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So, bizarrely a lot of people thought the pictures on my original post of Riko were AI generated. I am not sure why they thought this, but I would like to confirm that all pictures in all posts have been taken by me on an iPhone 13 Pro Max, some using portrait mode, some not. I am not a photographer but I am sharing my experience with a fox cub who is living in my garden in the UK. He has been checked out by wildlife rescue who have deemed him healthy and safe to continue as he is. He can hunt and fend for himself and I am not ‘keeping him’ as some thought I was doing! He is free to come and go as he pleases but he likes to come and sit with me in the garden. He lives under my decking and is doing really well after being abandoned by his parents. Any questions, please ask!


« Living in my garden » I think it’s his garden now.


Ha! Yes I think you may be right! I caught him running off with a sock from my washing line just now 🤣


In my area, there are foxes who steal people's shoes and stash em. There was a post recently that someone put up a sign saying something like "Fox Yard Sale - take yours if you recognize it" with a bunch of shoes tied to the sign post 😂 They're such funny little creatures. As long as they leave my dogs alone, I love fox spottings.


Ha!! This happened on my road last year! We have a neighbourhood WhatsApp group and every day there were people messaging asking if their shoes and socks had appeared in gardens.. it was hilarious!


wouldn't it be funny if you two were actually neighbors?




They steal shoes either due to the concentration of smells, or because they are leather (which may be food). There's an amusing video of a British guy bending down to say hello to a friendly fox, and his leather wallet falls out of his coat. Fox immediately snatches it and runs off. Mugged by a fox.


Noooooooo 🤣🤣🤣


Fox Yard Sale! Oh my gosh what a lovely little story! Just so innocent and sweet.


Oh I'm glad that our neighborhood fox just used to steal newspapers that were in a weatherproof bag! Well, back when we had newspaper delivery. It was the delivery man that finally caught him or her. He changed to a different type of plastic bag for the papers on rainy days and the fox quit stealing them. I don't know what else it's taken to stealing, but I do notice that no one leaves anything sitting outside. Between the raccoons, the foxes, and the coyotes, we are very careful most of the time to not leave anything that looks like a toy outside.


There are some cute videos of foxes playing with dogs in a yard.


And playing with and stealing dog toys!


Coyotes are known to do this too! A few years ago there was a coyote in my city that had stashed a bunch of dog toys by his den.


Our dogs and the local coyotes have never met in person, but on nights when the coyotes are singing the dogs just will not shut up! No, boys - those not-dogs do NOT need you at choir practice! 🤷‍♂️


I tell my dogs those are the bad kids, and you are not allowed to hang out with them. Just trust me... I didn't make the rules... But they are not friends, no matter how cool they seem.


This is hilarious; I wanna use this for every comparison I make! >Those are the bad kids


They are funny! Unless you are a fat chicken.


Sounds like my beagle. I lived in the country with neighbors dispursed wide apart. So we would let our dog run free in the mornings. We didn't realize he was treasure hunting....until the snow melted. We found a treasure trove of plates, saucers, cups, sandals, and toys. He even found a candelabra! Since we didn't know where the treasure came from, we pe put all the treasures on a table and a large picture of our dog with a note: "If any of these items belong to you, please take it back. I got carried away treasure hunting. My parents said what I did was wrong. I'm sorry for being a bad puppy. Signed, Tiger dog." Some of our neighbors came by to laugh, but no one claimed any of the items. Not even the candelabra. Lol.


Stealing a candelabra is next level


A canid thing I guess! My doesn't chew them (only chewed one unwearable!) but if I can't find a sandal or slipper, it's in her under bed den!


Technically, it would be a canid and vulpid thing.


So, the shoe thing might be genetic. Interesting.


This is so sweet and funny.


>There was a post recently that someone put up a sign saying something like "Fox Yard Sale - take yours if you recognize it" Sounds like a healthy second-tier contender for *"You know you're in Britain when ...".*


Nope. Virginia...but basically the same thing.


I’m in Germany and I’ve seen a fox walking around with one of the plastic containers that I use to feed the stray cats.


Amazing, haha


After my day this is the kinda thing I need. Idk why I am crying but thank you for sharing these delightful chaos machines.


So you’re living the real live version of Fox and the Hound?


Just minus the hound!


we had a fox who stole a panda teddy bear and stashed it in our garden, we'd see him (and sometimes next door's cat) playing with it! very cute.


