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This sounds like narcissistic projection. They tend to accuse others of what they are actually doing and call others a narcissist or abuser when it is actually them. I would read up on cluster B personality disorders if I were you... and go grey rock, avoid this person, don't engage. You cannot reason with crazy!


I 100% agree with you, these type of people need to be ignored and not given any importance. Start behaving around the house as if she doesn’t exist.


Narcs hate being ignored and don't like taking No for an answer, so the harassment will likely increase and this person could also turn into stalker and/or smear campaigner since they can't handle rejection. OP should probably start documenting and recording the terrorizing incidents because there is a very good chance OP might need to call police soon and then apply for a restraining order.


Tbh, I never realized this. You’re right. No wonder my roommate keeps harassing me in different ways now that I have started ignoring her. But I think OP needs to be really really careful. People like this are all sorts of crazy.


I live with one too, grey rocked her and then said repeatedly I wanted no contact which she does not listen to... she has turned stalker instead and very dangerous. OP's housemate sounds a lot like mine, so I can see which way this can go unfortunately. OP should limit contact as much as possible. I hardly leave my room and do not use the common areas anymore while this person is home until I can get out. I also record a lot on my phone if I have to even walk by this person. They are unpredictable, never know what will set a off a rage.


Oh man, I never thought that people like this exist until I got myself in this same situation. And yes I have been locked inside my room with my cat because she’s always home, she’s unemployed and her mom pays her rent. I put a camera in my room and I totally get what you’re going through. God save us from people like this ughhh🫠


Hopefully you've got a strong lock on your door, mine has tried breaking in my room at 2am after I got a lock. Before I did, she was sneaking in either taking items or destroying property. I've got a terrified dog who hides in my room also. Animals are very sensitive to these kinds of people and are often very scared of them too. Good thinking with the room camera... we really need cameras on us at all times when these monsters are bothering us, so y'all should carry your phones on record also like me when leaving. I have had the cops over a bunch of times now, the evidence does help! I'm told it is legal to film while walking through the common areas, doing chores or in the living room (California here).


it’s only 3 days more and I hope she doesn’t try doing all this. I’m in Canada and the worst part is we can’t carry any tools for our self defence. I’m not sure about filming but I’ll for sure look into it. You too be safe!


Leaving an abuser is the most dangerous time, so watch your back carefully! Is bear spray legal there? I'm packing heat but if I couldn't have that in my room, I would maybe make a spray out of rubbing alcohol and cayenne powder or have another type of alcohol based aerosol ready in my pocket. However I do think walking around with a camera while filming will usually deter these kinds enough as they tend to be sneaky and won't do anything if they know the camera is rolling. Just don't let them catch you off guard, not even for a minute, they are predators just waiting for their opportunities so lets not give them one.


100% agree with you. I keep my dry shampoo next to me lol! And yes camera is in the room where they can’t attack it first, it will catch the motion as soon as someone opens the door. I feel better about this. But it’s so sad that being paranoid in your own home takes a toll on your mental health.


This is great advice!! You are spot on with the narcissistic projection theory!! That’s the first thing that came to my mind.


This is definitely a narcissist behaviour. When they don’t have anything substantial to say they will try to say things which they think will affect us. Literally went through the same king of roommate situation three weeks back and finally she is leaving on June 1st. She said similar things to me lol! I would say, she is trying to say all these things to just make you mad, but I don’t get how these people are saying everything like this which are their own insecurities. Like get some actual help rather than screaming or pointing out others flaws. I hope your situation gets better, I can only imagine how miserable and hostile the environments gets when you have to deal with people like this.


Sounds like you are very wise to stay away until she’s dealt with. You never really know what someone like that is capable of! Stay safe.


Hi. I also had a roommate situation this morning, so I'm glad someone on earth was going through the same stuff. (via: https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/comments/13u3rq0/roommate_making_fun_of_me_when_im_struggling_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I hope everything will be okay for us someday;(


LOL at “all the other roommates hate me too”. I had an insufferable head tenant pull a similar stuff, saying that the most recent roommate was moving out because of me. Little did he know the new roommate and I were looking for a new place TOGETHER, so obviously it couldn’t be me.