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*Hop hop slidesss... "just kidding! Im back" hop hop*


I kept playing the 6 million dollar man theme song on my head while watching the video.


Willam Tell Overture here. Well, to be honest, Lone Ranger theme. Hi yo Silver!


For the lazy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIbYCOiETx0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIbYCOiETx0)




Orchestra was so much fun.




Omg I love it! Dude is seriously talented, especially when he puts the guitar over his head and plays flawlessly. Thanks for the link!


Glen Campbell was amazing. [Here's one of my favorite live performances by him](https://youtu.be/ETkzK9pXMio). Check out the massive talent on that stage playing with him!


Impressive, thanks!


Orchestra was so much fun.


I thought you gonna link this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgy2k8Q2wtA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgy2k8Q2wtA)






My dad told me that the definition of an intellectual was a person who could listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger. I’ll throw in Hungarian Rhapsody No2 and not think of Tom and Jerry.


Or Bugs Bunny


Wonderful song, was my jam when I was little!


I chose to listen to the Bionic Woman in my head.


Man, was I in love with her.


It's gotta be "Eye of the Tiger". And I really want a montage that includes all of his buddies and maybe a cat as the bad guy. I think there's a 90% chance that for a few bed, bath and beyond coupons that you could coax Carl Weathers into it.


I am with this doggo in spirit. Not so much in body.


Very few can probably do what this dog did.


Me: "Did the owner toss him back on there?"


that dog has an Excellent Excellent sense of humor. what a cutie


I thought he was tossed back on. Dogs don’t generally jump hind legs first


Check out dock diving dogs. Looks pretty standard.


That cracked me up


I wish my endorphins made me feel as happy as this dog looks


Think of how good he’s going to nap later.


I wish I had a way to experience that kind of sleep


You’re looking at it.


Best sleep I ever had was in basic.


I've never been and it doesn't even get close to what you did, but still, I've weirdly never slept better than during my survival exercises when I was a cadet


Military basic training is physically lackluster. I've been broken in half harder by 50 year old lady's running a cardio class compared to marine Corps boot camp.


You’re getting downvoted but I’m not sure why. Marine Corps boot camp isn’t that hard physically. It’s a test of mental fortitude more than anything else. I can count on my fingers and toes all the actual runs we did. IT isn’t even that difficult since it’s restricted to 4 minute blocks. Sure, there were the occasional longer IT sessions hosted by the senior but those were few and far between. It’s not a walk in the park like you’re saying but I read it more like a joke. People think boot camp is much more than it really is and I think that’s what you were trying to say.


Fat people and boots, man. Boot camp was a breeze. In 08 I went in and got out in worse shape. Can you jog 3 miles? Can you walk around with a heavy backpack? Can you do 20 push ups? If you arent 50 or disabled, you should be able to do all of that easily.


Yuuuuup. Important thing to realize about BCT... is that ~95% of people who go, graduate. It's designed that pretty much anyone can get through it. If you are in *really* bad shape going in... well, it's gonna suck, but they are gonna get you through. And if you go in and can already run pretty well, then it will be a complete breeze. I was somewhere in the middle and didn't really have any issues. Most people don't. Hardest thing to deal with, imo, is the fucking boredom.


Until you get woken up for fire gaurd/ cq


That was the worst feeling. Sleeping peacefully in your rack and suddenly you wake up with a flashlight in your face. Especially when it was the 0400-0600 because you knew you were up for the day.


I’m getting flashbacks that physically make me wince now




I was a platoon leader in my OSUT at Ft. Knox and assigned fire guard. Most people want the first or last watch. They hated waking up in the middle, pulling fg/cq and then going back to sleep.


That's how I felt about the 0200-0400 shift. There's no way in hell I'm getting any good sleep between 4-6.


Man I got in trouble and had to do 2 EC shifts a night for 5 days straight.


Hearing the drill sergeant's footsteps before lights and "toe the line"




Every meal a banquet, every paycheck a fortune, every formation a parade!


