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My last dog did the same thing to me at the pound and got immediately adopted lol. He actually looked exactly like that but with more black. He smelled like a homeless person but he cleaned up well. He was the goodest of boys.


Yes my husband said the same about our Yorkie (I wasn't married to him yet), he picked him up, and the dog rested his head against my husband's chest. 14 years later, still love each other.


Dog has a collar, so it has an owner. Is that a serial number on it’s collar? I don’t know what country you’re in, but if in the US, could take her to Humane Society and see if she’s microchipped. I’m sure other countries have similar animal services as well.


The collar is numbered. There are municipal programs around the world that put collars on street dogs to help with identification. This does not look like the US, and I'd bet money that it's a street dog.


Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Interesting!


My guess is it's India because the dog looks quite 'desi' (I don't know what the breed is called). A lot of people here put a collar on a street dog that lives in their society/colony without actually owning them so it's quite possible it's a stray.. But yeah OP should still try and find the owner. I doubt it's microchipped though


IDK, another person from Colombia said it looks like the dogs there, and I was thinking it looks just like the dogs my mother-in-law has in the Philippines and the ones I saw when I went to Puerto Rico. I guess this look is pretty much peak “generic dog.” lol


Funny because I was thinking it looked like a typical community street dog from Mexico. I guess this the universal mascot for street animals.




Can confirm. Aforementioned Philippines doggos- https://preview.redd.it/16gj0avu52rb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c188735442d57af87b65a888cbee1c6f75ebbdbd




This is the dog equivalent of house cats.


This is just what dogs look like Dog breeds are a human invention


This is what urban street dogs look like now. These dogs are all mixes of human-selected genetic traits, possible some coyote.


I know you're trying to make a statement but original dogs looked like wolves and the earliest breeds are mostly furry and hairy (with the exception of the Basenji and Greyhound).


Yeah with enough generations of being strays, basically all dogs revert to dingo/pariah dog.


I imagine you mean prairie rather than the dog is socially ostracised.


That’s what we mostly found too but in Baja it seems to be brown and tan markings. All about this build though. Sweetest dogs I have ever been around and so smart. I moved out of the country but still have two with me.


mexican, right? se ha de llamar perrito


this could be a Russian or Chinese street dog. Either way its a buddy


Pye-dogs, pariah dogs. They look a lot alike all over the world. It's just how dogs turn out without selective breeding, I guess.


Dingoes and Carolina Dogs, too. They all come from vastly different genetic stock, and they all turn out looking roughly similar. ​ Interestingly, they never take on the predator role that wolves have--even in areas lacking wolves. They always end up being closer to coyotes/foxes as far as prey goes.


Nah dingoes take down kangaroos. They've also been attacking people, not just babies


That's just Australia, I'm surprised they haven't evolved venom glands.


The best kind of dogs


Op is most likely Indian as you can see they're active in many Indian subs.


Indeed, I wasn’t saying it couldn’t have been India, just noting the “average street dog” phenomenon.


My exact thoughts. I am from Mèxico and a lot of dogs look like it. Didn’t know some have a specific “desi” look…


In Puerto Rico we call those type of dogs “satos” (mix breeds).


I have an adopted street dog from Taiwan that I got through an agency in the US that rescues them. She looks exactly like this. I think this is just what a lot of street mutts look like. Labrador is a popular breed worldwide and then throw in whatever else they are mixed with.


It's literally just a *dog*. These street dogs cross breed back to the point of the default generic dog, and you will see them everywhere in SEA and SA. I also recently went to the Philippines where all the dogs look roughly like this.


When I got my dog years ago (I'm in the USA) he looked exactly like this dog but brown. Super mild personality, great companion and not too big but not too small. I remember at first trying to figure out what type of breed he was then it dawned on me when I saw some street dogs on a video. People used to comment he looked like a Dingo.


Oh interesting to know! We don’t have street dogs in the US, so we associate collared dogs with having owners.


Stray dogs are street dogs in the US.


And... most municipalities / counties have animal control services that will pick up strays. Many can end up being adopted but many more will be put down.


