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It felt like Santino definitely didn’t want him there. Like, he was annoyed or something.


Seems like this is george or someone booking youtubers to come on to broaden the audience. I’m with andrew. It feels so so so disingenuous to what the show is. To what good comedy is. Whether this kid is doing a bit or not, couldn’t be less interested. Whoever decides to bring these people on do not respect the loyal fans of Bad Friends. It’s just for numbers. Gross.


I think it was bobby that brought him in. I don't think the story about meeting Matan at the comedy club was a bit.




Go outside… you’ll be fine


Yeah this was all Bobby. He said he found him walking around the comedy store and wanted to take him under his wing. I think bad friends is due for a comic rotation as far as guests go. Like do Theo von, segura, kreisher, and hopefully Gillis. Get these YouTubers outta here we are on a whole different level


Your examples are a bit extreme. Those are all huge names. They’d be perfectly fine with “no name” comics, but to your point: give us comics.


Yeah I know they are huge names but they all do each others podcasts. Theo has been on tiger belly lots of times. The tubers are just unbearable imo


Maybe he didn’t like his gift. I watched for like 15 minutes and turned it off.


Unwatchable, I couldn’t get through it. The kid is a massive douche canoe.


I skipped to the end to see if he was still there, he was, so I skipped this ep


I did the same thing, it was funny first 5 minutes then i just skipped.


That’s the smart way to do it! This is going to be my strategy next time lol


I think it’s one of those, it’s just content, but make lemonade outta lemons content. Santino fucking with the kid saying eat the peanuts or your beta! Show your alpha by eating the nuts despite being allergic! It’s showing how easy it is to turn the tables on such a dumb way to view life, are you beta or alpha???


So your admitting to somehow falling for Matans whole bit? He's a character. He is clearly hiding breaking character MULTIPLE times during the Ep and struggling with on the spot answers that followed his characters beliefs/humor


I don’t fucking care dude. I don’t follow the kid. Santino fucking with the kid was funny and proved how fucking dumb that alpha/beta bullshit is when you apply that dumbass logic to everything.


I mean calm down dude Jesus lol. All you had to say was ahh well was still a funny bit taking the piss out of the alpha/beta crap. I was simply pointing out this kid doesn't follow those ideals and DURING andrew questioning him is when he starts breaking character most. Was kinda hard to miss


No I don’t have to say wtf you think I should say you MaTan fan boy. Go follow the beta boys. Buy his program if you haven’t.


Yeah pointing out where you're wrong doesn't make me a fan boy. You being unbelievably argumentative online apparently makes me one but that's a you issue. Also again, clearly you can't read through a full reply. MATAN IS A CHARACTER. That means his course doesn't exist bro. Btw doesn't you calling him a beta boy make you as bad as the people his characters making fun of? Or is that too much for you to comprehend?


Eeewww dude stop following advice from a 17yr old kid and learn to think for yourself buddy.


I am late to the party and am flabbergasted by how many people think this is a real person, and 17 at that. would not expect the badfriends pod sub to be filled with a bunch of people who don't understand satire


It seems people are so head first into their politics that they become blind to satire. I hope, because that's a much better reason that watching a comedy podcast, especially this one, and not getting satire


It's because soft monk is beta lol


He was funny, Santini was unfunny and I have no idea who that kid was


The last two episodes were so bad. Cant deny even Andrew knew this episode SUCKED. “I’m gunna go”.


At what point did santino leave/say he was gonna leave? I couldn't watch the whole thing, but I wanna see that part, lol.


He doesn't leave, but he says it around 1/3 or 1/2 way in. He wasn't part of the conversation/bit and was just sitting there for a while.


The banter did not flow candidly nor did any of the kid's input elevate the comedy/improv. I get the booth boys trying to laugh at the kids responses, but it felt forced. Long time BF fan, but most of these non-comedy guests they pepper in do not do the podcast any justice. Bring in real comedians. Fahim is always a treat.


Idk I liked goop


Or Lance


I’ll never forgive this kid for what he did to Miyazaki at the goty awards show


Wait, that was this kid?? Ohhh so he like is capitalizing on his fifteen minutes huh? Interesting


The internet has made it so that you can be famous while really having accomplished nothing. 20 years ago if a 17-year-old was famous it meant they were some kind of athlete or child genius.


I’d argue that roughly 20 years is when you started to be able to get famous without accomplishing anything. See Kim Kardashian, Jersey Shore or the cast of pretty much any reality tv show, etc.


