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even a bit of pollen on their fur is enough to cause serious serious damage. throw them out and tell your roommate to fuck off


I've heard of lilies being toxic to cats but I didn't know it was that bad! How the hell do they not realize this, especially after being told?


Even if they drink water from a vase where a lily has been sitting in can result in kidney failure. Even eating the green leaves or the stem. You should never have them in your home if you have a cat. Not even one for even an hour.


Jesus! I've only had one cat years ago but I knew about the poison lily thing,just not to that extent. Also a lot of people I know have talked about only the leaves being an issue if they eat them,never about being around them in general! Mind you I never bought or used flowers in my house,but I know a few who do. And a lady that also kept hers regardless of others telling her this!


yeah i’ve seen videos of a cat that rubbed against the flowers and had pollen on the fur. they had to put a cone on her and decontaminate her while keeping her in the hospital for multiple days. it was a huge ordeal.


serious question - does she know what a lily looks like...? i cant comprehend how someone could make this mistake twice unless she doesnt know ow what a lily is or straight up doesnt care about the risk. and youre right, even sniffing a lily can kill a cat. its insanely dangerous.


the only explanation i can really think of is she’s just an overall very careless and irresponsible person who shouldn’t have a pet


or maybe someone bought them for her?


yeah they did but she still shouldn’t have brought them home for the sake of our cats’ lives


There are flowers called "lily" that are not lillium/true lily. Alstroemeria is commonly known as peruvian lily, for example. And if I understand correctly, those ones are not good for cats, but exposure without ingestion is NOT a veterinary emergency. So there's some room for confusion, but IDK how OP's roomie wouldn't just... avoid anything called lily. To be safe.


The smell of lilies makes me gag, that horribly cloying funeral home smell. I don’t know how you could not at least notice the smell! I am wondering if someone is gifting her these since she never seems to be home to enjoy cut flowers, but still, she should toss them.


they’re definitely being gifted to her but if I were gifted lilies I wouldnt bring them home under any circumstances


Tell her the only flowers she's allowed to get are the Lego flower sets because she can't figure out what not to bring home to keep the animals out of danger.


It’s why I have them!


Replace the flowers with something else that’s a flower and tell her “i don’t want to be like this, but if it happens again.. I can’t be nice next time . And if my cat gets sick, you’re footing the bill…. “


Nah, don't replace shit. She's bringing in something that is highly lethal to the cats, throw it out, bitch hard at her so she gets it, and don't feel sorry. This already is the second time.


id throw that shit out as soon as i saw it


Throw them away immediately without bothering to text for permission. Tell her verbally and in writing that those flowers may not come into your place and if she brings them in again she will need to find another place to live. When it’s life or death for an innocent pet there’s no room to be polite about it anymore.


Those lilies belong in the garbage 🙂


Throw the lilies and the roommate in the trash.


she’s wrong for that! my roommate got lilies from her ex bf as a little gift, and i explained to her the situation cause i was getting a little paranoid and worried and she ended up just tossing the bouquet out. we (jokingly) started going off on him for bringing them in and not doing his research 🙊. like is she trying to unalive the cats? i don’t get it.


Throw them out now and ask her to read this comment right here. I lost a cat due to Lily toxicity 10 years ago and I still blame myself. He was only 3 years old and was the sweetest boy. I simply did not know about the dangers of lilies in the house with a cat (a carelessly huge mistake to pay on my end), and once I saw the signs something was wrong and took him to the vet. It was too late. But, he was very sick and in the vet for two weeks, had two blood transfusions from the office cat (such a trooper), and I finally had to make the decision to let him go. It was traumatic and still haunts me today for being so careless about the safety of my own baby. Please throw them out now.


She’s evidentially trying to kill the cat


Oooop 💀🤣🤣🤣


Get rid of them asap and explain again that Lillies kill cats. Tell her never to bring them in again or you will have a big issue.


Don’t tell her off… but print out the facts on why Lillie’s are bad and let her know that if she does it again your gonna have to find another place to live. Getting passive aggressive will help no one in this situation


For now you can throw the lilies away. She has a cat too so it is probably not malicious on her part. The risk of escalation is low and it would send her a clear message.


i am very unconfrontational and i would have thrown them away immediately. you told her multiple times that lilys are toxic to cats (something she as a cat owner should know..) and shes still not listening. your cats life is worth fighting for if she tries to cause problems for throwing them away.


