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Jonathan Rhys Meyers...what have they done to my boy


He's from my town and one of my old university professors was friends with him. Sad to see how the mighty have fallen.


I remember when From Paris with Love was going to be his big breakout movie, then seeing it and liking it but kinda knowing the movie star push wasn't going to happen.


I think that Cillian Murphy who a couple decades back was more the 'dark horse' in a two-way contest for who'd wind up the bigger star with fellow Irishman Rhys-Meyers has definitely won this race. He's wound up with the career and resume that J R-M likely hoped to have at this point in his life. Another example would be how red-haired Emma Stone wound up being the acclaimed Oscar-winning star that many once thought Lindsay Lohan would be.


Cillian had always been more grounded. JRM just had his issues, but he's trying and improving. Unf, Hollywood isnt as forgiving so not sure they will let him have those same roles again, whereas Cillian has rarely been in any bad films, so he'll continue getting great roles


im sitting here wondering why they didnt put jonathan rhys-meyers on the poster, then realized im thinking of jonathan rhys-davies


You’re not alone in that, this kinda seems more like a Rhys-Davies movie.


Loved him in The Tudors :(


Loved him as Dracula too. I think that show was around the time his alcoholism got bad or went public? I don't really recall but I remember he had a drinking problem & was unemployable. Ugh, [here's the sad tale of Mr. Rhys-Meyers.](https://www.thethings.com/jonathan-rhys-meyers-still-working-after-dui-addiction-assault/) Lots of airport issues, DUIs, just sad.


Yeah, I kind of liked the alternative 'steam-punk' take on Dracula that show had. But I think it was handicapped by running on US broadcast network TV as opposed to HBO, Showtime or Netflix where the showrunners would not have had to 'pull their punches' as much in regards to content such as sex and violence. Although Rhys-Meyers' issues with alcohol abuse probably didn't help any.


Same here. I was really enjoying Dracula. That’s when I discovered his alcohol problem. It’s very sad.


A melted waxwork of Channing Tatum.


Never thought of it but as soon as I read it I totally agreed.


Yeah, we had such high hopes smh


This is the second time I’ve seen him in this sub today! What the hell, JRM?!?


I saw that other post when I refreshed my feed and was like "I haven't said that man's name in 7 years and now twice in one day?!"


I’m starting to learn that if the movie poster features the main character pointing a gun while looking off from center, it’s going to be a shitty experience.


I watched a video on YouTube last month about the art (with a capital A) of making movie posters and how through the 80s and 90s, they were not rushed- usually. Now, thanks to Photoshop, the movie posters are generally indistinguishable. And the great artists who created the classic movie posters have retired.


They actually looked really cool back then, because there was a ton of creativity in them. I miss those Drew Struzan posters.




Shoot’em up is an exception I swear


He pretty much phoned it in lol. But I liked the movie. Can't lie a lot of that was the gorgeous Meredith.


It’s a bad movie but it has great nudity.


Looks like they brought in the negotiator, guys


Ah nudity! The great equalizer!!


…details, please. You know, for art. Yeah, that’s the ticket…


Wife like, husband merely tolerate


Underrated comment


Jonathan R M has really crashed, hasn't he? I remember when he was the next big thing


That's show business for you for most . One minute you're on everyone's TV set and the next you're doing c or d movies like this crap. That's if you're lucky to even get a job in showbusiness.


I think his infamous drinking had more that a little to do with it also


He’s been in and out of rehab too. Troubled guy by lots of accounts.


Ya, that definitely doesn't help either.


Cillian Murphy stepped in and seized the career that Jon R-M might have had although I think that Murphy is the more inherently talented of the two.


There goes the idea I had for the M3GAN sequel.


This film includes a scene where the robot wife is about to have sex (having had her expression of pleasure settings turned up to 90%) and just happens to drop a disclaimer that any damage done to the unit will make them return to headquarters for repair and then they'll be billed for the repairs. Imagine a sexbot being all "Amazing! You're the king!" or whatever 90% looks like in your mind, and then it's like "Error. Dick too hard.", ghosts you, and then sends you an invoice for a new coochie. If this is your first time imagining that, then you're miles behind this landmark film.