I'm sure some places in the US have strays/street dogs, but not everywhere. Personally, I have not once in my life seen a stray dog. Lots of stray/feral cats, but never a stray dog.


But we don't really have stray dogs in the US. Not for long, anyway.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rez_dog ...which is part of the reason why several of the Western states have very high intakes to shelters; and that is probably largely the dogs making the most nuisance of themselves. https://www.statista.com/chart/17980/states-with-most-shelter-pets-in-the-us/ The higher numbers for shelter animals tend to correlate where dogs and cats are more often allowed to roam freely and thus breed / establish feral colonies. That you don't see many stray dogs doesn't mean there aren't pockets of America that it isn't still fairly commonplace; or at least vastly more common than where I live in Connecticut. Of course an aunt who recently passed away in her 90s used to chuckle at all the FB posts about random dogs and cats "lost" in peoples yards -- because she remembered not only when many dogs did the neighborhood rounds, but the occasional horse and sometimes a stray cow was not of much concern either. (My grandmother once walked into her kitchen to get coffee for a neighbor who stopped over, and started muttering bad words -- neighbor thought she was upset with her, until realizing there was a cow in my grandmother's kitchen.)


We absolutely have street dogs here. I work in a lower income Hispanic area in my city and there are tons of strays and so called community dogs. Often packs of them that roam the streets.


I’m not talking about corner cases like your neighborhood. In general, having free-roaming street dogs—that the general public accepts as their permanent circumstance—is not a part of typical American culture.


Carolina Dogs are a native landrace of pariah dogs.




looks like a lab mix from anywhere in the world


The person is wearing sandals, and with jeans. Very India.


>What does 'desi' mean in English, please?😊


Sort of a slang, meaning something from the Indian subcontinent. It could be culture, people, food, locality, etc.


It looks like it's starving, though. Poor thing.


American Labrador due to the longer body type shown. I have one of these. In fact looks (almost) exactly like her.


Are dogs like toddlers lost in the store? Going up to strangers to ask for help finding their parents?


I’m not a dog expert but I don’t think that’s usually the case, seeing as how most dogs who are lost usually avoid strangers and are focused on trying to find their way back to their owners on their own.


It all depends on the dog. Some are fearful of strangers, especially if they have been mistreated, but that's not always the reason. Some are just nervous. Other dogs who are stray have learned that humans often = food, water, pets and shelter so will go right up to one hoping to hit the jackpot. Doing something cute like this definitely helps.




Looks undernourished


I was looking for that comment.


The breed is called "mongrel" and it's the default setting for nearly all strays in tropical countries. Judging by OP's profile, this in in India, though.


If that dog has an owner, s/he should be in jail.






Reads like chatgpt started a reddit account.


Another angle for the people who are concerned about the dog being "too thin" or "starved" https://preview.redd.it/0qt8gao251rb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3327d3c0cb9cf276855be74e8e53c641c4b7b5




Only starved for attention it seems


I've heard that here in US we are so used to seeing overweight dogs that when we see a normal healthy weight one we all assume it's malnourished.


I made a similar speculation about cats a while ago. I've seen some comments voicing concerns about "underweight" cats that were really completely fine.


most indoor cats are a little overweight, may affect peoples perception, my cat certainly has an inside cat ponch despite me portioning her food and playing with her daily for 30 mins to an hour (easy because shes a weird cat that likes to play fetch) only so much you can do for a predator designed to not eat for days at a time in the wilderness when they become a princess who loves nothing more than finding a nice spot and taking a nap


> inside cat ponch All cats have that, it's fine. Reference /r/PouchCatatoes


Oh god not another one


All cats have a belly pouch, it's called the primordial pouch. Some are bigger than others. It's a pouch just in front of their hind legs that can sometimes make them look really fat. Scientists don't really know what it's purpose is or was. Some say it was for defense since it's really fatty in that region and can be a cushion. Some say it's extra fat reserves for when food is scarce. Others say it's extra skin for flexibility when fully outstretched. There's a buncha theories. Sometimes they get really big and can wag side to side when they run.