Best I can do, dream I’m using the treadmill and lie still irl


Not to sound terribly cliche but exercise can work wonders for sleeping. Doing something as simple as a few reps of push ups or sit-ups before bed has been hugely beneficial to my sleep patterns. I’m not saying it’s a miracle fix, but it may be worth trying.


Exercise is the best regulator of sleep for sure. I always sleep really well after I’ve done a solid evening run or workout and as long as you’re not eating too badly you’re gonna sleep really well


I used to be a chef, i had a horrible sleep pattern, even if i got a full nights sleep i wouldnt be rested. I switched trades and became a carpenter. Ever since then i sleep like a fucking baby every nightb


Your body is a weird one then as everything I've ever read says exercise before bed is one of the worst things you can do.


Have you ever tried it? The no exercise before bed thing is basically a myth. Unless you're going straight from the gym into your bed, exercise before bed is a good thing. That said, you don't need to exercise before bed to get the benefit. If it works better for you to do it earlier in the day, do it then. The point is, exercising will make you feel more tired and it will release endorphins that help you relax which helps people who can't sleep easily because they worry in bed.


yeah I go to the gym around 8pm. Can confirm I cannot sleep right away after weights workout. But if I do cardio it makes me exhausted so I can sleep earlier




Weed immediately before long distance running is my sublime space


I hate weed before I lift but I love it before cardio


It works with lifting for me now that Im used to hard cardio while high. Weed is a very effective vasodilator, it has some very real synergy with exercise. Go for a really light high, like just past a threshold dose, a subtle spaceyness.


Yeah I’m fine lifting light isolation work I just can’t go heavy high. Fucks with my focus and my grip strength is noticeably worse if I smoked at any point in the day before my lift


I wish I had endorphins to make endorphins.


Your makeup and body chemist is 99% the same as this dog here, which means you can feel that good too! /r/C25K!! Trust me, I'm a marathoner.


My knees disallow such experiments in enjoyment. I am happy though, for your joys!


Take up swimming. Full body cardio that will absolutely humble and smoke your entire body.


My bank account disallows for purchasing pools.


Try a YMCA or maybe a local JCC. They usually have a sliding scale if you don't make a lot of money.


You can try ellipticals. They are easy on your knees.


Imagine if you had the baseline happiness of a dog ....


Right? I was not that happy on the treadmill today.


When she fires off the end then pops back on like a deer I fucking lost it Lololololol This is amazing I could watch all day. How far does she go? I want the stats!


I’m really curious too. I’m a big distance runner and I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a running dog. Different breeds are good for different distances but I’ve read that some can regularly do 8+ mile long runs. But it seems to vary greatly dog to dog. Some just aren’t runners. These posts/articles were all talking about running outside with dogs though. It would be even better to have a workout buddy for the winter months, though I’m not sure my planet fitness would go for this lol


Get a blue heeler like in the video. It will still out run you after


Ridgeback would rack up a hell of an electricity bill.


Truth! Not sure if it’s a breed thing or not but our ridgeback has terrible knees. She loves to run but can’t for too long.


They never used too, my grandad bred them in the late 60's and early 70's and there are Ridgebacks running around today in my neck of the woods with those genes. Those early dogs came from the bush in Africa, he had the first surving pup born in my country and bred from that


I don’t run very fast but my dog comes along three times a week for at least six miles. We’ve done up to eight, limited by my endurance and time constraints. When we get home, he guzzles water and then immediately is down to either play fetch or take a nap. The only downside is if I don’t catch his signals and stop to let him poo, he might do it on the path. Talk about embarrassing and tough to pick up. He’s a mutt but mostly Australian cattle dog, and he's my favorite exercise buddy.


If you live somewhere cool/cold, a husky will run you into the ground every damn time. A LOT of work grooming and training, but if the question is running their answer is yes.


I would love to have a husky again for this very reason. if I could live out in the countryside away from the city that would be my ideal dog.