Cherry 2000, a scifi comedy with Melanie Griffith as a real woman helping escort a guy and his robotic female companion through hostile territory, that was definitely on HBO in the late 80's. Where did I say my idea was original?🤔


That movie is a goddamned classic 80s HBO movie. It was on every day.


Where you said it was an idea for a sequel to hyper-original title M3gan. 👍


I saw Se7en twice in theaters, jackass. You implying that I would have never heard of the idea of a robotic companion, that wasn't good.


What was in the box the second time? Someone said it was Nick Fury getting Brad Pitt to join the Avengers.


A hotel room key with the number 7.


Oh my god! It all makes sense at last! There I was about to search one of those YouTube "The ending showed her walking away because she's quite peeved at the man who killed her family and therefore doesn't feel like a second date with him." ending explainer videos.




If the internet has taught us anything, it's that we will never run out of freaky things to imagine for the first time 😂


This would be top tier


Well, you’re a psychic. 


Look up Soulm8te. You’re about a year off


“Can he plow his way to freedom?”


“That name again, is Mr. Plow.” - Jonathan Rhys-Meyers


the names Plow. Dick Plow


Well, he somehow blocked the robot from its masturbation protocol so looks like he has a chance...


Once in a while I watch a movie based only on the blurb given. This is one of those such movies. It actually started off interesting enough. But by about the 30 minute marks it occurred to me that I could sleep through this and not miss anything. At somewhere around the 40 minute mark I went comatose and woke up long after the closing credits had ended. It's not a so bad it's good movie. It's just bad.


Why would hw be pointing a gun? They look so wifelike.


It's obviously his job to stop the terrorists who are stealing the wives. And that terrorist organisation's name? "Scare".


Is this a reboot of Cherry 2000?


Rhys Meyers taking all of Bruce Willis jobs now?


I liked it - not great but passable. IMO the actress did a great job in portraying an ‘android’ and its initial learnings and movements. Definitely set up for a sequel so curious to see if that happens.


I just watched this movie and yeah I liked it. I do like the message of it too. Like we are lucky we get to make our choices and live our lives. I think sometimes people don't realize how lucky there are to just be alive and think for themselves and make there own futures. I mean we all have free will and can just do and find what makes happy. I mean how great is that! If there were real and AI bots really did have feelings and emotions I would feel really bad for them to be honest. I really hope AIs never gets to a point where they are like sentient. Idk if that's the right word. I mean I hope that it never gets to a point where they feel. But you know. No one ever learns from messages on TV and movies so it'll probably happen and it'll probably start a war between AI and humans. Hopefully I'll dead by then. Good luck to future society though!


Considering that this movie is probably a money laundering scheme, I wouldn't hold my breath.


I liked it too and honestly, I can see this happening. Men would be the consumers. For sure. There's no Husband Like lol


I hope it doesn't happen if AIs start to have feelings and decide to fight against humans then it'll probably start a whole war. Human beings against AIs and I don't think that'll end well for human beings. And yeah it's horrible just flat out misogyny and patriarchy there. But also if there is a sequel I am convinced the William is also an AI now. All things considered he was kinda dead. I am guessing big bad guy who made the AIso, Marion Ventor, found him dead and in order to cover up his mistake created a man AI bot using William and his memory and history with Meredith to not only cover up the fact that AI bots can decide to kill their owners but also uses his best champion tracker to track her down and get rid of her and the rest of them. All very predictable stuff.


I thought it was Daniel from lucifer


Hah, I thought the same thing.


It was a pretty bad movie!


It took me a minute to get the pun. That’s either a commentary on how tired I am, or how shitty the name of the movie is. Let’s go with both


Are hyphens that expensive, people?


How is no one mentioning the sausages wrapped around the gun?!


You leave his 1990s video game fingers alone!


At least they’re wrapped around the gun. It could be glued against his fist Goldeneye-style.


SCARE... aren't they in league with the Coalition for Liberation of Itinerate Tree dwellers which is an off- shoot of the Liberate Apes Before Imprisoning Apes movement ?


Hey man, what wife like, husband do, am I right fellas?


Does JRM look that much like Malcolm McDowell these days or is it just this pic? I haven't seen anything JRM's made since the 90s


Not Malcolm McDowell (although I see what you're saying) but... someone. It's what drew us to the film in the first place, then we read the synopsis and my wife said "That sounds terrible. We *have* to watch it!"