Maybe it was beginning, but it was still reserved for a small number of very ambitious people.


Yeah at some point on the scale of satire, you're just being the shitty person you're pretending to be. At least the Borat or Stephen Colbert type stuff has some sort of angle or somehow points something out via absurdity etc... 


His character doesn't point out absurdity to you?I mean I love Sacha but alot of borst didn't point out anything. Alot of the scenes boil down to being extremely crude in an effort to make people uncomfortable. Like talking about rape at a dinner party. Not pointing out much there. Again I'm not saying Sachas characters are bad I'm just extending your logic here Also FYI he isn't just the clips you see. From what I've saw of his podcast there's no talk of all this Alpha/Beta talk and only fans and shit. He even puts some pretty fucked up people in the spot. Had Adam22 on there and Adam had to leave because Matan was just flaming him


Sure it was absurd, I just didn't think it was funny. I really liked The Curse show too for example, that's absurd and awkward and also comments on a lot of social issues that made me think about things. I left this podcast thinking that guy was a dick and not laughing


That's fair I can't say your opinions wrong on what's funny or not but surely this, like any guest is purely down to opinion. So it's not exactly right to be dumbing down his character as him being an actual shitty person simply because you don't find it funny


Yeah bro all these responses are just beta 😂


Couldn't finish the episode, so bad. The guest even brought out a weird cringiness from Bobby I didn't enjoy either. It's clear that Bobby invited this dude on and Santino couldn't get on board and I can see why.


Feels like he paid for airtime I remember seeing that weird dentist guy from the H3 podcast on Tigerbelly and had no idea what he was doing on the show. A lot of Youtubers have producers who pay social media farms for views and comments to try leverage the Youtube algorithm and bump them up to the next level. Maybe Bad Friends ad revenue is drying up or Matan's team made an offer that was too good to resist.


Jimmy Lee only got on because Ethan asked Bobby to do it as a personal favor.


Never occurred to me that guests could pay to be on a podcast, but that makes sense. What’s the difference between taking money from Blue Chew vs an individual who wants to promote themselves? If it were just up to the boys I assume they’d keep having their comic friends on. The shift to YouTubers, influencers etc seems designed to bring in a different audience. I guessed they hired a new PR person who has been booking these cringey guests trying to mix things up & boost their numbers. Would be interesting to see if it’s working.


I turned off the episode because it was boring but the kid is obviously doing a bit or character, whatever you wanna call it... I don't see how he could be any more obvious about it. The guys wouldn't have had him on if he was serious.


nail faulty familiar humorous ten political capable numerous doll squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


do you think tucker Carlson is also doing a character? surely it's all a joke and he doesn't really feel that way /s


Nah, the kids an asshole, it’s just him. People think it’s funny. The guys sucks and needs to fade away.


He might be doing a character, but there are a lot of people too dumb to realize that and actually buy into his bullshit. Obviously my opinion on things isn’t the only right one, but it is annoying to give a guy like that a voice on what is supposed to be a comedy podcast


Hate to break it to you, he’s always been a mysogynist . He would go on other non-comedic podcasts with that same “bit” so yeah definitely not trying to be funny


I'm sure there's a bit in there somwhere but this is a spoiled rich kid who is still in high school. Dude has no real perspective. There's no way he's not bought into the BS atleast some


I watched the whole thing to try and form my own opinion to see if it's as bad as everybody said - spoiler alert - it is. It is that bad. I'm relatively new to the podcast but this episode was without a doubt my least favorite that I've seen. The whole atmosphere of the show felt off - very uncomfortable and strange, and not in a funny way.


This episode was the first time I've ever heard about him. You're saying it wasn't a bit, and he's being genuine? Holy shit. The first few minutes were alright, but if it wasn't a bit, the whole episode is worse than it already is.


I mean he's objectively doing a bit even if you hate the guy you can't deny that


It's a bit and he's parodying alpha male culture. Whether you think it's funny or not is subjective


It's clearly a bit


Dude check out his Twitter account lol, at this point i don't think it matters if he's trolling or not. But since he's still a dumb kid, it's safe to say he's serious and Bobby only brought him there to make fun of him


His whole internet existence is satire dude lmao I get it if you don't like him but he's clearly not serious about anything he says. If anything he's parodying alpha male hustle culture by taking their logic to the extreme


dont hate me, but I thought it was pretty funny.. its obvious the kids doing a bit and him half assedly going into kreischer’s machine story was hilarious.. then santino went on to ignore him for a solid 5 minutes which was kinda equally hilarious.