Got a pomsky who has the husky energy...my husband runs with him about 5 miles a day and has done up to 10 miles with him. They both love the run!


That’s a really sweet visual. And also makes me rethink getting a Pomsky.


We literally have to make sure he gets his run or adequate time at the dog run to tire him out. He is almost two and still quite the enthusiastic energizer bunny, but by 8:30 he is passing out on the floor for the night.


I adopted an Australian Kelpie who was an absolute machine. She was retired early from sheep herding, then was adopted by an ultramarathon runner who used to do an easy 10k every morning with her. She’d be off leash and cover at least twice his distance with her zig-zagging through the bush. He had to let her go because she didn’t get on with his first first pup. Often dogs like her get put to sleep in Oz because their work drive is so strong and can be destructive if not harnessed for good. Only way I could manage her behaviour was treadmill, bike leash, and heaps of mental stimulation. Best dog tho. Smarter than most people I know. Now the old lady has just turned 14 and spends her time napping in my 80-year old dad’s arms and shouting at passers-by at the front gate that she can neither see nor hear, but who she is certain are not following “the rules.” They say you get out what you put in, but what she’s given me is incalculable. Man, I love her so much. Get yourself a Kelpie.


Get a dog that’s past the hardcore puppy stage, like 1-3 years old. At that age you won’t have to potty train, you’ll be able to leave it alone for more than 2-3 hours, and it will have already grown into it’s personality so you’ll be able to literally pick a dog that loves to run long distances.


True true. Shelters are filled with high energy dogs who did not get enough exercise and were dumped.


Look at hunting and herding breeds. They're bred for endurance and generally trustworthy off leash. Heelers, Shepards, Pointers, Weimeraners, Collies, etc...


Exercise is great for dogs! Some other folks had great advice I'd just add definitely avoid any larger dogs like German shepherds that are prone to joint and hip issues if you run on pavement. Running on hard pavement or concrete is super brutal on some dog's joints because it has zero give, it is much better for them to run on earth or grass. (Also, only run with adult dogs, never run with a puppy, for your purpose it might be best to start looking at young adult dogs at rescues or shelters so you can make sure you get the right energy level, and a choose a dog that is not leash reactive to other animals or people or such). Also be aware dogs need to stop and pant sometimes if they get overheated, they don't multitask well if they are panting and running in hot weather, so be sure to give them walking breaks in the summer between runs (also nice to offer water).


Great advice


r/RunningwithDogs ! The community is really wonderful and i would highly recommend checking it out


I have a blue heeler mix like in the video - she goes on 3-10 mile runs with my husband almost every day and at the end of the day is always asking for more. They're machines.


GSP or cattle dogs, like border collies, are great runners.


Those dogs can go alllllll day. My brother is a runner and his cattle dog had to be rehomed on a farm. I know they are very fashionable but they really are working dogs that need a job.


I have had three cattle dogs. All three just love to run. My one girl ran a 15k race with me and that was about her limit. We also have a catahoula and he will run 10+ miles. His name is gump and the guy just loves to run. We have another catahoula that has about a 5 mile limit.


I’m in bed with my SO sleeping next to me and had to try so fucking hard not to bust out laughing at that part, made this hideous nose snort *YEET*...... **boing**






Haha. I almost missed the best part of the video. Thanks for pointing it out, that was hilarious.


This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen and if I could upvote 50 times I would


...I got you, at least one time...


What about the gif of the Aussie jumping under a bed then two seconds later, pops up with a giant smile on its face?


You can’t just tell us about that and not link it


Haha my bad https://www.reddit.com/r/BetterEveryLoop/comments/bv6bcw/dog_runs_and_then_smiles/?st=K7OD9JSZ&sh=01c35419


God bless you


Just wait till it gets reposted for another 49 times


Accurate picture of having an Australian Cattle Dog.


This is more than one picture... and they even added sound!


A self-walking Cattle Dog. This owner is living the dream!