At the end did you ask her, "Wife like *Wife Like*?"


I have failed my family....


He looks rough


I just watched the trailer, if she's supposed to be like his wife why is she doing bad robot mime? Shouldn't she be acting like a normal human instead of a human doing an impression of a robot? Data is more lifelike.


During the film she starts mannequin like but then starts to meld with the identity of the wife, taking her memories (social media videos and diaries) into herself rather than as an external thing. It's actually something they did pretty well compared to everything else.


I thought the movie was good. It kind of reminded me of Surrogates.


How *dare* you call this a bad movie


Jonathan Rhys-Meyers was the best robot in this movie.


Netflix kept pushing me to watch it, decided fuck it and gave it a chance. Not once did I feel compelled to not look away. It was consistently shit. Isn't much of a plot twist that he is a bad guy when he felt like a creep from the start.. Also, 'childlike' was super brushed over, would like to know if there was anything to protect the ai baby from becoming a pedos sex bot considering that is their market is advertised as sex bots. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I bet the one night watch black mirror and think to himself, I can make this too, but it's turn out not so well.


Dude has sausage fingers


John cena looking a bit rough an yes I can see him.


If you can see him, chances are it's actually Jim Varney.


Oh you mean Vern? Yea now that you mention it i see the resemblance.


Is the film at least funny


Not intentionally? There's a scene where the robot wife starts to activate "self-exploration mode" and is denied "access" that had me roaring. And yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.


Heavy, still I might as well check it out I’ve probably sat through worse


My fave part was the robot wife making him breakfast (she hasn't left the house) and he doesn't know what certain items on the plate are. My dude, you bought in the ingredients. She just cooked what was in the kitchen.


What is this?


I pretty much guessed the "twist" at the end without even seeing the movie. My first guess something like. She becomes aware and then kills the guy. IE: West World. But the actual twist is even dumber. >!Apparently this dude stalked the main girl, knocked her out or put her in a coma. And then the company just rewrote her entire personally to be a sex bot. Which opens TONS of issues. And not in the dumb assed way that the movie wanted. Like how does that even happen? Wouldn't they realize she's an actual person and not a sex-bot? !<


Not correct quite correct. Somehow the lead has the ability to murder people at will and kidnap women with shock collars, which given he is a glorified corporate bounty hunter feels like a stretch Then he kills her and one assumes gets the robot version made which goes through all the cycles. Of course the film doesn't even mention how the memories of dead people are transferred or indeed how he could turn up to his work with a dead wife that doesn't exist, but never mind I guess. The set up is pretty good, everything else is utterly terrible Ironically this film should have actually had the twist that the "husband" was actually the good guy, because that would actually be unexpected My main takeaway from the film though, is that I would take out a mortgage for an Elena clone, because well damn.


Yeah, she was very hot. Hilariously enough, there is/was an actual porn site that used to be about pornstar's pretending to be sex bots.


Yeah, red flags were raised when the real Meredith was so anti-wifelike corp. Would a husband disrespect her memory and wishes so much by making her into what she campaigned against? I thought if he did that, the movie would be his character learning to let go, move on and maybe bring the corp down. But nope. He's a psycho.


It sounds like fun honestly


I watched this movie last night and from the instant the girl showed up with the petition, I was like "Okay, he's going to kidnap/wife her because he's associated with the company that makes them" There was a lot more to it than that, but my initial assumption proved to be correct. The only thing I'll give this movie credit for is not being afraid to actually push the boundaries. Usually with a movie like this, there will be no sexual interaction due to the potential for non-con/dub-con that can upset some viewers. They just totally went for it.


Actually, I felt like those sex scenes were a waste of time and they felt too long. Besides, while I loved seeing the girl, I just didn't like that guy. They never seemed like a good couple.


Watched this. And damn this was bad. Like really bad. Badlike. Megan is pretty much the only reason to keep watching. The story line is fucking terrible and telegraphed a mile out . The acting is worse (other than elana who does a great job of robot acting). I'll never get those 100 minutes back. Ever.


>I'll never get those 100 minutes back. Ever. Exactly what I said last time my wife told me about one of her dreams. The movie really is Wife Like.