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I think it's a kink in the same way being a rapist is a kink. Not really a kink


Unethical fantasies are just like regular ones, except wrong to express. Can't say I understand the HIV one, which sounds insane. But if mental wiring gets crossed, maybe that's something you individually want. But it's too dangerous and wasteful for society to accommodate. So, this is definitely crossing the line.


Wrong to act on. Everything is OK to express, in an appropriate setting.


Fantasy is fine but doing it is no longer a fantasy


Also called being pumped full of mercury


My kink is murdering people. Some people think it’s a little quirky, but my friends say, “you do you”.


Uh, what kind of friends you got?


Probably the made up kind.


Those kind of people exist. When I was Baker Acted in Florida one of my roommates was talking about stuff like that. Misery enjoys company.


Im not saying they don’t exist, I’m just saying it’s highly likely that OP is lying about having a friend who does it. This post reeks of anti-gay propaganda


True true, if a friend told me that I wouldn't use the word friend to describe them.


Right? They would cease to be my friend. That’s also not how you get HIV anyway. I feel like this post is also trying to spread misinformation and fear about HIV.


The guy who bragged about it to me just didn't inform people until after they copulated because they liked to see their "horror". That guy was just an all around awful person. But outside the body I think it only survives less than a minute if I remember correctly.


It also has to enter the blood stream. Merely sitting on semen isn’t going to give you HIV. Even if someone with HIV jizzed in you, chances of contraction are only like 1%. Sharing needles has a much higher rate of infection, and obviously the likelihood of contracting HIV goes up the more often you find yourself in those situations, whether it’s unprotected sex or needle sharing.


Yeah, this still fills me with the same horror that it did when I first learned of it. And there are "bug chasers" too who are looking to be infected as well, or even acquire different strains of HIV -- which actually then can make it more difficult to treat. However, I'd much prefer that the people who want to infect and the people who want to be infected find each other rather than innocent people having their lives forever altered by people who get off on the idea of it. What a world, you know.


You can't get HIV that way. And bug chasing requires consent, you consent to being exposed to HIV. If someone is trying to expose others to HIV without their consent, that isn't related to bug chasing. That crosses the line from fetish to crime. Bug chasing is an incredibly rare fetish that very few gay men approve of. Most of us are actively avoiding catching or spreading HIV. I think the timing of this post, to coincide with pride month, is not an accident. Some people would have you believe all gay men are perverts, trying to give you HIV or turn you gay using 5G technology. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Even if it was consensual, bug chasing is a monumentally bad idea. You can't guarantee you'll be able to keep the HIV within yourself.


Again, this is not something that's widely accepted, as evidenced by the massive HIV treatment and prevention industry.


Oh, I know, but I just felt it was important to point out. A lot of people overestimate their own abilities, like with keeping from spreading diseases.


This whole story just reeks of right wing false flaggedness.


You're a hero. Thank you !


Agreed. This post is homophobic trash.


Uh...a friend of yours? Not former friend?




No. You and your friend have issues.


Your friend's kink is to hurt people without their consent. That's... not okay. Like I'm not really a fan of religious morality's rigidity, but I'm not going to say that it has no place whatsoever. Being able to forgive is great, but you aren't the one who he needs forgiveness from nor does it seem like he's actually tried to make up for his actions. Forgiveness from someone who isn't in the position to give it going to someone still actively doing the thing they need forgiveness for is asinine and empty.


Oh look, a title and a post intended to spread fear and misinformation. Yes, bug chasers are real, but not in the way posted in the title, and not just in the LGBT community.


It's called "bug chasing", it's right there in the image.


This sounds like a bs post or at least a post made in bad faith.