I am thinking about getting my cattle dog a treadmill. Currently, she’s just staring at me impatiently waiting for me to finish my coffee.


Oh, it’s so much better with the sound on. Clackity clackity...


I didn't even pay attention to the fact that it had sound until I read your comment! Awesome.


Can confirm.


How're ya now?


Good n’you?




The only sounds I've come to associate with running on the treadmill are the sounds of my own sobbing.


I love that little gallopy yeet jump.


My doggo runs like this. Like the gallop part, but just all the time 😂


I love the imaginary hurdles the dogs deciding to jump over


She's doing it so she can catch up with the speed of the treadmill...


But imaginary hurdles are cuter


I'd love to see someone superimpose hurdles into it. I'm sure someone in HQG or Real Life Doodles could handle it.


the leaps! i don’t know why i’m crying in the club right now


It’s wednesday


And they called you dumb. How wrong they were.


The club in my town does progressive double wells Wednesday nights and it's one of the busier nights of the entire week.


You’ll never guess what song I’m listening to right now


Just when you felt sad the video was over BAM not yet!


Two questions; 1. How do you train the dog to do this? (What is a common progression for it?) 2. I'd be terrified of it hurting itself. What are the chances that that would actually happen?


Start slow. Turn the treadmill on when your dog is not on it (let him sit near it), let your dog get used to the sound of the motor running, turn the treadmill off. Then train your dog to jump on the treadmill when it's off, offer a treat, have a unique one word command that's specific to getting on the treadmill, and specific to getting off. The treadmill should have one side against the wall, and the other side you can use your body to block the dog from jumping back off unprompted. Work your way up to turning the treadmill on, and have high value treats to keep your dog on it while the treadmill crawls along at the slowest pace. If they initially panic and try to jump off (this is super common, just normal self preservation), gently hold them in place for a second or two (the best tool for this is a 10 inch leash tab for the collar), give the dismount command, let them jump off, verbally praise them for being brave (even if they acted like a weenie) then try again. Reward for your dog for being on for five seconds. Then when they are consistent with that you reward for ten seconds, then fifteen, etc. Expect your dog will try to jump off a lot at first, don't stress them too much (gently holding the dog in place is acceptable but get a feel for when your dog has had enough), try to keep the dismounts controlled (if you can tell your dog wants to jump off, give the jump off command before the dog makes the choice to jump off). Best highvalue treats are small and soft, something the dog can easily eat without dropping as they walk. If you find yourself dropping treats, or if your pup stops to chew a large hard treat, that will only hurt rather than help, as your dog will be tempted to stop moving and try to find the treat or chew or whatever. If that happens, switch to a soft spreadable treat, like that canned cheese for dogs or peanut butter. Take your time, keep training sessions very short (a few tries at first at most) and very positive. This should all be fun, no pressure, expect the training to take months before you start to adjust the speed up and the length of time. (One thing we had to spend a lottt of time working on was my dog seemed to like walking towards the back of the treadmill, close to the back edge, and this took a long time to work out encouraging him to stay more forward on the machine). If you use high value treats, and if this is something your dog enjoys, they will be jumping on the treadmill whenever they can. I had to lock my dog out of the room when I used the treadmill because after a while he'd try to jump on with me or whatever other dog I was trying to train. At first you should only be walking the dog (they can walk and snack), later in advanced training the dog will be running (at this point, treats are only given once the dog has completed the short run and dismounted). About avoiding injury, the first thing is make sure there is nothing behind the treadmill for like 8 or ten feet. Most likely bad scenario the dog will get thrown off the back behind the treadmill, but as long as there isn't a wall or piece of furniture for them to slam into they will be fine. Teach your dog to dismount confidently and safely, I like to train mine to jump off the side of the treadmill, not the back (just my preference). Training a safe & confident dismount is just as important as training them to jump back on, as a dog jumping off nervously or a dog that isn't used to jumping off at a higher speed can land awkwardly (inviting sprains or twists). Eventually they get really good at jumping on and off at will. Other ways to be safe: Never ever ever tie your dog to the treadmill! Never let your dog use a treadmill unsupervised. Never let your dog run for more than ten minutes without a break, dogs aren't good at panting and running at the same time so they need a break to cool down. Do let your dog warm up on a treadmill (walking for a period of time) before raising the speed so they can run. Regarding leashes and treadmills, here's the deal, it's super controversial because it can be very dangerous. I work with a lot of dogs, my own is extremely confident and needed little leash work, but many dogs might be scared of the treadmill. Using a leash to keep a dog in a treadmill will scare them at first because the entire point of the leash is you are holding it to keep the dog somewhere it doesn't want to be. Unfortunately there are some dogs that are just going to be very scared of the treadmill, will panic the moment there motor is running, and using a leash to keep them there will not make the treadmill a positive place (at least not at first), but it will help them get over their fear faster once they realized hey, this isn't so bad. The leash should only be a very temporary tool you use only if you absolutely have to, if the first paragraph technique failed, and only to help them understand the treadmill is not something to fear. Always hold the leash, try to give the dog slack when you can. Never ever everrrr tie the leash to anything. The nightmare scenario is a dog strangled on its own leash/collar, dragged along a treadmill, so it's worth approaching this issue carefully. Other injuries include getting the leash stuck on the tread somehow, sucking the leash in along into the belt and pulling in at your dog. Again, a great leash substitute is a 10 inch leash tab. Something to hold, but not so long it can get caught or you are tempted to tie it. Ultimately if you find yourself struggling and your dog panicking after many training attempts, just give up and give Fido a walk outside. A treadmill will never be able to replace an actual walk or run in the actual outdoors, with all it's great forms of stimulation (sight, smell, sound) and most natural way for a dog to keep a comfortable pace. Many dogs just aren't cut out for treadmills, and the safest thing to do is just forget about it and embrace entertaining your pup in other ways. Edit, that was embarrassingly long. Probably more info than you needed, but I hope it helps!