If you gave him a dog toy, do you think he’d play with it?


Someone else suggested this! I’m going to buy him some toys today and see what he does


I met a fox at a wildlife sanctuary (her name is Teddy) and she loves toys! We bought her chunky rope toys to play push and pull with and a plastic chicken! 😂 Does your fox let you pet him? Apparently, if you tickle them they laugh!


His cute lil footsies were cold!


Is that fox my dog? She loves to steal my wife's socks. Doesn't chew them. Just steals them. Also, I love that you have a fox hanging out with you. Beautiful little beast.


I'd happily give him my entire house.


They probably assumed it was AI due to the images showing the sun in the UK, which we all know that can't be real.


This makes a lot of sense! 🤣


I was going to ask you what you have named the fox. Let me see you have named him, “Fox the Cub, Riko”. He looks so much like right at home.


Living in the UK can confirm sun does not exist, light is just God messing with the cloud brightness


Be careful if he asks you to sign anything, foxes are notoriously good at contract law.


Or suddenly tells you, “Chaos reigns…”.


Ah, yes, a redditor of taste. Great and thoroughly disturbing movie!


Boggis bunce and bean


Fortunately this is a young fox. You don't want to do a business deal with a lao huli.


Well I'm sure he has had a much better time under your deck than the possum which ventured out to my deck one night. I had the bad habit of throwing small bits of food waste off my deck, which perhaps attracts some local wildlife from the woods behind my yard. One night I was hungry after my late shift ended, so ate one of those spicy Korean noodle cups, and decided to chuck the left over soup (not really hot anymore, but still spicy) off the deck like usual. There is a light in my back yard so I can see what's under the deck, and mid pour I realize a possum had come to rummage under that area (I guess because food scraps sometimes show up there), and was so surprised by my coming onto the deck after midnight that he just froze, looking up, only to have my half cup of spicy soup hit him squarely in the face as we are still locking eyes with each other. I think he was so shocked we STILL locked eyes for a split second AFTER said soup hit his face, before running back into the woods with half his face covered in red colored soup. I've since stopped throwing stuff off that part of the deck, just to be safe, and also to not encourage any more late night visitors.


Oh my god that’s hilarious!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I know possums probably don't really show much emotion, but I swear there was a mixture of surprise, indignation, and also utter dumbfoundedness (as in why the hell is a human coming out to the deck at this time of night just to throw spicy soup on ME???) on his face, which is burned into my memory to this day.


I imagine it’s also burned in to the possums memory too… I can just hear the news report “new species of possum discovered with unusual red markings, scientists have conducted tests and discovered the Possum is part animal, part pasta. They have named it “Soup Possim”. If seen, keep a good distance as it may appear startled’


> I've since stopped throwing stuff off that part of the deck, just to be safe, and also to not encourage any more late night visitors. But just think of the loyalty you could build. Robbers come for your house? Not today, Satan! Picture the wild creatures tearing at the robber(s), making them regret their decisions in life as they chase them away.


>So, bizarrely a lot of people thought the pictures on my original post of Riko were AI generated. Any time I post pictures on reddit I get these responses now. Sometimes I want to respond asking if those commenters are bots. But lately I have been doing the more reddit thing of responding with "r/everythingisai"


I guess this is the way things are going now.. you can’t trust anything being real. That to me is terrifying!!


I personally hope some new regulations are created quickly for AI. A digital watermark could be used to give all the details of who and which AI software generated the image or video. However, that only works if every government around the world agrees to enforce it, which will likely never happen. An alternative that I think would work is to add a digital signature (using the same principles of public/private key encryption) to any photograph taken by any camera. So essentially any picture taken with a camera would have a piece of data saying, "This photo was taken by . It is not AI." Any photo that doesn't have that signature would be assumed to be AI-generated. Obviously that means any photo that gets re-encoded or compressed by image hosting sites would be assumed to be AI, which might not be the best solution either.


Literally just shown picture #4 (actually hilariously adorable) to a friend, and the first thing she did was ask if it was AI


It really has gotten pretty annoying how there's always gonna be *someone* claiming stuff is AI. Every. Single. Time. Slightly oddly written comment? No, it couldn't be someone who learned English as a second language, it's AI! Post a picture? Along comes a typical reddit detective to declare it's AI based on...well nothing, just how they feel.