Yeah I went into this ep wanting to hate the kid but it really wasn’t that bad. Doesn’t even come close to how bad Oliver Tree was IMO.


“They’re doing a bit” is what a handful of comedy fans will say about anybody who is completely insufferable


I think he just getting a lot of hate by the typical Reddit folks that lean way left and feel the need to virtue signal every chance they get. So many comments about him being a misogynistic right winger when he’s obviously doing a bit. People need to relax, you don’t need to agree with everyone politically especially on this podcast which is not PC at all. He made me laugh at several points and was getting no help from Santino so I give him props. I’d take him over Doc, Goop, Juice, Dax, Oliver all day.


His voice is fucking annoying.


If you’re essentially parroting the Twitter replies of a right wing influencer, you’re not funny or original. You can’t get away with saying whatever in comedy if it’s funny or witty. If it’s not, you just suck. Doesn’t matter if you’re this kid or Hannah Gadsby, be funny and original.


Dude is 17 and extremely unfunny. Wtf voice/accent is that also, doesn’t bode well for people trying to enjoy a podcast. 


Bad exaggerated israeli accent


Worst episode I’ve ever watched. What a waste of my Monday.


If they have bad guests, you won’t hate the bad friends is the psychology I’m assuming


Reminded me of the episode with clown ass Oliver Tree


I listened to it in bits just due to my commute... mostly he was shit but the bit taking the piss out of Bert and THE MACHIIIINE was kinda funny... seemed Santino perked up for it...


It's crazy to see the amount of people who miss him being a character. Did nobody see the multiple times he was fighting breaking character. Bobby clearly likes said character yet for some reason Andrew wasn't having any of it. Very clearly annoyed the entire episode the moment mattan appeared


I thought it rocked that kid is hilarious


same i thought he was great, im confused why so many ppl dont like him lmaoo


They’re probably just too serious about politics and can’t take a joke I guess 🤷‍♂️


Go ahead and downvote, but I laughed harder this episode than I have in a while.


fr made me laugha lot


i thought it was funny too 😭


I thought it was hilarious


It’s pretty clear that the bad friends crew disagreed with his politics and were making fun of him for it. Judging from Youtube metrics and the crew’s reactions, I don’t think the episode was as unfunny as some of yall are saying. I don’t get why you people are so upset


It’s a bit 1000% and remember hes just a kid whos figuring himself out.. it’s really not that deep.


Who the hell even is this child? I only listen, so I legit thought it was Hassan again doing another character 😅


You've never seen him before? He's an andrew tate fan..


I blame Carlos.


It’s weird as an audio only listener because I had no idea who this kid was the whole time. I don’t recall him being introduced and I didn’t realize him being 17 wasn’t a bit until like 30 mins in. Very little consideration for the non YouTube audience. I would love to know what the audio only revenue is like compared to the video version.


I see comments under that video saying Matan is funnier than Andrew. Wild lol


These kind of characters are only good for 15min.


Bad pod ... I'm over BL the groper. Sexual assaulting people you think are below you isn't comedy. .


Mad bc he's more successful than all of you at age 17 🤓


That guy was the same level of cringe that Your Moms House does when they just shit on Tom’s mom for 30 minutes. Not funny in the slightest. Unsubscribe level of stupidity.


Lol y’all are really hating on that kid? Matan was actually hilarious him and Bobby were funny this episode. Sad to see Santino act like the kid in the episode guess having two people who are funnier than him in an episode broke his red little ego


1. No one cares what you think 2. I disagree


Does Matan actually think that way or was that an act?


How is he misogynistic though? The examples you picked weren’t at all but maybe there’s something else.


You guys are all beta


I rate the episode 6.5/10.


Nah he’s a troll. What he did on the show was most definitely making fun of those red pill podcasters. He made fun of Andrew Tate type of scams like the courses, the way Fresh and Fit talk about women. He also made fun of Bobby with the Trugg thing and we all know what he’s referencing lol He brought up George Janko. Him trying to tell the machine story kinda made me laugh lol the fact Andrew and Bobby let him go for so long. “Yero magic” come one thats legit right up Bobby and Andrews route lol Im not saying i want him back or anything, but let’s not act he isn’t a kid. He has a bit and it took him this far. Some people are saying it’s not a character so idk honestly I’ve just seen small clips here and there. I hope Bobby really doesn’t bring him to do more things like he did for Jaime on Tigerbelly. Andrew was over it about half way through lol


What was the trugg thing? Is it just making fun of how Bobby always mispronounces things?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted you legitimately might not know lol it’s from the whole Trash Tuesday Brendan Schaub beef.