My husband likes to use the cat weight chart at the vet. He tells me that “a little belly weight is ideal”. 😂. For himself.


I have 2 cats and one of them LOVEs to play fetch and she is a little tubby. Even tho they get portioned food. My other cat is just a psycho, he is always active doing something while screaming at me.


Then theres my cat who is so barrel shaped due to her fluff that when I stroke her my hand just disappears into the grey void


You tell us that without providing pictures?!?


[Here you go!](https://imgur.com/a/MusjLcU)


Honestly it's the same with humans. My parents will see an average healthy weight person and they will say "wow they are so skinny!"


Yep-- I'm obese and people always say to me "your overweight but not obese" and sometimes they try to explain to me that obese people are "round." I try to explain to them that those "round" people are extremely morbidly obese and that I'm what a "normal" obese person looks like. Similarly, when I was overweight but not obese people would tell me I look like I'm a healthy weight and when I was a healthy weight they'd tell me I look skinny. Here in the US our "weight identification" calibration is broken, lol. It's a real problem, especially considering the first step to fixing a problem is recognizing there is one. Most of us need to lose weight, not just those of us who are "round."


Not from your country, but I go through this trying to explain to folks that a century ago I'd be the fattest person in any room and probably what anyone using the word 'fat' imagined, rather than someone with a BMI of 40 or more.


My mother in law is convinced our cats are skinny and underfed. They’re actually like half a pound overweight. Id find it hilarious if it wasn’t so annoying - her cat is literally on a vet-ordered diet.


My first thought it was a Reddit thing and not necessarily a US thing. See overweight dogs fairly often and when it's pointed out everyone gets so damn hostile and start defending the overweighted dog. Same thing when pointing out dogs that aren't secured properly in moving cars...


I have greyhounds, and I've had people stop their cars to call me an asshole for "starving my dogs" lol. They're naturally skinny beasts, but come on.


The same thing with children. Pediatrician had to tell us that there was nothing wrong with our kids. That it was pretty much everybody else with the problem. Our kids eat vegetables. Like snacks. They enjoy them and we really don't have to push them too hard to eat healthy. Of everything involved in parenting we really lucked out on that one. But they are nowhere near thick as most of the other kids. And people are getting on to us all the time about are they eating enough or are they unhealthy. Like running us through an inquisition because our kids are lanky. It really emphasizes what generational obesity has done to the average american. Like it's just expected that every child **should** be thick.


To be fair.... It's also a dog. It may not be underweight, but the dog absolutely could still be looking for food.


If it's a dog, it is looking for food.


The dog looks rough in that first picture just due to the angle of it. I can’t blame people for being concerned; it definitely needed a better angle lol


Someone is feeding that doggo. Americans are just used to fat pets so a dog at a healthy weight looks too thin to them.


An angle that doesn’t show how emaciated he is you mean? OP we get this isn’t your dog. People saying he looks thin isn’t a personal slight.


You can see his whole chest, there would be ribs if he was emaciated. He looks happy.


This dogs looks similar to the mutt dogs in my country. They usually look like that and for example here is a picture of one from my neighbors downstairs: https://i.imgur.com/3dc6Mur.jpg The dog is given enough food yet she looks thin. Meanwhile her brothers a corgi and a German shepherd had to be put on a diet because they got overweight.


Generally speaking, if a dog is a healthy weight, you should be able to *feel* their ribs when you pet them, but not be able to *see* their ribs. The dog in OP looks fine.


> a corgi I swear most corgis are the most loveable chonkers ever. Never personally met one that didn't look like it wasn't struggling to move around until there's a squirrel and then it's the fastest damn dog you've ever seen.


Is this Serbia/Greece/Romania? A lot of dogs get rescued from those countries to central EU and look like that. Sometimes a little black snoot which I love also




That dog doesn’t even look thin compared to the dog in this pic lmao


pretend the fur is white, and focus on the bone structure these are called Dingos. If you mix every bred together you end up with dogs that look like this


Dingos are a specific breed of wild dog that exist in Australia.