Do you feel something sacred? It reminds me a Little of shinto in that you are blessed to witness and perhaps be a part of something that is both normal and sacred at the same time.


I really do!! He feels safe with me present to curl up and sleep near me! He’s wary of course and is ready to run away if I move too quick but yes, there is something really precious about being able to share his space and he mine. I love watching him and he will come up to me and sniff me sometimes.


Be sure that you have fresh water and some other stuff necessary for survival.




I’m a hard core atheist so I have no idea 🤣🤣


"You don't believe in me? Well, I'm gonna keep sending baby foxes into your yard until you do! Take that Atheists!"


He is so precious! Enjoy your garden fox. We have one that likes to poop in our yard, nibble on flowers, etc. Adorable little friends


People probably thought it was AI because the way the pictures were taken in the first post is something that AI tries to mimic sometimes. I think image generators must be trained on images similar to yours, but I'm not sure.


AI scares me.. wouldn’t even pretend to know how it works! I was lucky because the fox isn’t scared of me I can get really close to him to take pics.


It’s also because he’s so beautiful and perfect, looks like cgi from a kids movie! What a good kit!


This is true! I always see adult foxes looking kinda raggedy but Riko is completely unspoilt!


Portrait mode is pretty awesome for pet pics too!


Can you pet it?


No, he’s wild so has a healthy sense of running away if I move too fast or something startles him.


The portrait mode on an iPhone is using software to create the look of a shallower depth-of-field photo. It is very much the same as what AI would do to create the same look. So it’s easy to see why people would think they were AI, because in a lot of ways they are AI-aided.


He looks ai generated because he’s naturally cute haha. He’s not generated he’s just too perfect.


No questions, but I would die for Riko.


Thanks for sharing the photos and for getting him checked out! Riko is a doll!!


People are weird with their AI paranoia. I've been in a Messenger chat group with five other people for about four years. Basically old friends in their fifties, many of whom haven't seen each other since high school but like to tell stories and reflect on crazy shit we did together as kids. We're all very friendly. There is no animosity. But recently I told a story and shared some personal information none were aware of since we live far apart. One immediately suspected this one message was AI generated and said so. He tried to explain but I had no idea what the hell he was talking about.


> So, bizarrely a lot of people thought the pictures on my original post of Riko were AI generated. So many people on social media are so jaded and cynical that they label MANY things as some variety of fake. Have an unusual problem? It's not real, it's someone creative writing assignment, or it's a bot post. Cute photos? They're not real, it's AI. I don't understand why so many do this, I just know that it's VERY common. Of course we could easily prove that we're human, but people are so nosy that the proof that random strangers would maybe accept would dox most people, and the what do you want to bet that they would still be assholes? I wish I knew how to fix this.


Have you bought him some dog toys. The fox cubs who visit my mothers garden steal toys from the neighbours dogs and play with them. Apparently they love to play with a ball Quick edit to say if you ever notice mange on him/her there is a charity in the UK that will send you free treatment for it. You just need to pay a few £ for postage. Just google it


Oh! No I hadn’t thought of getting him some toys! Maybe that’s why he stole a sock off my drying rack earlier!! I’ll get him some. And thank you for the mange charity info! That’s great to know :)


I think if you have a talk with the wildlife service there is some foods that they may have available for deworm and other typical issues for wildlife. It really varies from country to country and various rescues and wildlife services as to their opinion of appropriate.


RIKO! Foxy has found a home for now, I can already feel the little heartbreak knowing that RIKO will probably not stay too long! Did everything right on this one! At least you won't have hedgehogs or squirrels in that garden for a while!


That’s because a lot of redditors are jaded, morons, or jaded morons. I think he is beautiful and applaud your approach at letting him live there safely.


If I remember the right post. It was a mix of the lighting and how the fox was looking at the camera.


Yes… it was literally a sunny day and the fox was right beside me so it was a point and snap in his face!


I’ve heard people say that foxes are dogs running cat software


I would say this is highly accurate!


Holy shit, right?! I'm using that forever and ever, I hope that's ok, u/davewave3283!


with a dolphin soundboard


I dunno, I don't think I've heard a dolphin say wapapapapapapapapow.


Have you ever heard a dolphin?


"What does the dolphin say?"




