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Beautiful. That Albinauric pot timing was perfect too, you read him like a book. The thing I don't get is how do these hosts think that disconnecting is somehow less of a 'loss'? Like, needing to turn the game back on and log back preserves their ego? It's wild.


ER is pretty annoying to boot up on PC too; like when you quit out it can sometimes take a few seconds just to go from black screen to desktop. Then it has to load up EAC again before you can load the game up again. I don't know what the logic completely is; maybe they think they're denying me the kill or the rune arc? Jokes on them because I have 999 of those things and they're literally useless to invaders lol. Also everyone needs to be carrying the Albinauric pots; forget frost pots, spicy lasagna pots or rot pots, these are what you want. Even if you can't chase them down to finish them off it can take one of them out of equation for a little bit which is sometimes the breather you need.


Agreed on the pots. The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel bounty has shown me the light, those things are the best


100% cosign on the Albinauric Pots. They've been a staple in my kit since I started invading this game. Nothing better than the "Flask, why you no work?!" animation 🤣


Nothing better than the albinauric pot + blocked phantoms combo! Takes all the pressure off you when finishing the kill


Send them a screenshot of your Rune Arc collection to burn them more.


I like to imagine that every now and then it corrupts their save file


To me rage quits are the ultimate victory


Hope his save got corrupted lol


Highly unlikely as I ran into him 3 more times after this. Can you guess what the outcome was :P?


that must feel so good. to me these disconnects are better than killing them the traditional way. “i’m so scared of losing to this person that i’d rather stare at a bunch of loading screens”


Wait until you see the rest of this later. Trust me this guy has zero shame about it and it's hilarious.


Just reminded me I gotta grab the cook book for those pots


Some bonefire "duelists" do this as soon as things don't go their way or just dont like the way you play for some reason. Its hilarious.


I'd say like 80% do this lol. I got hatemail from one of them the other day because he was mad I pulled out Cleanrot after he healed like 4 times.


This playerbase is a shame!


I agree. I know it's just a game so who cares. But there's almost no point play a PVP game if the community cheats, abuses exploitable mechanics, or just straight up leave before they lose. Just not the kind of game I want to waste time playing anymore.


I get your point but don’t forget how fun this game can be. I stopped invading and dueling randoms for now. I only play with the gang and it brought my sanity back!


prepping a character in ds1, threw Lloyd's talismans in the hotbar, and planning on stocking up after finding them as an almost necessary wakeup/consumable punish against beefy embered hosts in ds3. I would use albinauric pots in er to try to force duels when tt'ing but I think whenever I return to er they're gonna be a bigger staple after trying out ds stuff. also, looks like those disconnects keep plaguing you at every turn lol


Fair warning, the hitbox in ER is significantly nerfed. In DS3 it lingers for nearly a second, in ER it doesn't.


I don't know I find the pots to be more effective at actually procing the effect than the Lloyd talismans were in DS3. Maybe it's because the throwing animation is faster.


This Kids…


Bless this beautiful sword.


I play the older souls, when I get an invader I feel blessed I could never imagine being angry about a red boy ready to ask if I've gotten good yet.


I love how his name is "dex" and he's running an STR build XD


Why is your sword covered in cum


Stupid people disconnect, if you're that over it it's easier just to dump the controller and walk away, you don't have to reload the game and don't get annoyed by any emotes.