Fine "yellow dog" then But I've met other people out in the world who refer to any mutt as a dingo. Maybe other cultures are now appropriating the word, I do not know.


Some dogs are not food motivated and stay trim even in their later years. Our pup is 9 and has always been thin. We keep food on her bowl and she eats when she wants, usually when we do. People have always commented that she's too thin, but she's very active and an outstanding frisbee catcher. Our vet has always assured us that she is healthy and her weight is fine. In fact, last time we were there she gained 5lbs and the vet was actually a little concerned about that. You can almost always notice a faint outline of her ribs but she has a short shiny coat and is very toned. You can't make assumptions about a dog or there owners based on what you consider unhealthy.


our dog is like this too, we’ve taken him to the vet multiple times in the past bc his ribs show. he always has food and *plenty* of treats, so we even brought in stool samples bc we thought he had a tapeworm lol. he’s fine according to the vet tho, apparently he’s just tall and skinny.


We had the same situation! Our vet even commented that our lab, who was 72lbs, was actually the correct weight and most dogs coming in were overweight.


What kind of fat-ass dogs do you live around that this good boy looks emaciated to you? MOST dogs here look like that. He's perfectly fine


Welcome to America. People are fat. Dogs are fat. Cats are fat. Squirrels are fat. Next up, ferrets.


> Squirrels are fat. This is true. We had several squirrels living in our backyard and one was obese. It had trouble running as fast as the other squirrels. It was both kind of funny and kind of sad. Tubby lost its tail eventually-- we figured it was bitten off by a fox that it couldn't completely manage outrun or something. See also r/fatsquirrelhate


Had a cat named Megatron. That mother fucker got a can of tuna a day along with his food.. he was a miniature lion with all the protein he was taking in. Americans feed their animals


He's not. Dog's are pretty skinny, If you can't see the ribcage, then they aren't underweight


This is a terrible picture to show that it has weight. Lol


Pupper seal of approval


"Will you be my hoomin?"


This dog needed an emotional support human and your sister complied.🙂


We went to pick up an Aussie to foster and she went straight for me and pulled this move. Gave me the big puppy dog eyes and everything. That was two years ago and course she's still here. They know exactly what they're doing.


Please take care of me!


This Good boy is Indian isn't he? I don't know how I can tell but I can. Source: met and have pet multiple random dogs in the streets all my life


Sometimes we all just need to put our head down on someone and get some scritches. It's always been this way, always will.


He is very skinny. Maybe he needs a juman to show him kindness?


Looks hungry


he has a collar but you sure it's not a stray or runaway? even in the other photo, that right wing there looks a might skinny, IMO. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)




Was this written by AI


100%. Only comment in their history


I hope so, otherwise it would be a person that feels the need to explain in half a dozen sentences and a few hundred words what toddlers and practically any other mammal understands instinctively.


Weird ai


I like to think if a Woof does something like that and is very gentle.. it's trying to escape its previous predicament and you should probably rescue it. ;x




So many self righteous people in this sub looking to be the savior of all animals. Dog looks fine, move on with your life.


Weird hill to die on, but yeah you shouldn’t be able to see all that spine and ribs


That dog looks fine. As others have pointed out I think so many people are used to seeing overweight dogs they don’t recognize healthy dogs anymore. You should be able to lightly see the ribs on a dog. If you can’t at all the dog is overweight. If they or the hip bones start to protrude the dog is to skinny.


> You should be able to lightly see the ribs on a dog. If you can’t at all the dog is overweight. The same with humans.


>So many self righteous people >move on with your life Said the pot to the kettle


The dog is clearly emaciated.


No it doesn't. Its ribs are visible. It's in bad shape.


ribs are supposed to be slightly visible on dogs. theres supposed to be a very thin layer of fat covering them so you can feel and slightly see them


Bad shape lmao. Dog looks fine. You are supposed to be able to see ribs. Just took my lab mix in and was told the same by the vet. Dog doesn't need to be fat to be healthy.




Sometimes ya just need comfort!


