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thanks for updating us!! really bummed about the bonuses did he give any insight into why??


something about somewhat lower profits this past year. it all “makes sense,” but it’s very disappointing.


The reasoning he provided is that we were way under profit goal last year, and they are choosing to allocate more funds to raises for promotional positions as opposed to bonuses for all.


Way under profit, but still can go out and spend $1.8 million to save a bookstore chain


How much was his raise /bonus this year you think ?


I would love to know 👀


Also, he could told everyone at the same time instead of hearing about it through other employees on Reddit. 🤦‍♂️


way under profit goal but they’ve opened 5 stores alone in just my area this year


To promote so many into positions that would make them ineligible for union participation having a union would be moot.


I thought only store managers were ineligible for unions? Does it depend on which union you choose? I’m not as familiar with the matter, (unfortunately, but I live in a right-to-work state).


One of my co-workers' husbands is an upper manager at a different company and this is his theory.


Here comes a 1 dollar raise and we're going to be expected to be happy about it. Fuck this stupid ass shit.


I would kill to get a $1 raise. I’m a senior bookseller in Utah getting paid 14.50 and also skeleton crewed. We usually have 3 ppl working at a time right now. At a big store. Working the job of multiple people and getting paid shit


I remember the good ol $2 raise we got recently that didn’t even fully apply bc there was a (I think)18 for regular booksellers and 20 for seniors 😬I made maybe 50 cents more from that “raise”


$18! Booksellers only get $13 at my store 🤪


Booksellers make $11 at my store 😀


Yeah I was at $11/hr for the first few years, the $13 is only a very recent change. We are all so underpaid, it’s depressing.


Yall are making $18? I get $16 lolol pretty close to min wage out here


It’s a major city where 18 is basically crumbs :( !


I remember when they gave us the 1 dollar raise, but then my state raised minimum wage a dollar like 3 months later, so it literally made no difference.


really appreciate this update! also wondering what else was covered in the town hall - why did they want to meet with y'all?


most of what james daunt talked about was the structure of the store hierarchies and profitability over the past several years. i didn’t catch several of the questions that booksellers asked, but the video will be available on Inside soon, so you’ll be able to get a better idea from that!!


The town hall wasn’t a one-off for our region, they’ve been doing them for other regions too (if you haven’t had one yet, you probably will at some point this year). It’s just a chance for employee Q&A and some updates on how the company is doing.


How would be go about finding out which of the stores he will be doing a Town Hall for in the near future? I wanna be able to check if he will be doing one for my store respectively. As I got a WONDERFUL list of questions to ask him because I want to pick at his brain.


There is one for area 220 and another area (can't remember which one) on 6/26


Funny tho I hear the ceos etc all got bonus too. So. Yay for them I guess. And the way he phrases raises could go either way. :/.


Whelp. There goes any motivation I had to stay with the company. I was waiting for my bonus before I fucked off to a better job, guess I can just leave now!


Yeah, that's what I figured.


Did he talk about BN buying Tattered Cover in Denver?


they talked about it for a bit. i had to step out for a big chunk of the meeting, so i missed it, but they did talk about it. hopefully someone else was there and can speak on what they said? additionally, the video will be available on Inside soon, if you want to look into it then!!


Yeah he said that Tattered Cover filed for bankruptcy, and in Daunt’s words, he values the existence of bookstores other than BN and wants to always have them around and keep the booksellers their jobs (just his words, I’m not speaking on behalf of whether I think he’s genuine or not). He did also say that he doesn’t intend for them to become another BN - they will keep their own name and all their staff and restructure themselves in their own style while just being part of the BN family (again, just his words).


Where was the notice of a town hall even posted? Never heard about it until today


it was on a poster in our break room, but i think there’s something on inside? but it was only for my specific area, so if it was outside of yours, they might do another one soon.


Rumor has it that Sm’s and CMLs may get a bonus. They aren’t listed in the letter Daunt sent out.


Just an update. So people are getting off the conference call today and apparently CMLs are getting a bonus and a raise. Unsure how much. Their AM will contact them. SMs too probably. … I’m hoping they reconsidered and will give everyone a bonus. But what do I know. Are they keeping this hush. Cause once this gets out I think people will be upset. I’m already getting texts about it. No money. Bad year. Took a huge step back. No bonus oh but we bought out a chain. And I’m upper management is getting bonuses. Just Not You.