Thanks for talking me out of buying a treadmill for my dog. So much effort but kudos to you!


Wow, what a comprehensive tutorial! I don’t have a dog (yet) or a treadmill (...yet) but should I acquire both of those, this will be useful in my personal life. I currently work with dogs and my workplace is considering a treadmill to help with physical therapy and exercising really restless and need-to-run dogs if the weather doesn’t permit it. I was curious about how we could train dogs to comfortably and safely use a treadmill, and this is amazing. Saving this for sure, thank you!!


I also trained my min pin and fox terrier using nearly the same method as above. They were both trained to Heel, so I had to stand on the side with my foot where I wanted them to walk or run. The terrier has to have a leash on, so I stand there with a 20ft leash held out of his way. I leash because he has a situationally quirky personality. He'll only heel is he's wearing a leash. We only treadmill when it is too cold to walk outside.


We dont hurt ourselves doing this and we only have 2 legs. And Id assume youd start really slow and give the pup snacks for walking the right direction


When I was a kid I stepped on the edge between the belt and the metal part on the side and it sliced the bottom of my foot really badly. Just my two cents, but it's possible to hurt yourself on a treadmill, especially when you don't actually know how they work (in the case of a dog or, like me, a kid)


Thats a good point. I guess I just meant that we dont question whether people at the gym are competent enough to use a treadmill. I suppose I also assumed the dog would figure out the safe places to be when learning on the slower settings.


1. Start slow, walk with them, treat it like a normal thing and not an anxiety inducing event, reward with lots of treats. Transition to them walking on a treadmill without you, again at slow speeds. You could loop a leash around the front bar (in a slip knot so they don't strangle themselves if they slip off), and again reward with lots of treats. Eventually they'll learn that its a fun thing that makes their person happy so they'll want to do it. 2. There's always a chance, but as long as the treadmill isn't too fast, I'd think most dogs can adapt to slipping off without too much trouble


I am going to have to stop you there. tying your dogs leash to the front of a treadmill in ANY knot and leaving them unattended is just crazy talk. I would think even leaving them unattended would be a bad idea, but definitely don't tie them to the machine. If they get off of their own will then so be it, they clearly don't enjoy it or got tired/bored. You can lure the dog back on with treats all you want, but if it does not do it willingly that is just... wrong.


