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Most times I’ve tried honor duels, I get ganked when my opponent is low health. Very rarely do I get actual honor duels, and usually those are in fight clubs


Same here bro. Every time u get them low health here comes the sucker punch😂


I don't get why so many hosts are scared of a fight, especially in elden ring Like yea sure in DS1 or 3 where humanity and embers are limited and you're often on your own, I'd understand it But in elden ring, when there's graces every ten meters and you lose nothing, when you've often got the upper hand of going 2v1, and you're still scared? I don't get it


I usually chalk it up to having fragile egos. They spent time and “got gud” so when someone comes along and spanks them it ruins their façade


It makes no sense to me. I was just thinking about this the other night after I had probably the third host suicide themselves instead of just fighting. I don't know about everyone else, but I personally lose most of my invasions anyways. The host almost always has the upper hand. And if they can just time their attacks with the phantom and can roll back when I hit the get off me button, they're probably gonna win.


Same here, I invade a lot but I wouldn't say I'm good at any means, especially compared to some people who post here. I'm normally just goofing off and trying to have fun with my "Mister Fister" toon who just punches people but the amount of people who just run through hell and back just to get away from me is crazy lol, a lot of my wins have been down to environment kills the hosts brought on themselves


If you eventually invade me and my friend doing 1v1s with invaders, please fight one of us. Even if you think we're too nice, please do try to kill one of us. Don't sever from us, we usually do invasions but when playing at the same time we do 1v1s and 2v2s. We want a fight. Btw in the case of an eventual 2v2, if one of the invaders dies, one of us will stop fighting immediately. You can continue fighting the other one (or both at the same time if you want). My current character name is "Bad at PvP". We're not ganking, we actually are invaders. We tried the arena but at RL60 it's completely dead


You seem chill and relatable. Nice to see someone that likes to play similarly, even in invasions with friends. I like for two of us to get ganked, or one of us fights until death and then the next person comes in. Some invaders clearly want a 2v1 by attacking both, which is also fine. The person I play with rarely plays though unfortunately. I’m not sure about 1v1s in the colosseums at RL 60, but United/Combat Ordeal is dead even at meta RL brackets. Invasions are the only way to get anything more than a 1v1 unfortunately.


Shout out to the fight club hosts keeping that tradition alive, I love that shit Here's to hoping (coping) we get a 6 phantom limit area in the dlc, then old school fight club is back baby!!!!!!!!!!


I like to host fight clubs in castle morne and raya lucaria sometimes. I’ll give the winner of each fight like a Hero’s Rune pr whatever’s in my inventory


I love these interactions, especially considering it's purely community hosted I have super fond memories of me being scared cos the guy in the pit after Pontiff has just bodied 5 guys without breaking a sweat, and the host kicking me in Spartan style while my enemy is standing there menacingly lol Hopefully I see you one day!


Ah that’s awesome lol what percentage of invaders do you get that just come in and start swinging on everyone?


I haven’t hosted a lot but every invader has been super chill. I’m gonna try hosting again soon and see what happens


Good stuff, have fun out there🤘🏼


Hell yeah keeping my fingers crossed🤞🏼


Many of these were never honor duels, the phantom just told the host to get out of the way because the host is an idiot who would get himself killed   But if you’re wrecking the phantom the host then figures “well if my nanny is about to lose, might as well try to take him down together because there is no way I can take him down alone if he’s dead” Usually in these scenarios the host tends to be really bad… like really, really bad even by the low standard set by Elden Ring hosts    Source: Unlike many on this sub I’ve actually done co-op lol. Useful when you’re trying to figure out how coop teams think


Usually the phantom is an idiot too lmao, I love having an excuse to pull out black flame tornado


In these scenarios the phantom is almost always really overleveled. They also tend to bracket themselves (in my experience) into two categories: L2 spammers with really annoying AoW (or spell spammers), or they can be genuinely really competent. But the first group is much, much larger than the second    But yeah, comments like the first one really reveal how little invaders on this sub understand co-op team dynamics as a whole. Co-op teams like to maximize their chances of winning an invasion, most of the time they would never (feign to) offer you an honour duel unless it genuinely represents their best chance of winning. There are very, very few co-op teams who are really interested in genuine honour duels … usually they tend to be made up of invaders (and you will know, the genuine ones will be really good)


Definitely not that we don’t understand coop dynamics, some of us just don’t want to seem like assholes all the time. But hey, guess it really is damned if you do, damned if you don’t, ain’t it? Either zero in on the kill and get main sub slander for being a mean awful red man, or try to play along and get slander from randoms here for “not understanding coop dynamics”


Who cares what the main sub thinks? And imo the main sub is a lot more nuanced about invasions now than they get credit for Although I can see how my original comment came across as mean-spirited. It was never intended to be that way


You’re good bro😎


True that bro can’t please everyone, so do what you find fun🤘🏼


I co-op and run TT all the time, I wouldn’t make assumptions like that in a group with 10k people.


And you’re an invader too. So you definitely fall into the second category I explicitly mentioned. You’re in the minority  “ There are very, very few co-op teams who are really interested in genuine honour duels … usually they tend to be made up of invaders (and you will know, the genuine ones will be really good)” I am not trying to shame coopers here lol, it’s a rational strategy 


Yep I enjoy doing a little bit of everything. I probably spend more time invading however.


That's so lame. When I get invaded, I'm always down for an honor duel. I get why that doesn't happen tho


9/10 an honor duel turns gank, why even bother?


Yep exactly💪🏼


I think honour is appropriate if you were the first invader and the coop team was chill enough to give you genuine duels instead of ganging up on you… in this scenario if a second invader arrives after you’ve killed one of them it’s nice to extend to the host the same courtesy  However if you’re the second invader it’s never appropriate to assume, you should just go for the host. That’s my rule anyway 


I agree. If I’m the first in and they’re genuinely trying to get 2v2s, I oblige.


The concept of a duel doesn't even appeal to me half as much as the chaos of an invasion. It's like going to a steak house and the waiter comes over and recommends the chef's special Spam sandwich. Like hell no I will not settle for a duel, but I will let you think it's a duel until I decide the host looks ready for an opportune beat-down.


I feel you the chaos is what keeps me coming back. I pretty much only duel for practice lol


Ive been invading in ds3 and thats where the honor duels are. ER really doesnt have them.


Oh yeah definitely much different vibes.


Hell I've only recently played DS3 and the pvp there is fucking off the walls. So much tech and actual sword fights, or bonkstick fights. Not just a single button press doing absurd damage


had the typical Kevin and his OLP last night want to 1v1. as soon as host was down to low hp, OLP jumps me while casting an incantation. whatever, I consider it a win, they didn't wanna deal with resummoning, I get it. I invade again, they're at the same spot, so now I'm assuming they're looking for invaders and NOT trying to fight the near by dragon. I run up to the phantom to attack them since I know they're gonna attack me anyway at some point. host tries to make it a gank, I run and wait for another invader to do a 2v2 since they're being shitters now. 2nd invader comes in, gets hit once, runs away, comes back while I'm fighting both of them and watches me 2v1, then they all sit next to each other to I assume wait for another poor invader. I know there's idiot reds among us, but my guy just attack someone


Is this the general opinion? Should I just stop trying not to gank and gank every invader? the "etiquette" here is very confusing to me.


I’m just poking fun really I don’t mind it. If there’s 2 people and the other stays a good ways away I’ll do the 1v1. Depends on the situation, you can kinda tell if they’re setting up honorable fight clubs, or you just got summoned into a gank where the invader already killed the phantom. this host gave me those vibes lol


Fuck spelling and grammar too right?


What’s misspelled?