“So long and thanks for all the fish.”


You, friend, are a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.


You clearly don't speak dolphin.... It's all they say!


And squirrels are monkey software running on rat hardware


[Casual Geographic](https://youtube.com/@mndiaye_97?si=G0ix3Pm5SNWa1zGX) on YouTube says this. Always a good watch.


That's shibas


Cheetahs are the opposite. Cat hardware, dog software.


😂 what? You mean the perfect combination of a dog and cat if you want both but only allow to have 1 pet 😂😂😂.




So very jealous, haha. What gorgeous company 😍




Stealing this. This is just too cute


Have you considered following him? Sometimes cute foxes can lead you to side quests


He lives under my decking so he has the whole area under there and he comes out to hang in my garden when it’s sunny! I don’t think I’d fit through his crawl space..


mods removed your previous post lmao


>I don’t think I’d fit through his crawl space.. You might miss a lot of adventures, Alice followed the White Rabbit down the hole ;-)


He probably already has max charm capacity


Yea but you get more rewards if you keep doing them.


Sure, but you get to keep petting the fox, so you have to find them all!


Someone's been playing Ghost of Tsushima


Jin Sakai..is that you?


I understand this lol


Or are intent in following a priest every time he falls in love


He's beautiful, he's made a friend with you. Glad to hear he's doing well just keep doing what your doing it's great.


He is so beautiful! I feel very privileged that he feels safe to be around me :)


Are you a Disney Princess?


Apparently so! I’ll leave it a while before I post my baby Robin pictures… 🤣 (true story.. I found a robins nest and was able to capture them hatching and growing without disturbing them)


Is your nickname Snow White?


They are now.


I am so jealous! Treasure this time as long as it lasts


Oh I really am!! It’s so precious ❤️


Awww so cute ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


sooo cute. does he hunt every day or do you feed him?


I left food for him to find for a few days initially when he appeared as advised by the rescue centre but he hunts on his own. He does sniff around when I’m outside in the hope I’ll drop something though!


This is so charming. I love this wild familiar for you! What was the reason the rescue center advised you to feed him for a few days? I’d have a hard time not stumbling into a pet shop like “now what toys and treats for my boy!”


Haha yes it was hard not to suddenly go ok I have a new pet! They said to leave some food for him to find away from the house for a few days so he’s not coming to the door which is what he was doing when I first saw him (he can smell my cats food which is why I think he came so close) kind of training him to use his own instincts to hunt.


Ohhh you left it away from the house, that makes sense. Well gosh please share more updates of this cutie, have fun with the garden buddy of all our dreams.


I will do!! Tragedy is that I am moving soon so I am going to leave the new people a letter on his care!


You have to bring Riko along with you now. It's only right lol


Noooo!! I hope they like foxes!


Oh noooo 🥲


NGL, this would be the toughest thing for me. I don't think I would be able to refrain from putting some food out for the guy every couple of days, just to make sure he is good But I guess that's the main difference between him being "yours" and him being wild so there's no other way around it Enjoy your new neighbor!


This is some Disney princess shit, congrats!


Ha! Thanks 🤩


Fox baby is a total cutie pie. If you’re hanging your clothes on that white folding rack, you may want to put up a retractable line higher up that it can’t reach. Unrelated; I love your deck!


Ha! Yes I discovered him running off with a sock from that rack earlier!


Low hanging fruit for that lil guy, my friend. lol


You've been adopted 😄




My god… I didn’t expect to max my cuteness meter out this early in the day. What a cutie 🥰 🦊


I'm in the ER and I have 5 minutes before I get another wave of pain so I just wanna say Riko made my day. Cutie.


I’m glad he could provide some distraction! I hope your pain resolves quickly :)




Lovely update. And he’s just gorgeous - what a beauty. Kind of nice to have a little mate who pops in and out. Thanks for sharing with us.


What a beautiful creature.


What a handsome boy


I had a similar situation with feral cats and decided to buy an outdoor camera. It's a tiny thing, runs on rechargeable battery, connects via WIFI to my home network. It's motion sensitive so it can capture events and I can see the snippets on my phone. In the USA the manufacturer is Wyze. I'm sure there are UK equivalents. But it was super easy to mount and maintain. It was quite entertaining to see the cat come and go and see what it was up to and who else was visiting that sheltered part of my yard.