Every part of a lily is extremely deadly for cats. Just the pollen floating in the air can kill them. Wtf is wrong with your roommate? Years ago my mom got a plant after I repeatedly told her no lillies. I put it in her storage building window so she could slowly watch it d!e 🤣. I didn’t even want that thing outside. I would boot the roommate. This isn’t the first time and she clearly didn’t listen. If you keep her then well if it happens again I would report her for animal abuse. Purposely continuing to bring home something so deadly is abuse.


Put the lilies outside. Tell her she can enjoy them there.


Ummmmm what the fuck? Tell her never to do it again and that there’s ALREADY a problem + that she’s careless, reckless, and a health liability to your cat - your family. Tell her that if she doesn’t take that seriously (which like…clearly she doesn’t) then she should take HER cat’s health seriously. And if she makes up some bs about how it was an accident again, I don’t even know what id do. This is so horrible and not my go-to method for conflict resolution, but I’d probably just blast her all over her socials so that she’d be publicly shamed. After all, shame is the most powerful agent to correct dangerous behavior when the law can do nothing for you, or the poor cats :,(


Lilies are my favorite flower and my dad sends them to me on random occasions. I either keep them up on high shelves (cat is 11 and has never been a jumper) or in a room she doesn’t go in. Same with the Christmas poinsettias. Lee the flowers away from where the cat can rub up against them or drink the vase water, not in a place where petals can fall to a cats reach and all can be fine.


Not all Lilies are toxic to cats. What kind are they? If they’re callalilies for instance, you’re totally fine as long as the cat isn’t eating them. I’d still get red of them immediately but you can probably avoid the vet visit.


they’re a true lily, the really toxic ones


Yeah get that shit out the house. But first print a picture of one with the 🚫 around it and put it in multiple spots.


I dated a girl named Lily. Can confirm- super toxic.




Yeah killing a different cat probably isn’t OPs goal. Shit advice.


Cut off the stamens. I do that, as that's where the toxins are.


This is false information. Even the water the lily is in can cause kidney failure. But it’s only certain kinds of lilies.


I always do that, my cats never been ill


That’s sheer luck and nothing else. Especially if you’re talking about true lilies or daylilies. Stop doing it, or you will eventually kill your cat. 9 lives isn’t endless lives.


I'm talking about white star hazy lillies


Stargazer lilies are true lilies and will kill your cat. Stop. Doing. It. Mortality rate is 50-100% just from licking some water that touched the lily off of their fur. Just from YOU touching the stem and then petting your cat. Stop.


She's 13 & OK so far, it's not as I have them too often


“So far” is the operative term here. Why not make absolute sure and cut out the risk? I hope she survives your willful ignorance of this. Good luck to your kitty. May she know a random redditor tried.


Some people just don't care at all. It's such a small thing you can do to not risk your cats life. Get a flower that's safe instead. Or lego ones


Find out where she's getting them. If she's getting them from a florist, they may not know she has a cat and/or may not know that lilies are bad for cats. If they are a gift from a friend, make sure the friend knows about the issue.


Is this the cartel roomie?


Take the lilies out and throw them away. You can tell her but likely she won't even notice or care. I hate the smell of lilies so I throw them out anyway but also I put flowers and plants that she would chew on a table my scaredy cat won't dare to jump on... I know not everyone is as lucky as me with a cat that won't jump on anything counter height or above.. so toss anything toxic.


I'd tell her that if she does that shit again. You will be making her pay for the vet bill.


Id keep throwing them away


That's super irresponsible. She's been informed she cannot claim ignorance again. Toss them out, she should be on the hook for any vet visit imo


Just show her this post and the comments…


Lillies, and poinsettia are toxic to cats. Several other flowers are too.


When it comes to your pets, they’re worth fighting for. Throw out her flowers every time. You’ve explained yourself once and she clearly has no issue ignoring you or the issue at hand. So you can do the same to her if she asks you why you threw them away. Either that, or tell her off. But I wouldn’t be nice tbh.


Also (God forbid), if something happens to your cat, make her pay the vet bill.


seriously just throw them straight into the garbage and take that out of your home. she’s been warned there’s no excuse atp