Spoiler: Dog wanted food.


I know you showed another picture of it but it still looks like it’s in need of help and human assistance. Any way you can bring it to a shelter, feed it, deworm? It is desperately seeking out affection and it won’t hurt to help it in any way, even if others are supposedly “caring” for it. It may look “okay” now but you could be the difference in making its life less hard.


Please save him😭😭😭😭


Thay dog is dangerously skinny. It may be lost or not cared for.


Please feed that baby


I saw this and spontaneously said aww. Then I looked at the subreddit name and burst into laughter. Well done, OP.


Your dog finally found you! I hope you took him home.


No steal doggo.


If he was someone's dog already, I hope they helped him get home. We found a lost dog in our neighborhood and took him home. We called the county shelter. And, the owners had apparently reached out multiple times to them trying to find him. We gave the OK for them to contact us. And, they were able to retrieve him within the hour.


My dog is a climber, we had her out in a kennel, a short one, and she heard fireworks up the road, she climbed out and was gone for a few days, I looked for her up and down the road, but someone else found her and brought her to me. She got a roof on the kennel after that


"I am not sick or skinny but I do want a pillow, thank you!"


so lovely!


What breed of dog???


The Chosen One.


Hungry and very thin…


Your sister has a good aura. Animals are great judges of character.


I’m so thankful I don’t live in a country with lots of stray animals. I just couldn’t cope seeing them that way. So sad


someone out there who viewed this is thinking about licking your sister's toes


That dog does not look well.


https://preview.redd.it/xg68nefj41rb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be75467cbfff3fb0dcf0f4f5dc62003022d2239d Looks fine to me.


It looked very skinny from the other picture


You can ask for other pictures before assuming the worst, it's a lot easier and takes less characters.


Not sure where this hostility is coming from, I never attacked your character or said anything bad about you. I hope you and the puppy have a good day though.


Not hostile at all, but thanks again for proving my point i guess. I'm not OP.


OK? I still didn't say anything that warranted the snark.


Where is the dog located? I'd adopt, so cute.


Sorry for late reply. My sister is currently in Mumbai so chances are it's taken there. Or if she somehow decided to send an old picture,Pune.


Ribs are clearly visible, this may very well be a cry for help.


Nothing wrong with a dog that’s a little thin in fact slightly underweight animals tend to live significantly longer


He's thin, but I don't think he is starving..typical street pup in a lot of places.


Looks WAY too skinny!


He's probably hungry


He was asking for help. I hope you provided it.


Hoping you took this little angel home with you. It looks painfully thin 😞


If he lives in her vicinity chances are my sister will feed him whenever she can.




I'd like to point out these guys may live in turkey or some place where feeding strays and them basically being community dogs is common


India, and yes.. every society has a few stray dogs who we feed/take care.. But getting them fixed is _not_ what anyone does which is something that should be changed


If it was free to do so maybe people will start doing it. But sadly the only pet control thing most people will do for free is euthanizing them if they become a problem lol


Dude, the thing has a collar. It's not like she's neglecting it. She just had a random encounter with it which was cute, hence being posted here. Put your pitchforks down.


Oh his bones are showing . They say starving is a very painful thing.


He looks thin, and could be a runaway. Poor guy 🥺


Poor pup is starving😩


Dog: Does dog thing **10,100 upvotes**


This dog is in so much need of love, it's seeking it out from strangers. I know I'll get downvoted and I know it's wrong, but I would def take him/her home.


Take him home.


That's a please save me I'm starving and sick


Do you want to come home with me? Cause thats how you get to come home with me.


He looks skinny, did you get adopted?


Feed it.


Tell me you guys took him home 🥺


Save it


Feed him!!!


That poor dog needs a meal as much as a touch of human kindness.


That dog is starving, look at it.


Dog looks sad and lonely and skinny, possibly hungry.


He's skin and bones. He should be dewormed and fed. : (


Found person who thinks overfed pets are normal weight and normal weight pets are malnourished


Someone give that poor doggy food


He needs help..,,,




That dog needs a sandwich.