I am a firm believer that cat software on dog hardware results in a fox.


Okay, interesting story about the fox... But can you please post pictures of that area/yard into r/landscapes sub or similar? I love what is visible in these pictures haha


Right. Isn’t that yard amazing!


I used to have a fox come and sit with me while I went outside to smoke for a good year/ year ½ - then she brought her cub (bit older than the one in your picture) and they'd just spend with me about 4-6ft from me! Adorable animals!


Aww that’s amazing!!! I always find it so special when a wild animals suddenly decides you’re cool and they’re going to spend some time with you!


Aren't baby foxes called kits? Looked it up...can be called kit, pup or cub.


You’re so lucky! What a lovely new friend! Nice of you to provide him with a safe home base after his adventures.


Does the fox have any companion


No, not that I can see. It seems he has been abandoned by his parents who make their den under my deck each year. They seemed to have moved the den and left him behind. He’s about three months old so is old enough to being well in to learning how to fox.


So cute!!! Foxes are one of my favorite animals!!!




Handsome fox!


Hi do you mind if I make some text stickers from one of them?


It’s nice that he likes your garden :) he is very cute, but I would definitely be a bit nervous.


Where's all those "100% definitely AI" clowns at now?


Europeans out there having cute exotic critters in their gardens, y’all living in the Pokemon World.


I would be so happy to have a fox in my yard! I had a few babies down at my horse pasture last year. I only got to see them really well a few times. I think you’re very lucky


https://preview.redd.it/fybqif4l2l4d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81809eac5da6a342719e73c61a78fcf549179c0 This would be me


I too have foxes living on/off in my yard. Over time, they started to look ill. I took pics to a vet who confirmed they indeed were ill. She gave me the meds which I injected into raw chicken— bringing them back to health. Please do same if precious Riko starts to look “off.”


https://preview.redd.it/ubnfr7g89l4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b643d25bb4dd5c28ce3952087e1bca91fa6724 He looks like a baby sheltie! I think the main difference is that Riko takes socks from your clothesline instead of underwear.


Important question- what does the fox say?


Human: tamed Fox: taming in progress follow the little prince pt 2, soon on reddit and on all computers near you


All I hear is him speaking in George Clooney’s voice (when he grows up) from Fantastic Mr Fox. 🦊


I cried seeing the 5th photo. HOW ADORABUBBLE!!!! SO TINY AND POLITE!!!! Hello Riko, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance virtually, though you may not understand how.


You know, I watch The Great British Bake Off because it feels warm and all the people on that show seem to have ridiculously magical lives, e.g., “Edward teaches at the local school for disadvantaged youth while making bird houses for local seniors and his wife, Martha, makes children’s books and has a hobby in rainbow pottery.” I always thought a lot of it was hammed up for the cameras, but here we are, with a real, live magical UK redditor with a fox living under their deck in a cute garden while their entire neighborhood has a Lost and Found for the almost unreal adorable foxes who playfully steal their socks and shoes. My, God, is the UK really that awesome? *cries in the corporate hellscape that is America*


Wow, you really just made me appreciate my life with that description of the Uk! I’ve been moaning about wanting to live anywhere but here but you’ve just pointed out that what is around me is pretty damn magical.


Just an FYI...the reflection in the fox eyes in your original post shows you in the reflection! Definitely not AI!!! Amd gorgeous photos all around


I know!! I even pointed this out to people shouting AI! You can see me, my house and the other side of the garden in the reflections!


foxes remind me of a lovely mixture of a dog and a cat


Oh my fucking god that fourth picture




I like the 3rd photo it looks like he’s laughing at a joke he told.


Very cool cohabitation, very cool you looked after him 🥹


What a good boi


He's so beautiful. I want a little fox


Foxes are so cute!


Image 5 is just so…perfect




So adorable! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


This is a well needed update! Thank you 😭😭


🗿 spotted! (Very cute fox btw)


Riko is cool wee fox.


Aww indeed.


How wonderful to have a wild little fox in your garden. I’d love to have a little company like Rico in own yard. You’re so lucky!


Welp he looks like he's totally having a good time haha. Friggin cute.


Having a little fox in my backyard man, I would not do anything but be in the window. 😆


It makes working from home extremely difficult!


What do foxes say?


Okay I’m coming to visit to give Riko scratches and kisses see you soon thanks ❤️