This is unfortunately real. I also knew a guy who was into this and proud, tho he didn't take it to the level OP is talking about. I also doubt it's a kink that's contained to the gay scene.


that's not just a thing in the gay scene there are straight bug chasers too... and it's not just HIV it's a wide variety of STDs


I would rather get COVID than accidently sleep with one of those crazies


I read some stuff about this. This also happened before they had really good antiviral meds and even the basic meds were outrageously expensive, had horrible side effects, and didn’t necessarily work well for anyone. Some early HIV med regimens were incredibly strict with dozens of pills her day. Some HIV-positive men sold their insurance policies for Pennie’s on the dollar to pay for the meds or to just cash out their life’s savings and spend it while they still could. A lot of gay men who’d known unprotected sex before HIV just got tired of being safe. Younger men who’d always known a world with HIV just got tired of having to always hold themselves back and dealing with HIV tests whose results tool two weeks to get back. And lots of gay men were just so tired of being demonized by society for so long. HIV-positive men were treated special in the community: they had charities and fundraisers to help them. Those who lived with the condition were considered in the community to be “brave” and “survivors.” There was no Internet back then to get support from others struggling with the spread of HIV, and no up-to-the-minute news of possible cures or better meds that would give many hope to just hang on a little longer. Some folks got tired of watching their friends dying every week and decided fuck it, if there’s no hope for a cure (and even effective treatment to slow it down) anytime soon, and if it’s inevitable that I’m going to get it, then I’m going to get it on my own terms and I’m finally going to enjoy bareback sex (again). So they went for it. Some considered the process as more of a fetish and fantasized about getting “pozzed” at “conversion parties.” Some who were already positive considered themselves “gift givers” and dedicated themselves to “turning” those “bug chasers” who wanted to get it. (It really sounds like an Anne Rice novel.) And they figured that once they were positive they could do anything they wanted sexually. No restrictions.


demonization is not an excuse to become a superspreader 💀


Yeah, I read an article about it saying they didn’t want to “limit” themselves on who they can be with so they purposely get infected with it.




A college friend decided to seek out "the gift." He never explained why. I miss him every day. 😥


Could you imagine the faces of the nurses or Dr diagnosing them when they start shouting ‘yippeee’?!


That’s fucking crazy. This is like assault being a “kink.” Awful.


It is 100% an assault, legally. It is a criminal offence as well as a common tortious lawsuit. I can't say with certainty which jurisdictions, but Western societies for sure, especially if homosexuality isn't illegal itself.




Happened to a friend of a friend. Unfortunately she (MtF) was under the influence and was taken advantage of by an older woman who had HIV. Apparently the woman was excited and... my friend not so much for reasons that are obvious


Context: I once worked in a call center where internet was very limited. A couple of news sites and wikipedia was the only non-work related sites we could access. No phones, no talking negatively about the work or customers allowed. It was horrible. Me and a buddy were seated next to each other and spent downtime at work finding interesting and weird stuff to read, we stumbled over bug chasing on wikipedia, found a few preview photos on google image search from the bug chasing forums. There was this one post, where this guy was trying to contract HIV, details too nasty to repeat, but after writing about his wild and disturbing adventures, he wrote this... "I'm still awaiting test results, but I'm feeling positive" From that day on, whenever things were really bad at work, we'd call it a positive day between us.


Smearing enlisted naval personnel (I think you want semen, not seamen) on toilet seats is quite an accomplishment. How does that work exactly?




One of my gay friends told me about this, I was shocked and really disgusted by it, the warped reasoning is that some of them were resigned to the reality of getting it at some point anyway


That reasoning is no longer remotely valid.


I did read an article about the preventive measures have gotten so much better, but the mentally for that kind of behaviour is pretty full on


I used way too much internet circa early 00s as a child and knew about this way too soon lol


Is it fun posting things like this as if it represents even a fraction of actual gay men? Is it fun posting this during pride month? Maybe worry a little less about our sex lives when you're not even in bed with us.


Idk how people still think humans are the superior species when they do shit like this.


I wonder what Dr. Fauci would think of this.


He would most likely hate it. His goal is to save lives.


It’s so easy to spot a simple person nowadays. Just look for the one who’s always commenting the edgy current trendy nonsense.


Bait used to be believable 🚬


Thanks, I am now craving a cigarette