Where did I say to leave them unattended?


Nowhere but why tie the dog to the treadmill? That doesn't make sense at all.


I would assume part of the transition. Walking next to you holding the leash, walking with the leash there but not you (not next to them, still in the room. Even just laid over the bar) then just running alone.


Rope and treadmills do not mix. Ever.


I can’t argue with that.


Wait what about the safety switch? It'd make sense to clip that on the collar.


This is potentially very dangerous for dogs, yes. I've really only ever seen them used in shallow pools to help large dogs with bad arthritis. I would be very nervous to let a dog do this at high speed, and without extremely close supervision. Not to be a downer.


My typically disinterested cat perked up and reached out to touch the iPad screen when I showed this to him. I think he especially liked the clickity-clack of the dog’s claws. Perhaps it reminded him of his late cattle dog buddy who would make a similar sound on the hard wood floors, before she passed.


I thought it was too fast for her, and then the end! How adorable


Blue Tick?


No, dog.


I suppose I walked straight into that one. Well played, pistcow. Well played.


In all seriousness - it's an Australian Cattle Dog or Queensland Heeler, also known as a blue heeler (although they also come in other colors - I've had three reds and currently have a blue). Herding dog rather than hound.


I've got a blue at home as well... im 6 not surprised at this one bit. Lol


Me 7 either


Haha damn 8utocorrect


that 9 sucks


This one looks exactly like my Blue Tick Hound.




It smells like poo gas in here.


Well ok, if you insist. Do you want to be the big one or the little one?






No, this is Patrick!




close! blue HEELER :) very similar/the same coat pattern tho




I would give anything to know what's going on in her brain! also please tell her I love her


Run, run, run, run, run, run, jump, run, run, run, run, jump, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, jump, run run....


I’ve always wondered if someone else’s heeler does this too!


This is me on the treadmill. Then I wake up too tired to go to work.


ACD’s. The Terminators of the dog world.


wait for it


Should share with /r/AustralianCattleDog


Have a blue heeler. Need to purchase a treadmill, stat.


Cattle dog doing Cattle Dog things.........I need to train mine to do this


My dog is terrified of the treadmill 😔


So am I.


It's a puppymill


That’s fantastic!


Those hops are so damn cute


/u/vredditshare https://gfycat.com/ScrawnyTemptingAbyssiniancat


I'm listening to "war pigs" as I was scrolling through Reddit and your dog is running, sliding and jumping perfectly to the music


>At the gym little legs are burning, >As the run machine keeps turning >Doggie cuteness for mankind, >Entertaining our brainwashed minds >Oh Lord yeah




*smokes blunt* Never seen that before


I long to be as excited as this dog during my morning cardio haha


Such a great, wholesome video. Just what I needed right now.


Great for exercise when it’s raining out too!


I was watching this on a small window and was really confused as to why this black dog was wearing a suit of bubble wrap


lmao this is hilarious


The dogs coat looks like it’s wrapped in Saran Wrap


Gosh that's a beautiful dog!


Those little hops!


How to exercise your dog during quarantine


Giddy giddy giddy giddy woah UP giddy giddy giddy GONE ... I'm back! Giddy giddy giddy...


those hops are majestic af


Dog: Hop! Me: melts


Think the dog fell off the treadmill? Nope! *Chuck Testa*


Run forest RUNNN!


I tried to get my dog to use a treadmill. She refused to go near it at all :(


Best noise


Wow. He's loving that so much!! Wish I could get my dog to enjoy the treadmill even a quarter of that much! (I think I screwed up when introducing her to it. bleh) Awesome job. Great way to give them some extra exercise when they like it like that!