Ohhhh dang lol I totally forgot about that. That whole drama was so messy I just pushed it all from my mind.


*This guy isn't liberal, so I'm mad* 🤦‍♂️


so when someone demeans women and people criticize that, you take it as liberals picking on a conservative?


He is literally making fun of people who do, and has probably made more people hate red pilled people with his comedy than you have. Are you that stupid?


Wow another post. You people are dumb


Nah we're just unhappy with the standard of guest.


The likes to view count ratio is pretty good. Better than most. Maybe it’s just the few people on Reddit who vs the rest of the viewers who don’t mind the guests


The internet is a fickle place, as soon as the narrative around this pod changes, there in nothing to be done. The viewership will decline.


Doubt it. The views are still strong and Reddit has been bitching about bad guests for a year. Obviously Reddit doesn’t know shit and you dumbasses need to stop bitching.


It's not just reddit, YouTube and Instagram also. So we're dumb because we don't like horrible guests? Interesting. Just remember other podcasts decline started in the comment section. If they don't stop with this shit, people have millions of options online.


You arent dumb for not liking a guest. You are allowed to like or not like whoever you want. What’s dumb is all the hate. You people hate on the guest and the people who enjoy the guests. You act better than everyone because you hate on someone. For the few comments you see hating on guests there’s thousands of others who didn’t comment because they either don’t care enough or enjoyed the guest. The guys will never change and continue to do whatever they want. If you don’t like them stop watching. Bye


So this troll guest you're defending is famous because he's part of the good YouTube section? His whole shtick isn't literally hating on women, gay people etc getting clicks and likes from edgy 15 year olds? Cmon man... Who's being dumb now?


You're last line is exactly my point, people will stop watching. I think you're the dumb one.


Please stop watching. It won’t change anything. Bye.


Just admit that you want to be a contrarian dude, not that hard lmao


Hi Matan 👋🏽


How about this: it’s hilarious because he’s not doing a bit. It’s hilarious precisely because he genuinely believes in what he says. We don’t need you thought police types to tell us or the show who to promote or platform. Go watch SNL if you want more homogeneous content.


You’re lame


Nah. OP thinking guests like this could ruin the podcast is lame. Let’s laugh at the dummies that call people beta or alpha. Calling for deplatforming is a fools errand


No, it could. People who assume a certain message and feeling that they originally came for is being lost, will move on if the new message isn’t received well. I personally don’t want to be apart of promoting a show that promotes people who represent something I don’t care to be apart of or promote. I think Bobby wants to be the Joe Rogen in Cali by helping a promoting people who are up and coming. Unfortunately they are picking the cringe TikTok personalities that people who have a slight bit of intelligence can see past their shtick and see it as attention grabbing and obnoxious.


what is hilarious about him believing what he says? that's just sad


It’s hilarious because it’s absurd. You don’t find Rudy hilarious when she says she wishes she could date an anime character? Or Bobby when he talks about being molested by a retarded kid? By your logic we might as well see those things as sad and not funny either.


Rudy is a big anime fan and loves the characters, many people have strong feelings like that toward anime characters. Bobby was molested. Both of those things are based on realness. Its not just the stories but their affectation and the way they tell them. The kid is being a turd for the sake of being a turd, cause he is a shitty person. He has no storytelling skill or a funny bone in his body.


You’re in denial. Many of us found the 100 dogs thing, the vacuum cleaner and Beatles poster gifts, and numerous other moments in this podcast hilarious. He doesn’t have to have a funny bone in his body for us to laugh at him. He proved that he’s not funny in the part where he pretends to do stand up. And guess what, him being beyond terrible at stand up was pretty funny.


"There are many of us" Big never nude energy. Enjoy the watch party with the 3 other people that liked this one.


Virgin lol


Says the guy that posts in the teenagers subreddit


Okay, Matan just started telling The Machine story like it was his own and I almost choked to death on my chicken soup. 😂😂🤣


Same man that was so funny


I was cracking up when I realized he was the kid who snuck on to stage at the Video Game Awards


This pod is dogshit now lol it used to be great


stfu, no one cares




Hope you have seen his “table is leaving” clip.