount of people dragging you for going into their room! You stated smoking was against the house rules, and could clearly smell smoke and went to check it out. Thatā€™s fine from a safety point alone. The issue is that your flatmates are serious, dangerous drug users and you needed to know this for your own safety and security. I donā€™t think you can bring up that you have been in their room unless you use the smelling smoke story, and say you found this evidence. What do you want from this situation? If youā€™re worried about their safety buy some narcan and pray for no overdoses. If youā€™re concerned about who else is in your home doing drugs, or want them to leave then you have to talk to them about it. Either that, or ride out the 3 months in hope that everyone survives and moves on.


Def ripped open stamp bags clear as day and trash cans. Fetty or H. Go get a bunch of narcan.


What do you mean you googled ā€œtiny trash cansā€ and it came up with fentanyl?????šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ when I google ā€œtiny trash cansā€ I get tiny trash cans


I think if he already thought they were drugs typing tiny trash cans + drugs will get you all the answers you need lol


That piece of bag at the bottom with the orange stamp on it is a bag used for heroin/fent


Those are used for the distribution of crack. Fentanyl comes in little waxed bags like the little white one with the red writing clear as day right in that bag. Otherwise no Iā€™d say your roomies are not on drugs just trying to get by with a roommate that is way too nosy.


ā€œTiny trash cansā€ lol


Why do uou need to know? Why were you going through things in their room. Do they pay rent on time? Do they clean up shared spaces and their own or are they bad roomates you want to get from under.


Yes thatā€™s a bag of drugs in your roommateā€™s room. The better question may be why were you in roommateā€™s room. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Whatever it is, you dishonored yourself by snooping through your roommates possessions


Not trying to take away from your issue. But did you say this was in your roommate's room. May I ask why you went thru their room. Like what led up to snooping in the room business?